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目的分析2001-2010年我国伤害预防研究文献的特点及规律。方法以万方数据资源系统等6个检索平台为数据源,检索2001-2010年公开发表的有关我国人群的伤害预防文献作为研究对象。采用文献计量学方法分析伤害预防研究文献的基本特征。结果 2001-2010年我国伤害预防研究文献共有2101篇,基金论文比为19.4%。刊载20篇及以上文献的期刊有22种,刊文总数占期刊论文的53.7%。核心第一作者114个,共发表论文370篇,占全部论文数的17.6%。发文机构中,公共卫生机构占45.0%;发文地区中,广东省、浙江省、上海市、北京市、山东省、江苏省、安徽省、湖北省发文量均超过100篇,发文总量占全国总量的65.1%。研究设计中,描述性研究占92.1%,病例对照研究、队列研究、随机对照试验研究和类实验研究所占比重较少。伤害类型中,多种伤害占71.6%。结论我国伤害预防研究文献整体呈线性增长趋势,发文机构以公共卫生机构为主,发文地区以东部经济发达地区和中部科研实力较强的地区为主,研究设计以描述性研究为主,伤害类型以多种伤害为主,研究人群以儿童青少年、全人群为主。  相似文献   

Clinical guidelines are proliferating. Here, a theoretical and practical perspective is presented on how to evaluate the effectiveness of guidelines and lessons learned from impact studies conducted. A nosology of guidelines is presented, along with the rationale for evaluating key dimensions, including degree of implementation, impact on process, outcomes, and cost of care, as well as provider and patient satisfaction. Key methodologic problems in evaluation and some possible ways to address them are addressed. Rapid and practical evaluation of clinical guidelines is a critical step that can both confirm their usefulness and direct their revision and improvement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which health education has become a distinctly separate field of inquiry as evidenced by the patterns of information transfer in the health education research literature. Bibliometric analysis is used to determine: (1) if health education has an identifiable core of journals, (2) the extent to which health education research is derivative of research from other disciplines and (3) the extent to which research from other disciplines draws upon research published in health education journals. The results suggest that there is an identifiable core of journals that serve to characterize health education as a distinct field of inquiry. However, health education research is found to be more derivative of research from other fields than are the other comparative fields in the sample. Moreover, researchers in other disciplines use health education research less than half as often as health education uses its own research. Differences in citing patterns in journals dedicated to health education and by researchers publishing on health education topics in research journals of other areas seem to indicate that health education research is not one unified undertaking.  相似文献   

目的:本研究旨在厘清大量抗生素耐药性(Antimicrobial Resistance,AMR)领域内以人类为主题的研究所揭示的研究经验和未来趋势,并分析主要科研合作关系,为中国未来开展抗生素耐药性领域的研究提供参考。方法:以Web of Science 为检索数据库,检索获取1990—2021年的研究文献,根据全球相关重要政策和行动计划,划分三个时间阶段,使用Citespace、Hiscites 和 VOSviewers软件进行文献计量分析。结果:1990年至今,AMR领域内以人类为主题的研究同全球AMR治理行动的发展方向基本一致。研究形式上,表现为多学科交叉程度不断增加。研究内容上,表现为流行病学的相关研究的重要性持续上升、基因层面研究纵深发展的特点。同时,国家间的研究合作网络逐渐扩大。近10年来我国的发文量快速增长,但对外合作程度仍然相对较低。该领域的研究发展趋势方面,可能会继续维持强化多学科、多部门和多国合作的发展方向,重点关注高质量流行病学数据收集与分析的研究。结论:未来应继续重视“One Health”理念在AMR领域的治理和研究中的重要性,加强我国国内研究和治理能力的同时,与各国开展更有针对性地合作,提升我国在全球AMR治理行动中的参与。  相似文献   

目的梳理国际健康素养领域的研究热点,预测研究前沿。方法选取Web of Science数据库中的SCI-E和SSCI为数据源,将共词分析和主题战略坐标相结合进行分析。结果基于高频关键词的10个热点之间存在着密切联系。结论健康素养领域研究热点理论上有精神健康素养、功能性健康素养和健康信息素养等研究。具体应用中主要是健康素养干预措施和效果评价研究,特别是针对慢性病、传染病、精神病和肿瘤等患者以及女性、老年人等具体人群的研究。  相似文献   

