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目的 探讨肾嫌色细胞癌的临床特点,提高肾嫌色细胞癌的诊断和治疗水平.方法 针对1例肾嫌色细胞癌的临床资料,结合相关文献进行分析.结果 病理结果示为肾嫌色细胞癌.免疫组化:CK部分细胞(+),CD10(-),CK8(+),RCC(-),vimentin(-),Ki-67(<5%+),Hale胶状铁染色(+).结论 肾嫌色...  相似文献   

目的 探讨肾嫌色细胞癌的临床特点、治疗方式的选择及患者预后生存情况。方法回顾性分析陆军军医大学第二附属医院2012年1月至2022年1月收治的104例经术后病理诊断为肾嫌色细胞癌(chRCC)的患者临床资料。所有患者均行手术治疗,对患者的影像学资料、病理资料及术后生存情况进行分析和总结。结果 104例患者中有67例行CT检查,报告显示平扫期多数呈等密度或稍高密度软组织影,肿瘤内若存在坏死灶,则可能出现混杂密度影,部分肿瘤内有钙化,增强期大多呈现轻度或中度不均匀强化;4例行MRI检查,强化时均呈不均匀强化,静脉期强化均减退;病理结果示chRCC主要包括两种细胞类型,一种为体积较大的多角形半透明细胞,另一种为小圆形的嗜酸性细胞。8例患者失访,3例患者因非肾肿瘤性疾病死亡,2例因转移死亡,其余患者均长期生存,预后良好。结论 chRCC临床症状不典型,超声可作为首选体检筛查手段,CT和MRI检查在chRCC诊断上也具有一定优势。手术为早期chRCC首选治疗方案,多数患者预后良好,极少数患者术后出现转移或复发。晚期chRCC目前尚无统一治疗方案。  相似文献   

肾嫌色细胞癌影像学特点与外科治疗选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 提高肾嫌色细胞癌的临床诊治水平. 方法 回顾性分析25例肾嫌色细胞癌患者临床资料.男13例、女12例,平均年龄51岁.左侧13例,右侧12例.无症状肾癌16例,有腰部不适、发热、肉眼血尿等症状9例.实验室检查发现肝功能异常1例、红细胞沉降率加快1例.结合文献复习讨论肾嫌色细胞癌的影像学特点与外科治疗选择. 结果 B超检查肿瘤主要表现为低回声、有包膜、血流信号不明显.CT及MRI扫描肿瘤特征为边界清楚、质地均匀(CT平扫为70%、MR为73%),出血、坏死和囊性变少见,增强扫描多为均匀强化(CT为65%、MR为67%)及轻度强化(CT为65%、MR为93%).肿瘤直径>4.0 cm的22例患者行根治性肾切除术、≤4.0 cm且位于肾周边的3例行肾部分切除术.肿瘤平均直径7.6 cm,剖面质地多均匀、呈灰白色或暗红色,光镜下癌细胞呈板状或条索状排列、胞质苍白或呈嗜酸性,免疫组化染色Vimentin阴性、CK18阳性.TNM分期pT1a 8例、pT1b 9例、pT2 6例、pT3a 2例.23例获随访,平均随访28个月,无瘤生存22例,1例于术后58个月发现肺转移,经干扰素-α治疗、吉西他滨及氟尿嘧啶化疗3个月后死亡. 结论 肾嫌色纽胞癌患者多无症状、分期较早.MR和CT主要表现为边界清楚、质地均匀、强化不明显.手术方式选择应遵循肾癌的外科治疗原则.患者预后多良好,手术至出现转移的时间间隔较长,建议延长术后随访时间.  相似文献   

