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电脉冲刺激耳穴对胆囊收缩功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者使用B型超声成像仪观察了电脉冲刺激健康成人耳穴——胆胰穴对胆囊收缩功能的影响。结果表明,电脉冲刺激耳穴能引起胆囊明显收缩,并且这一作用可被阿托品所阻断,提示可能是通过迷走神经和M-受体实现的.因此,这种治疗有利于胆石的排出和防止其发生。  相似文献   

耳穴贴压王不留行籽对胆囊收缩的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
耳穴贴压王不留行籽对胆囊收缩的作用北京复兴医院B超室(北京100038)那开杰,李玉凡笔者于1993年3~4月,通过B超观察了无肝胆疾患者的胆囊在耳穴贴压王不留行(豆)和脂餐后的收缩情况,探讨其临床应用价值,现报道如下。临床资料将受试者随机分为2组:...  相似文献   

针刺不同耳穴对胆囊收缩功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

柴胡枳壳大黄对犬胆囊运动及血浆胆囊收缩素含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨柴胡、枳壳和大黄对犬胆囊运动的影响及其机制。方法:用B超测量灌服单味中药前后犬胆囊的大小,并通过放免法测血浆中灌服中药前后胆囊收缩素(Cholecystokinin,CCK)的含量。结果:犬胆囊在灌服柴胡后胆囊明显收缩,CCK明显升高并且两者之间呈显著负相关。犬在灌服枳壳后胆囊大小及血浆CCK含量无明显改变。犬在灌服大黄后胆囊先收缩后扩张,血浆CCK无明显改变。结论:柴胡可使犬胆囊明显收缩,此作用可能是通过增加犬血浆中CCK含量来实现的。大黄可使犬胆囊先收缩后扩张,但对CCK无明显影响。枳壳对犬胆囊大小及血浆CCK含量无明显影响。  相似文献   

秦研  张晓彤 《山西中医》2014,30(11):33-34
目的:探讨针刺日月穴对胆囊收缩功能的影响,用以证明穴位的特异性,以指导临床对胆囊疾病的治疗。方法:33例胆囊炎患者于针刺前后超声检查,常规测量胆囊大小。结果:针刺日月穴后胆囊大小均有不同程度的改变,经统计学处理有差异(P0.01)。结论:针刺"日月"穴可使胆囊炎患者胆囊运动功能增强,利于胆汁排泄、炎症恢复。  相似文献   

本文用电刺激耳胆穴对100例健康人及100例胆系疾病患者在实时起声下观察胆囊收缩功能,结果五分钟内正常组胆囊平均面积收缩为6.64cm~2(64.5%),异常组为2.43cm~2(26.6%),与电刺激前相比均有非常显著差异,P<0.01。正常组胆囊收缩功能良好91例,异常组11例,两组相比差异显著,P<0.01。此方法可以作为检查胆囊收缩功能的途径之一。  相似文献   

手法针刺大鼠“风府”(天门)穴,用NorthernBlot方法对针刺不同时限的生理状态大鼠脑内神经肽胆囊收缩素(CholecystokininCCK)的基因在转录水平的表达情况进行比较研究。结果表明针刺即刻CCK信息核糖核酸(mRNA)表达开始增加,3小时其浓度急剧升高.6小时已回落,24小时几近平复。提示针刺后3~6小时是CCK基因表达的高峰时期,手法针刺诱发的脑内CCKmRNA的表达没有观察到累积迭加和持续促进的结果,并且与捉抓引起的应激反应有本质区别。  相似文献   

