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Vertical (mother-to-child) transmission accounts for the majority of pediatric HIV-1 infections. Many factors are involved in vertical transmission, however it is not clear which factors are most important for determining whether a mother will transmit HIV-1 to her infant. It has been suggested that HIV-1 subtype may influence vertical transmission and that subtype D viruses may be less likely to be transmitted in this setting. We analyzed HIV-1 gp120 V3 region sequences from the plasma of 20 pregnant Ugandan women of known transmission status who did not receive antiretroviral prophylaxis. V3 regions were cloned, sequenced, and subtyped by phylogenetic analysis. Among 11 women who transmitted HIV-1 to their infants, we detected subtypes A, C, D, and G. Two of the transmitters had dual infection with subtypes A and D. In addition, a third was infected with two distinct strains of subtype G viruses. HIV-1 subtype A and D viruses were found in 9 women who did not transmit the virus to their infants. This study reveals that pregnant Ugandan women harbor diverse HIV-1 subtypes, including women who transmit HIV-1 to their infants. Transmission of HIV-1 with subtype D V3 regions was confirmed in 4 of the 11 transmitters, including 2 who had dual infection with subtype A and D HIV-1.  相似文献   

DNA sequences encoding the third variable region (V3) of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein gp120 were obtained from 18 infected individuals residing in different regions of Argentina. Proviral DNA representing the env V3 region was obtained by PCR from uncultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and genetic heterogeneity was examined by phylogenetic analysis. Sequences representing the gag p17 region were also obtained for a subset of these samples. Moreover, 1 sample that it was not possible to classify according to initial phylogenetic analysis was further analysed by molecular cloning of both V3 and p17 regions. Phylogenetic analysis according to different methodologies were performed comparing obtained sequences with a set of reference sequences representing previously characterized HIV-1 subtypes. The recombinant identification program (RIP) was used to study the presence of possible recombinant sequences. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that viruses representing both subtypes B and F are circulating among HIV-1 infected individuals in Argentina. In addition, RIP analysis showed that an initially unclassified sequence exhibited similarities to subtypes B and F in different fragments of the V3 region. Separate phylogenetic analysis of each of these fragments revealed divergent clustering, suggesting that this sequence harbours a point of recombination within the V3 loop. Interestingly, we also identified a dually infected individual with viruses belonging to subtypes B and F, as demonstrated by molecular cloning analysis of the env V3 and the gag p17 regions. Taken together, our study shows that both subtypes B and F are circulating in different regions of Argentina. Moreover, the data presented here show that dual infections with subtypes B and F can occur, and consequently B/F recombinant sequences are arising in the region.  相似文献   

Recombinant forms of HIV-1 contribute significantly to the ongoing epidemic. In the present study we characterize the full-length genome of a novel B/G intersubtype recombinant strain from a patient with a history of injection drug use. This is the first evidence of a B/G recombinant among injecting drug users in Germany. Moreover, this genetically divergent strain has important clinical implications since it was undetectable in the NucliSens HIV-1 QT assay and significantly underquantified by the COBAS MONITOR version 1.5 test relative to the LCx HIV RNA Quantitative assay. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that this recombinant virus is ancestrally related to CRF14_BG, but carries two additional subtype B-derived segments within vif and pol integrase.  相似文献   

