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目的:为拇指再造提供解剖学依据。方法:用30例(男19,女11)成人趾作组织切片,取近、远侧横纹及二者中点处的横断层切片,对趾跖固有动脉和神经的位置、管径进行观测。结果:趾跖腓侧固有动脉和神经,I断层腓侧动脉 3、4区出现率为 92.31±4.95%,Ⅱ、Ⅲ断层位于 4、5区内者占 86.54±6.34%。Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ断层腓侧神经 4、5区出现率为 97.45±2. 88%,它们纵径平均值分别大于 1.08 mm和 1. 63 mm。趾跖胫侧固有动脉和神经在 8、9区内者均高于 92%以上,其纵径平均值分别大于 0. 68 mm和 1. 67 mm。结论:排侧动脉截面积均大于胫侧,腓侧可被视为优势动脉。神经与同名动脉基本位于同一区内。 相似文献
在40侧成人足底标本、5侧足动脉透明标本和5侧足动脉铸型标本上,用肉眼和5倍放大镜下观察足底内侧神经分支拇趾趾足底神经及动脉供应。拇趾趾足底神经平均长14.9cm、横径1.7。神经血供主要来源于足底内侧动脉浅支和拇趾趾胫侧趾底固有动脉。足底内侧动脉浅支外径为1.2mm。拇趾胫侧趾底固有动脉外径1.3cm。拇趾趾足底神经和供应动脉切取容易,该神经血管外径均能满足显微外科吻接要求,切取此神经血管后对足 相似文献
手指神经血管束的巨微解剖 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在30例成人尸体的手上,对手指神经血管束进行了应用解剖学研究。手指掌侧的神经血管束位置恒定,神经横径和血管外径在掌指关节平面和第一指间关节平面间均相差约0.3mm。食指、中指和环指指背第一指节远侧半至指尖大部由指固有神经背侧支分布。认为,手指神经和血管的主干横径变化不大,有利于修复。在手指部作手术切口时,应注意保护指固有神经背侧支。 相似文献
踝跖部神经显微断层解剖及其临床意义 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目的:为不同部位断足再植提供理论基础和有关数据。方法:用体视学方法对66例成人踝跖部胫神经及其重要分支进行观测。结果:胫神经的平均横径和面积分别为:第1断层5.8mm,14.1mm2,足底内侧神经的平均横径和面积分别为:第1断层4.0mm,7.2mm2,第2断层4.1mm,6.8mm2;第3断层4.3mm,6.5mm2;第4断层3.7mm,5.4mm2;第5断层3.1mm,4.4mm2;第6断层3.2mm,4.4mm2;第7断层2.9mm,4.7mm2。足底外侧神经的平均横径和面积分别为:第1断层3.0mm,4.8mm2;第2断层3.1mm,4.5mm2;第3断层3.5mm,4.7mm2;第4断层4.0mm,4.4mm2;第5断层4.5mm,4.6mm2。结论:提出了“三段”断足分型法。不同断层平面断足再植吻接神经时要首选吻接主干,但断层11和12应根据足部感觉功能需要首选吻接胫侧神经。 相似文献
拇指主要血管神经的断层观测 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
l 材料和方法(1)用成人拇指30(男、女各15)个,经用盐酸脱钙、脱水、浸胶及火棉胶包埋处理后做组织切片,片厚40~60μm,HE染色.取近侧和远侧指横纹及二者中点处的横断层切片,由近向远分别定为Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ断层,在拇指远节中点处进行连续切片.(2)借助放大器,在拇指断层切片上以指骨为标志,取经指骨正中矢状线的中点为圆心,将切片等分成12个30°扇形区,按顺时针方向依次定为1区、2区……和12区(附图).在显微镜下,借助于测微尺进行观测.(3)拇指横断层上的血管、神经多呈椭圆形,为较精确地反映出它们的口径,将其最大径定为纵径,与纵径垂直的最大径定为横径,再根据椭圆形面积公式,计算出截面积. 相似文献
中指主要血管神经的断面观测 总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4
用27例成人中指作组织切片后,取近侧,中间和锭侧指横纹及相邻指横纹中点处的横断面切片,对指掌侧固有动脉,神经及静脉的位置,管径进行了观测。指掌桡侧固有动脉,神经在-Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅴ断面中的4,5区和IV断中3,4区内的出现率都高于90%,它们纵径的平均值分别大于0.80mm和1.30mm。 相似文献
目的:为展肌移植治疗晚期面瘫提供形态学资料。方法:在50侧成人下肢中观察了展肌的形态、血供和神经支配。结果:展肌位置表浅,位于足底肌的第一层,其血供和神经支配分别来自足底内侧动脉和神经,两者伴行,走行恒定。结论:展肌是修复晚期面瘫的理想供肌 相似文献
目的:为视神经的影像检查提供断层解剖学资料。方法:应用50侧成人头颅湿标本制成0.5mm的火棉胶连续切片,用计算机图像分析系统对36侧冠状位标本上的视神经进行测量。结果:视神经分颅内段、管内段、眶内段和球内段四部分。管内段从视神经管颅口到眶口逐渐变细,眶内段中点最细。结论:视神经的测量可在冠状面上进行,眶内段中点可作为测量标准。 相似文献
Arakawa T Sekiya S Kumaki K Terashima T 《Anatomical science international / Japanese Association of Anatomists》2006,81(3):187-196
