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Continuous quality improvement is an accepted mandate in healthcare services. The delivery of the best, evidence based quality of care ultimately depends on the competences of practitioners as well as the system that supports their work. Medical education has been increasingly called upon to insure providers possess the skills and understanding necessary to fulfill the quality mission. Patient safety has in the past five years rapidly risen to the top of the healthcare policy agenda, and been incorporated into quality initiatives. Demand for curricula in patient safety and transfer of safety lessons learned in other risky industries have created new responsibilities for medical educators. Simulation based medical education will help fill these needs. Simulation offers ethical benefits, increased precision and relevance of training and competency assessment, and new methods of teaching error management and safety culture.Established and successful simulation methods such as standardized patients and task trainers are being joined by newer approaches enabled by improved technology.  相似文献   

Public hospitals serve as primary training sites for medical students. Public patients may therefore bear a disproportionate burden of medical student education. The purpose of this study was to critically examine the ethics of medical education in the public setting. Attitudes of first- and fourth-year students towards the role of public patients in medical education were elicited in focus groups. Inductive qualitative analysis was utilized to organize data into conceptual groups, which were then analyzed within an ethical framework. All patients have an equal obligation to participate in medical education. Students identified modifying factors that could affect a patient's obligation to educate future physicians. Available data highlight a concern that public teaching hospitals may provide a lower quality of care. If true, then the public teaching setting is creating an unfair burden upon that patient population who would then have a weakened obligation to participate in medical education.  相似文献   

Medical education has evolved to become a discipline in its own right. With demands on medical faculties to be socially responsible and accountable, there is now increasing pressure for the professionalisation of teaching practice. Developing a cadre of professional and competent teachers, educators, researchers and leaders for their new roles and responsibilities in medical education requires faculty development. Faculty development is, however, not an easy task. It requires supportive institutional leadership, appropriate resource allocation and recognition for teaching excellence. This guide is designed to assist those charged with preparing faculty for their many new roles in teaching and education in both medical and allied health science education. It provides a historical perspective of faculty development and draws on the medical, health science and higher education literature to provide a number of frameworks that may be useful for designing tailored faculty development programmes. These frameworks can be used by faculty developers to systematically plan, implement and evaluate their staff development programmes. This guide concludes with some of the major trends and driving forces in medical education that we believe will shape future faculty development.  相似文献   

The ability to communicate well with patients and other members of the healthcare team is a vital skill for physicians to have, but one that is often not emphasized in medical education. Learners of all levels can obtain and develop good communication skills regardless of their natural ability in this area, and the clinical setting represents an underutilized resource to accomplish this task. With this in mind, we have reviewed the growing body of literature on the subject and organized our findings into twelve tips to help educators capitalize on these missed opportunities. While our emphasis is helping learners with difficult discussions, these tips can be easily adapted to any other clinical encounter requiring clear communication. Teaching effective communication skills in the clinical setting requires some extra time, but the steps outlined should not take more than a few minutes to complete. Taking the time to develop these skills in our learners will make a significant difference not only their lives but also their patients and their families.  相似文献   

Several challenging ethical issues have been associated with the shift to managed healthcare in the United States. Our objective was to develop, implement, and evaluate a curriculum designed to help physicians identify and examine ethical issues encountered in the managed care setting. The curriculum was developed during a year-long workshop at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. The content of the curriculum was established through literature review, focus group discussions with physicians, and a needs assessment of targeted learners (primary care physicians practicing in managed care settings). Some of the key issues addressed in the curriculum include: changing professional responsibilities of physicians; fair use of resources; and threats to the doctor-patient relationship as a consequence of the new healthcare delivery system. The 7.5-h curriculum was taught over five sessions using varied teaching methods. Evaluations demonstrated that the curriculum was successful in increasing learner awareness of ethical issues confronted in the managed care environment and improved learner knowledge in these areas. The physician-learners reported that this educational experience would change their teaching of medical students and residents. After completing the curriculum, learners felt that they were at least somewhat better able to cope with ethical challenges encountered in the managed care setting. Future research might examine whether such a curriculum could positively affect physician behavior or enhance physician satisfaction with the managed care setting.  相似文献   

Migration of physicians has produced serious shortages in many developing countries. The Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) is attempting to show this international brain drain through creation of faculty development programs for medical school faculty from developing countries in order to strengthen medical education and help build a sustainable discipline of medical education. The goals of these programs are to allow Fellows to acquire basic skills in medical education, skills in leadership and management, and build a strong community of practice. Acquisition of these skills will improve medical education in their home country, stimulate growth of the field of medical education, and improve opportunities for professional advancement. Three programs currently exist: the FAIMER Institute, a two year fellowship with residential and distance learning components; International Fellowships in Medical Education, which funds selected Institute alumni to obtain masters degrees in medical education; and FAIMER regional institutes, which use the principles and structure embedded in the FAIMER Institute to build faculty development programs overseas. Evaluation of FAIMER programs indicates approximately one-third of Fellows have been promoted, and that a community of medical educators is being created in many developing countries which may promote retention of these physicians.  相似文献   

