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Research on the anatomy of cerebral deep veins (CDVs) around the vein of Galen (VG) is very important and has fundamental clinical significance. Large-scale anatomical studies of CDVs using computed tomography angiography (CTA) are rarely reported. A retrospective study of the CDVs around the VG was conducted in Chinese patients of Han nationality. One hundred cases were included in the final analysis. The patients were aged from 17 to 78 years (mean: 42.3 years). Also, 46% of the patients were female. The diameter of the internal cerebral vein (ICV) at its beginning and termination points ranged from 0.4 to 2.8 mm (1.49 ± 0.39 mm) and 0.4 to 3.5 mm (2.05 ± 0.47 mm), respectively. There was statistical significance regarding the diameter of the ICV at its beginning and termination points (P <0.01). The ICV length ranged from 28.5 to 47.9 mm (36.86 ± 3.74 mm). The length of the straight sinus (SS) ranged from 30.2 to 57.8 mm (43.6 ± 6.37 mm). The length of the VG ranged from 1.5 to 41.8 mm (9.30 ± 4.76 mm). The angle at the VG and SS transition area ranged from 25.4 to 110.6° (77.2 ± 18.0°). This study was a meaningful attempt to conduct anatomical research of CDVs using CTA. Preoperative familiarity with the normal venous structure and its variation around the VG would be helpful for endovascular treatment.  相似文献   

Galen or Galenus was born at Pergamum (now Bergama in Turkey) in 129 A.D., and died in the year 200 A.D. He was a 2nd century Greek philosopher-physician who switched to the medical profession after his father dreamt of this calling for his son. Galen's training and experiences brought him to Alexandria and Rome and he rose quickly to fame with public demonstrations of anatomical and surgical skills. He became physician to emperor Marcus Aurelius and the emperor's ambitious son, Commodus. He wrote prodigiously and was able to preserve his medical research in 22 volumes of printed text, representing half of all Greek medical literature that is available to us today. The structures, the great cerebral vein and the communicating branch of the internal laryngeal nerve, bear his eponym.  相似文献   

A thorough understanding of the anatomy of the pineal region, particularly venous drainage, is critical for gaining open surgical access to the pineal gland. The adverse sequelae after intraoperative venous occlusion are assumed to be catastrophic but have been scarcely reported. We report a case of pineocytoma in which the vein of Galen was ligated without postoperative adverse sequelae. Pineal region anatomy with emphasis on deep veins was reviewed in large anatomical studies. There are tremendous anatomical variations in the vein of Galen and its tributaries. Several confounding factors can be encountered during surgery and may lead to accidental sacrifice of the vein of Galen. Survival after focal occlusion of a major deep vein depends on the development of collateral circulation as shown in our case report. Venous drainage remains the cornerstone in the surgical planning of the pineal region. Anatomical variations and venous collaterals undoubtedly contributed to the mixed reports of adverse sequelae after venous sacrifice. Vein of Galen ligation may be survivable but consequences cannot be predicted without a thorough pre-ligation assessment of regional venous collateral drainage. Thorough understanding of the venous anatomy, meticulous planning of the surgical approach and avoidance of the occlusion of the vein of Galen and its major tributaries are key factors to successful pineal region surgery.  相似文献   

