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Two thousand two-hundred and thirty-three deciduous teeth were collected from cities, industrialized areas, and rural and fishing communities in several Norwegian counties. Teeth from Medieval Bergen were also included. Lead analysis of whole teeth revelant that in Norway there are many communities where lead absorption is minimal and comparable to background absorption in ancient societies. Such conditions are reflected in a lead level of 2.92 microgram/g in deciduous teeth. However, the analysis also revealed that urbaization and industrialization increased lead absorption, although the mean level recorded in Norway of 3.73 microgram/g was far lower than normal levels found in other countries. Automobile exhaust was rejected as an important source of undue lead absorption. This study indicated that 0.18% of Norwegian children from the ages of 7 to 12 yr may have been victims of undue absorption, reflected in a tooth lead level of about 70 microgram/g.  相似文献   

目的比较铅作业工人和非铅作业工人血铅、尿铅和血红蛋白浓度的差异。了解长期低铅作业工人的健康状况。方法对2009年天津市某蓄电池厂400例铅作业工人和120例非铅作业工人分别进行血铅、尿铅和血红蛋白浓度的测定,并对结果进行统计学处理。结果铅作业组血红蛋白浓度低于非铅作业组。而血铅、尿铅浓度均显著高于非铅作业组(P〈0.01)。并且血铅和血红蛋白浓度间呈负相关性(r=-0.442),尿铅与血铅和血红蛋白间的相关性均不理想(r值分别为-0.026和-0.018)。结论长期低铅作业可导致人体血铅尿铅升高,血红蛋白降低,但尿铅浓度波动大,且影响因素多,不能精确反映体内铅积蓄量,结果与其他指标的相关性较差。  相似文献   

In an interdisciplinary approach the exposure to lead and cadmium of the population living in the vicinity of a Bulgarian non-ferrous metallurgical plant was studied to determine the routes of exposure. Two exposed villages situated 4 and 6 km SW and W, respectively,--in the plume of the plant's emissions--and a village for comparison situated 14 km SE of the plant were selected for the study. The blood of children aged 3-13 years from the exposed villages (n = 111) and the village for comparison (n = 18) was analyzed for lead (PbB) and cadmium (CdB) as well as for free erythrocyte protoporphyrin (FEP) and haematological parameters. A personal questionnaire concerning nutrition habits and life-style was filled in by interviewers of the children's parents. The cadmium levels in blood were within the variation range stated for Bulgaria. The exposed children had a mean CdB of 0.38 +/- 0.18 microgram/l (range 0.10-0.90 microgram/l) and the comparison group 0.31 +/- 0.35 microgram/l (0.06-1.42 micrograms/l). The mean PbB value measured in the exposed children was 240 +/- 96 micrograms/l (77-631 micrograms/l), while the mean value of PbB for the reference group was 149 +/- 57 micrograms/l (63-285 micrograms/l). Individual PbB levels > 150 and > 200 micrograms/l were found in 85% and 62%, respectively, of the exposed children and FEP > 80 micrograms/dl erythrocytes was detected in 21%. There was a concentration-response and a concentration-effect relationship (r = 0.51, D > 0.001) between PbB and FEP. According to the questionnaire only 10.3% of the interviewed families in the two exposed villages buy all food from the market, the others produce a significant part of their food themselves. The PbB levels of children who consume certain foods of local production (cabbage, cereals, poultry, and beef) were significantly higher compared to the PbB values of children whose families purchase these foods from the market. No significant relationship between lead in children's blood and the use of tin and ceramic utensils, drinking and irrigation water, hygiene habits, family tobacco smoking habits, playgrounds and traffic intensity were revealed. There was a significantly higher incidence of prematurely born babies in the exposed population. The proven relationship between lead intake via the food chain and existing significant health risks is the basis for risk communication. Measures aimed at healthier nutrition and life-style intend to contribute to decreasing the risk of the population living in the smelter region.  相似文献   