Wang GM  Wen FY  Li LX  Zheng H  Huang YH  Song YQ 《中国针灸》2011,31(10):910-912
目的:通过B超观察针刺肩井穴后胆囊的收缩功能变化,探讨肩井穴与胆囊炎之间的内在联系,寻求更佳治疗手段.方法:将临床上已确诊的200例胆囊炎(非结石性)患者列为观察组,根据B超检查分为胆囊扩大者(84例)和胆囊缩小者(116例);100例体检的健康人作为对照组,两组均针刺右侧肩井穴.通过超声检查,比较针刺前、针刺15 min时及出针后30 min两组受试者的胆囊容积变化.结果:胆囊缩小与胆囊扩大变形的胆囊炎患者胆囊容积在针刺15 min时、出针后30 min分别扩大与缩小,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.01);对照组针刺后各时间点与针刺前比较,胆囊收缩变化不明显(均P>0.05);观察组142例伴肩背痛的患者经针刺后,疼痛缓解率为98.6%(140/142).结论:针刺肩井穴能够改善胆囊炎患者的胆囊收缩功能,具有收缩和扩张胆囊的双相调整作用,并能有效缓解肩背痛.  相似文献   

耳穴贴压对胆囊收缩功能调整的超声观察   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在B超监测下,对80例胆囊炎患者的胆囊面积变化进行治疗前后实验观察。结果表明,耳穴贴压王不留行后脂餐试验较非耳穴治疗胆囊平均缩小面积提高,试餐30分钟、60分钟,差异均有非常显著的意义(P<0 .01)。  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of auricular point sticking on 42 cases of simple obesity.Methods: Based on the different diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine, 42 patients who met the inclusion criteria were divided into stomach-intestine excessive heat type(n=20), weakness of the spleen and stomach type(n=17) and insufficiency of vitality energy type(n=5).The patients were sticked with the corresponding auricular point combined with healthy eating and moderate exercise.The auricular point was pressed 4 times a day, with one month as one cycle.The efficacy and the VAS scores were assessed after 3 cycles, as well as at follow-up six months after the treatment process.Results: After treatments for 3 cycles, 11 cases of the 42 patients were clinically recovered(26.2%), 19 cases had obvious curative effects(45.2%), and 8 cases had curative effects(19%).The total effective rate was 90.5%.The treatment had obvious effects in controlling appetite reflected by VAS scores.Six months after the treatment process, the effect on controlling appetite was still good.Conclusion: Auricular point for simple obesity has a good curative effect, which is worth clinical application.  相似文献   

电针穴位对内脏-耳穴反应的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
<正> 临床和实验研究皆证实,内脏疾患可引起耳廓导电量增加和低电阻点增多的反应。此种反应可能有部位上的相对特异性,可称之为内脏—耳穴反应。这一内脏与耳廓相联系的现象与中医的经穴脏腑相联系的现象一致。但是,内脏、耳穴、体穴三者之间是否有关?针刺某一穴位除能调整内脏功能外是否能对内脏—经穴反应有一定的影响?这也是很有意义的课题。本实验是以电刺激胃迷走神经或电刺激心脏引起耳廓特异部位的导电量增加和低电阻点增多,再电针相应体穴或对侧耳廓相应点观察对内脏—耳穴反应的影响,来进一步研究经穴脏腑的关系。  相似文献   

Although, the essence of otopoints remains unknown at the moment, many medical workers have termed them temporarily as “auricular specific stimulating points“. They give an explanation that when the internal organs or the body trunk is out of order, tender points, changes of the cutaneous electrical resistance, appearance, colour, etc. may occur at some sites of the auri-cle. The medical workers can use these reactions as a reference for making a diagnosis and stimulate these sites to prevent and treat diseases. These reaction points are also the otopoint. Therefore, the otopoint is also called as tenderpoint, or good conduction point, reaction point, stimulating point or treatment point.  相似文献   

Inrecentyears,reportsonacupuncturetreatmentofdiabetesmellitus(DM )areincreas ing.Resultsindicatethatacupunturepossessesregulativeeffectonthefunctionalactivityandinsulinsecretionofthepancreaticisletβ cells,alsocanmodulatefunctionsofthecentralner voussyste…  相似文献   