The high genetic diversity of HIV-1 continues to complicate effective vaccine development. To better understand the extent of genetic diversity, intersubtype recombinants and their relative contribution to the HIV epidemic in Kenya, we undertook a detailed molecular epidemiological investigation on HIV-1-infected women attending an antenatal clinic in Kisumu, Kenya. Analysis of gag-p24 region from 460 specimens indicated that 310 (67.4%) were A, 94 (20.4%) were D, 28 (6.1%) were C, 9 (2.0%) were A2, 8 (1.7%) were G, and 11 (2.4%) were unclassifiable. Analysis of the env -gp41 region revealed that 326 (70.9%) were A, 85 (18.5%) D, 26 (5.7%) C, 9 (2.0%) each of A2 and G, 4(0.9%) unclassifiable, and 1 (0.2%) CRF02_AG. Parallel analyses of the gag-p24 and env-gp41 regions indicated that 344 (74.8%) were concordant subtypes, while the remaining 116 (25.2%) were discordant subtypes. The most common discordant subtypes were D/A (40, 8.7%), A/D (27, 5.9%), C/A (11, 2.4%), and A/C (8, 1.7%). Further analysis of a 2.1-kb fragment spanning the gag-pol region from 38 selected specimens revealed that 19 were intersubtype recombinants and majority of them were unique recombinant forms. Distribution of concordant and discordant subtypes remained fairly stable over the 4-year period (1996-2000) studied. Comparison of amino acid sequences of gag-p24 and env-gp41 regions with the subtype A consensus sequence or Kenyan candidate vaccine antigen (HIVA) revealed minor variations in the immunodominant epitopes. These data provide further evidence of high genetic diversity, with subtype A as the predominant subtype and a high proportion of intersubtype recombinants in Kenya.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis has revealed that the current HIV/AIDS pandemic consists of a multitude of different viral clades and recombinant viruses. The predominant circulating HIV-1 clade in Kenya is A1; however, Kenya borders countries where different subtypes are prominent, making Kenya a likely location for recombination. Previous studies have reported significant differences in the proportions of sequences in Kenya that are intersubtype recombinants. Studies that performed sequence-based typing on multiple HIV-1 genomic regions or full-length sequences found higher rates of recombination than those that examined a single gene or gene fragment. In this study, we describe full-length HIV-1 proviral sequence-based genotyping after limited peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) coculture. Ten subjects from a highly exposed cohort located in Nairobi, Kenya were examined. Pairwise comparison found minimal difference between sequences generated directly from patient PBMC DNA compared to sequences from cocultured PBMC DNA. Of the 10 full-length HIV-1 sequences examined, five were nonrecombinant clade A1, while the other five were unique intersubtype recombinants. Although this frequency of recombination is higher than previously described in Kenya, this finding is in agreement with previous full-length sequence data. Interestingly, although all the nonrecombinant sequences were clade A1, not all the recombinant sequences contained a clade A1 sequence.  相似文献   

To increase the understanding of mechanisms of HIV control we have genetically and immunologically characterized a full-length HIV-1 isolated from an acute infection in a rare case of undetectable viremia. The subject, a 43-year-old Danish white male (DK1), was diagnosed with acute HIV-1 infection after 1 year in Uganda. Following transient antiretroviral therapy DK1 maintained undetectable viral load for more than 10 years. His Ugandan wife (UG1) developed high viral load. HIV-1 sequences from both individuals were compared by bootscanning for recombination break points. Diversity plots and phylogenic trees were constructed and diversity and evolutionary distances were calculated. Intracellular IFN-gamma in CD8(+)CD3(+) T-lymphocyte reactions was investigated by intracellular flow cytometry (IC-FACS). Virus isolates from both patients were A1D intersubtype recombinants showing 98% sequence homology in shared regions. Four of seven crossover points were identical; however, the env gene from UG1 was subtype D, but A1 in DK1. Both viruses encoded proteins of the expected length and replicated equally well in vitro. DK1 and UG1 shared the HLA-A02 tissue type. HLA-A02-restricted CD8(+) T cell IFN-gamma IC-FACS response in DK1 was detected against only one (Pol(476)) of 23 conserved epitopes. Neutralizing antibodies were induced only to the homologous isolate. These results indicate an A1D intersubtype recombination or transmission of a minor variant. Transient early antiretroviral therapy may have induced full HIV-1 control in this individual mediated by a narrow specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte and neutralizing antibody response and/or other factors yet to be characterized.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that HIV-1 env subtypes B' (a Thai-B cluster within subtype B) and E (CRF01_AE) are distributed in Yangon, the capital city of Myanmar. However, HIV strains from the rest of country have not yet been genetically characterized. In the present study, we determined env (C2/V3) and gag (p17) subtypes of 25 specimens from central Myanmar (Mandalay). Phylogenetic analyses identified 5 subtype C (20%), in addition to 10 CRF01_AE (40%) and 4 subtype B' (16%). Interestingly, the remaining six specimens (24%) showed discordance between gag and env subtypes; three gag subtype B'/env subtype C, one gag subtype B'/env subtype E, one gag subtype C/env subtype B', and one gag subtype C/env subtype E. These discordant specimens were found frequently among injecting drug users (4 of 12, 33%) and female commercial sex workers (2 of 8, 25%) engaging in high-risk behaviors. The recombinant nature of these HIV-1 strains was verified in three specimens, indicating the presence of new forms of HIV-1 intersubtype C/B' and C/B'/E recombinants with different recombination breakpoints. The data suggest that multiple subtypes of B', C, and CRF01_AE are cocirculating in central Myanmar, leading to the evolution of new forms of intersubtype recombinants among the risk populations exhibiting one of the highest HIV infection rates in the region.  相似文献   

