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骨成纤维性纤维瘤(Desmoplasticfibroma)是一种少见的、以胶原纤维为特征的良性肿瘤,系骨纤维瘤病的一种。其以局部侵袭性、浸润性之特点而在临床上别于传统概念上的良性肿瘤。1979年Lag-ade’R等曾对这种病损进行过超微结构研究,将这种病变视为临界肿瘤范畴。然而,1983年长春中华骨科座谈会议将此类肿瘤列为来源于纤维的良性肿瘤。根据我们所收治的病例情况,认为将其视为临界  相似文献   

女,40岁,农民.入院诊断;左侧大阴唇巨大多发纤维瘤.患者豆2年前开始发现左侧大阴唇处有高粱米粒大小的隆起结节,呈渐进性增大,平时无疼痛及任何不适,不影响劳动和生活.月经无改变,孕3产3,已放节育环10年.入院体检:血压14.3/9.1kPa,脉搏80,体温36.2℃,心肺正常,腹软,肝脾触不及.妇科检查:左侧大阴唇上1/3处有一由54个大小形状不等的葡萄状瘤组成的巨大肿物,数个瘤并在一起,27cm×9Cm×5cm大小,重量为545g,瘤蒂长5cm,瘤蒂根部截面积为2cm×0.8 cm(附图).外阴:已婚已产  相似文献   

患者女 ,74岁。 10年前右臀部一枣粒大包块 ,逐年增大 ,无相关伴随症状 ,近两年增大加快 ,局部障碍及疼痛感明显。体检 :右臀部体积明显增大 ,皮肤无红肿 ,近肛旁见一 6cm× 7cm大包块凸起 ,质地较硬 ,结节状 ,边界清楚 ,活动度一般 ,压痛明显。臀部中极又扪及一 15cm× 15cm大小肿块 ,质中 ,无明显液波感 ,表面凹凸不平 ,边界欠清 ,基底部较固定 ,稍有压痛 ,余未见异常 ,门诊以“右臀部巨大肿瘤 ,性质待定”收入院。B超示右臀部中极探及一大小约 13 .7cm×12 .1cm× 10 .2cm ,形态欠规则的等回声包块 ,边界清晰 ,周边见强回…  相似文献   

患者,42岁,牧民,右手中指发现肿物20余年,并逐渐增大,影响了手指功能。查体:右手中指掌指关节处约有6cm×7cm肿物,触诊肿物表面光滑,质韧,边界清,活动度差,轻微压痛。X线示:软组织影,无钙化。B超示:右手中指掌指关节处约有6cm×7cm实质性肿块。碱性磷酸酶:75u/L,初步诊断:右手中指掌指关节处巨大纤维瘤。在局麻下行肿物切除术,  相似文献   

巨大卵巢纤维瘤一例麦碧群,谭秀姨(广西贵港市人民医院)关键词巨大卵巢纤维瘤;病例报告患者吴某,女,71岁,已婚,农民,汉族。已发现右下腹部包块10年,逐渐增大1年余。于94年10月17日收住我科。10年前无意中触及右下腹有一鹅蛋大肿物,当时医生诊断为...  相似文献   

1临床资料 患者,女,50岁,因发现腹部包块8年,伴尿频、尿急1年于2009年6月18日就诊于贵阳市妇幼保健院。8年前无意中自扪及下腹部一鸡蛋大小包块,活动,无压痛,因无特殊不适,未诊治。1年前感腹部包块较前增大明显,下腹坠胀,伴尿频、尿急、排尿困难,肛门坠胀,大便难解。无腹痛、腹泻、便血,无阴道排液及不规则流血,无畏寒、发热,  相似文献   

病例 患者30岁,孕2产1,因骨盆腔肿物术后复发于1986-05-07入院。1985年3月曾在他院将一约12cm×10cm×7cm突入阴道的盆腔左侧壁肿物切除。当时手术困难,出血多,于尿道旁及耻骨下遗留一部分肿物(约4cm×3cm×0.3cm)未被切除。病检为纤维瘤。5月后肿瘤又长大,1986  相似文献   

右房房壁瘤(right atrial aneurysm,RAA)是一种罕见的先天性心脏病,由于心房局部心肌发育不良使心房壁局限性向外膨出所致.我院经各种影像学检查诊断巨大RAA 1例并经手术证实,现报道如下.  相似文献   

1 临床资料患者,男,39岁,因右眼泪溢3个月余于2003年7月15日入院,曾于2003-04-12在外院诊断为右泪道阻塞(炎性).入院查体:右眼视力1.0/1.0,双眼活动度好,右眼轻度向前突出,右眼突度15.5 mm、左眼突度12.5 mm,眼距98 mm.右眼泪囊部明显肿胀,无压痛,肿块质中,压之如乒乓球样感,表面较光滑,约1.5 cm×1.5 cm大小.右眼结膜充血,余(-).  相似文献   

