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This study examined the role of socioeconomic factors (such as education and employment) and psychosocial factors (such as social support, coping and attitude towards the future), in the relationship between migration, self-reported health and life satisfaction among young adults in a 31-year follow-up study of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 conducted in 1997-1998. The associations between these outcomes and socioeconomic and psychosocial factors were first examined, stratified by gender and migration, for sample members at 23 and at 31 years of age. Regression modelling was then used to study the association between migration and the outcomes after adjusting for specific socioeconomic and psychosocial factors. Results of binary logistic regression models showed that, although there was more dissatisfaction with life and more poor self-reported health in rural areas, the association was derived mostly from the mediation of unemployment, poorer education, lack of social support, passive coping strategies and greater pessimism among people living in rural areas. It is concluded that special attention should be paid to improving living conditions (educational and vocational opportunities) and enhancing the psychosocial resources of young adults in rural and remote areas.  相似文献   

Objective:  To provide a framework for investigating the influence of socioeconomic and cultural factors on rural health.
Design:  Discussion paper.
Results:  Socioeconomic and cultural factors have long been thought to influence an individual's health. We suggest a framework for characterising these factors that comprises individual-level (e.g. individual socioeconomic status, sex, race) and neighbourhood-level dimensions (population composition, social environment, physical environment) operating both independently and through interaction. Recent spatial research suggests that in rural communities, socioeconomic disadvantage and indigenous status are two of the greatest underlying influences on health status. However, rural communities also face additional challenges associated with access to, and utilisation of, health care. The example is given of procedural angiography for individuals with an acute coronary event.
Conclusions:  Socioeconomic and cultural factors specific to rural Australia are key influences on the health of residents. These range from individual-level factors, such as rural stoicism, poverty and substance use norms, to neighbourhood-level social characteristics, such as lack of services, migration out of rural areas of younger community members weakening traditionally high levels of social cohesion, and to environmental factors, such as climate change and access to services.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although measuring socioeconomic inequality in population health indicators like infant mortality is important, more interesting for policy purposes is to try to explain infant mortality inequality. The objective of this paper is to quantify for the first time the determinants' contributions of socioeconomic inequality in infant mortality in Iran. METHODS: A nationally representative sample of 108 875 live births from October 1990 to September 1999 was selected. The data were taken from the Iranian Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) conducted in 2000. Households' socioeconomic status was measured using principal component analysis. The concentration index of infant mortality was used as our measure of socioeconomic inequality and decomposed into its determining factors. RESULTS: The largest contributions to inequality in infant mortality were owing to household economic status (36.2%) and mother's education (20.9%). Residency in rural/urban areas (13.9%), birth interval (13.0%), and hygienic status of toilet (11.9%) also proved important contributors to the measured inequality. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate that socioeconomic inequality in infant mortality in Iran is determined not only by health system functions but also by factors beyond the scope of health authorities and care delivery system. This implies that in addition to reducing inequalities in wealth and education, investments in water and sanitation infrastructure and programmes (especially in rural areas) are necessary to realize improvements of inequality in infant mortality across society. These findings can be instrumental for the recent 5 year Economic, Social and Cultural Development Plan of Iran, which identified the reduction of inequalities in social determinants of health.  相似文献   

This article draws attention to the health implications of poverty in urban areas of developing countries. Migrants in Africa are depicted as bringing poverty with them and, in turn, being exposed to urban problems of access to water, sanitation, and shelter. Urban populations in low-income countries are viewed as carrying a double burden of health problems from communicable diseases and health problems typically associated with economically advanced societies, such as chronic diseases, accidents, and violence. Disease rates among children in urban slums from infectious diseases are reported to be sometimes higher than in rural areas. The rates of heart diseases and neoplasms are higher among the urban poor, even in Southern countries. The double burden is not shared equally by cities. The European experience is described as one where health professionals were instrumental in shifting policies to alleviating poor health conditions by changing physical conditions and socioeconomic conditions and improving the adjustment to the stresses of urban living. The European experience needs to be applied and is being applied by health professionals working in African cities. Urbanization is expected to increase by 40-66% by the year 2010. Shifts will occur due to the desire for better jobs and better lives and due to displacement from war and civil conflict. 30-60% of urban population already live in slums, which may have a lack of access to basic needs such water, sanitation, and adequate housing, or inadequate food supplies and expensive and scarce fuel. Slums are characterized by high population densities and location on hazardous sites. Children are at high risk.  相似文献   

In the absence of individual data, ecological or contextual measures of socioeconomic level are frequently used to describe social inequalities in health. This work focuses on the methodological aspects of the development and validation of a French small-area index of socioeconomic deprivation and its application to the evaluation of the socioeconomic differentials in health outcomes. This index was derived from a principal component analysis of 1999 national census data from the Strasbourg metropolitan area in eastern France, at the census block level. Composed of 19 variables that reflect the multiple aspects of socioeconomic status (income, employment, housing, family and household, and educational level), it can discriminate disadvantaged urban centres from more privileged rural and suburban areas. Several statistical tests (Cronbach's alpha coefficient, convergent validity tests with other deprivation indices from the literature) provided internal and external validation. Its successful application to another French metropolitan area (Lille, in northern France) confirmed its transposability. Finally, its capacity to capture the social inequalities in health when applied to myocardial infarction data shows its potential value. This study thus provides a new tool in French public health research for characterising neighbourhood deprivation and detecting socioeconomic disparities in the distribution of health outcomes at the small-area level.  相似文献   