The HIV-1 epidemic is characterized by the dominance of distinct viral subtypes in different regions of the world, and intersubtype recombinants are common. Traditional subtyping methods analyze only a small fragment of the HIV-1 genome, so the true extent of diversity and recombination has been difficult to examine. We developed a heteroduplex tracking assay (HTA) to identify viral subtypes and rapidly detect recombinant HIV-1 genomes. By using probes that target seven regions across the HIV-1 genome, HTAs can identify intersubtype recombinants on the basis of the heteroduplex mobility pattern. We used this method to analyze HIV-1 strains from 12 patients from the United States and Kenya, comparing the results with those obtained by sequencing. HTA analysis correctly identified the subtype of each region of the genome, revealing that several isolates were recombinants. This method is suitable for studies of HIV-1 diversity and recombination in areas of the world where multiple subtypes are found.  相似文献   

The predominant HIV-1 strain circulating in India is subtype C. However, subtype A and B strains of HIV-1 have also been reported in India. In 1999, the first A/C recombinant strain was reported from Pune in India. Intravenous drug users (IVDUs) from the northeastern region of India have a high HIV-1 seroprevalence. Studies carried out in intravenous drug users in the northeastern region of India have shown that HIV-1 subtype C is the predominant strain infecting IVDUs. Fourteen blood samples were collected from HIV-1-infected individuals from the northeastern region of India and screened by env and gag heteroduplex mobility assays (HMA). Where the env and gag HMA results from a sample yielded different subtypes, sequencing of env and gag PCR products was carried out to confirm the presence of HIV-1 recombinants. Of the 14 samples subtyped, nine samples belonged HIV-1 subtype C (gag C/env C), one to HIV-1 subtype B (gag B/env B), and the remaining were B/C recombinants (gag C/env B). This is the first report of HIV-1 B/C recombinants from India.  相似文献   

A recombinant virus assay was used to characterize in detail neutralizing antibody responses directed at circulating autologous HIV in plasma. Examining serial plasma specimens in a matrix format, most patients with primary HIV infection rapidly generated significant neutralizing antibody responses to early (0-39 months) autologous viruses, whereas responses to laboratory and heterologous primary strains were often lower and delayed. Plasma virus continually and rapidly evolved to escape neutralization, indicating that neutralizing antibody exerts a level of selective pressure that has been underappreciated based on earlier, less comprehensive characterizations. These data argue that neutralizing antibody responses account for the extensive variation in the envelope gene that is observed in the early months after primary HIV infection.  相似文献   

We studied covariability of selected amino acid positions in globally dominant HIV-1 subtype C viruses. The analyzed sequences spanned the V3 loop, Gag p17, Gag p24, and five CTL epitope-rich regions in Gag, Nef, and Tat. The corresponding regions in HIV-1 subtype B were also evaluated. The analyses identified a great number of covarying pairs and triples of sites in the HIV-1B V3 loop (173 site pairs, 242 site triples). Several of these interactions were found in the earlier studies [e.g., the V3 loop covariability analyses by Korber et al. (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1993;90:7176-7180) and Bickel et al. (AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1996;12:1401-1411)] and have known biological significance. However, generally these key covarying sites did not covary in the HIV-1C V3 loop (total 17 covarying site pairs), suggesting that the V3 loop may have subtype differences in functional or structural operating characteristics. Covariability of positions 309 and 312 was observed in the immunodominant region HIV-1C Gag 291-320 but no covariability was found in the corresponding region of HIV-1B, and vice versa for Nef 122-141; these findings may reflect subtype-specific covariability within immunologically relevant regions. Gag p17 exhibited greater covariability and less diversity for HIV-1B than HIV-1C, raising the hypothesis that Gag p17 is highly immunodominant in HIV-1B and is especially important for HIV-1B vaccines. Information on covariability should be better exploited in assessments of HIV-1 diversity and how to surmount it with vaccine design.  相似文献   

