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ObjectivesTo assess a relationship between lower limb muscle activity and the frontal plane knee kinematics during a single-legged drop jump. DesignCorrelation study; SettingFunctional Anatomy Laboratory. Participants35 healthy collegiate male athletes. Main outcome measuresMuscle activity (%MVIC) of gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, vastus medialis quadriceps, vastus lateralis quadriceps, medial gastrocnemius and lateral gastrocnemius; peak knee frontal plane projection angle; and Pearson's correlation coefficients between muscle activity and peak knee frontal plane projection angle. All outcomes were assessed for both dominant and non-dominant limbs. ResultsSignificant correlations (r = 0.46–0.60, P < 0.05) were found between the muscle activities of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, biceps femoris, and semitendinosus, when compared to the knee frontal plane projection angle. ConclusionGluteal muscles and hamstring muscles are associated with the peak knee frontal plane projection angle during a single-legged drop jump test. Thus, gluteal and hamstring muscle activities should be considered when developing rehabilitation or injury prevention programs. 相似文献
BackgroundGluteal-tendon repair (GTR) is reported to be effective for relieving pain and improving clinical function in patients with gluteal-tendon tears. The sit-to-stand (STS) task is an important activity of daily living and is often used to assess functional capacity in clinical populations. Understanding if and how STS performance is altered in individuals with gluteal tendon repair may be an effective marker of GTR outcomes as well as a possible therapeutic target for post-operative rehabilitation. Research questionDo biomechanical parameters during STS differ between age- and sex-matched participants with and without gluteal-tendon repair? Methods27 participants with a GTR and 29 healthy participants performed the STS task. Data were acquired using the three-dimensional motion capture system and forceplates. Outcomes of interest were task duration, rate of force development, trunk, pelvis, and hip joint angles, moments and powers. Differences were assessed using Generalised linear multivariate models and statistical parametric mapping. ResultsGTR patients performed the STS movement significantly slower (1.4+/− 0.40 s) compared to controls (1.1+/ −0.2 s) with a significantly lower rate of force development (35.1+/− 5.7 N/kg/ms vs 30.3+/− 8.5 N/kg/ms). There were no group differences for hip, pelvis, or trunk angle over the movement cycle or for maximal or minimal values. Furthermore, there were no significant differences detected in hip joint kinetics. However, there appeared to be substantial between-subject variability indicating different patient-specific movements patterns. SignificanceIndividuals with a GTR performed the STS task about 20 % slower than healthy controls with a lower rate of force development. The individual variations indicate that participants likely employed different movement strategies to achieve STS. While the lack of differences between groups could suggest that GTR helps restore function and corrects the proposed underlying aetiology, it is possible that the STS task was not sufficiently challenging to discriminate between groups. 相似文献
QuestionWhat are the functional differences between people with greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GT), hip osteoarthritis (OA) or an asymptomatic population as measured by walking, Time Up and Go, single leg standing and strength? DesignCross sectional study with blinded measurers. Participants38 participants with GT, 20 with end stage hip OA and 21 asymptomatic healthy control (AS) participants. All participants were women. Outcome measuresPain (numeric rating scale), Walking speed (m/s), cadence (steps/min) and step length (m) measured via the 10 m walk test and the Timed Up and Go; balance via single leg stance (s) duration; and hip abduction, adduction, medial and lateral rotation strength, standardized to body mass (BM) via the body mass average index (BMavg), measured via a wall mounted dynamometer. ResultsThe two symptomatic groups reported similar pain levels (p = 0.226), more pain then the AS group (p < 0.000). Compared to the AS participants, participants with GT or hip OA demonstrated lower walking speed (10mwt and TUG, p < 0.001), lower cadence and shorter duration single leg stance on the affected leg (p < 0.05). Participants with GT or hip OA also demonstrated bilaterally weaker hip abduction than the AS group (p ≤ 0.005). Compared to AS and GT participants, participants with hip OA demonstrated adduction weakness on the affected side (p = 0.008 and p = 0.002 respectively). ConclusionThere is a significant level of dysfunction and impairments associated with GT and hip OA. As activity limitations do not appear to be differentiated by structural impairments, we suggest that pain, rather than the underlying pathology may be the driving impairment that leads to walking and single leg standing dysfunction. 相似文献
