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Summary.  Neonates have an excellent hemostasis despite, in comparison to adults, markedly decreased and delayed ability to generate thrombin. Only 30–50% of peak adult thrombin activity can be produced in neonatal plasma by means of conventional in vitro assays. We show that in contrast to conventional activation, activation with small amounts of lipidated tissue factor (<10 pmol L−1) results in shorter clotting times and faster activated factor X- and thrombin generation in neonates compared with adults due to the concomitant action of low tissue factor pathway inhibitor and antithrombin. The concentrations of both inhibitors in cord plasma are approximately 50% of the respective adult values. After addition of 2.5 pmol L−1 lipidated tissue factor, cord plasma clotted ∼90 s earlier than adult plasma and the amount of free thrombin generated was ∼90% of adult value (291 ± 14 vs. 329 ± 16 nmol L−1 min−1, P  < 0.01). Our results might help to explain the clinically observed excellent hemostasis of neonates despite low levels of procoagulant factors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Precise assessment of clotting function is essential for monitoring of hemostatic treatment for hemophilias A and B. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Clot waveform analysis and thrombin generation assays were performed on factor (F) VIII- and FIX-deficient plasmas, which had been reconstituted with known amounts of recombinant FVIII (rFVIII) and affinity-purified FIX respectively. Clot waveforms were assessed qualitatively and quantitatively by measuring the parameters clotting time, maximum coagulation velocity (Min1), and maximum coagulation acceleration (Min2). The thrombin generation assay was also assessed qualitatively and measurements made of time to peak and peak height. RESULTS: Overall results obtained with both assays showed good correlation for both clotting factors confirming that the changes in clotting waveform reflected changes in thrombin generation. Both assays demonstrated a predictable dose response to the addition of FVIII or IX. However, clot waveform analysis was more sensitive than the thrombin generation assay, particularly in detecting very low levels (0-0.1 IU dL(-1)) of both factors. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that the application of clot waveform analysis to the routine management of the hemophiliacs could increase our understanding of the clinical significance of low levels of FVIII and FIX that cannot be measured by assays in current use. This may be particularly useful in the management of hemophiliacs with inhibitors or undergoing gene therapy.  相似文献   

See also Shapiro S, Laffan M. Making contact with microparticles. This issue, pp 1352–4. Summary. Background: The procoagulant properties of microparticles (MPs) are due to the of the presence of phosphatidylserine (PS) and tissue factor (TF) on their surface. The latter has been demonstrated especially on MPs derived from monocytes. Objectives: To investigate the relative contribution of TF and factor (F)XII in initiating coagulation on MPs derived from monocytes, platelets and erythrocytes. Methods: Microparticles were isolated from calcium ionophore‐stimulated platelets, erythrocytes and monocytic THP‐1 cells. MPs were quantified, characterized for cell‐specific antigens and analyzed for TF, PS exposure and their thrombin‐generating potential. Results: The MP number was not proportional to PS exposure and the majority of the MPs exposed PS. TF activity was undetectable on platelet‐ and erythrocyte‐derived MPs (< 1 fm nm ?1 PS), whereas monocyte‐derived MPs exposed TF (32 fm nm ?1 PS). Platelet‐, erythrocyte‐ and monocyte‐derived MPs, but not purified phospholipids, initiated thrombin generation in normal plasma in the absence of an external trigger (lag time < 11 min). Deficiency or inhibition of FVII had no effect on thrombin generation induced by platelet‐ and erythrocyte‐derived MPs, but interfered with monocyte MP‐triggered coagulation. Platelet‐ and erythrocyte‐derived MPs completely failed to induce thrombin generation in FXII‐deficient plasma. In contrast, monocyte‐derived MPs induced similar thrombin generation in normal vs. FXII‐deficient plasma. Conclusion: MPs from platelets and erythrocytes not only propagate coagulation by exposing PS but also initiate thrombin generation independently of TF in a FXII‐dependent manner. In contrast, monocyte‐derived MPs trigger coagulation predominantly via TF.  相似文献   

