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PURPOSE: To demonstrate that liver metastases with a diameter of < or =40 mm show characteristic features on three-dimensional (3D) fusion sonographic images and that these sonographic findings can be correlated with histopathologic features of surgical specimens. METHODS: Liver metastases measuring < or =40 mm were examined via contrast-enhanced 3D fusion sonography. The characteristic sonographic findings of 17 tumor nodules in 11 patients with a histopathologically confirmed diagnosis of liver metastases were investigated, and their correspondence to the pathologic features were examined in 12 resected nodules. RESULTS: On sonograms, central vessels were visualized in all 17 tumor nodules and peripheral vessels were visualized in 12 nodules. On histopathologic examination, the portal triad vessels corresponded to the central vessels and were located at the center of the tumors. A thin layer of peritumoral hepatocytes showing various changes was also observed, and a group of tiny vessels were seen running along this layer of cells. CONCLUSIONS: Liver metastases measuring 40 mm or less in diameter were characterized by the presence of both central and peripheral vessels on contrast-enhanced 3D fusion sonography. There was good correlation between sonographic and histopathologic findings.  相似文献   

Contrast-enhanced sonography of small pancreatic mass lesions.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the usefulness of contrast-enhanced wideband harmonic gray scale sonography in assessing the vascularity of small pancreatic mass lesions. METHODS: Twenty-five patients with 25 pancreatic mass lesions (20 pancreatic carcinomas, 1 islet cell tumor, 1 malignant lymphoma, and 3 focal inflammatory pancreatic masses due to chronic pancreatitis) were examined. All patients held their breath for 20 to 50 seconds after injection of a contrast agent while the vascularity of the tumor was observed on contrast-enhanced wideband harmonic gray scale sonography (early phase). We then monitored the tumor enhancement 60 to 120 seconds after the injection while the patients held their breath for a few seconds (delayed phase). RESULTS: All 20 (100%) of the pancreatic carcinomas showed no contrast enhancement in the early phase. Fifteen (75%) of the 20 pancreatic carcinomas also showed no contrast enhancement in the delayed phase. The remaining 5 (25%) pancreatic carcinomas showed mild enhancement in the peripheral regions of the tumor in the delayed phase. The other pancreatic masses showed mild or pronounced enhancement throughout the entire lesions in both the early and delayed phases. CONCLUSIONS: Contrast-enhanced wideband harmonic gray scale sonography is a useful tool for differentiating pancreatic carcinomas from focal inflammatory pancreatic masses or hypervascular pancreatic tumors.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of our study was to evaluate the use of the galactose microbubble-based contrast agent Levovist in color Doppler sonography of uveal melanomas. We also evaluated the use of the resistance index and pulsatility index in differentiating tumor-associated vessels from normal vessels in patients with uveal melanomas. METHODS: In this prospective study, 40 patients with uveal melanoma were examined with color Doppler sonography before and after the administration of the contrast agent Levovist. The Doppler signals were recorded from both the tumor and the orbit and were evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively. RESULTS: Tumor-associated vessels were detected without contrast enhancement in 36 of 40 patients and with contrast enhancement in 38 of 40 patients. The spectral characteristics of the Doppler signals did not change after the injection of Levovist. There were no differences-qualitative or quantitative-in Doppler signals between normal and tumor-associated vessels. CONCLUSIONS: The injection of Levovist slightly improved the detection of small vessels in uveal melanomas and the orbit but did not help to differentiate between normal vessels and tumoral vessels. The differentiation of a solid tumor from subretinal hemorrhage or effusion was improved.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to report our initial experience in the assessment of liver trauma with real-time contrast-enhanced sonography (CES). METHODS: From January 2000 to December 2003, there were 431 hemodynamically stable patients evaluated with sonography for blunt abdominal trauma. Among these patients, 87 were selected to undergo second-level imaging, consisting of CES and computed tomographic (CT) evaluation. Indications for further assessment were baseline sonographic findings positive for liver injury, baseline sonographic findings positive for injury to other abdominal parenchyma, baseline sonographic findings positive for free fluid only, baseline sonographic findings indeterminate, and baseline sonographic findings negative with persistent clinical or laboratory suspicion. RESULTS: There were 23 hepatic lesions shown by CT in 21 patients. Peritoneal or retroperitoneal fluid was identified in 19 of 21 positive cases by all 3 imaging modalities. Liver injury was found in 15 patients