This masterclass aims to provide an overview of the measurement of neck strength and the factors which can increase the ecological validity of the testing protocol within an athletic population. Adopting a ‘gold standard’ method for measuring neck strength is of vital importance when determining strength differences across sports, ages and sexes. Without a ‘gold standard’ method current variations in testing procedure and equipment have created challenges in establishing normative neck strength data. With encouraging evidence that higher neck strength can have a protective effect against sports-related head and neck injuries, including concussion, new injury prevention knowledge may be impeded by a lack of consensus on how to accurately measure neck strength, with a number of different methods available. This masterclass will outline the factors clinicians should consider when selecting a device and measurement protocol when measuring maximal neck strength as well as how to interpret the results. 相似文献
Excessive extensor mechanism loading from repeated landing has been associated with overuse knee injuries, especially patellar tendinopathy. In order to reduce these loads, it is important to establish which landing task places the highest load on the patellar tendon. It was hypothesized that the horizontal landing would create higher patellar tendon force ( FPT) compared with the vertical landing. Sixteen male athletes with healthy patellar tendons performed five successful trials of a stop‐jump task, which involved a symmetrical two‐foot landing after a horizontal approach (horizontal landing) followed by another symmetrical two‐foot landing after a vertical jump (vertical landing). For both lower limbs during each trial, the participants' ground reaction forces were recorded, three‐dimensional kinematics measured and FPT calculated by dividing the net knee joint moment by the patellar tendon moment arm. Compared with the vertical landing, significantly higher FPT, posterior ground reaction forces and FPT loading rates were generated during the horizontal landing, despite lower vertical ground reaction forces ( FV), highlighting the notion that FV should not be used to reflect FPT. Understanding that a horizontal landing task places the highest load on the patellar tendon, provides an appropriate framework for future research to investigate lower limb landing strategies in athletes with patellar tendinopathy. 相似文献
BackgroundAltered gluteus minimus (GMin) activity has been identified in people with hip osteoarthritis (OA) during gait with some evidence of altered gluteus medius (GMed) activity in patients with advanced OA. It is not known whether these muscles also exhibit altered activity during other functional tasks. Research questionDoes gluteal muscle activity during stepping tasks differ between people with hip OA and healthy older adults? MethodsParticipants included 20 people with unilateral hip OA and 20 age-and sex-matched controls. Muscle activity in the three segments within GMed and two segments of GMin were examined using intramuscular electromyography during step-up, step-down and side-step tasks. ResultsParticipants in the OA group demonstrated reduced muscle activity early in the step-up task and a later time to peak activity in most muscle segments. Greater activity was identified in anterior GMin in people with hip OA during the side-step task. A delay in time to peak activity was identified in most muscle segments in people with OA during the side-step task. SignificanceFor participants with OA, reduced activity in most muscle segments and increased time spent in double limb stance during the step-up task could reflect the decreased strength and pain associated with single limb stance on the affected limb. This study provides further evidence of altered function of the deep gluteal muscles in people with hip OA and highlights the importance of addressing these muscles in rehabilitation. 相似文献
Delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) is a new imaging technique to estimate joint cartilage glycosaminoglycan content by T1-relaxation time measurements after penetration of the hydrophilic contrast agent Gd-DTPA(2-). This study compares dGEMRIC in age-matched healthy volunteers with different levels of physical activity: Group 1 (n = 12): nonexercising individuals; Group 2 (n = 16): individuals with physical exercise averaging twice weekly; Group 3 (n = 9): male elite runners. dGEMRIC was performed 2 hr after an intravenous injection of Gd-DTPA(2-) at 0.3 mmol/kg body weight. T1 differed significantly between the three different levels of physical exercise. T1 values (mean of medial and lateral femoral cartilage) for Groups 1, 2, and 3 were: 382 +/- 33, 424 +/- 22 and 476 +/- 36, respectively (ms, mean +/- SD) (P = 0.0004, 1 vs. 2 and 0.0002, 2 vs. 3). Irrespective of the exercise level, T1 was longer in lateral compared to medial femoral cartilage (P = 0.00005; n = 37). In conclusion, this cross-sectional study indicates that human knee cartilage adapts to exercise by increasing the glycosaminoglycan content. Furthermore, results suggest a compartmental difference within the knee with a higher glycosaminoglycan content in lateral compared to medial femoral cartilage. A higher proportion of extracellular water, i.e., larger distribution volume, may to some extent explain the high T1 in the elite runners. 相似文献
Excessive knee abduction loading is a contributing factor to anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury risk. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a double‐leg landing training program with real‐time visual feedback improves frontal‐plane mechanics during double‐ and single‐leg landings. Knee abduction angles and moments and vertical ground reaction forces (GRF) of 21 recreationally active women were quantified for double‐ and single‐leg landings before and after the training program. This program consisted of two sessions of double‐leg jump landings with real‐time visual feedback on knee abduction moments for the experimental group and without real‐time feedback for the control group. No significant differences were found between training groups. In comparison with pre‐training data, peak knee abduction moments decreased 12% post‐training for both double‐ and single‐leg landings; whereas peak vertical GRF decreased 8% post‐training for double‐leg landings only, irrespective of training group. Real‐time feedback on knee abduction moments, therefore, did not significantly improve frontal‐plane knee mechanics during landings. The effect of the training program on knee abduction moments, however, transferred from the double‐leg landings (simple task) to single‐leg landings (more complex task). Consequently, ACL injury prevention efforts may not need to focus on complex tasks during which injury occurs. 相似文献
Patellar tendinopathy is the most common overuse knee injury in volleyball, with men reporting more than twice the injury prevalence than women. Although high patellar tendon loading is thought to be a causative factor of patellar tendinopathy, it is unknown whether between‐sex variations in landing technique account for differences in patellar tendon loading. It was hypothesized that male volleyball players would display differences in landing technique and would generate higher patellar tendon loading than their female counterparts. The landing technique and patellar tendon loading of 20 male and 20 female volleyball players performing a lateral stop‐jump block movement were collected. Independent t‐tests were used to identify any between‐sex differences in landing technique with the data grouped to account for differences in jump height and in anthropometry. Male volleyball players were taller and heavier, landed from a higher height, displayed differences in landing kinematics, generated a significantly greater knee extensor moment, and experienced higher patellar tendon loading than female players when all 40 participants were compared. However, when participants were matched on jump height, they generated similar patellar tendon loading, irrespective of their sex. These results imply that jump height is a more important determinant of patellar tendon loading than sex. 相似文献
为了获得人体膝关节生物力学特性参数及猕猴和人体膝关节间耐受性的传递关系,分别进行了10例离体的人体和猕猴膝关节扭转和张力实验。 相似文献
Objectives: Hip control affects movement and muscle firing patterns in the leg, ankle and foot, and may contribute to overuse injuries. Muscle performance can be measured as strength, endurance or muscle activation patterns. Our objective was to systematically review whether hip muscle performance is associated with leg, ankle and foot injuries. Data sources: A structured and comprehensive search of six medical literature databases was combined with forward and backward citation tracking (AMED, CINAHL, EMBASE, Medline, Scopus and SportDiscus). Study selection: Eligible studies measured hip muscle performance in individuals with musculoskeletal injuries below the tibial tuberosity, using dynamometry or electromyography (EMG). All studies compared an injured group