Academic physicians must master the elements of curriculum development and evaluation specific to defined competencies in postgraduate medical education. Six fellows in primary care medicine, working as a peer group with a faculty mentor, designed and evaluated a distance-learning project that included resident physicians. Professionalism, interpersonal skills and systems-based medical practice skills were measured with original instruments designed by the peer group. By the process of evaluation and revision in a peer-group setting and with mentorship from program faculty, experiential learning enhanced the training of future academic physicians. This paper describes the background, process and statistical results of their work.  相似文献   

There is more to modern health than new scientific discoveries, the development of new technologies, or emerging or re-emerging diseases. World events and experiences, such as the AIDS epidemic and the humanitarian emergencies in Bosnia and Rwanda, have made this evident by creating new relationships among medicine, public health, ethics, and human rights. Each domain has seeped into the other, making allies of public health and human rights, pressing the need for an ethics of public health, and revealing the rights-related responsibilities of physicians and other health care workers.  相似文献   

The medical community is coming under increased scrutiny. Challenges to the integrity of the healthcare system have been raised due to reports about the prevalence of medical errors. A heightened level of vigilance is required. Equally important is the need to isolate and correct the source of any problem, perceived or real. We are faced with challenging questions. Is the selection of students and residents appropriate? Are their education and evaluation valid? These questions must be answered at least in part by understanding the climate in which the services to the patients are rendered. Otherwise deficiencies noted in practice may be inappropriately attributed to the educational process. This article addresses the importance, implications and impact of the link between medical education and health services research. The goal of medical education is to prepare physicians to meet the challenges of practice by fulfilling their roles of clinician, educator and resource manager. Health services research can be linked to any of these physician roles. An understanding of health services is necessary to assess how well this goal is being met in the context of the changing healthcare system. A partnership between medical education and health services research is essential for academic health centers and health services institutions in assessing issues of health manpower and for the public good. Academic health centers have an important role in this partnership providing an infrastructure and expertise for both education and health services research.  相似文献   

Medical educators must prepare for a number of challenges when they decide to implement a competency-based curriculum. Many of these challenges will pertain to three key aspects of implementation: organizing the structural changes that will be necessary to deliver new curricula and methods of assessment; modifying the processes of teaching and evaluation; and helping to change the culture of education so that the CBME paradigm gains acceptance. This paper focuses on nine key considerations that will support positive change in first two of these areas. Key considerations include: ensuring that educational continuity exists amongst all levels of medical education, altering how time is used in medical education, involving CBME in human health resources planning, ensuring that competent doctors work in competent health care systems, ensuring that information technology supports CBME, ensuring that faculty development is supported, ensuring that the rights and responsibilities of the learner are appropriately balanced in the workplace, preparing for the costs of change, and having appropriate leadership in order to achieve success in implementation.  相似文献   

I argue that because bluffing, puffing, and spinning are features of corporate life, they are likely to characterize the doctor-patient relationship in managed care medicine. I show that managed-care organizations (MCOs) and the physicians who contract with them make liberal use of puffing and spinning. In this way, they create a context in which it is likely that patients will also use deceptive mechanisms. Unfortunately, patients risk their health when they deceive their doctors. Using the warranty theory of truth I argue that although bluffing may be ethical in business because all participants agree to it and business has not warranted truth-telling, it is not ethical in a medical context because physicians and MCOs have warranted truth-telling and the quality of medical care depends on it.  相似文献   

The need for cross-cultural training (CCT) increases as physicians encounter more culturally diverse patients. However, most medical schools relegate this topic to non-clinical years, hindering skills development. Some residency programs have successfully addressed this deficit by teaching cross-cultural communication skills in a teaching objective structured clinical examination (tOSCE) context. The authors developed and evaluated a CCT workshop designed to teach cross-cultural communication skills to third-year medical students using a tOSCE approach. A 1 and 1/2-day workshop incorporating didactic, group discussion and tOSCE components taught medical students cross-cultural awareness, interviewing skills, working with an interpreter, attention to complementary treatments, and consideration of culture in treatment and prevention. Six standardized patient cases introduced various clinical scenarios and the practical and ethical aspects of cross-cultural care. Student evaluation of the workshop was positive concerning educational value, skills advancement and pertinence to their clinical activities. Survey of students before and after the workshop demonstrated improvement in students' abilities to assess the culture and health beliefs of patients and negotiate issues regarding treatment. CCT in the context of medical student clinical training can be carried out effectively and efficiently using a dedicated multi-modal workshop including standardized patients.  相似文献   

At a series of recent workshops, sponsored by the Hastings Center, on the legal and ethical responsibilities of hospital trustees, the moral implications of budget cuts emerged as a serious concern. Trustees are increasingly being forced to make tough resource allocation decisions, which create tensions in their interrelationships with physicians and hospital administrators. It is suggested that none of these groups has had the experience or training needed to balance ethical and economic demands.  相似文献   