为探讨环境铅污染对人体血铅负荷和遗传物质的影响,采用流行病学调查方法,调查了某蓄电池厂周围铅污染情况及该地区39名儿童和对照组20名儿童的血铅含量、淋巴细胞染色体畸变率和SCE率。检测结果环境铅明显超标,污染组儿童血铅平均含量43.1±14.8μg/dl,染色体畸变率(1.87%±1.01%)与对照组比明显增高(P<0.01),SCE率两组未见明显差别(P>0.05)。这提示:环境铅污染对儿童血铅水平和遗传物质产生了一定影响。  相似文献   

环境铅污染对新婚育龄夫妇及其婴幼儿血铅水平的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨低水平环境铅暴露对新婚育龄夫妇和出生婴幼儿血铅水平的影响,在沈阳市3个区选择新婚夫妇进行跟踪调查,采集女方孕前、孕中、产前的静脉血和分娩脐带血,同时孕前采集其丈夫一次静脉血.对其后出生的小孩跟踪至30个月,每6个月采集一次足跟末梢血,测定铅浓度.新婚夫妇孕前及女方孕中、产前和脐带血的血铅水平均是污染区显着的高于对照区(P<0.05).二区≥20μg/dl男性分别为19.6%和7.6%,女性分别为10.7%和4.0%.产前及脐带血铅水平较之孕前有逐渐减低的趋势.测定206例次婴幼儿不同时期的血铅表明:随着出生月份的增加有逐渐增高的趋势.出生后不同月份婴幼儿的血铅浓度污染区高于对照区,但差异没有显着性.  相似文献   

某冶炼厂周围农村居民膳食铅镉暴露水平评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解广西某金属冶炼厂周围农村居民膳食中铅、镉暴露情况,为预防控制铅、镉危害提供参考依据。方法在某金属冶炼厂周边村民家随机抽取自己种植的大米、蔬菜、瓜果和养殖的鸡、鸭样品检测镉、铅含量,结合当地村民膳食摄入量计算村民膳食镉、铅暴露量,并进行危险性评价。结果大米、禽肉、蔬菜镉超标率分别为100.0%(31/31)、100%(6/6)、85.7%(12/14);大米、蔬菜、内脏、瓜果铅超标率分别为100%(31/31)、100%(14/14)、60.0%(15/25)、33.3%(4/12);当地膳食高消费量人群镉、铅摄入量P90、P97.5分别为每日允许摄入量(ADI)的14.0、15.4倍和5.3、5.6倍。结论该金属冶炼厂周围村民食用农产品中铅、镉膳食暴露量已明显超过ADI,存在健康危害风险。  相似文献   

目的:了解甘肃省农村地区儿童乳牙生长发育现状,探讨乳牙发育与身高发育的关系。方法:分层随机整群抽取甘肃省安定区、岷县、宁县、肃州区农村地区7岁以下儿童进行调查,调查项目包括体格检查(体重、身高、坐高、胸围、头围)和问卷调查(儿童的姓名、出生日期、实足年龄、出生体重、家庭经济状况、乳牙萌出时间、出牙个数等)。结果:甘肃省农村地区儿童乳牙平均萌出时间为7个月左右;78.08%的儿童在6~8月龄开始萌出乳牙;2岁以下的男女童中,5~12月龄组乳牙已萌出儿童身高高于未萌出儿童;6~8月、9~11月男童乳牙出牙数大于同龄组女童,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:1岁以下儿童乳牙的生长发育水平有性别差异,乳牙的生长发育水平对身高的影响需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

王世光 《现代保健》2010,(33):170-171
目的探讨胶南市儿童血铅水平及其影响因素。方法使用原子吸收分光谱仪(北京博辉)测定末梢血全血铅含量。结果0~6岁儿童血铅水平平均浓度为43.3μg/L,其中≥100μg/L的占8.58%。不同性别间儿童血铅水平均值和铅中毒率差别有显著性,不同年龄组的儿童血铅水平均值随年龄的增长逐步上升。结论为降低儿童铅水平,应增加锌、铁供给,培养良好的卫生习惯和良好的饮食习惯,不吃含铅量高的食品,避免去铅污染严重的地方。  相似文献   