HIV type 1 (HIV-1) can rapidly escape from neutralizing antibody responses. The genetic basis of this escape in vivo is poorly understood. We compared the pattern of evolution of the HIV-1 env gene between individuals with recent HIV infection whose virus exhibited either a low or a high rate of escape from neutralizing antibody responses. We demonstrate that the rate of viral escape at a phenotypic level is highly variable among individuals, and is strongly correlated with the rate of amino acid substitutions. We show that dramatic escape from neutralizing antibodies can occur in the relative absence of changes in glycosylation or insertions and deletions ("indels") in the envelope; conversely, changes in glycosylation and indels occur even in the absence of neutralizing antibody responses. Comparison of our data with the predictions of a mathematical model support a mechanism in which escape from neutralizing antibodies occurs via many amino acid substitutions, with low cross-neutralization between closely related viral strains. Our results suggest that autologous neutralizing antibody responses may play a pivotal role in the diversification of HIV-1 envelope during the early stages of infection.  相似文献   

Subtype G has been estimated to represent the fourth most prevalent clade in the HIV-1 pandemic and subtype F is widely circulating in parts of South America (frequently within BF recombinant forms) and in Romania. However, functional envelope clones of these subtypes are lacking, which are needed for studies on antibody-mediated neutralization, coreceptor usage, and efficiency of viral entry inhibitor drugs. Here we report the construction, neutralization properties, and coreceptor usage of HIV-1 functional envelope clones of subtypes G (n = 15) and F (n = 7). These clones were obtained through RT-PCR amplification of HIV-1 gp160 from plasma RNA, and were used for pseudovirus production. All 15 subtype G-enveloped pseudoviruses were resistant to neutralization by gp120-targeted broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) b12 and 2G12, while a majority were neutralized by gp41-targeted MAbs 2F5 and 4E10. With regard to the subtype F envelopes, all seven pseudoviruses were resistant to 2F5 and b12, six were resistant to G12, and six were neutralized by 4E10. Coreceptor usage testing revealed that 21 of 22 envelopes were CCR5-tropic, including all 15 subtype G envelopes, seven of which were from patients with CD4(+) T cell counts <200/ml. These results confirm the broadly neutralizing activity of 4E10 on envelope clones across all tested group M clades, including subtypes G and F, reveal the resistance of most subtype F-enveloped pseudoviruses to broadly neutralizing MAbs b12, 2G12, and 2F5, and suggest that, similarly to subtype C, CXCR4 tropism is uncommon in subtype G, even at advanced stages of infection.  相似文献   

One hundred twenty-three subjects with documented HIV-1 primary infection were followed for over a year; 96 received highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) at recruitment; 27 declined treatment. Fifty uninfected subjects served as baseline controls. HIV-1 viral load, CD4 and CD8 T cell numbers, and serologic changes to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8), and cytomegalovirus (CMV) were monitored. Although responses to HAART varied, herpesvirus reactivation frequencies did not differ relative to HIV-1 virologic responses. Forty-seven subjects had reactivations to a single herpesvirus type and 12 subjects to > or =2 types; no single herpesvirus dominated. Antibody seroprevalence to EBV, HHV-6, and CMV were similar but HHV-8 infection was twice as prevalent in HIV-1-infected vs. uninfected individuals. Notably, lower HIV-1 viremia (7,313 vs. 55,548 geometric mean RNA copies/ml) at baseline was significantly associated with HHV-8 seropositivity (p < 0.004).  相似文献   