on sonography and in 19 on CES. Contrast-enhanced sonography compared better than unenhanced sonography with the criterion standard for related injury conspicuity, injury size, completeness of injury extension, and involvement of the liver capsule. Both CES and CT showed intrahepatic contrast material pooling in 2 cases. All patients with false-negative sonographic or CES findings recovered uneventfully. CONCLUSIONS: Contrast-enhanced sonography is an effective tool in the evaluation of blunt hepatic trauma, being more sensitive than baseline sonography and correlating better than baseline sonography with CT findings. In institutions where sonography is regarded as the initial procedure to screen patients with trauma, this technique may increase its effectiveness. In addition, CES may be valuable in the follow-up of patients with conservatively treated liver trauma.  相似文献   

Schizencephaly is a rare anomaly of neuronal migration characterized by the presence of brain clefts that communicate with the lateral ventricles. Type I is characterized by clefts with fused lips or margins, not communicating with the subarachnoid space. Type II is characterized by longer clefts that communicate with the subarachnoid space. Neonatal diagnosis of schizencephaly on transfontanellar two-dimensional (2D) sonography is rare, with only 1 report in the medical literature. The major limitation of 2D sonography is its inability to assess neonatal prognosis. There are no reports on MEDLINE about the use of transfontanellar three-dimensional (3D) sonography in the assessment of schizencephaly. We present a case of type II schizencephaly diagnosed on the 29th week of gestation with 2D sonography and describe the main findings with 3D sonography in surface and transparency modes performed in the neonatal period via the fontanel.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the potential of the power Doppler signal intensity rate of enhancement due to contrast agent wash-in for assessment of hepatic hemodynamics. METHODS: With the use of standardized settings, power Doppler sonography was performed before and after administration of a contrast agent. Video-recorded examinations were digitized for offline analysis on a personal computer. The temporal changes of the power Doppler signal intensity were quantified to provide contrast agent wash-in curves. The contrast-enhanced Doppler perfusion index was defined by the ratio of the wash-in gradient of the hepatic artery and portal vein as contrast-enhanced Doppler perfusion index = hepatic artery gradient/(hepatic artery gradient + portal vein gradient). The contrast-enhanced Doppler perfusion index was evaluated at 4 contrast agent doses in each of 14 patients with liver metastases and 3 patients with hemangiomas. An in vitro flow model was used to determine the relationships between the power Doppler rate of enhancement and flow in vessels of 4, 8, and 12 mm in diameter. RESULTS: In vivo, there was a significantly higher (P < .0001) mean contrast enhanced Doppler perfusion index in patients with liver metastases (mean, 0.59; 95% confidence interval, 0.54-0.63), compared with patients with hemangiomas (mean, 0.33; 95% confidence interval, 0.24-0.41). The corresponding coefficients of variations were 25% for patients with liver metastases and 31% for patients with hemangiomas. In vitro, the power Doppler rate of enhancement was proportional to flow speed and independent of vessel diameter. CONCLUSIONS: Measurement of the contrast-enhanced Doppler perfusion index may have potential in assessment of hepatic hemodynamics and focal liver disease.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the diagnostic capabilities of 2-dimensional (2D) and 3-dimensional (3D) sonography for the study of conjoined twins. METHODS: Four pregnant women with an initial 2D sonographic diagnosis of conjoined twins were examined with color Doppler sonography, 3D multiplanar sonography, and orthogonal plane imaging and 3D surface rendering. RESULTS: All 4 cases of conjoined twins were initially diagnosed with either transvaginal or transabdominal 2D sonography. 3D sonography afforded more realistic views and demonstrated more clearly the linking areas and surface anomalies, but 2D and color Doppler sonography provided more definitive and specific information about shared organs. CONCLUSIONS: Although 2D sonography is the primary modality for diagnosing and evaluating conjoined twins, color Doppler and 3D sonography can sometimes provide additional information that assists in the clinical management of these twins. 3D sonography also provides images that are easier for parents to understand, which can help them with decision making.