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A series of ternary gel systems based on cetostearyl alcohol (CSA) and cetomacrogol 1000 or sodium lauryl sulfate have been studied using oscillatory rheology, differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy, cryoscanning electron microscopy (cryo-SEM), and low-frequency dielectric analysis in order to elucidate the nature of the lamellar structures formed in relation to composition. The effects of altering the concentration of CSA (0.25% to 8% w/w) for 1% and 2% w/v cetomacrogol 1000 and 0.5% and 1% w/v sodium lauryl sulfate systems have been investigated, with marked increases in the storage and loss moduli seen on increasing the concentration of CSA for both surfactants. DIC microscopy indicated that at low CSA concentrations, needlelike structures were seen which, on increasing the concentration, were observed to congregate into nuclei. At concentrations of 4% CSA and above, neospherical structures were also observed. Cryo-SEM revealed that the needlelike objects were sheet structures ascribed to lamellar gel phases, while the nuclei were folded "rosettes" formed by those sheets, with the spherical structures being ascribed to cetostearyl alcohol. It was also noted that the lamellae were more tightly folded at 8% w/w CSA, which may be associated with the higher rheological moduli for these systems. Low-frequency dielectric analysis was performed over a frequency range of 10(4) Hz to 10(-2) Hz. A decrease in both the dielectric loss and capacitance was observed as the concentration of cetostearyl alcohol was increased. The dielectric data were described in terms of an equivalent circuit model based on a modified Maxwell-Wagner response. A good correlation was found between the fitted and experimental data and the effect of altering the gel composition on specific features of the equivalent circuit are discussed.  相似文献   

The dielectric response of four batches of lactose has been measured over a frequency range of 10(4) to 10(-2) Hz. The spectra corresponding to three of the batches were identical, while the fourth showed a marked reduction in response. This particular batch has also been reported to exhibit longer disintegration times than the other three when formulated as a tablet. The potential use of dielectric spectroscopy as a means of screening batches of pharmaceutical materials is discussed.  相似文献   

A range of nanosuspensions comprising a model drug (RMKP 22) with varying concentrations of Phospholipon 90 were prepared using high pressure homogenization and analyzed using low frequency dielectric spectroscopy as a novel means of characterizing the distribution of Phospholipon 90 within the suspensions. A corresponding range of aqueous Phospholipon 90 suspensions were also studied for the purpose of comparison. The dielectric responses were interpreted using a modification of the Maxwell-Wagner approach, whereby the systems were considered to comprise a high frequency response corresponding to the bulk layer serially connected to a lower frequency response corresponding to an electrode barrier layer. The low frequency responses of both the Phospholipon 90 dispersions and the nanosuspensions were found to be essentially independent of phospholipid concentration, indicating the presence of a barrier layer covering the electrode surfaces. In contrast, the high frequency (bulk) loss response was found to increase with Phospholipon 90 concentration for the surfactant suspensions while a maximum in response was seen with Phospholipon 90 concentration for the nanosuspensions; this behaviour was attributed to the presence of impurities within the phospholipids. Based on this investigation, a model is proposed with which the dielectric response may be related to the surface coverage of the suspended drug particles. Copyright  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the protective mechanism of a non-ionic surfactant, Tween 80, at freeze-thawing with controlled temperature history of a model protein, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). The system was examined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). LDH activity assays were performed spectrophotometrically. In all samples, independent of temperature history and addition of surfactant, all water was crystallized to polycrystalline ice at temperatures below -20 degrees C. The size and perfection of the ice crystals could be varied by a range of cooling rates giving different degrees of undercooling. At Tween concentrations below the cmc at crystallization, lower concentrations were required at low cooling rates compared to higher cooling rates to protect LDH. Concentrations above cmc of Tween reduced the protection at a cooling rate of 5 degrees C min(-1) and at quenching in N(2)(l). The amount of Tween needed for complete protection correlated to the surface area of the ice crystals at a certain temperature history. Tween 80 protects LDH from denaturation at freeze-thawing by hindering its destructive interaction with the ice crystals. The protective effect might be obtained when Tween molecules compete with the protein for sites on the ice surface. The optimum concentration of Tween needed for complete protection is dependent on the temperature history.  相似文献   