某冶炼厂铅职业接触者血铅水平的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的分析某冶炼厂影响铅职业接触者血铅水平的因素。方法采集观察对象静脉血,用原子吸收光谱法测定血铅浓度,用SPSS16.0统计软件进行血铅影响因素的分析。结果铅职业接触者的血铅水平显著高于非职业接触者;不同年龄、性别、工龄、工作车间和岗位的职业接触者血铅水平差异均有统计学意义。结论该冶炼厂铅职业接触者血液中铅水平显著升高;铅职业接触者的年龄、性别、工龄、作业车间和岗位均为影响血铅水平的因素。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a review of data on assessment of exposure and adverse effects due to environmental and occupational lead exposure in Brazil. Epidemiological investigations on children lead exposure around industrial and mining areas have shown that lead contamination is an actual source of concern. Lead in gasoline has been phasing out since the 1980s, and it is now completely discontinued. The last lead mining and lead refining plant was closed in 1995, leaving residual environmental lead contamination which has recently been investigated using a multidisciplinary approach. Moreover, there are hundreds of small battery recycling plants and secondary smelting facilities all over the country, which produce focal urban areas of lead contamination. Current regulatory limits for workplace lead exposure have shown to be inadequate as safety limits according to a few studies carried out lately.  相似文献   

The lead content of teeth of children in five different environments has been measured to determine the relative contribution of different sources of lead. The importance of lead paint in children living in dilapidated housing is clearly observed, but no effect attributable to automobile exhaust or industrial emissions is apparent. High lead levels were found among children living in new public housing projects within the high lead area of the city, even though a lead paint problem presumably should not exist in the projects themselves. The data are analyzed to determine the frequency with which excessive lead contents occur in the problem area in comparison to a low risk area.  相似文献   

王军明  蒋莹  姜枫 《现代预防医学》2023,(11):1975-1979
目的 对某铅锌冶炼厂职业接铅人员血铅水平进行生物监测,分析血铅水平的影响因素,为采取有效的职业病预防控制措施,预防职业性慢性铅中毒提供参考。方法 以该厂182名职业性铅暴露工人为研究对象,通过调查问卷获取研究对象的基础资料和工作中接触铅的情况;采集肘静脉血用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定血铅浓度。应用SPSS统计软件分析不同因素与血铅水平之间的关系并确定造成血铅水平升高的影响因素。结果 研究对象的血铅浓度中位数为326.9(237.6,471.0)μg/L,其中男性血铅浓度高于女性(Z=-5.300,P<0.05)。各工龄组间血铅浓度差异具有统计学意义(H=22.126,P<0.05),工龄≥15年组血铅浓度高于其他工龄组,各车间及各工作岗位之间血铅浓度差异亦分别具有统计学意义(H=41.386,P<0.05;H=69.773,P<0.05),铅锌冶炼车间工人血铅水平高于电解锌车间和稀贵金属车间,其中烧结岗位、熔炼前床岗位工人血铅浓度高于其他岗位。中位数回归分析结果表明工作场所空气中铅浓度、工龄、男性、烧结岗位和熔炼前床岗位是接铅人员血铅水平升高的影响因素。结论 该铅...  相似文献   

南方某地16~60岁人群环境铅暴露现况调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 了解南方某地16~60周岁人群环境铅暴露情况,分析影响血铅水平升高的危险因素以及铅暴露所致的健康损害.方法 随机选取居住于当地>5年,食用当地自产食物的人群,石墨炉原子吸收法检测血、尿、头发、趾/指甲样本中铅浓度.自制调查问卷面询.采用SPSS软件进行分析.结果 412名调查对象血铅水平为(64.1±1.8)μg/L,尿铅、发铅、指(趾)甲铅分别为(11.0±1.7),(11.7±3.4),(12.1±3.4)μg/g.对数变换的尿铅、发铅、甲铅与血铅呈正相关,对应Pearson相关系数分别为0.485,0.317,0.350;居住于D村、饮酒、男性是血铅升高的危险因素;发铅、指(趾)甲铅与失眠、记忆力减退、手脚麻木、视力模糊等自觉症状的发生有关.结论 A村铅暴露最严重,男性、饮酒是血铅增高的危险因素.  相似文献   

