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目的分析学龄前儿童近视危险因素及干预措施应用效果。方法选择2013年1月至2015年12月于广东省佛山市妇幼保健院行视力检查的学龄前儿童350例,采用问卷调查法,对儿童家长进行视力危险因素调查,并对调查结果进行Logistic回归分析以明确儿童近视危险因素。给予儿童视力保健干预,分析干预效果。结果 350例学龄前儿童,近视发生率为12.29%,经视力保健干预后,近视发生率降至6.00%(P0.05)。近视发生率随着儿童年龄增长而明显下降(P0.05)。儿童近视与看电视的时间、与电视的距离及生活采光等影响因素有关。结论了解学龄前儿童近视危险因素,给予儿童针对性的视力保健干预,有利于及时发现学龄前儿童视力异常、纠正不良用眼情况,从而有效减少和避免学龄前儿童近视的发生。  相似文献   

目的分析学龄前儿童单纯性肥胖的行为因素,提出对策。方法随机抽取长沙市18所幼儿园,共对3604名儿童进行身高、体重测量。采用WHO儿童肥胖判定标准进行评价。对筛查出的肥胖儿童和按照1:2配对的正常体重儿童的家长进行肥胖行为因素的问卷调查。结果①3604名儿童中,超重儿童467名。检出率为13.0%,肥胖儿童140名,检出率为3.9%;②结果显示:孩子目前的食欲、孩子目前吃饭的速度、孩子晚上睡眠时间、孩子经常一边看电视一边吃零食、运动少等5个因素是引起学龄前期儿童肥胖的行为因素。结论不良的行为习惯可能会增加学龄前儿童肥胖的发生。改变不良的行为方式是预防学龄前期儿童单纯性肥胖的重要措施。  相似文献   

目的 调查学龄前儿童龋病的发病情况,以促进防治工作.方法 通过问卷调查方式对985名学龄前儿童的龋病患病情况进行调查,并对资料进行整理.结果 985名受检学龄前儿童中564名患有龋病,患龋率为57.26%,龋病患儿均有不良卫生习惯.结论 学龄前儿童龋病的主要病因是多样的,要早期预防.  相似文献   

[目的]了解医学干预措施对学龄前儿童视力发育相关因素的影响。[方法]采用整群抽样方法选取自2012年4月—2013年12月我区学龄前儿童3 211例(年龄小于6岁),随机分为干预组(1 600例)和对照组(1 611例),对学龄前儿童视力发育相关因素采用两种不同的干预措施。[结果]与学龄前儿童视力发育相关的因素如儿童户外活动时间、眼保健操时间、用眼卫生习惯、家长预防近视知识等方面医学干预组均优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。学龄前儿童视力异常率医学干预组明显优于对照组(P0.05)。[结论]有效的医学干预可以提高学龄前儿童家长保护儿童视力的知识水平,为儿童提供均衡的膳食、纠正儿童不良的用眼习惯,为其平日保护视力进行科学的方法指导,能显著降低学龄前儿童视力异常率。  相似文献   

目的:调查学龄前儿童视力异常情况,及早开展学龄前儿童弱视防治,加强视力保健。方法:采用分层组群的抽样方法对幼儿园2969名5~6岁学龄前儿童视力进行筛查,视力异常者到本院眼视光科进一步确诊治疗。结果:2969名受检学龄前儿童中视力异常检出率为42.5%,随年龄增长其发生率下降(P<0.05),弱视患病率为17.4%。结论:学龄前儿童弱视患病率高,应引起重视,对视力不良的学龄前儿童要早发现、早诊断、早治疗。  相似文献   