肾嫌色细胞癌(附15例报告)   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 提高肾嫌色细胞癌的诊治水平和对此类型肾癌的认识。 方法 回顾性分析15例肾嫌色细胞癌的临床资料。男 10例 ,女 5例。年龄 4 7~ 74岁 ,平均 5 7岁。均行根治性肾切除术。 结果 术后病理证实为肾嫌色细胞癌。病理分期 :pT1N0 M0 6例 ,pT2 N0 M0 5例 ,pT3bN0 M0 2例 ,pT1N2 M0 1例 ,pT2 N2 M0 1例。病理分级 :G2 10例 ,G3 5例。 11例获随访 ,随访 2~ 31个月 ,平均19个月 ,1例死于心脏病 ,1例局部复发 ,9例无瘤生存。 结论 肾嫌色细胞癌是一种具有特殊形态的少见肾癌类型。肾根治性切除术是治疗肾嫌色细胞癌的首选方法。与同期、同级的其他类型肾癌相比 ,肾嫌色细胞癌预后较好。  相似文献   

肾嫌色细胞癌临床与病理学特点分析   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
目的探讨肾嫌色细胞癌的临床及病理学特点,提高对此病的诊治水平。方法总结19例肾嫌色细胞癌患者的临床及病理资料。男10例,女9例。平均年龄53岁。左侧9例,右侧10例。偶发12例,7例有肉眼血尿、腰痛不适和腹部包块等症状。结果B超主要表现为包膜完整的低回声肿块。CT扫描肿瘤多为均匀低密度,边界清晰。肿瘤平均直径8.2cm。TNM分期T1N0M0 8例,T2N0M0 11例。行根治性肾切除17例,肾部分切除2例。16例获得随访,随访时间3个月~16年,平均无瘤生存4.8年。病理特点:肿瘤大体标本多为均匀深棕色实体,1例瘤体中央有纤维瘢痕;光镜下瘤细胞由典型型和嗜酸型两种细胞组成,胞膜清晰;免疫组化检测CK8阳性、Vimentin阴性;Hale胶体铁染色阳性;电镜下胞质内有大量膜性小空泡。结论肾嫌色细胞癌具有独特的形态学特点。B超、CT检查缺乏特异性。多数病例瘤体较大,但TNM分期多为早期,预后良好。  相似文献   

肾嫌色细胞癌临床病理特征及预后分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 分析肾嫌色细胞癌的临床病理特征及预后,提高对肾嫌色细胞癌的认识. 方法 对1998年2月至2009年7月行根治性肾切除术后病理诊断为嫌色细胞癌的75例患者资料进行回顾性研究.男42例,女33例.平均年龄56(25~74)岁.均为单发肿瘤,左肾36例,右肾39例.比较患者性别、年龄、肿瘤大小、分级、分期与预后的关系,Kaplan-Meier生存曲线分析生存关系.结果 肿瘤平均直径7.3(2.5~17.0)cm,大体切面以灰黄、灰红色为主(50/75例),肿瘤细胞多为体积较大的多角形嫌色细胞和小圆形嗜酸细胞.T1N0M0 30例,T1N0M11例,T2N0M0 26例,T2N0M11例,T3N0M0 11例,T3N0M1 3例,T3N1M0 1例,T4N0M1 1例,T4N1M11例.依照Fuhrman分级系统,Ⅰ级3例,Ⅱ级24例,Ⅲ级46例,Ⅳ级2例.平均随访44(9~93)个月,死亡7例,其余均无瘤生存.3、5年生存率分别为93.3%和90.7%.单因素分析示肿瘤大小(P=0.028)、TNM分期(P=0.000)和肿瘤侵袭、预后有关;多因素分析显示,TNM分期可作为肾嫌色细胞癌独立的预后因素.结论 肾嫌色细胞癌是一种具有特殊形态的少见肾癌类型,多数瘤体较大,预后较好;细胞核分级较高,不适用Fuhrman分级系统;TNM分期可作为肾嫌色细胞癌预后的独立因素.  相似文献   

肾癌是泌尿系统的常见肿瘤,在我国其发病率居泌尿系恶性肿瘤的第二位。肾嫌色细胞癌作为其中的一种少见病理亚型,临床特征缺乏特异性,诊断有一定困难。近年来,随着病理诊断水平的普遍提高,嫌色细胞癌逐渐得到重视,但国内尚未见大宗病例报道。本文复习近年来国内外的相关报道及专著,对嫌色细胞癌的遗传学特点、临床病理特征、诊断、治疗和预后作一综述。  相似文献   