This study aimed to document the prevalence and morphology of the ceratocricoid muscle in a large sample of fetuses and adults and to explain its possible origin in a sample of embryos. Forty‐five embryos, thirty‐four fetuses, and ninety human larynges from adults with no known laryngeal pathology were studied. The muscle was observed in 23% of the fetal sample and in 14% of the adult sample. No significant differences were observed in the laterality in any of the groups. The ceratocricoid muscle is attached between the cricoid lamina and the inferior horn of the thyroid cartilage and also into the capsule of the cricothyroid joint. The muscle is innervated by several branches (between one and three) from the anterior division of the recurrent laryngeal nerve as it courses behind the cricothyroid joint. The ceratocricoid muscle develops from tissue within the mesenchymal bridge which connects the external and internal laryngeal sphincters or rings from embryonic stages 15–20. The close relationship of the ceratocricoid muscle to the recurrent laryngeal nerve could mean that it can exert pressure on this nerve. This may be a possible explanation for the causation of certain idiopathic recurrent laryngeal nerve palsies. Clin. Anat. 22:463–470, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Anatomical science has used the bodies of the executed for dissection over many centuries. As anatomy has developed into a vehicle of not only scientific but also moral and ethical education, it is important to consider the source of human bodies for dissection and the manner of their acquisition. From the thirteenth to the early seventeenth century, the bodies of the executed were the only legal source of bodies for dissection. Starting in the late seventeenth century, the bodies of unclaimed persons were also made legally available. With the developing movement to abolish the death penalty in many countries around the world and with the renunciation of the use of the bodies of the executed by the British legal system in the nineteenth century, two different practices have developed in that there are Anatomy Departments who use the bodies of the executed for dissection or research and those who do not. The history of the use of bodies of the executed in German Anatomy Departments during the National Socialist regime is an example for the insidious slide from an ethical use of human bodies in dissection to an unethical one. There are cases of contemporary use of unclaimed or donated bodies of the executed, but they are rarely well documented. The intention of this review is to initiate an ethical discourse about the use of the bodies of the executed in contemporary anatomy.  相似文献   

目的:为提高新生儿锁骨下静脉穿刺术的成功率,避免其邻近结构损伤形成的并发症。方法:对50例新生儿尸体锁骨下静脉及其相关结构进行了观察和测量。结果:锁骨下静脉起始处外径4.6±0.8mm,末端外径6.2±0.8mm,长度为18.6±2.0mm。锁骨下静脉与锁骨下缘交点处皮肤至锁骨下静脉前壁的垂直距离为10.0±1.4mm。锁骨下静脉与锁骨下面交点的角度为38.2±11. 4°,交点指数为39.1%。结论:新生儿锁骨下静脉穿刺进针部位应以锁骨内、中1/3交点的稍外侧为宜。  相似文献   

Annuloaortic ectasia (AAE) is a clinicopathologic condition with primary or secondary dilatation of the aortic annulus and aneurysm of the proximal thoracic aorta, leading to aortic regurgitation. We herein report an autopsy case of a Japanese 57-year-old male with AAE who died of a cardiac tamponade rupture from the sinus of the right coronary. The wall of the aortic root, particularly that of the sinus of the right coronary Valsalva, underwent extensive fibrosis with loss or fragmentation of the elastic lamina in the medial layer and perforation directly into the pericardial space. The adventitia of the proximal aorta to the aortic arch was diffusely fibrotic with both acute and chronic hemorrhage and chronic inflammatory infiltrate. However, the ascending aortic media was largely intact, except for focal laminar necrosis at the center of the medial layer; no medial cystic necrosis, laminar necrosis, or mesoaortitis/panaortitis was present in the thoracic or abdominal aorta, nor in the main aortic branches, which was suggestive of Takayasu disease and giant cell arteritis. Thus, this patient was diagnosed to have idiopathic AAE with sustained peri-aortic hemorrhage, and he finally died of a cardiac tamponade resulting from an aneurysmal rupture.  相似文献   