A series of glyceryl monoolein/water gel systems containing 10%, 22%, and 30% w/w water has been investigated using two complementary techniques, oscillatory rheology and dielectric analysis, in order to establish the utility of these two techniques in conjunction and to investigate the influence of the inclusion of a model peptide, cyclosporin A, on the properties of the gels. Oscillatory rheology was performed in two modes; frequency sweeps at 20, 37, and 70 degrees C and temperature sweeps from 20 to 70 degrees C. Dielectric spectroscopy was performed in the kHz to mHz frequency range over a temperature range of 20-70 degrees C. Both rheology and dielectric spectroscopy were able to identify structural changes in the systems analyzed, with the 10% and 30% (w/w) water sample showing typical features of the lamellar and cubic phase respectively at 20 degrees C, while the 22% (w/w) system showed intermediate behavior. The thermotropic phase transitions could be monitored using rheological temperature sweeps. Drug loading resulted in marked changes in rheological and dielectric response of the 10% w/w water system, causing a decrease in both elasticity and permittivity values, while a less marked effect was observed for the 22% and, in particular, the 30% w/w systems. The investigation has demonstrated that rheological and dielectric measurements yield distinct yet complementary information and that the inclusion of a model peptide may alter the properties of the gel, the extent of the effect being dependent on the phase composition of the system.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to investigate the use of low frequency dielectric spectroscopy as a means of characterizing the thermal transitions of an amorphous drug substance, indometacin, with particular emphasis on modelling the response using the Dissado-Hill function. The low frequency dielectric behaviour of indometacin was measured over a temperature range of 10-160 degrees C and a frequency range of 10(-3)-10(6) Hz. Modulated temperature differential scanning calorimetry (MTDSC) studies were also performed on equivalent samples, showing a glass transition, recrystallization and melting. Isothermal low frequency dielectric spectra of the sample at temperatures below recrystallization showed the dynamic dielectric relaxation associated with the amorphous phase, while changes in the real and imaginary permittivities were observed that were associated with recrystallization and subsequent melting. A small discontinuity was observed immediately above the recrystallization process in the MTDSC and dielectric data, suggested to correspond to a solid state transformation. The use of the Dissado-Hill function as a means of modelling the dielectric behaviour has also been described. The study suggests that low frequency dielectric spectroscopy, used in conjunction with MTDSC and Dissado-Hill modelling, may be a useful tool for the characterization of amorphous and crystalline drugs.  相似文献   

The aim of the thesis was to examine liquid crystalline gel systems as novel, locally applied drug delivery systems. For developing liquid crystalline vehicle, different ratio of Synperonic A7--water mixtures was prepared. Chlorhexidine, chlorhexidine acetate and chlorhexidine gluconate were used as model drugs. Liquid crystalline structure, drug release and drug release kinetic of the samples were studied at increasing surfactant concentration and the effect of the different drugs on the physicochemical properties of the samples and on the membrane transport was examined. For the analysis of the prepared liquid crystalline systems polarising microscopy, rheology test, differential scanning calorimetry, small-angle neutron scattering and transmission electron microscopy were carried out. The drug release and membrane transport experiments were performed by Franz type vertical diffusion cell and Sartorius Resorptionsmodell apparatus. According to our results liquid crystalline vehicles of lamellar and hexagonal structure formed by increasing the surfactant concentration. The drug release studies indicated, that the kinetic of the release strongly depend on the liquid crystalline structure, zero order release occurs from hexagonal structures and anomalous transport occurs from lamellar structures. The addition of chlorhexidine species to the systems modified the structure of the liquid crystalline system. As a results of liquid crystal-drug interaction the solubility of chlorhexidine base and its diffusion through lipophilic membranes increased in comparison with those of the chlorhexidine salts.  相似文献   