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the potential efficacy of real-time contrast-enhanced power Doppler sonography in the differentiation of benign and malignant adnexal masses in a pilot study. METHODS: Before surgical treatment, adnexal masses were prospectively evaluated with power Doppler sonography before and after injection of a contrast agent. Real-time postinjection sequences were computerized with time-intensity analysis software to determine an enhancement curve and contrast parameters. The intraobserver and interobserver reproducibilities of these criteria were assessed on a subsample. These contrast parameters were compared between benign and malignant tumors using logistic regression. Sensitivity and specificity were used to compare contrast parameters with sonographic and Doppler variables. RESULTS: Ninety-nine women were included, for a total of 101 adnexal masses. There were 23 cases of ovarian malignancies and 78 benign adnexal lesions. Our procedure had excellent intraobserver and interobserver reproducibility, with an average intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.92. The time before enhancement and intensity ratio did not reliably differentiate between the benign and malignant masses. Washout times and areas under the curves were significantly greater in ovarian malignancies than in other benign tumors (P < .001), leading to sensitivity estimates between 96% and 100% and specificity estimates between 83 and 98%. Contrast parameters had slightly higher sensitivity and slightly lower specificity when compared with transvaginal sonographic variables of the resistive index and serum cancer antigen 125 levels. CONCLUSIONS: Contrast-enhanced power Doppler imaging may easily and precisely discriminate benign from malignant adnexal lesions. Larger studies are needed to determine the appropriate use and benefits of this new procedure.  相似文献   

To investigate the potential usefulness of contrast-enhanced intermittent harmonic sonography in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer, we evaluated 4 patients with complex adnexal masses suspected of malignancy using intermittent harmonic sonography after injection of a contrast agent. Tumor and/or mural nodule tissue enhancement was detected in all cases of ovarian malignancy. Contrast-enhanced, intermittent harmonic sonography provides a satisfactory visualization of blood flow in the solid portion of the tumor tissue and may support a diagnosis of ovarian malignancy. Depiction of blood vessels using low MI techniques may be possible with other vascular ultrasonographic contrast agents.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of contrast-enhanced power Doppler sonography in the differential diagnosis of breast lesions after a mammography-gray scale sonography combination. METHODS: Sixty-eight patients with 69 breast masses underwent power Doppler sonography before and after intravenous injection of a contrast agent. The lesions were diagnosed as "highly suggestive of malignancy" (category 5; n = 32), "suspicious" (category 4; n = 21), and "probably benign" (category 3; n = 16) by mammography and gray scale sonography, modeled on the American College of Radiology Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System classification. Power Doppler findings did not affect patient treatment. The authors subjectively evaluated the estimated area of vascularity, degree of enhancement following contrast agent administration, morphologic features, and distribution of vessels within the lesions. RESULTS: The final diagnoses were malignant in 28 lesions and benign in 41. Significant enhancement after contrast agent injection was detected in both the malignant and benign groups. Only 2 criteria, estimated area of vascularity and degree of enhancement following contrast agent administration, proved to be significant diagnostic determinants for contrast-enhanced power Doppler sonography (P < .001; interobserver agreements, 74.4 and 77.8, respectively). Contrast-enhanced power Doppler sonography provided a higher specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value than power Doppler sonography but a lower sensitivity and negative predictive value than mammography-gray scale sonography. Only in the category 4 lesions could the combination of mammography-gray scale sonography and contrast-enhanced power Doppler sonography accomplish a higher specificity (71%) and positive predictive value (70%) than mammography-gray scale sonography (39% and 53%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Power Doppler and contrast-enhanced power Doppler sonography cannot be recommended as confirmatory tests in Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System category 3 and category 5 lesions. Although contrast-enhanced power Doppler sonography may help reduce unnecessary biopsies in Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System category 4 lesions, recommendation of its use has many drawbacks, such as imperfectly established criteria, lack of absolute certainty, and high cost.