To understand which layer of the intrinsic muscles of the foot the adductor hallucis muscle belongs to, it is essential to investigate the innervation patterns of this muscle. In the present study, we examined the innervation patterns of the adductor hallucis muscles in 17 feet of 15 Japanese cadavers. We investigated the intramuscular nerve supplies of the adductor hallucis muscles in six feet and performed nerve fiber analysis in three feet. The results indicate that: (i) the oblique head of the adductor hallucis muscle is divided into three compartments (i.e. lateral, dorsal and medial parts) or two compartments (i.e. dorsal and medial parts) based on its intramuscular nerve supplies, but we could not classify the transverse head into any parts; (ii) the communicating twig between the lateral and medial plantar nerves penetrated the oblique head of the adductor hallucis muscle in 13 of 17 feet (76.5%); (iii) the penetrating twig entered between the lateral and dorsal parts of the oblique head, passed between the lateral and medial parts of this muscle and then connected with the medial plantar nerve; and (iv) the majority of the nerve fibers of the penetrating twig derived from the lateral plantar nerve. The present study demonstrated that only the lateral part of the oblique head of the adductor hallucis muscle had a unique innervating pattern different from other parts of this muscle, suggesting that the lateral part of the oblique head has a different origin from other parts of this muscle. 相似文献
目的 :为临床诊断腰椎管狭窄症提供腰骶神经根管的断层解剖学及CT资料。材料和方法 :在 3 0例成人脊柱横断层标本和 3 6例成人脊柱CT图像上 ,选取脊柱L3~S1节段 ,并将各节段分别分为A、B、C三个区段 ,观测其神经根管及有关数据。结果 :在A区段 ,各神经根的矢径由L3~S1逐渐增大 ;在B区段 ,神经根的行程靠近黄韧带 ;在C区段 ,神经根的行程靠近椎间盘。结论 :(1 )侧隐窝狭窄的判断标准应依腰骶节段不同而异 ;(2 )根管狭窄症的发生率可随L3~S1而增大。 相似文献
Keiichi Akita Hirokazu Sakamoto Tatsuo Sato 《Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007)》1999,255(4):465-470
The branching patterns of nerves supplying the intrinsic muscles of the foot were analyzed as a basis to confirm the muscle layer structure. Thirty‐eight feet of 20 Japanese cadavers were examined in detail in this study. The first dorsal interosseus was innervated by a branch from the deep peroneal nerve as well as a branch of the lateral plantar nerve in 92.1%, the second dorsal interosseus in 10.5% and the third dorsal interosseus in 2.6%. In three specimens, branches from the deep peroneal nerve innervated the oblique head of the adductor hallucis or the lateral head the flexor hallucis brevis. In addition, branches from the medial and lateral plantar nerves and the deep peroneal nerve formed communication loops in three specimens. The first dorsal interosseus, the oblique head of the adductor hallucis and the lateral head of the flexor hallucis and their innervating nerve branches are closely related within the first intermetatarsal space. Since the tibial part of the first interosseus muscle primordium is occupied in the space during development, the variations of innervation patterns and formation of the communicating nerve loops may be explained by various combinations of the part and the other muscle primordia. Anat Rec 255:465–470, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献