Amphiphilogels (a subset of organogels) are being studied as drug carriers in our laboratories. In this paper, the effects of drug incorporation on the drugs and the gels are discussed. Amphiphilogels were prepared by heating a mixture of the gelator (sorbitan monostearate or sorbitan monopalmitate) and the liquid (e.g. Tweens or liquid Spans) to form a solution/dispersion, which was cooled to the gel state. Drugs were dissolved by heating a mixture of the drug and the gel and cooling the resulting solution. Hydrophilic gels (composed of hydrophilic Tweens as the liquid) were more effective solvents than hydrophobic ones (composed of hydrophobic Span 20 or 80 liquids). The latter's solvent capacity could, however, be increased by the inclusion of co-solvents, such as propylene glycol and ethanol. Drug incorporation at 10% w/w did not cause any detrimental changes in gel stability, while the drug's release rate was dependent on its concentration and on the nature of the gel's liquid component (which influences drug solubility), but not on gelator concentration or on the method of drug incorporation. This study shows the importance of the nature of the gels' liquid component and the possibility of using hydrophilic amphiphilogels as solvents for poorly water-soluble drugs.  相似文献   

Colloidal dispersions of the pre-equilibrated cubic phase in the monoolein/poloxamer 407/water system, which are under investigation as potential drug carriers, often contain a considerable fraction of undesired non-cubic particles, particularly when prepared with high concentrations of poloxamer. Recent investigations revealed that the non-cubic particles can be transformed into particles of cubic internal structure by heat treatment. The present study investigates the effect of drug loading on the non-cubic to cubic transformation process during autoclaving of the dispersions. The results indicate that the process can also proceed in dispersions loaded with different concentrations of ubidecarenone, tocopheryl acetate, betamethasone-17-valerate, chloramphenicol or miconazole. At low concentration, none of the drugs had pronounced influence on the autoclaved dispersions whereas with increasing drug concentration different effects were observed. Depending on the type of drug no effects (betamethasone-17-valerate), increasing particle size of the dispersions (chloramphenicol, miconazole) or phase separation upon autoclaving (high load of miconazole) was observed. Except for loading with high amounts of chloramphenicol, which led to the formation of cubic phase particles already without additional heat treatment, the properties of the thermally untreated dispersions were virtually unaffected by drug incorporation.  相似文献   

The thermal and dielectric responses of Vitamin E Preparation USP have been examined to further understand the melting and solidification of this material. A TA Instruments 2920 Differential Scanning Calorimeter was used to examine the thermal response of the sample at a range of scanning speeds. Isothermal dielectric studies were performed using a Novocontrol Dielectric Spectrometer over a range of temperatures down to -70 degrees C and a frequency range of 10(6)-10(-2) Hz. The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) studies showed an anomalous response whereby at slow heating rates (2 degrees C min(-1)) a small exotherm followed immediately by an endotherm was observed. This response was considerably diminished in magnitude at higher rates (5 degrees C min(-1)) and was not observed at the fastest heating rate of 10 degrees C min(-1). No thermal events were seen on cooling the sample to -60 degrees C. It was suggested that the material formed a glass on cooling, with a predicted transition temperature of approximately -100 degrees C. Further studies using a liquid nitrogen cooling system indicated that the system did indeed exhibit a glass transition, albeit at a higher temperature than predicted (ca -63 degrees C). Low frequency dielectric analysis showed a clear relaxation peak in the loss component, from which the relaxation time could be calculated using the Havriliak-Negami model. The relationship between the relaxation time and the temperature was studied and was found to follow the Vogel-Tammann-Fulcher (VTF) modification of the Arrhenius equation. It is therefore concluded that Vitamin E Preparation USP is a glass-forming material that exhibits kinetically-hindered recrystallisation and melting behaviour. The study has also indicated that DSC and low frequency dielectric analysis may be powerful complementary tools in the study of the low temperature behaviour of pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

提高难溶性药物溶解度,改善难溶性口服药物的生物利用度,一直是药剂学的热点和难点。本文旨在通过对自乳化释药系统和液固压缩技术的介绍,并阐述2种技术联合开发难溶性药物新剂型的优势,说明固体自乳化释药系统可以作为液体自乳化释药系统的提高或者替代,其具有降低生产成本,简化工业生产,提高稳定性与患者耐受性等方面的优势。  相似文献   

