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Using hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) as a reference method, 292 (40 nonimmune, 252 immune) human serum samples were tested by indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for immune status and quantitation of rubella antibodies. The overall agreement with HAI for immune status was 99.7% (291/292) with IFA and 98.6% (288/292) with ELISA. Two specimens (0.7%, 2/292), negative by HAI, were equivocal by ELISA. Initially a 6.5% (19/292) overall disagreement was obtained for immune status evaluation between HAI and IFA, which was reduced to 0.3% (1/292) upon repeat testing. All of these samples were near the immune/nonimmune cutoff point (95 samples), reflecting an initial disagreement of 20% (19/95) in this category (HAI titers less than 1:20). Likewise, an initial overall disagreement of 4.5% (13/292) was obtained between HAI and ELISA which was reduced to 0.7% (2/292) upon repeated testing. Eleven of the 13 samples were near the immune/nonimmune cutoff point, reflecting an initial disagreement of 11.6% (11/95) with sera having an HAI antibody titer of less than 1:20. Quantitation of rubella antibodies by IFA showed an overall correlation with HAI of 86.6% within less than twofold titer and 99.3% within less than fourfold titers. In testing the ability of ELISA to quantitate antibody, a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.996 was obtained by plotting the measured average optical density (405 nm) of ELISA against the corresponding log of HAI titer. Both IFA and ELISA showed good correlation with HAI for immune status evaluation and for quantitation of rubella antibodies. Technically the HAI was the most cumbersome to perform, whereas IFA was the least technically demanding. Originally, 308 samples were tested; 16 samples (5.2%) could not be evaluated by IFA because of a high level of nonspecific fluorescence. The strict requirement of controlling the temperature range (23 to 24 degrees C) during substrate hydrolysis proved to be a problem with the ELISA test in our laboratory.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was compared with an indirect fluorescent antibody test for its ability to detect antibodies to the Lyme disease spirochete in sera of naturally infected humans, dogs, and white-footed mice and experimentally infected Swiss mice. Ninety-five percent of the total 123 sera analyzed reacted similarly in both tests. For 36 human sera, the correlation coefficient (r = 0.47) for logarithmic transformations of indirect fluorescent antibody and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay titers was significant at P less than 0.01. Within each mammalian species, mean titers for indirect fluorescent antibody and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay antibodies were within three-fold. Comparisons of different naturally infected mammals revealed relatively higher average titration endpoints in both tests for patients with Lyme disease. Human sera also had the widest range of titers. Both methods proved satisfactory for serological confirmation of prior spirochetal infections.  相似文献   

Rapid diagnosis of Lassa fever is desirable for the timely therapeutic intervention and implementation of strict quarantine procedures both in West Africa field hospitals where the disease is endemic and at international crossroads. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to measure Lassa virus antigens in viremic sera was developed in which experimentally infected monkeys were used as a model for the human disease. In this test, Lassa virus antigens in test sera were captured in wells of microtiter plates by monkey anti-Lassa virus immunoglobulin. Guinea pig anti-Lassa virus immunoglobulin was then added, and binding of specific immunoglobulin was quantitated by the addition of rabbit anti-guinea pig immunoglobulin followed by alkaline phosphatase-labeled anti-rabbit immunoglobulin. This test detected viremia titers as low as 2.1 log10 PFU/ml in experimentally infected monkey sera, a titer often exceeded in patients with Lassa fever. Inactivation of infectious virus by beta-propiolactone or gamma-irradiation did not diminish reactivity. Antigen-ELISA concentrations increased with infectivity for the first 10 days after infection but then declined while infectivity titers remained high, suggesting that the presence of humoral antibody in viremic sera diminishes the sensitivity of the antigen ELISA. Lassa virus-specific immunoglobulin M (IgM) titers measured in an IgM capture ELISA were detectable within 10 days of infection and peaked after 36 days but remained detectable for 1.5 years. The Lassa virus-specific IgG ELISA response was slightly delayed, peaking on day 73 but declining only slightly thereafter. These studies in a realistic primate model suggest that the antigen detection ELISA or the IgM capture ELISA described, in which beta-propiolactone-inactivated sera are used, should be useful for the rapid diagnosis of human Lassa fever.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed for the detection of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) antigens in nasopharyngeal secretions (NPS) from children with acute respiratory disease. Antisera against RSV nucleocapsids were used as immunoreagents for this test system. The results obtained by RSV antigen ELISA were compared to those of indirect immunofluorescence (IF) and tissue culture virus isolation (TC). Of the 404 NPS obtained, 278 were tested in parallel by ELISA and IF and 205 by ELISA and TC, and 89 were screened in parallel by all three methods. The sensitivity of ELISA in relation to IF was 86.7%, the specificity 95.7%. Sensitivity and specificity obtained by ELISA were 89.9% and 94.4%, respectively, compared to TC. False-negative results were obtained with all three test systems used.  相似文献   