Summary. Background: The resistance of platelet‐rich thrombi to fibrinolysis is generally attributed to clot retraction and platelet PAI‐1 release. The role of TAFI in platelet‐mediated resistance to lysis is unclear. Objective: We investigated the contribution of TAFI to the antifibrinolytic effect of platelets in whole blood by thromboelastography. Methods: Platelet‐poor (PP‐WB, < 40 × 103 μL?1) and platelet‐rich (PR‐WB, > 400 × 103 μL?1) blood samples were obtained from normal human blood (N‐WB, 150–220 × 103 μL?1). Clot lysis time was measured by thromboelastography in recalcified blood supplemented with t‐PA (100 ng mL?1) and tissue factor (1:1000 Recombiplastin). Results: t‐PA‐induced lysis time increased in parallel with platelet concentration (up to 3‐fold). Neutralization of TAFI, but not of PAI‐1, shortened the lysis time by ~ 50% in PR‐WB and by < 10% in PP‐WB. Accordingly, prothrombin F1+2 and TAFIa accumulation was greater in PR‐WB than in PP‐WB. A similar TAFI‐dependent inhibition of fibrinolysis was observed when clot retraction was prevented by cytochalasin D or abciximab, or when platelet membranes were tested. Moreover, in blood with an intact contact system, platelet‐mediated fibrinolysis resistance was attenuated by an anti‐FXI but not by an anti F‐XII antibody. Finally, platelets made the clots resistant to the profibrinolytic effect of heparin concentrations displaying a strong anticoagulant activity. Conclusions: Our data indicate that TAFI activation is one major mechanism whereby platelets make clots resistant to fibrinolysis and underscore the importance of TAFI inhibitors as new antithrombotic agents.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cisplatin-based chemotherapy predisposes cancer patients to thromboembolic events. OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether endothelial damage, via formation of procoagulant endothelial microparticles (EMPs), contributes to cisplatin-related hypercoagulability. METHODS: Cell viability and caspase-3/7 activities were assessed in two endothelial cell (EC) lines [human umbilical vein ECs (HUVECs) and human pulmonary microvascular ECs (HMVEC-Ls)] after exposure to cisplatin (1, 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 microm) for up to 120 h. Counts and procoagulant activity of EMPs were measured by flow cytometry and a thrombin generation assay, respectively. Tissue factor (TF) antigen and TF-dependent procoagulant activity of EMP were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and a novel functional assay. RESULTS: By inducing apoptosis, cisplatin dose- and time-dependently decreased the viability of confluent HUVECs and HMVEC-Ls. Progression of EC death was accompanied by an increased release of EMPs (relative increase at 20 microm cisplatin for 48 h vs. control: HUVECs 6.5-fold, P < 0.001; HMVEC-Ls 18.4-fold, P < 0.001). EMPs were highly procoagulant (relative increase at 20 microm cisplatin for 48 h vs. control: HUVECs 2.5-fold, P < 0.001; HMVEC-Ls 5.9-fold, P < 0.001). EMP-driven thrombin generation, however, was not dependent on TF: TF expression and TF procoagulant activity levels on microparticles were only marginal and EMP-associated thrombin generation remained unchanged when the extrinsic pathway was blocked by omission of factor VIIa and/or incubation with an anti-human TF antibody. In contrast, blocking of phospholipids by annexin V markedly diminished EMP-associated procoagulant activity. CONCLUSIONS: In vitro, cisplatin induced the release of EMPs that showed TF-independent procoagulant activity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Measurement of thrombin generation by calibrated automated thrombography (CAT) could fulfill the requirements of a global test of coagulability and is potentially applicable to routine clinical laboratory practice. The purpose of this study was to determine if corn trypsin inhibitor (CTI) could be used to abolish contact factor activation in this assay, thus allowing accurate measurement of low tissue factor (TF) concentration-triggered thrombin generation on samples taken in a routine clinical setting. METHODS: The endogenous thrombin potential (ETP) was measured by CAT. RESULTS: The study demonstrated that addition of CTI after plasma separation is not sufficient and blood must be drawn into tubes containing CTI if in-vitro contact factor-activated thrombin generation is to be abolished. Contact factor-activated thrombin generation is completely inhibited at a CTI concentration of 18.3 microg mL(-1) whole blood. Increasing the CTI concentration above this level does not lead to suppression of the TF-triggered ETP. At a TF concentration of 2 pmol, ETPs were significantly lower in the presence of CTI (P < 0.001). The difference (no CTI minus CTI) between results ranged from - 1 to 2159 nM min(-1) (median - 754). Whilst the low concentration TF-ETP assay was not optimized to distinguish degrees of coagulability between patient samples, there was a significant difference in ETP between normal and hemophilia samples and samples from patients with a clinical prothrombotic tendency. CONCLUSIONS: CTI can be applied to ETP measurement by CAT. This permits the use of CAT in a low TF-triggered thrombin generation assay without concern for the effect of interference from in-vitro contact factor activation and the optimum reagent conditions for using CAT as a global test of coagulability in clinical practice can now be defined.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bleeding in hemophilic neonates has a low incidence. A possible explanation for this could be the peculiarities of the neonatal hemostatic system, especially low levels of the inhibitors tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) and antithrombin (AT). OBJECTIVE: We investigated the influence of an elevation of these inhibitors to adult levels on the thrombin generation (TG) in normal neonatal plasma and factor (F) VIII-depleted neonatal plasma by means of incubation with anti-FVIII-antibodies. PATIENTS/METHODS: TG was measured after activation with low amounts of tissue factor (TF) by using Calibrated Automated Thrombography. RESULTS: TG in FVIII-depleted neonatal plasma was nearly as high as in normal neonatal plasma. TG decreased after elevation of AT in both neonatal plasmas. After elevation of TFPI TG decreased much more in FVIII-depleted neonatal plasma than in normal neonatal plasma. After elevation of both inhibitors their synergistic effect led to a stronger decrease of TG in FVIII-depleted neonatal plasma. TG measured in plasma of one hemophilic newborn showed the same pattern as in FVIII-depleted neonatal plasma. CONCLUSION: Our observation provides a biochemical basis for the rare bleeding in hemophilic neonates and shows the important role of the natural inhibitors in the hemostatic system of hemophilic patients.  相似文献   