This bibliographic essay introduces recently-published German-language titles exemplifying current concerns in West German medical ethics. First mentioned are the Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin's new journal, Ethik in der Medezin, and its recommendations for including ethical content in medical education. Five other titles are discussed briefly: R. Peter's study on the protection of newborn life; geneticist T. Schroeder-Kurth and theologian S. Wehowski's book on the legal, ethical, and societal problems arising in reproductive medicine; internist F. Anschütz's critical reflection on medical practice from a clinician's perspective; physician and psychotherapist C. Schmeling-Kluda's practice-orientated study of the physician patient relationship, and philosopher H-M. Sass's edited work on health care, resource allocation, and public policy.  相似文献   

Teaching in the clinical environment is a demanding, complex and often frustrating task, a task many clinicians assume without adequate preparation or orientation. Twelve roles have previously been described for medical teachers, grouped into six major tasks: (1) the information provider; (2) the role model; (3) the facilitator; (4) the assessor; (5) the curriculum and course planner; and (6) the resource material creator (Harden & Crosby 2000). It is clear that many of these roles require a teacher to be more than a medical expert. In a pure educational setting, teachers may have limited roles, but the clinical teacher often plays many roles simultaneously, switching from one role to another during the same encounter. The large majority of clinical teachers around the world have received rigorous training in medical knowledge and skills but little to none in teaching. As physicians become ever busier in their own clinical practice, being effective teachers becomes more challenging in the context of expanding clinical responsibilities and shrinking time for teaching (Prideaux et al. 2000). Clinicians on the frontline are often unaware of educational mandates from licensing and accreditation bodies as well as medical schools and postgraduate training programmes and this has major implications for staff training. Institutions need to provide necessary orientation and training for their clinical teachers. This Guide looks at the many challenges for teachers in the clinical environment, application of relevant educational theories to the clinical context and practical teaching tips for clinical teachers. This guide will concentrate on the hospital setting as teaching within the community is the subject of another AMEE guide.  相似文献   


Empathy is one of the most valuable skills sought by patients from their physicians as well as by educators from their trainees. However, in medical education there is a general concern that, if not cultivated among students and residents, empathy may decline. We have assessed empathy self-perception among potential candidates who were applying to our internal medicine residency program. Interestingly, we observed that they have a good understanding and great appreciation of empathy values. Our candidates expressed that as medical students they were sympathetic and with experience, they are becoming more empathetic. They also depicted the different ways in which they learned about empathy. The lessons we learned from them lead us to conclude that the development of empathy is a multifaceted and a lifelong process, which must be cultivated during training years through many different modalities. We suggest that the patient’s story, coaching skills and self-reflection, might be the most powerful ways of learning empathy.  相似文献   

In one of a Hastings Center Report series of four country reports, a professor of ethics discusses the Polish approach to ethical issues in health care. Szawarski begins by outlining five factors that influence the practice of medicine in Poland: a socialist form of government, the influence of the Roman Catholic Church, an ongoing economic crisis, the legacy of the Nazi death camps, and a lack of formal instruction in biomedical ethics. He then discusses three current ethical concerns of physicians, patients, and the public: regulation of physician conduct, abortion, and in vitro fertilization. There is little formal public debate of the issues, however, and physicians seem committed to upholding traditional medical codes of ethics without analyzing underlying moral principles and justifications.  相似文献   

Managed care employs two business tools of managed practice that raise important ethical issues: paying physicians in ways that impose conflicts of interest on them; and regulating physicians' clinical judgment, decision making, and behavior. The literature on the clinical ethics of managed care has begun to develop rapidly in the past several years. Professional organizations of physicians have made important contributions to this literature. The statements on ethical issues in managed care of four such organizations are considered here, the American Medical Association, the American College of Physicians, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Three themes common to these statements are identified and critically assessed: the primacy of meeting the medical needs of each individual patient; disclosure of conflicts of interest in how physicians are paid; and opposition to gag orders. The paper concludes with an argument for a basic concept in the clinical ethics of managed care: physicians and institutions as economically disciplined moral co-fiduciaries of populations of patients.  相似文献   

This article was written to provide a brief history of the medical educational system in the USA, the current educational structure, and the current topics and challenges facing USA medical educators today. The USA is fortunate to have a robust educational system, with over 150 medical schools, thousands of graduate medical education programs, well-accepted standardized examinations throughout training, and many educational research programs. All levels of medical education, from curriculum reform in medical schools and the integration of competencies in graduate medical education, to the maintenance of certification in continuing medical education, have undergone rapid changes since the turn of the millennium. The intent of the changes has been to involve the patient sooner in the educational process, use better educational strategies, link educational processes more closely with educational outcomes, and focus on other skills besides knowledge. However, with the litany of changes have come increased regulation without (as of yet) clear evidence as to which of the changes will result in better physicians. In addition, the USA governmental debt crisis threatens the current educational structure. The next wave of changes in the USA medical system needs to focus on what particular educational strategies result in the best physicians and how to fund the system over the long term.  相似文献   

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