The study has explored 11 correlative variables which might affect the gallblad-der pressure GBP of patients with gall stone after auricular electrical stimulation by means of multiplestepwise regression. It was found that the size of gallbladder stone (X9), cholecystolithiasis (X4),sex (X1), and the baseline of GBP (X10) could affect the GBP change range (Y1) depressingly orreinforcingly. Also the baseline of GBP (Y1) could be affected by the variables X1 (sex), X2 (age),and X6 (long diameter of the gallbladder, LDGB), etc.. The result shows that the change in GBPafter auricular electrical stimulation is comprehensively influenced by multiple factors. And it providessome useful information for predicting the curative effect of auricular therapy on gallbladder stone inclinic.  相似文献   

119 patients with gastroduodenal diseases were observed,clinically and experi-mentally,on the effect of electro-acupuncture at the auricular acupoint"Gastric area" on gastrogram,and the effect was compared with that of Heart area and Ear tip points.There was a significant differ-ence in the amplitudes and frequencies of gastrogram of patients between pre-and post-acupuncture(P<0.01),with good diphasic regulation;the effect of acupuncturing at"Gastric area" is the mostsignificant as compared with that at "Heart" and "Ear tip".The experiment demonstrates that thereis a relationship between the "Gastric area" and stomach,and indicates that there is relative specificityof "Gastric Area" to stomach.This provides the experimental foundation for the auricular acupointtherapy in clinic.  相似文献   

In this study, 144 cases of biliary colic were treated by injecting Atropine in the auricu-lar points (Liver, Gallbladder). Among the 144 cases, 130 cases were markedly effective, 11 cases ef-fective and 3 cases ineffective, with the effective rate being 97. 90%. The results showed that therewas no difference between colic degrees, ages and analgesic effects. But analgesic effects for biliary as-cariosis and cholecystitis, cholelithiasis are much better than choledochal calculus (P<0.01).  相似文献   

In the present paper, the therapeutic effects of auricular plaster (otopoint-pellet pressing therapy)and Western medicine (Dramamine) were compared in the treatment of 200 cases of motion sickness who were randomly divided into auricular plaster group (n = 135) and Western medicine (control) group (n = 65). Results indicated that the markedly effective rates and total effective rates of auricular plaster group and control group were 51. 1% and 23.1%, 94.1 % and 81.6% respectively, and the therapeutic effect of the former group was significantly superior to that of the control group (P<0.01).  相似文献   

耳廓神经支配与耳针对胃肠电活动影响的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 目前,耳针的机理尚未十分清楚,其作用于外周的基础是什么还不明确。现代解剖学研究表明支配耳廓神经有属躯体神经,如耳大、枕小神经;有属颅脑神经,如迷走、舌咽、面及三叉神经的耳支。此外,还有交感神经等支配。以上神经与耳针作用的  相似文献   

Subjective: To observe the effect of electroacupuncture (EA) of acupoints of the Heart Meridian and Lung Meridian on ischemic cardiac systolic ability for analyzing the relative specific relationship between the Heart Meridian and the heart. Methods: Acute myocardial ischemia (AMI) was produced by intravenous infusion of pituitrin (40 u + 5% glucose injection 500 ml, 60 drips/min) in the rabbit. Left intraventricular pressure (LVP), maximal rising velocity of LVP (dp/dt max), isovolumetric pressure (IP) and end-diastolic pressure (EDP) of the left cardiac ventricle were used as the indexes. Three points of Heart Meridian [HM, from "Shenmen" (HT 7) to "Lingdao" (HT 4)] and the three points of Lung Meridian [LM, from "Taiyuan" (LU 9) to "Lieque" (LU 7)] were punctured with filiform needles and stimulated with hand-manipulation and electrically with ZY2-1 EA Therapeutic Apparatus. 30 rabbits anesthetized with urethane (1 g/kg) were randomly and evenly divided into control group, HM group and LM group. Resul  相似文献   

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