Body Worlds is an anatomical exhibition that shows human remains to the public. It has been considered controversial since it raises ethical tensions and issues. However, organizers and supporters of Body Worlds have claimed the exhibition is intended to promote visitors’ understanding over the human body. Despite these claims, no studies were found that support or refute the hypothesis that a visit to Body Worlds increases the public's objective knowledge on human anatomy. Consequently, the objective of this study was to determine the impact of Body Worlds on anatomical knowledge. We constructed and delivered a questionnaire to both a previsit random sample and a postvisit random sample of visitors of Body Worlds’ event Facets of Life, in Berlin. The questionnaire was available in both English and German languages and contained (a) basic sociodemographic questions and (b) a valid and reliable anatomy quiz. The quiz consisted of 16 multiple‐choice questions that assessed the ability to identify the location of major anatomical structures on the human body. Average scores achieved on the quiz by the postvisit sample (X¯= 9.08, s = 2.48, n = 164) were significantly higher (unpaired t = 3.3957, P = 0.0008) than those achieved by the previsit sample (X¯= 8.11, s = 2.69, n = 167). Our results suggest that a visit to Body Worlds’ event Facets of Life may have a beneficial effect in anatomical knowledge. However, further studies with better empirical designs and fewer limitations are needed to confirm our results. Clin. Anat. 29:439–445, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate hard palate asymmetry during development. The palates of 248 dry skulls were photographed and evaluated digitally. The skulls were divided into seven groups: fetus, newborn, infant, child, adolescent, adult, and aged. Linear measures were obtained from great palatine foramen (GPF) to incisive fossa (INC) and to posterior nasal spine (PNS). Angular measures were obtained from the former landmarks plus the point on sutures intersection between maxillary and palatine bones. Asymmetry was evaluated intra and intergroups. All skulls showed some degree of right-left asymmetry in the hard palate. Regardless of hard palate asymmetry, none of the right-left side differences was statistically significant. For the intergroups assessment, none of the asymmetry index means were statistically different. The posterior part of palate (PNS x GPF) measures was more asymmetric than the anterior part (INC x GPF), showing, respectively, 4.6% and 2.8% of mean asymmetry index. Angular measures showed a more symmetric behavior than the linear ones. Hard palate asymmetry occurs even in the absence of masticatory function, showing that this feature begins early in fetal life and persists through development.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the ankle syndesmosis: a plastination slices study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plastination is an excellent tool for studying different anatomical and clinical questions. This technique is unique because it offers the possibility to produce transparent slices series that can be easily processed morphometrically. It is very difficult to recognize the subtle widening of the tibiofibular syndesmosis in less severe injuries of this articulation. Proper anatomic knowledge of the syndesmosis might be helpful. The ankle syndesmosis was investigated on 20 cadaver feet by using the E12 plastination technique. Each foot was cut into 1.6-mm transverse slices and then plastinated. The following parameters (reflecting the position of the fibula in the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis) were measured: the length (LFI) and the depth of the fibular incisure (DFI); the width of the clear space (TCS) and the tibiofibular overlap (TFO); the position of the fibula regarding the anterior aspect of the tibia (A); and the width of the fibula (W). Due to the unique approach of this method, values for the position of the fibular incisure with respect to the frontal (F) and sagittal (S) plane were described for the entire syndesmosis. The prevalence of syndesmotic injury in association with sprains of the ankle is up to 11%. The data presented in the study are useful for the appreciation of the correct position of the fibula in the fibular incisure and can be correlated with standard anterior-posterior radiographies and CT examinations of the ankle joint.  相似文献   

Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is a rare autosomal dominant disease. The diagnostic criteria of HHT, or Curaçao criteria, include the following: recurrent epistaxis or nighttime nose bleeding, mucocutaneous telangiectases, visceral arteriovenous malformation, or an appropriate family history. The diagnosis is classified as definite if three criteria are present, possible if two criteria are present, and unlikely if only one is present. Nowadays, the confirmation of HHT diagnosis is based on molecular genetic studies. It has been showed that only mutations of genes encoding proteins within the transforming growth factor beta signaling pathway were responsible for the manifestation of the disease. The vein of Galen malformation (VOGM) as a presenting sign of HHT is rare. The prenatal diagnosis of HHT is even rarer. Herein, we present a case of prenatally diagnosed case of HHT based on the presence of VOGM in the fetus. To our knowledge, it is the first time that the gene mutation discovered in this case manifested as VOGM in the fetal life.  相似文献   

The cerebral venous system is poorly understood, and best appreciated under macroscopic anatomical considerations. We present an anatomical and immunohistochemical studies to better define the morphological characteristics of the junction between the great cerebral vein and the straight sinus. Twenty-five cadaveric specimens from the anatomy laboratory of the University Victor Segalen of Bordeaux were studied. The observation of the venous junctions with the straight sinus was performed under an operating microscope. The smooth muscular actin immunohistochemical staining was performed for 18 veno-sinosal junctions. Five venous junctions were observed using an electron microscope. We observed 3 different anatomic aspects: type 1 was a junction with a small elevation in its floor and a posterior thickening (14 cases); type 2 was a junction with an outgrowth on the floor like a cornice (7 cases); and type 3 was a junction presenting a nodule. Microscopic study of type 1 and 2 junctions showed a positive coloration to orceine attesting the presence of elastic fibers. Immunohistochemistry revealed the presence of smooth muscular actin and S 100 protein attesting the presence of smooth muscular fibers and nervous fibers. We observed in the ultrastructural study, a morphological progression of the endothelium. The venous orifice of the great cerebral vein into the straight sinus could be anatomically assimilated as a true "sphincter." Its function in the regulation of the cerebral blood flow needs further exploration.  相似文献   