During the past 50 years the Ribeira river valley, in the southern part of the state of S?o Paulo, Brazil, had been under the influence of the full activity of a huge lead refinery and mine working by the side of the river. The plant completely stopped all kinds of industrial activities at the end of 1995, and part of the worker population and their families still remain living nearby in small communities. The objective of the study was to assess the exposure of children to lead and cadmium in these areas, where residual environmental contamination from the past industrial activity still exists. Blood samples of 295 children aged 7 to 14 years, residing in rural and urban areas around the mine and the refinery, were collected. A questionnaire was given to gather information on food habits, leisure activities, father's past employment, current and former residential places, and other variables. Blood lead and cadmium concentrations were analyzed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry using Zeeman background correction. Cadmium values obtained in this population were mostly below established quantification limits (0.5 microg/dl). The median of blood lead level (BLL) obtained in children living close to the lead refinery was 11.25 microg/dl, and the median in other mining regions far from the refinery was 4.4 microg/dl. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to examine the independent contribution of selected variables in predicting BLL in these children. The following variables showed significant association with high BLL: residential area close to the lead refinery [odds ratio (OR)=10.38 (95% confidence interval (Cl)=4.86-23.25)], former father's occupational lead exposure [OR=4.07 (95% Cl=1.82-9.24)], and male gender [OR=2.60 (95% Cl=1.24-5.62)].  相似文献   

The key problem in environmental health is to identify the potential health hazards at the lowest possible cost based upon available environmental data. Biokinetic models such as IEUBK Lead 0.99d are very promising in this respect. We attempted a comparison between epidemiological data and predictions of the model. As input, we used the existing exposure data for the Katowice Voivodship (administrative district, Poland). Epidemiological analysis was based on the results of the screening programme Prevention of the Environmental Lead Intoxication in Children Living in Katowice Voivodship. The simulations consisted of predicted distributions of blood lead levels in children. They have been compared with observed distributions. Sensitivity analysis of simulations with respect to lead concentration in air, soil, water and diet has also been performed. The agreement between predicted and observed mean blood lead levels was quite good (relative difference of about 40%) as for the coarse exposure assessment employed. At the level of risk (fraction of population having blood lead levels exceeding 10 g/dl) the difference is much higher (about a factor of 2). In order to explain this discrepancy we checked the goodness of fit for the log-normal distribution function (usually taken as a template distribution for lead in the population) in the right tail of the distribution. We noticed a systematic effect depleting the right tail of the actual distribution as compared with the log-normal one. Therefore one can expect that using (as a template) another skewed distribution better fitted in the right tail would improve the accuracy of risk assessment.  相似文献   

虞敏  周金鹏  李倩兰 《职业与健康》2011,27(16):1806-1809
目的评价铅作业男性工人的血铅、尿铅水平及其影响因素,研究铅作业男性工人的血清中性激素水平的改变并探讨其机制。方法 2011年1月,选取深圳市某蓄电池厂铅作业男工120名作为接触组,按工作场所空气中铅含量的水平分成高、中、低3个接触浓度组;并选取来自同一家工厂未接触铅作业的40名男工作为对照组,测定4个组人群的血铅、尿铅、血清睾酮、FSH(促卵泡刺激素)及LH(促黄体生成素)的水平并进行统计分析。结果工作场所空气中铅浓度平均为0.29mg/m3,样品超标率为90%;3个接触组血铅、尿铅含量、尿铅异常率均明显高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义,且各接触组间血铅水平及异常率比较,差异也均有统计学意义(均P〈0.01);随着工龄的增长,工人血铅、尿铅水平和异常率均有升高的趋势;中、高浓度接触组工人的血清睾酮水平均低于对照组和低浓度接触组,而血清FSH水平均高于对照组和低浓度接触组,差异均有统计学意义(均P〈0.01)。结论在该次研究的条件下,工龄增加、工作场所中铅浓度超标是导致血铅、尿铅水平升高的主要危险因素;铅暴露可能对下丘脑—垂体—睾丸轴的性激素分泌功能造成影响,从而对男性工人的生殖系统产生内分泌干扰作用。  相似文献   