目的 分析肾嫌色细胞癌的超声造影特征,提高对该肿瘤的识别.方法 分析经手术病理证实的28例嫌色细胞癌超声造影资料,分析血供情况及造影特征,并进行时间-强度曲线参数分析.结果 28例嫌色细胞癌与肾皮质作参照均呈乏血供造影表现,且肿块呈不均匀增强,肿块局部呈"快进快出"造影表现,强化程度低于周围肾皮质,其中15例(54%)病灶内可出现辐射样分布的强回声带.时间-强度曲线显示嫌色细胞癌组曲线达峰绝对值、曲线下面积低于肾皮质(P<0.05),造影剂到达时间、达峰时间、曲线上升支斜率高于肾髓质组(P<0.05).结论 超声造影检查中,肾嫌色细胞癌瘤体内辐射状增强和瘤体呈乏血供型增强为诊断提供了依据.
Objective To discuss the imaging characteristics of chromophobic cell renal carcinoma (CCRC) and study the features on the contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS). Methods The CEUS features of CCRC in 28 cases identified by pathology were reviewed. The blood supply and enhancement characteristic were observed and analyzed on time intensity curve parameters. Results The 28 cases of CCRC showed poor blood supply in contrast with the renal cortex. The CCRC presented with heterogeneity enhancement, part of the tumor took on a high wash-in and wash-out, and enhanced less intense than the surrounding renal cortex. The actinomorphous strong echo of the tumors might be revealed with CEUS in 15 cases (54%). The time intensity curve analysis demonstrated that the CCRCs' difference of peak intensity and area under the curve were lower than the renal cortex (P<0.05), but arrival time, time-to-peak and slope of ascending curve were higher than the renal medulla (P<0.05). Conclusion The actinomorphous enhancement and poor blood supply in the tumor of CEUS could provide diagnostic evidence for CRCC.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the imaging characteristics of chromophobic cell renal carcinoma (CCRC) and study the features on the contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS). Methods The CEUS features of CCRC in 28 cases identified by pathology were reviewed. The blood supply and enhancement characteristic were observed and analyzed on time intensity curve parameters. Results The 28 cases of CCRC showed poor blood supply in contrast with the renal cortex. The CCRC presented with heterogeneity enhancement, part of the tumor took on a high wash-in and wash-out, and enhanced less intense than the surrounding renal cortex. The actinomorphous strong echo of the tumors might be revealed with CEUS in 15 cases (54%). The time intensity curve analysis demonstrated that the CCRCs' difference of peak intensity and area under the curve were lower than the renal cortex (P<0.05), but arrival time, time-to-peak and slope of ascending curve were higher than the renal medulla (P<0.05). Conclusion The actinomorphous enhancement and poor blood supply in the tumor of CEUS could provide diagnostic evidence for CRCC.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the imaging characteristics of chromophobic cell renal carcinoma (CCRC) and study the features on the contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS). Methods The CEUS features of CCRC in 28 cases identified by pathology were reviewed. The blood supply and enhancement characteristic were observed and analyzed on time intensity curve parameters. Results The 28 cases of CCRC showed poor blood supply in contrast with the renal cortex. The CCRC presented with heterogeneity enhancement, part of the tumor took on a high wash-in and wash-out, and enhanced less intense than the surrounding renal cortex. The actinomorphous strong echo of the tumors might be revealed with CEUS in 15 cases (54%). The time intensity curve analysis demonstrated that the CCRCs' difference of peak intensity and area under the curve were lower than the renal cortex (P<0.05), but arrival time, time-to-peak and slope of ascending curve were higher than the renal medulla (P<0.05). Conclusion The actinomorphous enhancement and poor blood supply in the tumor of CEUS could provide diagnostic evidence for CRCC.  相似文献   



Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma accounts for 3–5% of all RCCs. However, its association with urothelial carcinoma of urinary bladder has never been reported. We report a case of synchronous association of chromophobe RCC with low grade urothelial carcinoma of urinary bladder.