A double-antibody (sandwich) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was adapted to detect Rift Valley fever virus antigen. Antibodies were purified from hyperimmune mouse and rabbit sera by affinity chromatography, using CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B coupled to a beta-propiolactone-inactivated sucrose-acetone-extracted suckling mouse liver antigen. In the assay, antigen was captured by mouse antibody adsorbed to polystyrene plates and then detected by reacting sequentially with rabbit anti-Rift Valley fever virus antibody and swine anti-rabbit immunoglobulin G conjugated to alkaline phosphatase. ELISA proved to be useful in measuring viral antigen in different animal systems. However, great variation was found in the amount of antigen per PFU encountered in different circumstances. The ELISA system was optimized using supernatant fluids from infected Vero cell cultures and had a sensitivity of 10(5) PFU/ml. Hamsters develop progressive viremia, much as seen in susceptible domestic animals, such as lambs; ELISA could reliably detect 10(6) PFU/ml of viremic hamster serum. Rhesus monkeys with Rift Valley fever infection were positive by ELISA even when viremias were only 5 X 10(3) PFU/ml. ELISA also proved to be useful in measuring viral antigen in infected mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Nasopharyngeal secretions obtained from 94 children with acute respiratory illness were examined for the presence of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), adenovirus, and influenza virus type A by virus culturing (virus isolation technique [VIT]), immunofluorescence assay (IFA), and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Similar results were obtained in at least two tests for RSV, influenza virus type A, and adenovirus in 92 (97.9%), 88 (93.6%), and 88 (93.6%) cases, respectively. Both rapid virus detection methods showed good specificity for the diagnosis of these virus infections (greater than or equal to 90.7%) and were more sensitive than was VIT for RSV detection. In a more accurate statistical analysis, the indexes of agreement between VIT and ELISA were substantial for RSV (kappa = 0.69; zeta = 5.5; P less than 0.0001), influenza virus type A (kappa = 0.67; zeta = 5.3; P less than 0.0001), and adenovirus (kappa = 0.71; zeta = 6.0; P less than 0.0001), while it was almost perfect for RSV when ELISA was compared with IFA (kappa = 0.88; zeta = 5.7; P less than 0.0001). Although the observed agreement was good in the comparison of these two tests for these three viruses (89%0, the indexes of agreement were moderate in the comparison of IFA and VIT for RSV (K = 0.55; Z = 2.0; P < 0.05), influenza virus type A (K = 0.42; Z = 9.7; P < 0.0001), and adenovirus (K = 0.41; Z = 6.5; P < 0.0001) and of ELISA and IFA for influenza virus type A (K = 0.55; Z = 7.0; P < 0.0001) and adenovirus (K = 0.59; Z = 6.8; P < 0.0001). All of the statistical evaluations demonstrated better agreement between ELISA and VIT for influenza virus type A and adenovirus.  相似文献   

The complement fixation test is currently the test employed most frequently to determine the presence of antibody to human cytomegalovirus. Several other techniques have been adapted for this purpose. A comparison of cytomegalovirus antibody titers was made between the complement fixation test, a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, an indirect immunofluorescent technique, and a modified indirect hemagglutination test. Forty-three serum samples were tested for antibodies by each of the above procedures. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent, immunofluorescent, and indirect hemagglutination assays were in close agreement on all samples tested; the titers obtained with these methods were all equal to or greater than the complement fixation titer for 38 of the 41 samples (92.6%). Two samples were anticomplementary in the complement fixation test but gave readable results in the other tests. The complement fixation test was the least sensitive of the procedures examined. The commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay system was the most practical method and offered the highest degree of sensitivity in detecting antibodies to cytomegalovirus.  相似文献   