[目的]了解医学干预措施对学龄前儿童视力发育相关因素的影响。[方法]采用整群抽样方法选取自2012年4月-2013年12月我区学龄前儿童3211例(年龄小于6岁),随机分为干预组(1600例)和对照组(1611例),对学龄前儿童视力发育相关因素采用两种不同的干预措施。[结果]与学龄前儿童视力发育相关的因素如儿童户外活动时间、眼保健操时间、用眼卫生习惯、家长预防近视知识等方面医学干预组均优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。学龄前儿童视力异常率医学干预组明显优于对照组(P〈0.05)。[结论]有效的医学干预可以提高学龄前儿童家长保护儿童视力的知识水平,为儿童提供均衡的膳食、纠正儿童不良的用眼习惯,为其平日保护视力进行科学的方法指导,能显著降低学龄前儿童视力异常率。  相似文献   

目的:调查学龄前儿童近视眼的流行病学状况。方法:(1)在广东随机抽取4市(县),再从4市(县)随机整群抽取20间幼儿园;(2)用尼德克ARK-30对所选儿童进行屈光筛查;(3)可疑近视者和屈光度≤+2.00D者予1%阿托品眼膏涂双眼3d,由专人进行视网膜检影;(4)确诊为近视及屈光度≤+2.00D的儿童由专人进行近视相关因素调查;(5)按自愿原则对近视儿童进行眼轴、角膜曲率的测量;(6)用SPSS11.0统计软件包进行数据分析。结果:(1)学龄前儿童近视眼患病率为1.77%,城镇1.82%,农村1.71%;(2)屈光要素的分布:①屈光度(-2.55±1.93)D;②眼轴(23.82±0.47)mm;③角膜曲率:最大径(H)(7.858±0.086)mm,最小径(V)(7.768±0.101)mm;(3)病因分析:学龄前儿童近视眼的发生与近亲近视史密切相关,城镇与农村学龄前儿童在可能致病因素方面差异无显著性。结论:学龄前儿童近视眼并不少见,其发病机制与青少年不同。  相似文献   

目的 调查学龄前儿童龋病的发病情况,以促进防治工作.方法 通过问卷调查方式收集资料.结果 985名受检学龄前儿童中564名患有龋病,患龋率为57.26%,均有不良卫生习惯.结论 学龄前儿童龋病的主要病因是多样的,要早期预防.  相似文献   

石磊 《中国误诊学杂志》2012,12(17):4654-4654
目的 了解邯郸市学龄前儿童视力状况.方法 采用随机整群抽样的方法对本市3~6岁儿童视力状况及其相关因素进行调查分析.结果 邯郸市受检2 814名学龄前儿童中,有眼部疾患者216名,总患病率7.68%.其中弱视89名,患病率3.16%;近视16名,患病率0.57%;远视20名,患病率0.71%;其他眼病91名,患病率3.23%.结论 1~6岁是双眼视力发育的关键期,双跟的任何异常都可影响视功能的发育和建立,因此要大力宣传定期视力普查的重要意义,从预防人手,对儿童眼病做到早发现、早治疗.  相似文献   

目的探讨学龄前儿童健康体检人群贫血情况及其相关影响因素,为预防和治疗学龄前儿童贫血提供科学依据。方法调取本地区6822名学龄前儿童健康体检资料,调查其贫血发生情况,并针对贫血发生相关影响因素进行分析。结果 6822名学龄前儿童发生贫血170名,主要以轻度缺铁性贫血为主。贫血发生与其性别无关(P 0. 05),贫血发生率受其年龄、户籍、监护人学历、同胞个数、父母婚姻状况及母乳喂养时间影响,母亲妊娠期贫血、患儿为早产儿、人工喂养、存在挑食行为、未合理添加辅食、罹患消化系统疾病与贫血发生率相关(P 0. 05)。结论本地区学龄前儿童贫血主要好发于1岁以内及农村儿童中,以轻度缺铁性贫血为主,且受家庭不良环境、饮食习惯差、早产、母亲妊娠贫血、人工喂养等因素影响。  相似文献   

现代残疾康复理念、政策与社区康复体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究分析了当代残疾康复的理念和理论架构,构建了以国际公约、决议和政策、国内法律和政策以及操作性工具3个层次的康复理论体系;运用包容性发展,分析探讨了当代社区康复的体系和特点;就发展康复事业、为残疾人提供全面系统的康复服务提出相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