A 64-year old gentleman, presented with a dull aching pain in right loin region of one month duration. General physical and abdominal examinations were unremarkable. Ultrasonography of abdomen showed a well-defined hypoechoic mass lesion involving the lower pole of right kidney. CECT abdomen revealed a partially exophytic mass lesion of size 4 cm × 4.3 cm × 5.1 cm arising from lower pole of right kidney. Surprisingly, urinary bladder also showed a polypoidal mass lesion measuring 15 mm × 12 mm × 13 mm in posterior wall inferior to right vesico-ureteric junction. We proceeded with right partial nephrectomy followed by transurethral resection of bladder tumor. Histopathology report revealed chromophobe RCC and low grade urothelial carcinoma of urinary bladder. The patient is under regular follow-up.


Synchronous association of chromophobe RCC with urothelial carcinoma of urinary bladder has not been reported so far, hence there is no scientific consensus in the management of these lesions.  相似文献   

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in young adults is uncommon. Whether they have different clinicopathologic characteristics and outcomes from those in older patients is still a conflicting matter. In this article we present an uncommon subtype of RCC which is chromophobe RCC (chRCC) in a female aged less than 20 years.  相似文献   



Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in adults comprises a heterogeneous group of tumours with variable clinical outcomes that range from indolent to overtly malignant. The application of molecular genetic techniques to the study of renal neoplasms has resulted in an improved classification of these entities and a better understanding of the biologic mechanisms responsible for tumour development and progression. The current 2004 World Health Organisation classification of adult renal epithelial neoplasms has expanded rapidly with new categories recently incorporated.


To review and evaluate the evidence implicating pathologic features and classification of RCC in adults as a tool to approach patients’ prognosis and modulate current therapy.

Evidence acquisition

Members of Committee 3: Pathology, under the auspices of the International Consultation on Urological Diseases and the European Association of Urology (ICUD-EAU) International Consultation on Kidney Cancer, performed a systematic review using PubMed. Participating pathologists discussed pathologic categories and diagnostic features of RCC in adults.

Evidence synthesis

We reviewed and discussed articles and the personal experiences of participating uropathologists.


The conclusions reached by the ICUD-EAU 2010 International Consultation on Kidney Cancer emphasise the appropriate pathologic diagnosis of RCC in adults as a tool to approach patients’ prognosis and modulate current therapy. Further emphasis should be placed on defining risk groups of RCC and diagnostic features of unusual tumours such as familial RCC, translocation RCC, and tubular mucinous and spindle cell carcinoma. A number of recently described entities and morphologic variants of classical categories deserves recognition because they can be important in differential diagnosis and therapy.  相似文献   

The recognition of chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (RCC) among other distinct types of renal cell tumors (RCT) based on light‐microscopic features, such as cytoplasmic and nuclear characteristics, might pose a dilemma in some cases because of morphological pattern overlapping with renal oncocytoma or conventional RCC. The present article reviews chromophobe RCC with focus on aspects of its molecular pathology, which was shown using ancillary modern microarray‐based technology that can distinguish it from its mimics and therefore be helpful for its correct diagnosis. Although the high resolution DNA‐microarray analyses excluded with all certainty the occurrence of small specific alterations, the loss of entire chromosomes 2, 10, 13, 17 and 21 occurs exclusively in chromophobe RCC and therefore probes localized at these chromosomes might be used to establish the diagnosis of chromophobe RCC in cases with uncertain histology. The usefulness of proposed candidate genes selected by the global gene expression analyses in the diagnostic pathology is far below expectations. The conflicting staining patterns, together with the poor specificity of used antibodies, leads us to believe that these candidate immunomarkers might not help in the separation of chromophobe RCC, with the exception of CD82, which has recently been suggested to be used for routine histological diagnosis.  相似文献   

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