目的了解武警心理研究现状。方法结合文献计量法,对与武警心理研究相关的255篇文献进行检测。结果该领域研究起步较晚,发展较快。从2006年起,该领域研究逐渐兴起,之前仅1998年有一定篇数,2006年为10.2%,近几年是关注热点。通过对255篇文献资料的统计,共有972个关键词,心身健康、武警的关键词频次最高,分别占10%和5%。该领域共有作者225人,核心作者共12人,发文大多为3篇左右;是该研究领域中使用较多的研究方法,新兴方法如“流行病学方法”“计算机模拟技术”也有涉及,但问卷调查使用频率占绝对优势,(在贴近时代发展同时,也反映出了该领域研究的短板,主要是武警部队中。结论该领域研究起步较晚,发展较快,但心理学研究人才的缺乏、研究方式“死搬硬套”国内外军事心理学和研究成果不能贴近当前部队生活实际,甚至曲解事实。武警部队需加大对心理学人才的培养。  相似文献   

A legislatively mandated copayment system for California state-funded family planning services was evaluated after the first six months of experience. Most clients reportedly could make their payments, but three times as many providers suggested lowering the fees as suggested raising them, and one-third reported a decrease in client donations. While the majority of providers did not report a decrease in clients, 22 per cent did so. For these drop-outs, it is estimated that the State would pay approximately $3 million in costs associated with unintended pregnancies, or one and a half times the amount cut from the Family Planning budget.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe aims of this study were to analyze the characteristics of the 100 top-cited articles on scrub typhus (ST), and to assess the present research landscape and future research directions using bibliometric analysis.MethodsWeb of Science was used to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the 100 top-cited articles on ST. The articles were analyzed by publication year, number of citations, document type, journals, keywords, institutions, country of origin, and authorship.ResultsThe top 100 articles on ST were published between 1945 to 2017. The number of citations ranges from 39 to 227 and the interquartile range was 35.5. The United States published the highest number (n=21) of articles. Mahidol University was the most prolific institution in terms of articles (n=14). The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene was the journal with the most articles (n=14), and Paris DH was the most productive author in terms of the Hirsh-index, which was 10 for that author. The study revealed a significant correlation between the total number of citations and the number of authors (r=0.668, p<0.001), number of institutions (r=0.692, p<0.001), number of years since publication (r=0.869, p<0.001), and number of countries involved (r=0.963, p<0.001).ConclusionThe findings of this study provide landmarks in the publication and citation frequency of the most influential articles on ST. In addition, this study provides useful information for readers and health policy-makers in evaluating the literature on ST.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The United States allocates more than $900 million annually for the prevention of HIV infection. We assessed the impact of this funding on HIV testing and knowledge. METHODS: We linked data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System with tracking of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) HIV prevention funding. We developed and validated regression models of the relation between HIV prevention funding to a respondent's state and the odds that the respondent (1) had been tested for HIV, and (2) was aware of methods to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission (MTCT). RESULTS: The odds of having been tested for HIV increased with increased CDC funding to states (P=.009), as did awareness of prevention of MTCT (P=.002). We estimate that CDC HIV prevention funds led to 12.8 million more people being tested for HIV between 1998 and 2003 than would have been tested had all states received funds equal to the lowest quintile of funding. CONCLUSIONS: Federal HIV prevention funds independently correlate with increased HIV testing and knowledge of prevention of MTCT. Proposed reductions in HIV prevention spending would likely have adverse public health consequences.  相似文献   



Human trafficking is a crime against humanity. It is also a serious threat to global health and security. Globalization has made human trafficking an easier task for the criminal organizations. No data are available on the volume, research trends, and key players in this field. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the research activity and research trends on human trafficking.


A bibliometric method was adopted. Literature published in academic journals indexed in Scopus database was retrieved. The study period was set from 2000 to 2017.


Two thousand forty-four documents were retrieved. The average number of authors per document was 1.9. Over one third (n?=?771; 37.7%) of the retrieved documents were about sex trafficking, 616 (30.1%) were about labor trafficking/forced labor, 199 (9.7%) were about child trafficking, and 138 (6.8%) were about organ trafficking. One third (n?=?707; 34.6%) of the documents were in health-related fields while 1526 (74.7%) were in social sciences and humanities. The USA ranked first (n?=?735; 36.0%) regarding the number of published documents. Geographic distribution of the retrieved document showed that world regions with a high prevalence of human trafficking had the least research contribution. International research collaboration has a limited contribution to the retrieved literature. The Harvard University (USA) was the most active institution (n?=?39; 1.9%). International Migration (n?=?35; 1.7%) was the most active journal in publishing documents on HT. Documents published in Transplantation journal received the highest number of citations per document (25.5) and two of the most cited documents were about organ trafficking.


There was an under-representation of health-related literature on human trafficking. Literature on sex trafficking dominated the field of human trafficking. Research networks and research collaboration between the source and destination countries is important. Future research plans need to focus on health issues and on exploited/trafficked laborers.