我院文职护士管理和培训的实践与体会   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的构建文职护士培训、使用及管理的科学方法。方法通过规范管理、科学施训、作为骨干大胆任用等多种管理方式,使文职护士得到充分的发展。结果文职护士群体成长为医院优秀骨干,首批满3年的文职护士顺利通过续聘考核。结论科学的管理培训是文职护士成长的重要基石,对医院护理管理有着重要作用。  相似文献   

Molecular tools continue to be important in the prevention and control of parasitic diseases. However, using these techniques directly in the field remains a major challenge. Therefore, the preservation of clinical samples collected from endemic field areas for later analysis remains an important preanalytical process. This study aimed at identifying a suitable protocol for stabilization and preservation of RNA and DNA in bioclinical specimens for Trypanosoma, Leishmania, and Plasmodium research. Both spiked and unspiked blood samples were preserved in 7 protocols (different media; storage temperatures). Samples were evaluated for possible degradation of DNA and RNA along the storage duration up to the 10th week. Nucleic acid targets were assessed as follows: (i) Trypanosoma and Plasmodium RNA analysis was done using real-time nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (RT-NASBA) for 18S rRNA and for stage-specific Pfs25 mRNA, respectively; (ii) Trypanosoma DNA assessment analysis was conducted by using a conventional PCR for 18S rDNA; (iii) Leishmania RNA analysis was performed with a quantitative NASBA for 18S rRNA and Leishmania DNA assessment with an RT-PCR for 18S rDNA. Findings suggested that a newly developed L3™ buffer proved to be reliable and suitable for both short- and long-term preservation of parasite nucleic acid material. This buffer is envisaged to be suitable for utilization in field situations where resources are limited.  相似文献   

目的了解和分析国内唇腭裂专科护理工作发展的现状。方法检索并分析万方医学网、中国知网、Springer Link及PubMed英文数据库近6年有关唇腭裂手术的围术期护理、患儿的喂养、手术安全管理、围术期疼痛研究以及心理护理的相关文献。结果共检索出国内文献89篇(核心期刊20篇)、国外文献22篇,其中围术期护理38篇、患儿的喂养16篇、手术安全管理10篇、围术期疼痛研究10篇、心理护理15篇。结论与国外文献相比,国内论文总结和回顾性居多,应增加研究探讨性论文,从而促进唇腭裂临床护理工作专科化的发展。  相似文献   

Objective: To study the self-reported prevalence of experienced violence among a cohort of women about two years after giving birth, their health during pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes and their experience of their child’s health.

Setting and subjects: In 2011, a total of 657 women participated in phase III of the Childbirth and Health Cohort Study in Icelandic Primary Health Care, 18 to 24 months after delivery. The women had previously participated in phase I around pregnancy week 16 and phase II 5–6 months after delivery. Data were collected by postal questionnaires.

Main outcome measures: Women’s reported history of experienced violence, sociodemographic and obstetric background, self-perceived health, the use of medications and their child’s perceived health.

Results: In phase III, 16% of women reported experiencing violence. These women felt less support from their current partner (p?p?p?p?p?p?=?0.008).

Conclusions: Our study confirms that a history of violence is common among women. A history of violence is associated with various maternal health problems during and after pregnancy, a higher rate of caesarean sections and maternal reports of health problems in their child 18–24 months after birth.
  • Violence is a major concern worldwide. Understanding the impact of violence on human health and developing effective preventive measures are important elements of any public health agenda.

  • ??The reported prevalence of experiencing violence was 16% among women attending antenatal care in the primary health care setting in Iceland.

  • ??Women with a history of violence reported worse health in general during pregnancy and delivered more often by caesarean section, compared to women with no such history.

  • ??Mothers with a history of violence also evaluated the general health of their child as worse than women with no such history.

  • ??The findings of this study support the importance of recognizing and addressing experienced violence among women in primary care.