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the vascularity of autoimmune pancreatitis lesions on contrast-enhanced harmonic gray scale sonographic images in comparison with the pathologic findings. METHODS: Six patients with autoimmune pancreatitis were examined. All patients held their breath from 20 to 50 seconds after the injection of a contrast agent while the vascularity of the lesion was examined by contrast-enhanced harmonic gray scale sonography (early phase), and lesion enhancement was monitored at about 90 seconds after the injection while the patients held their breath for a few seconds (delayed phase). We then compared the vascularity on the contrast-enhanced harmonic gray scale sonographic images with the pathologic findings (fibrosis and inflammation) in all lesions. The vascularity of 3 of the 6 lesions was also evaluated by contrast-enhanced harmonic gray scale sonography before and after treatment with corticosteroids. RESULTS: The autoimmune pancreatitis lesions exhibited mild (n = 1), moderate (n = 3), or marked (n = 2) enhancement throughout almost the entire lesions in both the early and delayed phases. The grade of lesion vascularity on the contrast-enhanced harmonic gray scale sonographic images correlated with the pathologic grade of inflammation and inversely correlated with the grade of fibrosis associated with autoimmune pancreatitis. The vascularity of all 3 lesions had decreased on the contrast-enhanced harmonic gray scale sonographic images after steroid therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Contrast-enhanced harmonic gray scale sonography may be useful for evaluating the vascularity of autoimmune pancreatitis lesions and the therapeutic efficacy of steroid therapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report our experience in the assessment of splenic trauma with contrast-coded sonography and a second-generation contrast medium. METHODS: From January to May 2002, 120 patients were studied with sonography for suspected splenic trauma. Twenty-five were selected for further imaging because of sonographic findings positive for splenic injury, findings positive for peritoneal fluid only, indeterminate findings, and negative findings with high clinical or laboratory suspicion. These patients underwent contrast-enhanced harmonic sonography and contrast-enhanced helical computed tomography. RESULTS: Among the 25 patients studied, 6 had no spleen trauma at initial and follow-up evaluation. One patient had a hypoperfused spleen without parenchymal damage, and 18 had splenic injuries; these 19 patients were considered positive. Hemoperitoneum was identified by sonography, contrast-enhanced sonography, and contrast-enhanced computed tomography in 74% of the 19 positive cases. Perisplenic clots were recognized in 58% of the cases by computed tomography and in 42% by baseline and enhanced sonography. Splenic infarctions were found in 11% of cases by contrast-enhanced sonography and computed tomography; none was found by unenhanced sonography. Parenchymal traumatic lesions were identified in 12 of 18 patients with splenic injuries by unenhanced sonography, in 17 cases by contrast-enhanced sonography, and in all 18 cases by contrast-enhanced computed tomography. A minimal splenic lesion was found in the single patient with a false-negative contrast-enhanced sonographic finding. Contrast-enhanced sonography correlated appreciably better than unenhanced sonography in detecting injuries and in estimating their extent. Findings undetectable on unenhanced sonography were also noted: splenic hypoperfusion in 11% of positive cases on both contrast-enhanced sonography and contrast-enhanced computed tomography, contrast medium pooling in 21% of cases on both contrast-enhanced sonography and computed tomography, and contrast extravasation in 11% of cases on computed tomography and 5% on contrast-enhanced sonography. CONCLUSIONS: Contrast-enhanced sonography is a promising tool in the assessment of splenic trauma. In institutions where sonography is used as the initial procedure, this technique may increase its effectiveness.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Because of the absence of air in atelectatic tissue, sonography allows visualization of lung atelectasis and may characterize pulmonary and bronchial arterial vascularity by contrast-enhanced sonography (CES). METHODS: Thirty consecutive patients with obstructive atelectasis (OA) (n = 17) and compression atelectasis (n = 13) were retrospectively studied by CES using a second-generation sulfur hexafluoride contrast agent (SonoVue [BR1]; Bracco SpA, Milan, Italy). The following CES parameters were evaluated: (1) time to enhancement (TE) of the contrast agent after intravenous application was determined and classified as short TE and delayed TE (short TE, < or =6 seconds; versus delayed TE, >7 seconds); and (2) extent of enhancement (EE) was evaluated during the arterial phase (2-30 seconds) and the parenchymal phase (1-5 minutes): the EE of pleural lesions was determined in comparison with splenic enhancement and classified in reduced EE versus marked EE. RESULTS: All 13 patients with compression atelectasis had a short TE and a marked EE during arterial and parenchymal phases. In the remaining 17 patients with OA, 10 patients had a short TE and 7 patients had a delayed TE. The EE during both phases was reduced in 5 patients and marked in 3. Nine of 17 patients with OA had different EE during arterial and parenchymal phases. CONCLUSIONS: Compression atelectasis is characterized by CES with a short TE and a marked EE, indicating patent pulmonary arterial vascularization. In patients with OA, a variable CES pattern is found. With regard to only the TE, a delayed TE implies OA. This indicates a shifting of pulmonary vascularization to bronchial arterial vascularization in these patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of B-flow sonography in the evaluation of hemodialysis fistulas and to compare this new technique with color and power Doppler sonography. METHODS: In this study, 32 randomly selected patients (mean age, 46 years; age range, 18-87 years) with normally functioning hemodialysis fistulas were evaluated with low- and high-pulse repetition frequency (PRF) color and power Doppler sonography (PRF values of 3 and 10 kHz) and B-flow sonography. All images were reviewed and graded independently by 2 observers for luminal filling with flow signals, visibility of the intimal layer, and overall image quality. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board, and informed consent was obtained from all patients. RESULTS: Statistical analysis with Friedman and Wilcoxon signed rank tests revealed that B-flow sonography was superior to other techniques for luminal filling and visibility of the intimal layer (P = .000). For overall image quality, B-flow sonography was also the best method according to the Friedman test (P = .000). However, the Wilcoxon test showed no significant difference between B-flow and high-PRF (10-kHz) color and power Doppler sonography (P = .131). The kappa scores reflected moderate to good interobserver agreement (kappa = 0.285-0.784). CONCLUSIONS: B-flow sonography is a relatively new and superior imaging technique that provides direct visualization of the blood echoes and the morphologic characteristics of the surrounding vessel wall simultaneously. During the evaluation of hemodialysis shunts, the major advantage of this technique is its ability to avoid artifacts such as aliasing and overwriting.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe the use of three-dimensional sonography as an adjuvant to two-dimensional sonography facilitating an earlier and more definitive diagnosis of Jeune and Jeune-like syndromes in the second trimester. We report two cases in which three-dimensional sonography facilitated the diagnosis of these malformations. A diagnosis of Jeune syndrome was made in our first case. Our second case was found to be short-rib polydactyly syndrome Type IV. Three-dimensional skeletal survey visualized short ribs, short limbs, the presence of normal scapulae, and the absence of polydactyly in both cases. Three-dimensional sonography can assist two-dimensional sonography in providing a more accurate display of skeletal anomalies, limb abnormalities, and facial features.  相似文献   

A case of umbilical cord cyst was identified via 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional sonographic examination at 8 weeks' menstrual age. The cyst was solitary, measuring 18.0 mm, and it was located close to the placental insertion on the umbilical cord. The gestational sac and yolk sac diameters and the fetal heart rate were within normal ranges for menstrual age. Follow-up 3-Dimensional sonographic examination in the second trimester showed complete resolution of the cyst. Amniocentesis revealed a normal karyotype, and a normal infant was delivered at term.  相似文献   

Fetal intra‐abdominal umbilical vein varix is a rare condition characterized by focal dilatation of the umbilical vein of the fetus. We report a case of fetal intra‐abdominal umbilical vein varix associated with additional sonographic abnormalities and detected at 31 weeks' gestation. Several follow‐up sonographic examinations were performed, and the prenatal findings were confirmed on postnatal ultrasound. The diagnosis was facilitated by the use of three‐dimensional power Doppler sonography. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Ultrasound, 2012;  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe our experience with percutaneous ethanol injection under real-time contrast-enhanced color Doppler sonography with Levovist (SH U 508A; Nihon Schering, Osaka, Japan) for hepatocellular carcinoma after transcatheter arterial infusion. METHODS: Twenty patients (17 men and 3 women; mean age, 58.4 years) with 23 hepatocellular carcinoma nodules (mean +/- SD, 2.7 +/- 1.5 cm) underwent percutaneous ethanol injection under real-time contrast-enhanced color Doppler sonography 1 week after transcatheter arterial infusion. Therapeutic effects were assessed by contrast-enhanced computed tomography and posttreatment fine-needle biopsy. This study was performed on a prospective basis. RESULTS: After the transcatheter arterial infusion, contrast-enhanced color Doppler sonography showed intense intratumoral color signals in all 23 hepatocellular carcinomas. After the percutaneous ethanol injection, contrast-enhanced color Doppler sonography, fine-needle biopsy, and contrast-enhanced computed tomography showed no color signals, no viable tumor tissues, and no enhancement in any of the 23 hepatocellular carcinomas. Three to 5 (mean, 3.3) percutaneous ethanol injection sessions with a 5.2- to 15.6-mL (mean, 12.8-mL) total volume of ethanol per tumor were required for complete disappearance of color signals on contrast-enhanced color Doppler sonography. CONCLUSIONS: Percutaneous ethanol injection under real-time contrast-enhanced color Doppler sonography has considerable efficacy in treating hepatocellular carcinoma.  相似文献   

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