ABSTRACT: For over 15?years the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) has been a leading donor for harm reduction projects in Southeast Asia. The recent AusAID-supported harm reduction projects of greatest significance have included the Asia Regional HIV/AIDS Project (AHRP), from 2002 until 2007,1 and the HIV/AIDS Asia Regional Program (HAARP), from 2007 until 2015.2 Both projects included in their design specific strategies for engaging with law enforcement agencies at country level. The main focus of these strategies has been to develop law enforcement harm reduction policy and curriculum, and the design and implementation of specific harm reduction training for law enforcement officers.In July 2008, the Australian Development Research Awards (ADRA) funded the Nossal Institute for Global Health at the University of Melbourne to establish a research project created to assess the influence of harm reduction programs on the policy and operational practices of law enforcement agencies in Southeast Asia, known as the LEHRN Project (Law Enforcement, Harm Reduction, Nossal Institute Project). The ADRA is a unique grant research mechanism that specifically funds development research to improve the understanding and informed decision making of the implementation of Australian aid effectiveness.While the need to engage law enforcement when establishing harm reduction programs was well documented, little was known about the impact or influence of harm reduction programs on policy and practices of law enforcement agencies. The LEHRN Project provided the opportunity to assess the impact of harm reduction programs on law enforcement in Southeast Asia, with a focus on Vietnam, Cambodia and Lao PDR.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe use of Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) in health care has become common. However, the literature lacks systematic review trend analysis on the application of MCDA in health care.AimTo systematically identify applications of MCDA to the areas of health care, and to report on publication trends.MethodsEnglish language studies published from January 1, 1980 until October 1, 2013 were included. Electronic databases searches were supplemented by searching conference proceedings and relevant journals. Studies considered for inclusion were those using MCDA techniques within the areas of health care, and involving the participation of decision makers. A bibliometric analysis was undertaken to present the publication trends.ResultsA total of 66 citations met the inclusion criteria. An increase in publication trend occurred in the years 1990, 1997, 1999, 2005, 2008, and 2012. For the remaining years, the publication trend was either steady or declining. The trend shows that the number of publications reached its highest peak in 2012 (n = 9). Medical Decision Making was the dominant with the highest number published papers (n = 7). The majority of the studies were conducted in the US (n = 29). Medical Decision Making journal published the highest number of articles (n = 7). Analytic Hierarchy Process (n = 33) was the most used MCDA technique. Cancer was the most researched disease topic (n = 12). The most covered area of application was diagnosis and treatment (n = 26).ConclusionThe review shows that MCDA has been applied to a broad range of areas in the health care, with the use of a variety of methodological approaches. Further research is needed to develop practice guidelines for the appropriate application and reporting of MCDA methods.  相似文献   



Paraquat is considered to be the main pesticide involved in accidental and intentional poisoning, and is responsible for a high rate of morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study is to present a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of paraquat intoxication‐related research.


Data was retrieved in March 2017 from the Scopus database. An overview of the research on paraquat intoxication was presented alongside the information related to several bibliometric indicators, such as research trends, countries with their h‐index, collaboration, hot issues, top‐cited publications, journals, and institutions.


There were 1971 publications related to paraquat intoxication in the Scopus database that were published between 1966 and 2015. There was increasing research output in the field of paraquat intoxication during the period 2006‐2015. The USA published the highest number of publications (n = 338), followed by Japan with 228 publications, and China with 159 publications. The USA and the UK achieved the greatest h‐index values (h‐index values of 49 and 31, respectively). The USA also achieved the highest number of publications involving international collaboration, with 55 publications, followed by the UK, with 18 publications. The most prevalent topics in this field were “acute paraquat intoxication,” “toxic effects of paraquat to the lung,” and “mechanism of paraquat toxicity.”


Although a substantial amount of research has been produced on paraquat intoxication for most developed countries, there are research gaps regarding the international research agenda in this research area. The findings could be applied for prioritizing and organizing future research efforts related to paraquat toxicity.

Objective: To determine the growth patterns and citation volume of research publications referring to Indigenous health in Australia from 1972 to 2008 compared to seven selected health fields. Methods: Web of Science was used to identify all publications (n=820) referring to the health of Indigenous Australians authored by Australian researchers, 1972 to 2008. Citations for each publication were also captured. Growth was compared with selected health fields as well as with overall Australian research publications. Results: Research publications referring to Indigenous health, while remaining relatively small in number, grew at an average annual rate of 14.1%, compared with 8.2% across all fields of Australian research. The growth rate shown was equal second highest in our seven categories of health and medical research. However, Indigenous publications were cited significantly less than the Australian average. Conclusions: While there has been positive growth in publications referring to Indigenous health, the attention paid to this research through citations remains disappointingly low. Implications: Given that research concentration and impact can be an index of how seriously a nation considers a health problem, the low visibility of Australian research examining Indigenous health does not demonstrate a level of concern commensurate with the gravity of Indigenous health problems. Further investigation for the reasons for lower citations may identify potential intervention strategies.  相似文献   

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