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Transcriptional regulation of scar gene expression in primary astrocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gris P  Tighe A  Levin D  Sharma R  Brown A 《Glia》2007,55(11):1145-1155

J R Hughes 《Clinical EEG》1999,30(3):111-113
The EEG in this patient shows bilateral spike and wave complexes with a 3/sec component (anteriorly) simultaneously with the 6/sec form (posteriorly). The well established 3/sec form as an epileptiform pattern seen in absence seizures lends support for a significant relationship with the 6/sec form, which should not be dismissed as a "normal variant."  相似文献   

Calyx of Held giant presynaptic terminals in the auditory brainstem form glutamatergic axosomatic synapses that have advanced to one of the best‐studied synaptic connections of the mammalian brain. As the auditory system matures and adjusts to high‐fidelity synaptic transmission, the calyx undergoes extensive structural and functional changes – in mice, it is formed at about postnatal day 3 (P3), achieves immature function until hearing onset at about P10 and can be considered mature from P21 onwards. This setting provides a unique opportunity to examine the repertoire of genes driving synaptic structure and function during postnatal maturation. Here, we determined the gene expression profile of globular bushy cells (GBCs), neurons giving rise to the calyx of Held, at different maturational stages (P3, P8, P21). GBCs were retrogradely labelled by stereotaxic injection of fluorescent cholera toxin‐B, and their mRNA content was collected by laser microdissection. Microarray profiling, successfully validated with real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and nCounter approaches, revealed genes regulated during maturation. We found that mostly genes implicated in the general cell biology of the neuron were regulated, while most genes related to synaptic function were regulated around the onset of hearing. Among these, voltage‐gated ion channels and calcium‐binding proteins were strongly regulated, whereas most genes involved in the synaptic vesicle cycle were only moderately regulated. These results suggest that changes in the expression patterns of ion channels and calcium‐binding proteins are a dominant factor in defining key synaptic properties during maturation of the calyx of Held.  相似文献   

Two forms of the 6/sec spike and wave complex   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In 3 decades 1550 patients showed 6/sec spike and wave complexes; 839 were chosen for computer-analyzed electroclinical correlations. Control groups (each 500) included patients (1) randomly selected from EEG files, (2) with normal EEGs, (3) with only slow wave abnormalities, and (4) with only spike abnormalities. In the experimental group more females and Caucasians were found with peak age distribution at 11--15 years. The major symptoms were seizures (53%), neurovegetative (51%) and psychological complaints (24%), all significantly different from control groups, except for seizures in control group 4. Seizures were mainly generalized motor attacks, neurovegetative symptoms included headaches, dizziness and blackouts and psychological symptoms were mainly behavior disorders. As a presumed etiology head injury was noted in over 25% with this complex, which was maximal either on the anterior or occipital areas. Further computer analysis shows that two extreme forms can be identified: (1) the WHAM form, seen mainly in waking records, high amplitude, anterior location, more males, and (2) the FOLD form, seen mainly in females, occipital location, low amplitude, in drowsy states. The WHAM form appears primarily in patients with seizures, and the FOLD form in patients with neurovegetative and psychological complaints.  相似文献   

Induction and regulation of interleukin-6 gene expression in rat astrocytes   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Cells that produce interleukin-6 (IL-6) require the presence of signaling molecules since this cytokine is not normally constitutively expressed. It is now established that astrocytes produce IL-6; however, the precise inducing molecules and the kinetics of their action have not yet been clearly identified. In the current study, we show that either interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) or tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) exert a strong inducing signal for IL-6 in primary rat astrocytes. When the two cytokines are added together the response is synergistic, suggesting that each cytokine may induce IL-6 gene expression by different pathways. Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) does not affect IL-6 expression although if it is added in conjunction with IL-1 beta, an augmented induction of IL-6 occurs. In addition to the cytokines, bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and the calcium ionophore, A23187, induce IL-6 expression. IL-6 expression can be blocked by the glucocorticoid analogue, dexamethasone. IL-6 induction by LPS/Ca2+ ionophore is more sensitive to the suppressive effects of dexamethasone than is IL-6 induction by TNF-alpha/IL-1 beta. Cycloheximide (CHX), an inhibitor of protein synthesis, markedly increased levels of IL-6 mRNA in both unstimulated and stimulated astrocytes, indicating that ongoing protein synthesis is not required for astrocyte IL-6 gene expression. We propose that astrocyte-produced IL-6 may have a role in augmenting intracerebral immune responses in neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS), AIDS dementia complex (ADC), and viral infections. These diseases are characterized by infiltration of lymphoid and mononuclear cells into the central nervous system (CNS), and intrathecal production of immunoglobulins. IL-6 may act to promote terminal differentiation of B cells in the CNS, leading to immunoglobulin synthesis.  相似文献   