胸壁骨化性纤维瘤1例Ossifyingfibromainchestwall:acasereport¥刘根生,陈莹,宋翠萍患者,女.11岁.以左季肋部渐增性肿物1月余人院.曾在当地按软组织感染治疗无效。检查:一般情况良好,左季肋部胸壁有一直径scm肿物...  相似文献   

We present a case of a 57-year-old woman with a giant malignant phyllodes tumor (PT) in her right breast, with maximum diameter of 20 cm. The core-needle and excisional biopsy specimens were diagnosed as suspicious for low-grade myofibroblastic sarcoma (LGMS). The subsequent total mastectomy with partial resection of the pectoral muscles showed predominance of stromal hypercellularity without an epithelial component. However, we diagnosed this as a malignant PT because focal areas showed a leaf-like pattern. In the case of large malignant PTs that exhibit stromal predominance, it can be difficult to distinguish between a pure sarcoma and malignant PT. It is important to thoroughly examine multiple sections from the view point of residual epithelial structure in morphological diagnosis.  相似文献   

1 临床资料患者,女,41岁,因发现右侧颧面部较对侧明显膨隆1个月,张口时膨隆部位有隐痛入院.患者否认右侧颧面部有外伤史.体格检查:全身情况无明显异常;专科检查:颌面部不对称,右侧颧面部明显肿胀膨隆,无面神经受累表现.肿块位于耳屏前颧弓后段下缘,表面皮肤无红、肿、热、痛;大小约20 mm×10 mm,界限不清,扪诊肿块质地较硬,无波动感,触诊局部无压痛.双侧颞下颌关节无弹响,张口时右侧肿胀部位有隐痛,张口度与开口型均正常.中耳CT平扫 增强提示:右侧颧弓后方、右侧下颌关节外侧可见类圆形占位,直径约1.0 cm,增强明显.右侧颧骨后部骨质破坏、吸收,并具有点状致密影,颞肌、翼内肌未见受累.  相似文献   

<正>患者,男,57岁,因"阵发性心悸1年余加重3 d"入院。患者1年前无明显诱因出现心悸,表现突发突止,发作时伴有胸闷、乏力,持续1 h左右可自行缓解。3 d前患者过度劳累后出现心悸、胸闷,休息后不能自行缓解,遂就诊于我院急诊。患者既往无高血压、糖尿病、冠心病、肝炎病史,无家族性心脏病史。心电图:室性心动过速,行电复律后恢复窦性心律。体格检查:生命体征正常,颈静脉怒张,肝颈静脉反流(+)。双肺呼吸音  相似文献   

A case of a non-functioning ovarian fibroma with extensive calcification in a young Ugandan female is described. Ovarian fibromas occasionally may be bilateral and associated with benign ascites and pleural effusion called Meigs' syndrome or related to a rare hereditary condition known as Gorlin's syndrome. Rarely if functioning, the tumour may produce hormones to cause diabetes mellitus or hypoglycaemia or secrete carbohydrate antigen 125 to clinically simulate ovarian carcinoma.  相似文献   

Sigmoid colon diverticulosis is commonly seen in both the surgical outpatient and emergency departments. Rarely, these sigmoid diverticulum, which usually range from 2–3mm to 2cm in size, can enlarge to more than 10 times. This is due to a ball-valve type mechanism that traps colonic gas inside the sigmoid diverticulum causing it to gradually enlarge. Patients with a giant sigmoid diverticulum (GSD) must be investigated thoroughly as two per cent of patients will present with a colonic carcinoma either within or distal to the GSD. Clinical symptoms of a GSD can range from chronic abdominal pain, altered bowel habits, abdominal distention, weight loss, bleeding, perforation, fistula formation, or bowel obstruction. CT and plain abdominal x-ray is the investigation of choice for its diagnosis. Barium enema is useful to determine the presence of a carcinoma within the GSD. Sigmoidoscopy is useful to rule out a distal colonic carcinoma. This is the first published case where nocturnal diarrhoea is the primary differentiating symptom in the patient. The treatment of choice for a GSD is complete resection of the diverticulum and/or the adjacent sigmoid colon. This can be performed with a primary anastomosis or a double-stage procedure.  相似文献   

Giant pedunculated oesophageal polyps are rare intraluminal tumours which are usually benign. they include fibrovascular polyp, liposarcoma, harmatomas and lipomas. They may be asymptomatic for a long time and thus attain an enormous size. We present one of such cases of giant oesophageal polyp in a 28 year-old man with a history of difficulty in breathing and vocalisation, easy fatigability and cough. Dysphagia was late in the complaint and he also had lost 7 kg in the last six months before his presentation. A chest radiograph, barium swallow and oesophagoscopy gave the clinical diagnosis. The thoracic CT examination gave a better delineation of the site of the pedicle, the nature and extent of the tumour mass. The tumour was surgically removed and the final pathological diagnosis was afibro-lipoma of the oesophagus. The patient has since been discharged to follow-up in the Surgical out-patient.  相似文献   

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