Zhou Y  He L  Huang X  He J 《卫生研究》2011,40(6):741-743
目的探讨某铅高暴露地区居民从饮食(饮用水和食物)途径获得的铅暴露水平,并评价该暴露导致的健康风险。方法随机选择某矿区居民和对照组居民2组人群共65人作为调查对象,测定其饮用水、自产蔬菜中铅含量以及血铅、尿铅含量,并结合膳食调查数据,估算调查对象饮食铅暴露量和饮食铅暴露导致的健康风险值,并评价饮食对人体铅含量的影响。结果该矿区饮用水和自产蔬菜铅含量(几何均数分别为20.6μg/L和1.61mg/kg)均高于对照地区(几何均数分别为6.0μg/L和0.56 mg/kg)(P<0.01)。矿区居民每日经饮食途径摄入的铅,男性为16.88μg/kg,女性为16.09μg/kg,高于对照组(P<0.01),但性别差异无显著性(P>0.05)。暴露导致的健康风险值分别为4.73和4.51,矿区居民的血铅、尿铅均显著高于对照组。结论该矿区由于饮食(饮用水和食物)导致的铅暴露具有较高的健康风险,长期暴露将会导致人体内的铅含量增高。  相似文献   

The adverse effects of lead exposure on children are well known. Low blood lead levels (BLL) produce neurodevelopmental delay and cognitive disorders. However, since BLL thresholds for adverse effects on children's health are not known, the children population at risk of excessive lead exposure still has to be identified. This study was aimed at evaluating BLL in a children population of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain). Up to our knowledge, this is the first study to report on BLL in this population. Lead was identified and quantified in blood samples of 120 children, by means of Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS). Lead was undetected in 80% of samples; BLL was 1 to 5 μg/dl in 15% of samples, and higher than 5 μg/dl in more than 4% of samples. BLL values in the evaluated children were low and similar to those described for other populations in Western countries. However, samples with the highest contamination (those in percentile 95) reached BLLs as high as 5.2 μg/dl. Positive associations were found between BLL and recent immigration (children adopted from non-western countries), and between BLL and parental smoking in children with low weight at birth. Since lead exposure in childhood may be a causative factor in adverse health trends - especially those involving the neurological system - and since threshold values for adverse lead effects are unknown, our finding that around 20% of the studied children had BLL higher than 1 μg/dl are of concern. Enhancing preventive measures for reducing lead exposure in children from the Canary Islands deserves further study.  相似文献   

目的:了解兰州市儿童铅中毒患病情况,提出预防措施。方法:用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法,对兰州市妇幼保健院儿童保健科正常体检的2 705例0~6岁儿童进行血铅检测。结果:2 705例儿童中,铅中毒(血铅浓度≥100μg/L)的检出率为57.1%,男性高于女性(P=0.000);年龄越大,检出率越高(P=0.000);检出率在春秋季高于冬夏季节(P=0.016<0.05)。结论:兰州市0~6岁儿保门诊体检儿童铅中毒的检出率较高,男性高于女性,年龄越大,检出率越高,春秋季是铅中毒的高发季节,应予以足够重视,采取适当措施,防治铅中毒。  相似文献   

The impact of lead in soil and dust on blood lead concentrations in young children (i.e., 1–5 y of age, N = 202) and the risk of health effects were investigated in an urban and a mining area of Sweden. Blood, soil, and indoor dust, as well as information on lead-exposure factors, were collected. The blood lead concentrations (total range = 9–77 μmlg/l) the authors measured indicated a low risk for lead-induced health effects. Lead in soil (i.e., < 10–5,000 μmlg/g) and in dust (i.e., < 1–316 μmlg/g) had little effect on blood lead concentrations, given the present conditions and present concentration range—especially in the mining area. Urban children had significantly higher blood lead concentrations than children in the mining area, despite higher concentrations of lead in soil in the mining area. In the urban children, blood lead concentrations were influenced by parental smoking and lead in dust at day-care centers.  相似文献   

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