Summary. It has been well documented that there is an uncertainty over the true factor (F)VIII level in postinfusion samples due to assay discrepancies. The thrombin generation test (TGT) was used as a potentially more physiological approach to assess and compare FVIII concentrates. FVIII concentrates were added to artificial FVIII‐deficient plasma. Thrombin generation was initiated by the addition of FIXa (14 nm ), phospholipid and CaCl2. Thrombin was measured by subsampling into fibrinogen, and curves quantified as area under the curve (AUC) and time taken to half‐maximum (t½max). Addition of one plasma‐derived concentrate to as little as 0.005 IU mL?1 gave a normal AUC, but prolonged t½max. Increasing FVIII to 1 IU mL?1 had little effect on AUC, but did reduce the t½max to 64 s (normal 114 s). A range of plasma‐derived and recombinant concentrates were tested at 1 IU mL?1; results were similar, except the B‐domain deleted concentrate, which had the most rapid initial rate of thrombin generation (t½max 48 s, P < 0.05). Two hemophilic plasmas (< 0.01 IU mL?1) produced large amounts of thrombin (AUC 65% and 69%), although t½max was prolonged. Addition of a FVIII antibody abolished thrombin generation, indicating that these plasmas contained low levels of FVIII. Decreasing the FIXa concentration (0.2 nm ) minimized thrombin generation in hemophilic plasma but not in normal plasma. These results indicate that FVIII < 0.01 IU mL?1 can generate significant quantities of thrombin depending upon the amount of FIXa present. The TGT could prove useful for patient monitoring in gene therapy and prophylaxis.  相似文献   

Summary.  Factor XI (FXI) has structural and mechanistic features that distinguish it from other coagulation proteases. A relatively recent addition to vertebrate plasma coagulation, FXI is a homodimer, with each subunit containing four apple domains and a protease domain. The apple domains form a disk structure with binding sites for platelets, high molecular weight kininogen, and the substrate factor IX (FIX). FXI is converted to the active protease FXIa by cleavage of the Arg369−Ile370 bond on each subunit. This converts the catalytic domains to the active forms, and unmasks exosites on the apple domains required for FIX binding. FXI activation by factor XIIa or thrombin proceeds through an intermediate with only one activated submit (1/2-FXIa). 1/2-FXIa activates FIX in a similar manner to FXIa. While the importance of the homodimeric structure of FXI is not certain, it may represent a strategy for binding to FIX and a platelet surface simultaneously.  相似文献   