The demand for sensitive and specific assays to determine immune status to varicella can be expected to increase with the anticipated availability of a varicella-zoster virus vaccine for use in nonimmune adults, especially health care personnel, and in immunosuppressed children. Although the fluorescent-antibody-to-membrane-antigen (FAMA) test remains the reference standard to which other tests are compared, simpler alternative assays are needed. In this study, the FAMA was compared with a simple indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of antibody to varicella-zoster virus. One hundred and twelve serum samples were screened by the FAMA test and IFA at a 1:5 dilution, and 100% agreement was found. Of these samples, 101 were available for testing by ELISA, and identical results were obtained with 97 samples (96% agreement). When the samples were screened at a 1:2 dilution, 99 of 101 results agreed. In addition, 31 spinal fluid samples were tested by all three methods. When screening was at a 1:2 dilution, there was 96.8% agreement between the FAMA test and IFA. When the cutoff value established for sera was used for the spinal fluid samples, there was 90.3% agreement between the ELISA and the FAMA test. Thus, both IFA and ELISA can be considered sensitive and specific alternatives to the FAMA test, and in addition, both use commercially available reagents.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to detect immunoglobulin G to Coxiella burnetii phase II. Serum samples from 213 patients who had had Q fever 1 year previously and from 301 blood donors from six localities in Switzerland were tested by ELISA and by indirect fluorescent-antibody (IFA) and complement fixation (CF) tests. The ELISA and the IFA and CF tests detected antibody to C. burnetii in 202 (94.8%), 193 (90.6%), and 166 (77.8%) of the 213 Q fever patients, respectively. With the serum samples from blood donors, the ELISA yielded a higher percentage of positive sera than did the IFA and CF tests. The high specificity of the three tests was confirmed by analyzing paired serum samples from 36 patients suffering from acute pneumonia of viral or bacterial origin. In these cases, the serological results were negative by the three tests, except for three Q-fever cases included as positive control.  相似文献   

The antibody response against a spirochetal strain isolated from Swedish Ixodes ricinus ticks was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and indirect immunofluorescence assay of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum specimens from 45 patients with chronic meningitis. Samples of CSF, serum, or both from patients with various infections of the central nervous system, multiple sclerosis, syphilis, or infectious mononucleosis and from healthy individuals served as control samples. Probable spirochetal etiology could be demonstrated for 41 of 45 (91%) patients with clinical symptoms of chronic meningitis. Approximately 25% of the patients had significantly elevated titers of antibody to the spirochete in CSF but not in serum. The highest diagnostic sensitivity, 91%, was demonstrated by measurement of CSF antibodies and calculation of a spirochetal CSF titer index, which is the ratio of (ELISA titer in CSF/ELISA titer in serum) to (albumin in CSF/albumin in serum) and which also considers the degree of blood-CSF barrier damage. The highest specificity, 98%, was obtained by calculation of a CSF titer index. Patients with short duration of disease were especially prone to be antibody negative in serum but positive in CSF. Significant rise in serum antibody titers was seldom demonstrated in patients treated with antibiotics. It is concluded that measurement of CSF antibodies, especially by ELISA, is a highly sensitive and specific method for the immunological diagnosis of spirochetal meningitis.  相似文献   

In cats infected withBrugia pahangi, antibodies first appeared against the larvae (L3), then against the adults (L5) and the microfilariae (mf). Homologous antigens were better than antigens prepared from heterologous species (Dirofilaria immitis, Dipetalonema viteae, Litomosoides carinii andOnchocerca gutturosa) in detecting antibodies toB. pahangi in the infected cats by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Metabolic products of L5, but not L3 or mf, ofB. pahangi were antigenic and were used in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of antibodies. Using various homologous antigens, IFAT was found to be more sensitive than counter immunoelectrophoresis and ELISA in the detection of antibodies in the infected cats. The best antigen was cryosections of L3, with a positivity rate of 81%. However, using L3, L5 and mf antigens in IFAT, a total positivity of 97% was obtained.  相似文献   

The optimization of data from the indirect sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay has been commonly accomplished by linear regression analysis, even though the data are often essentially sigmoid. A new microcomputer software program (LISACRV) that uses a nonlinear regression statistical model to analyze the data from enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay titration experiments was developed.  相似文献   

Two new methods for the detection of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and a quantitative immunofluorescence assay, were evaluated and compared with the conventional indirect fluorescent-antibody slide test. Each of 100 human sera was assayed twice by the three procedures. Both the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and the quantitative immunofluorescence assay correlated well with serologically positive (indirect fluorescent-antibody titer greater than or equal to 1:32) and negative sera. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was more specific, but less sensitive, than the quantitative immunofluorescence assay. However, the quantitative immunofluorescence assay was more reproducible and more rapid than the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of herpes simplex virus is described that can be performed in approximately four hours. The test, which does not require specialized equipment and uses relatively inexpensive, commercially available reagents, detected herpes simplex virus in 51% of specimens found to be positive by a time-consuming cell culture technic. The ELISA test compared favorably with a direct immunofluorescence method that detected HSV in only 1% of the cell culture-positive specimens. The ELISA test was readily carried out even with specimens unsuitable for cell culture and did not require cellular material as is the case with immunofluorescence technics. An advantage of the ELISA test for herpes simplex virus over the cell culture method was the detection of nonviable virus.  相似文献   