with a control group or compared the injured and non-injured limb in the same individual. Data extraction: Data was extracted from each study independently by two authors. Data synthesis: Twenty case-control and four prospective studies (n = 24) met the inclusion criteria. Injury classifications included chronic ankle instability (n = 18), Achilles tendinopathy (n = 2), medial tibial stress syndrome and tibial stress fracture (n = 1), posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (n = 1), and exertional medial tibial pain (n = 2). Eleven of the studies revealed differences in hip muscle performance indicating less strength, delayed onset activation and decreased duration of activation in the injured groups. Two studies found evidence for differences between groups only in some of their measurements. Three out of the four prospective studies revealed that hip muscle performance was not a risk factor for leg, ankle and foot injuries. Conclusions: This review provides limited evidence that hip muscle performance variables are related to leg, ankle and foot injuries. Emerging evidence indicates this might be a result of the injury rather than a contributor to the injury. 相似文献
膝关节前外侧韧带作为膝关节前外侧结构,它具有维持膝关节稳定,限制胫骨内旋及前移的作用。更好地了解其特点有助于指导临床评估,为实现损伤后的修复与重建提供依据。本文主要对前外侧韧带的出现率、解剖、组织学及生物力学功能的研究近况作一综述。 相似文献
ObjectivesTo investigate sex-specific differences in hip muscle strength asymmetries, and associations between hip abductor and flexor strength asymmetries, hip morphology and symptoms in patients with femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAIS). DesignCross-sectional study. SettingClinical setting. ParticipantsThirty-four patients with FAIS (21 women, 13 men). Main outcome measuresSide-to-side strength asymmetries of hip adductor, abductor, internal and external rotator, flexor and extensor muscles were assessed using dynamometry, while hip pain during contractions was evaluated with a visual analogue scale. Hip morphology was assessed on anteroposterior pelvic radiographs and magnetic resonance arthrography images. Hip symptoms were evaluated using the Oxford Hip Score (OHS). ResultsWomen presented larger hip flexor strength asymmetries than men. In women, hip abductor asymmetries correlated with the OHS and with hip pain during muscle contraction. Hip flexor asymmetries correlated with the alpha angle in men. ConclusionPatients with FAIS demonstrated sex-specific hip muscle strength asymmetries and associations with the underlying hip symptoms and morphology. Women showed larger hip flexor strength asymmetries than men, and their hip abductor strength asymmetries were associated with hip symptoms. In contrast, hip flexor strength asymmetries in men were associated with the severity of the underlying cam morphology. 相似文献
BackgroundA biomechanical analysis can provide valuable information on osteoarthritis (OA) gait, but important multidimensional interactions are often ignored. The Gait Deviation Index (GDI) was designed to address the issue of data complexity in gait analyses by providing a single, encompassing, value for one’s deviation from a normative reference group. Research QuestionThe primary aim of this study was to examine differences in a knee-specific GDI among young adults, and older individuals with and without knee OA. Secondarily, we aimed to examine these differences while controlling for gait speed. MethodSagittal and frontal plane knee joint angles and moments were used in the computation of a GDI among young adults, and older individuals with and without knee OA. The GDI was calculated such that scores ≥100% were considered typical young-healthy gait and a 10% decrease below 100 equated to 1 standard deviation from typical gait. Scores were first examined using a one-way analysis of variance, and examined again after correcting for gait speed. ResultsThe GDI was calculated for three groups: young-healthy adults (n = 52), older individuals without knee OA (n = 56), and individuals with knee OA (n = 191). Those with knee osteoarthritis exhibited a mean GDI of 87.2 (11.1), which was significantly lower than young adults (99.6 (10.6); p < 0.001) and older individuals without knee OA (94.3 (11.0); p < 0.001). Differences in GDI remained consistent after controlling for gait speed. Knee OA gait waveforms displayed significant variability across similar GDIs, specifically in frontal plane patterns. ConclusionThose with knee osteoarthritis exhibited lower (worse) GDIs compared to those without knee osteoarthritis and young, healthy individuals. After correcting for gait speed, these findings did not change. The GDI highlighted the significant variability in gait waveforms within individuals with knee OA, but the clinical utility of the GDI score itself remains limited. 相似文献