The relatively common persistent left superior caval vein (LSCV) is in most cases associated with doubling of the superior caval vein. A persistent LSCV with absent right superior caval vein (RSCV)—a rather rare event—was found during our course of gross anatomy. The LSCV drained into an enlarged coronary sinus, which was partly accompanied by an apparent “double” sinus of normal size draining into this enlarged coronary sinus. Histological and immunofluorescence studies using antibodies against smooth and cardiac muscle actins were performed. The terminal part of the LSCV near the opening into the right atrium contained cardiac actin as expected for a normal derivative of the left sinus horn. Previously only one case of doubled coronary sinus with LSCV has been reported and this abnormality was explained by splitting of the sinus. In our case, the partly doubled coronary sinus had the structure of coronary veins. Mechanical forces have been invoked for the obliteration of the LSCV. Therefore, we examined thirteen human embryos from 15 mm to 32 mm crown‐rump length. In one embryo, we found a persistent LSCV together with an enormously enlarged left atrium. Contrary to previous suggestions our data indicate that during normal development a compression of the left anterior cardinal vein does not sufficiently explain the obliteration of the left and the persistence of the right vein. We therefore believe that beside a left dominated blood flow of head and arm, genes for left‐right signaling may have to be taken into consideration. Clin. Anat. 23:277–286, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

To compare the projectional surface anatomy of healthy individuals in an adult population with those with a thyroid mass, using computed tomography (CT). Sixteen slice CT images of 101 individuals were analyzed using a 32‐bit Radiant DICOM viewer to establish the relationships among major anatomical landmarks in the neck and their vertebral levels. The structures investigated included: hard palate (HP), hyoid bone (HB) including body and lesser horns, soft palate (SP), thyroid gland (TG) (both superior and inferior poles), thyroid gland anteroposterior (APD) and superoinferior (SID) diameters, thyroid isthmus (TI) superoinferior dimension, epiglottis, vertebral arteries (right and left), and both right and left parotid glands (superior and inferior extents). The vertebral levels noted most frequently were: body of hyoid bone (C4, 42.71%); lesser horns of hyoid bone (C3, 36.46%); thyroid gland superior pole (C6, 31.25%); and thyroid gland inferior pole (T2, 30.2%). TG‐ID, TG‐APD, and TG‐SID were not significantly different between males and females in the healthy group; however, there was a significant gender difference in thyroid gland inferior diameter in the pathology group [males 2.16(±1.16) vs. females 3.37(±1.30), P = 0.01, paired sample t‐test]. Further studies are needed to determine whether neck pathology in those with a thyroid mass affects the dimensions of the thyroid gland. Moreover, the surface anatomy of the neck should be revisited using modern imaging techniques to address inconsistencies in anatomy and clinical reference texts. Clin. Anat. 30:781–787, 2017. © 2017Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Procedures involving the small saphenous vein (SSV) can result in sural nerve (SN) damage due to the proximity of the two structures. The relationship between the SN and SSV has previously been described in cadaveric studies with limited scope on surface landmarks. This study investigates the relationship between the SN and SSV in vivo through ultrasound. Transverse/short‐axis ultrasound scans of 128 legs (64 healthy participants) were taken by a single observer using a GE Logiq e ultrasound system with a 5–13 Hz linear transducer (GE Logiq 12L‐RS). The SN was identified and traced from the lateral malleolus to the popliteal fossa noting its course and proximity to the SSV. The distance between the SN and SSV was measured at points representing the distal 50% and 25% of the total leg length (the distance between the medial tibial condyle and the inferior edge of the medial malleolus). The SN and SSV were visualized in all participants regardless of BMI and atypical anatomical relationship were noted in 20.3%. The SN pierced the fascia in the distal 25.9% ± 5.3% of the total leg length. The distance between the SN and SSV was 4.06 ± 1.8 mm and 3.4 ± 1.4 mm in the distal 50% and 25% points of the total leg length, respectively. There was no significant effect of sex or body side. The SSV is a viable option for multiple vein harvest. Ultrasound visualization can be a beneficial tool for delineating variations of the SN in relation to SSV prior to surgery. Clin. Anat. 32:277–281, 2019. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Aortoesophageal fistula (AEF) is highly lethal. A 74‐year‐old man presented with hematemesis and consciousness loss. He had a long‐term history of hypertension and gout. Computed tomography revealed an aneurysm of the distal descending thoracic aorta, which was treated by insertion of an aortic stent graft. After 24 days of stenting, endoscopic examination revealed an AEF. After 6 months of stenting, he died owing to mediastinitis. On autopsy, macroscopically, we found a 4 × 2.5‐cm, oval, well‐circumscribed AEF. We identified squamous epithelium in the area surrounding the AEF that covered the thoracic aorta inner cavity. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the squamous epithelium in the thoracic aorta was positive for p63 and 34βE12. In conclusion, we encountered a long‐term AEF case with aortic squamous metaplasia. To the best of our knowledge, human aortic metaplasia has never been reported. In the present case, aortic squamous metaplasia retained continuity with the esophageal squamous epithelium; therefore, the migration of the squamous epithelium through the AEF may have been induced by aortic erosion.  相似文献   