目的探讨农村与城市儿童的个性行为特征。方法将97名农村学龄儿童设为农村组,97名城市学龄儿童设为城市组,采用艾森克个性问卷一儿童版和Achenbach’s 行为量表一儿童版进行评定分析。结果两组学龄儿童艾森克个性问卷各维度评分均无显著性差异(P均〉0.05),且与全国常模相一致(P均〉0.05);农村组男学童Achenbach’s行为量表违纪行为、攻击行为及外向型因子分均显著高于城市组,女学童退缩、社交问题因子分均显著高于城市组(P〈0.05或0.01),其他因子分均无显著性差异(P均〉0.05)。结论农村与城市儿童个性无显著差异,而农村儿童存在较多的行为问题,可能与其所受教养和生活方式有关。  相似文献   

In 1980, the World Health Organization declared smallpox eradicated from the world; the last known natural case had occurred in Somalia in 1977, and the United States had stopped routinely vaccinating its citizens in 1972. However, with increasing concerns regarding domestic and international terrorism, smallpox has resurfaced as a potential threat to global health. We review the direct and indirect modes of smallpox transmission and how patterns of transmission vary substantially, depending on the severity of circulating disease, vaccination status, environmental and socioeconomic factors, and the setting of an outbreak. We examine mechanisms for controlling outbreaks of disease and preventing further transmission in the event of an outbreak, with an emphasis on smallpox vaccination.  相似文献   

本文介绍了通用设计的概念和设计原则,并阐述了根据此原则实施通用设计的产品研发策略。通用设计惠及的不仅是残疾人,也惠及了包括普通公众在内的广泛人群,以及企业。应将通用设计的原理应融入政府相关政策和未来发展的规划中,为残疾人以及更多人群提供合理便利的通用设计产品。  相似文献   

目的 探讨胃癌组织DNA含量与E cad、EGFR表达的关系 ,评价其在浸润、转移潜能及预后判断中的作用。方法 应用图像分析仪及SP免疫组化法检测 30例正常胃黏膜上皮、30例不典型增生和 5 0例胃癌组织DNA含量与E cad、EGFR蛋白表达情况。结果 ①正常胃黏膜上皮、Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级不典型增生及胃癌组的DI、PI、S %、>5c %逐渐增高 ,与胃癌分期、淋巴结转移显著相关 (P <0 0 1)。②E cad在正常胃黏膜上皮阳性表达率 10 0 % ,EGFR呈阴性表达 ;Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级不典型增生及胃癌E cad阳性表达率逐渐降低 ,EGFR的阳性表达率逐渐升高 ,且差异显著 (P <0 0 5 ) ;E cad表达减弱、EGFR表达升高与胃癌分化差、淋巴结转移显著相关 (P <0 0 1)。③E cad表达阴性的胃癌DNA指数及EGFR表达水平显著高于E cad阳性 (P <0 0 1)。结论 检测DNA含量及E cad、EGFR蛋白表达有助于胃癌的早期诊断及转移潜能和预后的判断。  相似文献   


Introduction: The use of antimicrobial discs remains one of the main methods for assessing antibiotic activity. Most discs are made to one of three main standards (FDA, WHO, DIN); these all describe an assay method for assessing the quality of discs using a linear method. Theory predicts a curved relationship, and this is backed up in many cases in practice. In such cases, the assays are potentially invalid. Other sources of uncertainty arising from the manufacturing processes employed are also discussed.

Areas covered: This includes error arising from applying FDA, WHO, and DIN standards, the manufacturing techniques employed, and variation in the materials used in production. The need for a specification that relates directly to the use of the discs is also discussed.

Expert opinion: Manufactured discs, some of which may be out of specification due to curvature and other sources of error, have been used to establish quality zone sizes. Quality zone sizes have then been used to measure the quality of discs. This circular quality system where there is no quantitative check is potentially unsafe. In the many decades of their use, there has been no comprehensive check on the quality of manufactured discs using quantitative, validated assays.  相似文献   

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