Glyceryl monooleate (GMO) is an amphiphilic surfactant, which as such can solubilize hydrophilic, lipophilic and amphiphilic drug molecules in its different polarity regions. Addition of additives with different polarities in GMO leads to change in phase behavior and related properties of GMO. Effect of the additives with different hydrophilic lipophilic balance (HLB; 1.5, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10 and 11) in GMO matrices on its phase transformation, rheological properties, mechanical properties, wetting and release behavior was investigated. Polarizing light microscopy showed that the GMO matrices incorporated with lower HLB additive (1.5, 3, 4 and 5) form cubic phase at higher rate while lamellar phase was prominent for matrices with additive of HLB 7, 10 and 11. The diametrical crushing strength and viscosity was decreased with increased HLB of additive. Lower HLB additives enhanced contact angle as compared to plain matrices and high HLB additives induced change in solid-liquid interface from hydrophobic to hydrophilic leading to decline in contact angle. Percent swelling of matrices was increased linearly with increase in HLB of additives. Tensiometric method was used for determination of bioadhesive strength of hydrated matrices and it was observed that matrices with additives of HLB 10 presented highest bioadhesion due to higher rate of hydration and formation of lamellar phase. As the HLB of additives in matrix increased, release was shifted from anomalous (non-Fickian) diffusion and/or partially erosion-controlled release to Fickian diffusion. Initial lag was observed for drug released from matrices with additive of HLB 1.5, 3, 4 and 5. Thus incorporation of the additives of different HLB changed molecular packing, which significantly affected drug release pattern.  相似文献   



Successful response inhibition is associated with right-lateralized inferior frontal cortex (IFC) activity, and alcohol impairs this inhibitory control, thereby enhancing false-alarm responses in the Go/No-Go task. However, the neural correlates of effect of alcohol on response inhibition remain unclear.  相似文献   

1. Sympathomimetic amines have been considered to be related to vasospasm. Previous studies showed that the human internal mammary artery (IMA) was capable of weak beta-adrenoceptor mediated relaxation and that alpha-adrenoceptor agonists may induce contraction in the human IMA. 2. We investigated the effects of glyceryl trinitrate (GTN), a vasodilator agent often used perioperatively, on alpha-adrenoceptor mediated contraction in the human IMA. 3. Discarded human IMA segments were taken from 37 patients who underwent IMA--coronary artery bypass graft operations and equilibrated in an organ bath. 4. A specially designed technique was used to normalize the vessel segments under the pressure similar to the in vivo situation. Noradrenaline (NA), phenylephrine (PE), and methoxamine (MO) were used to contract the vessel segments. 5. GTN fully relaxed PE or MO (submaximal concentration) induced precontraction. Therapeutic plasma concentration of GTN relaxed 40-90% of the PE induced contraction (2.82 g, EC50 = 7.92 +/- 0.06 -log M) and 20-90% of the MO induced contraction (1.8 g, EC50 = 7.63 +/- 0.16 -log M). Pretreatment by the therapeutic plasma concentration of GTN inhibited the contraction induced by NA, PE in a different range. It reduced the NA induced contraction (6.9 g) by 14.8-38% (P greater than 0.05) and the PE induced contraction (4.3 g) by 7.9-39.3% (P greater than 0.05). The alpha 1-adrenoceptor antagonist prazosin, at the therapeutic plasma concentration, nearly totally abolished the NA or PE induced contraction (P less than 0.001).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cassette dosing is commonly used in pharmacokinetic studies to decrease time, labor and expenditures. Cassette dosing (having several compounds in a mixture) has been used to screen in vitro permeabilities in Caco-2 cell monolayers. The cassette dosing method has accelerated both transport experiments and sample analyses, which are both part of Caco-2 permeability screening. In this study, a cassette dosing method was used for a mixture of heterogeneous test drugs, which are transported by various mechanisms across the Caco-2 cell monolayer. To characterize the Caco-2 cell monolayer absorption properties, we developed a new UV/fluorescence HPLC method for nine heterogeneous drugs. This new analytical method is fast and specific for high throughput analysis. Fluorescence detection was used to analyze the low concentration of drugs while UV detection was suitable for higher concentrations. The permeability results of single drugs and the mixture of drugs showed a high degree of similarity for each individual compound. All drugs can be applied to the Caco-2 cell culture as a mixture, and the cassette dosing method is suitable for permeability studies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The ability to determine the geographic locations of illicit drug markets is central to the development of preventive interventions that address access to drugs and associated problems, such as violence and crime. METHOD: The current study examined individual self-reports of drug activities and demographic information obtained from two waves of a telephone survey of 1704 individuals aged 15 to 29 conducted in 1999 and 2001 across 95 census tracts in a Northern California city and measures of neighborhood characteristics derived from Census 2000 measures. RESULTS: The results of the study showed that, at the individual level, younger people and male respondents reported most drug activities. At the aggregate level, neighborhood poverty was directly related to higher rates of drug activity. Residential stability was found to moderate reports of drug activity observed by African-Americans and young people. CONCLUSION: Social processes reflected in neighborhood characteristics of census tracts influence rates of self-reports of individuals' exposures to drug activities.  相似文献   