颅颈交界区的显微外科立体应用解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨颅颈交界区各解剖结构之间的对应关系及立体结构框架,为后颅窝手术提供相应的解剖学数据及资料.方法 10例(20侧)成人带颈头颅标本,按颅颈交界区解剖层次进行解剖和观测,同时对相应区域进行测量,并做统计学分析.结果 乳突、寰椎横突外侧端,枕骨大孔后缘中点在颅颈交界区是重要的解剖学标志,椎动脉V2段寰枢椎间段、V3...  相似文献   

To expose the disc between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae in anterior spinal surgery, left to right retraction of inferior vena cava and aorta is required. This manoeuvre can be complicated by venous haemorrhage that, in most cases, is due to avulsion of the left ascending lumbar vein (ALV) or the left iliolumbar vein (ILV). We dissected 23 embalmed cadavers to assess the factors that contribute to the risk of tearing these two veins during retraction. We describe a triangular region that should help surgeons in identifying the ALV and ILV. This triangle is defined by the lateral border of the common iliac vein, the medial border of the psoas major muscle, and the superior end-plate of the L5 vertebral body. We observed that 3 cm between the termination of the left ALV, or a common stem with the ILV, and the termination of the common iliac vein is the critical distance, less than which the risk of venous avulsion is highest. Although the sample considered is small, our study seems to suggest that male patients tend to have a higher risk of venous avulsion than female patients.  相似文献   

Cut-down techniques by which emergency venous access can be achieved are important, particularly, in the resuscitation of haemodynamically depleted patients where percutaneous access to collapsed veins is a problem. The aim was to evaluate the efficacy of different methods that are used to locate the proximal great saphenous vein in the thigh and to describe the vein's immediate course. A further component was to identify the position of the valves in the proximal great saphenous vein. Needles were placed in 42 cadaver thighs as defined by the techniques identified from the literature and surgical practice. After a detailed dissection, the vein's relation to these needles was measured and the course of the vein and number of valves noted in relation to easily identifiable landmarks. Landmarks in 2.5-cm intervals on a line from the pubic tubercle to the adductor tubercle of the femur were used. The rule of two's, an experimental method by one of the authors, along with Dronen's second method localized the vein most successfully. The course of the vein was scrutinized and found to have a rather direct course as it proceeded medially toward the saphenous hiatus. The largest population of valves could be found in the proximal 5 cm (76%) with a valve in the confluence of the great saphenous vein and the femoral vein being the most common. Valve populations were found to decrease in number from proximal to distal, which would have implications with the placement of catheters into the vein for fluid resuscitation.  相似文献   

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