目的:研究抗凝血因子和促凝血因子对凝血酶原时间(PT )、活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT )和凝血酶生成试验(TGA)结果的影响,探讨TGA用于评估肝硬化患者血栓形成风险的价值。方法收集93名肝硬化患者和50名健康人群的血液标本,分别进行凝血象、凝血活酶、抗凝因子和抗凝血酶的测定。TGA利用荧光读数仪测定,通过软件监测绘制样本的凝血酶生成曲线。结果 PT受凝血因子(F)Ⅱ、FⅤ、FⅦ、FⅨ和蛋白C浓度的影响,而 APTT 结果主要由 FⅡ、FⅨ和 FⅩ决定。在5 pmol/L组织因子(TF)的TGA反应体系中,凝血酶生成潜力(ETP)比值受FⅡ、抗凝血酶和蛋白C水平的影响,并且肝硬化组与对照组之间没有明显差异;而在1 pmol/L T F反应体系中ET P比值主要由FⅨ和蛋白C决定,肝硬化组与对照组的ET P比值差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 PT和 TGA 受凝血和抗凝因子的调控,并且 TGA实验对于蛋白C浓度变化较为敏感;TGA能够在PT延长的情况下,提示肝硬化患者存在血栓形成的风险,TGA可作为临床评估肝硬化患者血液高凝状态的敏感指标。  相似文献   

Factor XI (FXI) and factor IX (FIX) are zymogens of plasma serine proteases required for normal hemostasis. The purpose of this work was to evaluate FXI and FIX as potential therapeutic targets by means of a refined ferric chloride (FeCl(3))-induced arterial injury model in factor-deficient mice. Various concentrations of FeCl(3) were used to establish the arterial thrombosis model in C57BL/6 mice. Carotid artery blood flow was completely blocked within 10 min in C57BL/6 mice by application of 3.5% FeCl(3). In contrast, FXI- and FIX-deficient mice were fully protected from occlusion induced by 5% FeCl(3), and were partially protected against the effect of 7.5% FeCl(3). The protective effect was comparable to very high doses of heparin (1000 units kg(-1)) and substantially more effective than aspirin. While FXI and FIX deficiencies were indistinguishable in the carotid artery injury model, there was a marked difference in a tail-bleeding-time assay. FXI-deficient and wild-type mice have similar bleeding times, while FIX deficiency was associated with severely prolonged bleeding times (>5.8-fold increase, P < 0.01). Given the relatively mild bleeding diathesis associated with FXI deficiency, therapeutic inhibition of FXI may be a reasonable strategy for treating or preventing thrombus formation.  相似文献   

Summary.  We investigated whole blood coagulation by thrombelastography (TEG) employing activation with minute amounts of tissue factor (TF). Continuous raw data captured were transformed into novel parameters, such as the maximum velocity (MaxVel) and the time to maximum velocity (t,MaxVel) of whole blood clot formation. The courses of the whole blood clot development were very similar to thrombin generation curves reported in plasma. In this assay healthy women ( n  = 30) showed an earlier onset and an increased coagulation velocity compared to healthy men ( n  = 30). In patients with severe hemophilia, and persons undergoing thromboprophylaxis, distinctly abnormal coagulation profiles were observed with a decrease in the MaxVel, as well as a prolonged t,MaxVel. Changes appeared to be dependent on the nature and severity of the hemostatic deficit. Preliminary studies in patients substituted with recombinant factor VIIa demonstrated a marked change in the coagulation profile, in which the MaxVel and t,MaxVel shifted towards normal in a dose-dependent way. Data suggest that the whole blood coagulation TEG profile, following activation with minute amounts of TF, may reflect the hemostatic potential in patients suspected of impaired hemostasis.  相似文献   

Summary.  Prothrombin activation requires the direct interplay of activated platelets and plasma clotting factors. Once formed, thrombin causes profound, irreversible activation of platelets and reinforces the platelet plug via fibrin formation. Delayed or deficient thrombin production increases bleeding risk. Commonly employed coagulation assays, the prothrombin and partial thromboplastin times, use clot formation as a surrogate marker of thrombin generation. These assays routinely utilize platelet-poor plasma and completely miss the effects of platelets. Other markers of thrombin generation, prothrombin fragment 1 + 2 (F1 + 2) and thrombin–antithrombin complex, are typically measured after the fact. We report a simple assay, which employs the onset of platelet contractile force (PCF) as a surrogate marker of thrombin generation. PCF generation occurs concomitant with the burst of F1 + 2 release. The time between assay start and PCF onset is termed the thrombin generation time (TGT). TGT is prolonged in clotting factor deficiencies and in the presence of direct and indirect thrombin inhibitors. TGT shortens to normal with clotting factor replacement and shortens with administration of recombinant factor VIIa. TGT is short in thrombophilic states such as coronary artery disease, diabetes and thromboangiitis obliterans and prolongs toward normal with oral and intravenous anticoagulants.  相似文献   

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