 Phenelzine (PLZ) is a non-selective monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor commonly used to treat depression and panic disorder. In addition to increasing levels of biogenic amines in the brain, PLZ elevates brain levels of the amino acid gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA; Baker et al. 1991; present study). Given the extensive evidence implicating biogenic amines and GABA in mnemonic processes, PLZ may affect learning and memory. To investigate this possibility, male Sprague-Dawley rats were given PLZ sulfate (15 or 30 mg/kg, based on free base weight) 2 h prior to training in a continuous multiple trial inhibitory avoidance (CMIA) and spatial water maze task. Retention was assessed 48 h later. The results indicated that PLZ enhanced CMIA and impaired water maze retention performance. Compared to control rats, rats given PLZ took significantly longer to re-enter the shock compartment and swam longer distances before reaching the escape platform on the retention tests. These effects of PLZ did not appear to be the result of PLZ-induced changes in acquisition or retrieval processes, activity levels, or footshock sensitivity. Combined, these findings indicate that PLZ influences memory in a task-dependent manner. These differential effects of PLZ may be the result of contrasting influences of GABA and biogenic amines on memory. Received: 10 June 1998 / Final version: 3 September 1998  相似文献   

The rising prevalence of methylmercury (MeHg) in seafood and in the global environment provides an impetus for delineating the mechanism of the toxicity of MeHg. Deleterious effects of MeHg have been widely observed in humans and in other mammals, the most striking of which occur in the nervous system. Here we test the model organism, Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), for MeHg toxicity. The simple, well-defined anatomy of the C. elegans nervous system and its ready visualization with green fluorescent protein (GFP) markers facilitated our study of the effects of methylmercuric chloride (MeHgCl) on neural development. Although MeHgCl was lethal to C. elegans, induced a developmental delay, and decreased pharyngeal pumping, other traits including lifespan, brood size, swimming rate, and nervous system morphology were not obviously perturbed in animals that survived MeHgCl exposure. Despite the limited effects of MeHgCl on C. elegans development and behavior, intracellular mercury (Hg) concentrations (≤ 3 ng Hg/mg protein) in MeHgCl-treated nematodes approached levels that are highly toxic to mammals. If MeHgCl reaches these concentrations throughout the animal, this finding indicates that C. elegans cells, particularly neurons, may be less sensitive to MeHgCl toxicity than mammalian cells. We propose, therefore, that C. elegans should be a useful model for discovering intrinsic mechanisms that confer resistance to MeHgCl exposure.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop and physicochemically characterize single unit, floating controlled drug delivery systems consisting of (i). polypropylene foam powder, (ii). matrix-forming polymer(s), (iii). drug, and (iv). filler (optional). The highly porous foam powder provided low density and, thus, excellent in vitro floating behavior of the tablets. All foam powder-containing tablets remained floating for at least 8 h in 0.1 N HCl at 37 degrees C. Different types of matrix-forming polymers were studied: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), polyacrylates, sodium alginate, corn starch, carrageenan, gum guar and gum arabic. The tablets eroded upon contact with the release medium, and the relative importance of drug diffusion, polymer swelling and tablet erosion for the resulting release patterns varied significantly with the type of matrix former. The release rate could effectively be modified by varying the "matrix-forming polymer/foam powder" ratio, the initial drug loading, the tablet geometry (radius and height), the type of matrix-forming polymer, the use of polymer blends and the addition of water-soluble or water-insoluble fillers (such as lactose or microcrystalline cellulose). The floating behavior of the low density drug delivery systems could successfully be combined with accurate control of the drug release patterns.  相似文献   

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