We examined the diversity of HIV-1 subtypes in 11 adults from Hungary, using the heteroduplex mobility assay (HMA) and DNA sequencing. HMA results showed that HIV-1 gp120 sequences from 10 patients were of subtype B, whereas 1 patient, infected in Africa, carried a subtype C strain. DNA sequencing confirmed the HMA results and revealed a high intrasubtype diversity in the C2V3 region of env in different clade B isolates, which suggests multiple introduction of subtype B to Hungary. This study shows that subtype B is the predominant HIV-1 clade in Hungary.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To enable more rapid and efficient genotyping of HIV-1 in East Africa, where subtypes A, C, and D and their recombinants are co-circulating. DESIGN: Full-genome sequencing of HIV-1 provides complete discrimination of subtypes and recombinant forms but is costly and low-throughput compared to other genotyping approaches. Here we describe the development and evaluation of a Multi-region Hybridization Assay (MHA) for the efficient determination of HIV-1 subtypes A, C, D, recombinants, and dual infections. METHODS: Five genome regions containing clustered mutations distinguishing subtypes A, C, and D were identified and used to design subtype-specific probes. DNA from primary peripheral blood mononuclear cells was used as template for real-time PCR using the fluorescent, subtype-specific probes. RESULTS: A panel of 45 clinical samples from Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania, previously characterized by full-genome sequencing and including 26 pure subtypes and 19 recombinant strains, was evaluated by MHA. The MHA provided 90% sensitivity and 98% specificity for the three subtypes, efficiently discriminated subtypes from recombinant forms, and detected several dual infections. CONCLUSIONS: Accurate and efficient genotyping of HIV-1 strains in vaccine trial populations in East Africa, ascertainment of dual infections, and elucidation of the genesis of recombinant forms in individuals can be facilitated by the application of MHA.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In Mbeya, a rural region of southwest Tanzania, HIV-1 subtypes A, C and D have been co-circulating since the early 1990s. OBJECTIVE: To define to what extent the co-existence of subtypes has led to recombinant HIV-1 strains and whether there is evidence for epidemic spread of any circulating recombinant form. METHODS: Nine HIV-1-seropositive young adults from Mbeya Town with no evident high-risk behaviour contributed peripheral blood mononuclear cells for this study. Nine virtually full-length-genome-sequences were amplified from this DNA and phylogenetically analysed. RESULTS: Out of the nine samples, two were subtype A (22%), two were subtype C (22%) and five were recombinants (56%): four A/C recombinants and one C/D recombinant. None of the recombinants were related to each other; all of them had different mosaic structures. Most of the genome in the recombinants was subtype C. CONCLUSION: A high proportion of unrelated intersubtype recombinants, none of them apparently spreading in the population, may be present in southwest Tanzania.  相似文献   

This study documents a case of coinfection (simultaneous infection of an individual with two or more strains) of two HIV-1 subtype B strains in an individual from a Phase 3 HIV-1 vaccine efficacy trial, conducted in North American and the Netherlands. We examined 86 full-length gp120 (env) gene sequences from this individual collected from nine different time points over a 20-month period. We estimated evolutionary relationships using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods and inferred recombination breakpoints and recombinant sequences using phylogenetic and substitutional methods. These analyses identified two strongly supported monophyletic clades (clades A and B) of 14 and 69 sequences each and a small paraphyletic recombinant clade of three sequences. We then studied the genetic characteristics of these lineages by comparing estimates of genetic diversity generated by mutation and recombination and adaptive selection within a coalescent and maximum likelihood framework. Our results suggest significant differences on the evolutionary dynamics of these strains. We then discuss the implications of these results for vaccine development.  相似文献   

Antiretroviral resistance during successful therapy of HIV type 1 infection   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
HIV type 1 (HIV-1) drug resistance mutations were selected during antiretroviral therapy successfully suppressing plasma HIV-1 RNA to <50 copies/ml. New resistant mutant subpopulations were identified by clonal sequencing analyses of viruses cultured from blood cells. Drug susceptibility tests showed that biological clones of virus with the mutations acquired during successful therapy had increased resistance. Each of the five subjects with new resistant mutants had evidence of some residual virus replication during highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), based on transient episodes of plasma HIV-1 RNA > 50 copies/ml and virus env gene sequence changes. Each had received a suboptimal regimen before starting HAART. Antiretroviral-resistant HIV-1 can be selected from residual virus replication during HAART in the absence of sustained rebound of plasma HIV-1 RNA.  相似文献   

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