Synapses enable the transmission of information within neural circuits and allow the brain to change in response to experience. During the last decade numerous proteins that can induce synapse formation have been identified. Many of these synaptic inducers rely on trans-synaptic cell-cell interactions to generate functional contacts. Moreover, evidence now suggests that the same proteins that function early in development to regulate synapse formation may help to maintain and/or regulate the function and plasticity of mature synapses. One set of receptors and ligands that appear to impact both the development and the mature function of synapses are Eph receptors (erythropoietin-producing human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line) and their surface associated ligands, ephrins (Eph family receptor interacting proteins). Ephs can initiate new synaptic contacts, recruit and stabilize glutamate receptors at nascent synapses and regulate dendritic spine morphology. Recent evidence demonstrates that ephrin ligands also play major roles at synapses. Activation of ephrins by Eph receptors can induce synapse formation and spine morphogenesis, whereas in the mature nervous system ephrin signaling modulates synaptic function and long-term changes in synaptic strength. In this review we will summarize the recent progress in understanding the role of ephrins in presynaptic and postsynaptic differentiation, and synapse development, function and plasticity.  相似文献   

Spillover of dopamine (DA) from a release site into the extrasynaptic space is widely acknowledged. Indeed, spillover is necessary for signalling by DA because its receptors are predominantly extrasynaptic. Dopamine transporters (DATs) are often considered to participate in this process by 'gating' spillover. This article reviews the competition between DATs and diffusion in sculpting extracellular DA transients after quantal release, using a model based on data from the literature. Its conclusions challenge the view that DATs limit synaptic DA concentration and gate initial spillover from a release site; this is the work of diffusion. Rather, the greatest influence of DATs, or of their inhibition, is on the sphere of influence and lifetime of DA beyond a release site and, thus, on net extracellular concentration.  相似文献   

Membrane-associated guanylate kinases (MAGUKs) are modular adapter proteins that serve as scaffolding molecules and anchor channels and receptors via their PDZ (PSD-95, Dlg, Zo-1) domains. Calcium, calmodulin-associated serine/threonine kinase (CASK) is a MAGUK that is critical at synapses in the central nervous system and at cell-cell junctions because of its interactions with channels, receptors, and structural proteins. We show via confocal microscopy that CASK and another MAGUK, Discs Large (Dlg), are present at the mammalian neuromuscular junction in skeletal muscle. Immunoprecipitation data from mouse muscle show that CASK associates with Dlg, providing evidence of a MAGUK protein complex at this synapse. These data indicate that CASK and Dlg may act as a scaffold for organizing receptors and channels at the postsynaptic membrane of the neuromuscular junction.  相似文献   

Animal models of human disease have been extremely helpful both in advancing the understanding of brain disorders and in developing new therapeutic approaches. Models for studying headache mechanisms, particularly those directed at migraine, have been developed and exploited efficiently in the last decade, leading to better understanding of the potential mechanisms of the disorder and of the action for antimigraine treatments. Model systems employed have focused on the pain-producing cranial structures, the large vessels and dura mater, in order to provide reproducible physiological measures that could be subject to pharmacological exploration. A wide range of methods using both in vivo and in vitro approaches are now employed; these range from manipulation of the mouse genome in order to produce animals with human disease-producing mutations, through sensitive immunohistochemical methods to vascular, neurovascular and electrophysiological studies. No one model system in experimental animals can explain all the features of migraine; however, the systems available have begun to offer ways to dissect migraine's component parts to allow a better understanding of the problem and the development of new treatment strategies.  相似文献   

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