Four sources of error associated with virus-specific immunoglobulin M (IgM) determination by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay were recognized and analyzed. First, competitive inhibition due to specific IgG was demonstrated by experiments involving addition and subtraction of rubella-specific IgG. Second, the interference due to rheumatoid factors (RFs) of the IgM class (IgM-RFs) was studied thoroughly, and it appeared that the level of false positivity was more dependent on specific IgG titers than on IgM-RF titers. Third, it was found that some IgM-RFs, differing from conventional IgM-RFs in that they reacted only with isologous IgG, were responsible for further cases of false positivity. Fourth, the interference of an IgM reacting with some virus-unmasked cellular antigens was demonstrated for some uninfected individuals. All four interfering factors could be readily eliminated by simply premixing serum samples with a sheep anti-human gamma-chain serum. This single pretreatment was shown to eliminate false-negatives as well as false-positives in a further 2,004 sera tested for six viruses. These results also emphasize the frequency of RFs and their heterogeneity.  相似文献   

We prospectively evaluated three enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) and a direct fluorescent-antibody (DFA) test for respiratory syncytial virus detection. Of 90 specimens, 79% gave the same results in all four tests (30 positive and 41 negative) and 97% were in agreement in three of the four assays. The agreement between the direct fluorescent-antibody test and each enzyme immunoassay was greater than or equal to 86%.  相似文献   

A diagnostic method has been developed to detect anti-Leishmania donovani immunoglobulin G (IgG) in urine by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In measuring anti-L. donovani IgG, IgA, and IgM in urine, the method performed best in the detection of IgG. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay were determined with panels of urine samples from 62 visceral leishmaniasis (VL) patients, 59 healthy controls from areas of endemicity, 53 healthy controls from areas of nonendemicity, 59 malaria patients, 13 tuberculosis patients, 23 cutaneous leishmaniasis patients, and 7 patients with other diseases. Using L. donovani promastigote crude antigen, the test had 93.5% sensitivity (58 positives of 62 VL patient samples) and 89.3% specificity (191 negatives of 214 non-VL patient samples). The ELISA with acetone-treated L. donovani promastigote antigen raised the sensitivity and specificity to 95.0 and 95.3%, respectively. Western blot analysis revealed that most of the samples that cross-reacted with crude antigen in ELISA did not recognize any antigenic component of L. donovani crude antigen. We also checked 40 serum samples from the same group of VL patients for anti-L. donovani IgG and got 90.0% sensitivity with both crude and acetone-treated antigens. As collection of urine is much easier than collection of serum, the detection of anti-L. donovani IgG in urine with acetone-treated antigen will be useful in epidemiological studies. It could be an adjunct of laboratory diagnosis.  相似文献   

Opisthorchis viverrini antigens were partially purified from adult worms collected from liver and extrahepatic biliary system of infected hamsters. Tegument fraction was obtained by chemical extraction, whereas other fractions were purified by Sephadex G-200 gel filtration chromatography. Five fractions of O. viverrini antigens were obtained, namely tegument extract, somatic extract, fraction 1 (P1), fraction 2 (P2) and fraction 3 (P3), respectively. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique was used to compare the reactivity of the five partially purified antigens. The sensitivity and specificity of all five antigens were compared by testing against the sera of 78 O. viverrini-infected individuals from O. viverrini endemic areas and 70 individuals from non-endemic areas infected with hookworm, Trichuris and Ascaris including 49 individuals with negative stool examination. The assays performed with tegument extract, somatic extract and P1 fraction were found to have 100% sensitivity, whereas the sensitivities of those with P2 and P3 were 96.1% and 83.3%, respectively. The tegument extract had the highest specificity as demonstrated by the lowest cross-reactivity with other parasites. Our results indicated that surface tegument is the most suitable antigen for use in immunological diagnosis of opisthorchiasis.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifteen serum samples from healthy laboratory personnel and 50 consecutive samples from 19 patients with anamnestic clinical signs of toxoplasmosis were assayed by four laboratories for the presence of immunoglobulin M antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii by an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), an antibody capture assay with peroxidase-labeled toxoplasma antigen, and an immunoblotting assay. In addition, a commercially available antibody capture ELISA was used. Highly significant correlation coefficients were obtained between the four laboratories and the commercial test. The indirect ELISA and antibody capture ELISA showed equal sensitivity in detection of immunoglobulin M antibodies to toxoplasma in early-stage serum samples. However, in this study, the antibody capture assay discriminated better between serum samples obtained at early or late stages of toxoplasma infection.  相似文献   

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