Patellar tendinopathy is the most common knee injury incurred in volleyball, with its prevalence in elite athletes more than three times that of their sub‐elite counterparts. The purpose of this study was to determine whether patellar tendinopathy risk factors differed between elite and sub‐elite male volleyball players. Nine elite and nine sub‐elite male volleyball players performed a lateral stop–jump block movement. Maximum vertical jump, training history, muscle extensibility and strength, three‐dimensional landing kinematics (250 Hz), along with lower limb neuromuscular activation patterns (1500 Hz), and patellar tendon loading were collected during each trial. Multivariate analyses of variance ( P < 0.05) assessed for between‐group differences in risk factors or patellar tendon loading. Significant interaction effects were further evaluated using post‐hoc univariate analysis of variance tests. Landing kinematics, neuromuscular activation patterns, patellar tendon loading, and most of the previously identified risk factors did not differ between the elite and sub‐elite players. However, elite players participated in a higher training volume and had less quadriceps extensibility than sub‐elite players. Therefore, high training volume is likely the primary contributor to the injury discrepancy between elite and sub‐elite volleyball players. Interventions designed to reduce landing frequency and improve quadriceps extensibility are recommended to reduce patellar tendinopathy prevalence in volleyball players. 相似文献
ObjectivesGroin injuries are common in professional male football and result in significant complaints, time-loss and cost. We aimed to study: 1. Normal values of hip muscle strength and self-reported hip and groin function (Hip And Groin Outcome Score (HAGOS)). 2. Changes in these values throughout the season. 3. If previous (groin) injuries, leg dominance or league were associated with these outcome measures. DesignProspective cohort study. Methods313 professional male football players (11 clubs) participated. Player characteristics and previous injuries were registered. Hip muscle strength (hand-held dynamometer) and HAGOS measurements were done at the start, middle and end of the season. ResultsData from 217 players were analysed. Adduction strength (mean ± standard deviation, Nm/Kg) was 3.40 ± 0.72 (start), 3.30 ± 0.65 (mid) and 3.39 ± 0.74 (end) (p = 0.186). Abduction strength was 3.45 ± 0.67, 3.14 ± 0.57 and 3.28 ± 0.61 ( p < 0.001). Adduction/abduction ratio was 1.00 ± 0.21, 1.07 ± 0.22 and 1.05 ± 0.23 ( p < 0.001). Statistically, the HAGOS-subscale ‘Pain’ (median [interquartile range]) deteriorated slightly during the season ( p = 0.005), especially from mid-season (97.5 [90.6−100.0]) to end-of-season (95.0 [87.5−100.0]) ( p = 0.003). Other subscale scores remained unchanged between time points; 85.7 (symptoms), 100.0 (daily living), 96.9 (sports and recreation) 100.0, (physical activities) and 90.0 (quality of life). Previous injuries were associated with lower HAGOS-scores. Dominant legs had higher abduction strength ( p < 0.001) and lower adduction/abduction ratio ( p < 0.001). No differences between leagues were found for hip muscle strength and HAGOS-scores. ConclusionsIn Dutch male professional football players, hip muscle strength and HAGOS-scores remained relatively stable throughout the season. Pain increased slightly, which while statistically significant, was not clinically relevant. 相似文献
ObjectivesTo determine normal values for hip strength and range of motion (ROM) of elite, sub-elite and amateur male field hockey players and to examine the effect of age, leg dominance, playing position, playing level and non-time-loss groin pain on hip strength and ROM. DesignCross-sectional study. SettingPhysical testing took place at field hockey clubs. ParticipantsMale field hockey players competing in the three highest Dutch field hockey leagues (n = 104). Main outcome measuresEccentric adduction, eccentric abduction, adductor squeeze strength, adduction/abduction ratio, internal rotation, external rotation and bent knee fall out (BKFO). ResultsStrength and ROM values (mean ± standard deviation) were: adduction = 2.8 ± 0.4 Nm/kg, abduction = 2.6 ± 0.4 Nm/kg, adduction/abduction ratio = 1.1 ± 0.2, squeeze test = 4.5 ± 0.8 N/kg, internal rotation = 34° ± 11°, external rotation = 47° ± 9°, BKFO = 15 ± 4 cm. Age, leg dominance, playing position, playing level and non-time-loss groin pain had no effect on these profiles. ConclusionsNormal values were established for hip strength and ROM of male field hockey players and showed to be independent of age, leg dominance, playing position, playing level and non-time-loss groin pain. 相似文献