Neighborhood socioeconomic effects on health have been estimated using multiple variables and indices. This inconsistent estimation approach makes comparison across geographic areas challenging. In this paper, we developed indices representing specific socioeconomic domains that can be reproduced in other areas to estimate elements of the neighborhood socioeconomic environment on health outcomes, specifically preterm birth. Using year 2000 U.S. census data and principal components analysis, socioeconomic indices were developed representing a priori - defined domains of education, employment, housing, occupation, poverty and residential stability. These socioeconomic indices were subsequently used in race-stratified multilevel logistic regression models of preterm birth in eight socioeconomically distinct study areas in the U.S. Maternal residence was obtained from birth records and was geocoded to census tracts. In maternal age and education adjusted models, living in tracts with high unemployment, low education, poor housing, low proportion of managerial or professional occupation and high poverty was associated with increased odds of preterm birth for non-Hispanic white women at most sites. Among non-Hispanic black women, similar associations were noted for tract-level low education, high unemployment, low occupation, and high poverty, but the effect estimates were generally smaller than those seen for white women. Increasing amounts of residential stability were not associated with preterm birth in these analyses. We combined the domain estimates across the eight study sites to produce pooled effect estimates for the socioeconomic domains on preterm birth. The research reported here suggests that specific neighborhood-level socioeconomic features may be especially influential to health outcomes. These socioeconomic domains represent potential targets for intervention or policy efforts designed to improve maternal and child health and reduce health disparities.  相似文献   

In the absence of individual data, ecological or contextual measures of socioeconomic level are frequently used to describe social inequalities in health. This work focuses on the methodological aspects of the development and validation of a French small-area index of socioeconomic deprivation and its application to the evaluation of the socioeconomic differentials in health outcomes. This index was derived from a principal component analysis of 1999 national census data from the Strasbourg metropolitan area in eastern France, at the census block level. Composed of 19 variables that reflect the multiple aspects of socioeconomic status (income, employment, housing, family and household, and educational level), it can discriminate disadvantaged urban centres from more privileged rural and suburban areas. Several statistical tests (Cronbach's alpha coefficient, convergent validity tests with other deprivation indices from the literature) provided internal and external validation. Its successful application to another French metropolitan area (Lille, in northern France) confirmed its transposability. Finally, its capacity to capture the social inequalities in health when applied to myocardial infarction data shows its potential value.This study thus provides a new tool in French public health research for characterising neighbourhood deprivation and detecting socioeconomic disparities in the distribution of health outcomes at the small-area level.  相似文献   

Purpose: To examine the differences in oral health status among residents of high‐poverty counties, as compared to residents of other rural or urban counties, specifically on the prevalence of edentulism. Methods: We used the 2005 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) and the 2006 Area Resource File (ARF). All analyses were conducted with SAS and SAS‐callable SUDAAN, in order to account for weighting and the complex sample design. Findings: Characteristics significantly related to edentulism include: geographic location, gender, race, age, health status, employment, insurance, not having a usual source of care, education, marital status, presence of chronic disease, having an English interview, not deferring care due to cost, income, and dentist saturation within the county. Conclusions: Significant associations between high‐poverty rural and other rural counties and edentulism were found, and other socioeconomic and health status indicators remain strong predictors of edentulism.  相似文献   

Efforts to strengthen health information systems in low- and middle-income countries should include forging links with systems in other social and economic sectors. Governments are seeking comprehensive socioeconomic data on the basis of which to implement strategies for poverty reduction and to monitor achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. The health sector is looking to take action on the social factors that determine health outcomes. But there are duplications and inconsistencies between sectors in the collection, reporting, storage and analysis of socioeconomic data. National offices of statistics give higher priority to collection and analysis of economic than to social statistics. The Report of the Commission for Africa has estimated that an additional US$ 60 million a year is needed to improve systems to collect and analyse statistics in Africa. Some donors recognize that such systems have been weakened by numerous international demands for indicators, and have pledged support for national initiatives to strengthen statistical systems, as well as sectoral information systems such as those in health and education. Many governments are working to coordinate information systems to monitor and evaluate poverty reduction strategies. There is therefore an opportunity for the health sector to collaborate with other sectors to lever international resources to rationalize definition and measurement of indicators common to several sectors; streamline the content, frequency and timing of household surveys; and harmonize national and subnational databases that store socioeconomic data. Without long-term commitment to improve training and build career structures for statisticians and information technicians working in the health and other sectors, improvements in information and statistical systems cannot be sustained.  相似文献   

[目的]通过对湖南省贫困人口现状及扶贫措施分析,为今后进一步精准扶贫及巩固扶贫成效提供建议。[方法]通过描述性方法分析2017年、2018年湖南省贫困人口变化、剩余贫困人口地域分布及致贫原因,采用灰色关联度进行脱贫与扶贫措施的相关分析。[结果] 2018年底湖南省剩余贫困人口82.9万,较上年净减少125.7万人,贫困发生率由2017年的3.8%下降到2018年的1.5%,低于全国平均水平(1.7%);剩余贫困人口集中在邵阳市、怀化市、湘西州和娄底市;主要致贫原因分别是因病、缺劳力、缺技术、缺资金和因残。健康扶贫、扶志教育、综合保障性扶贫、生活条件改善、就业扶贫、社会帮扶、产业扶贫、教育扶贫、金融扶贫9类扶贫措施与脱贫高度关联(关联度系数> 0.7),9类扶贫措施中又以健康扶贫、扶志教育、综合保障性扶贫位居前三。[结论] 2018年湖南省农村贫困人口减贫成效显著,但大湘西和湘中地区贫困问题依旧突出。  相似文献   

贫困农村地区妇幼保健服务利用的公平性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
妇女儿童是社会脆弱人群的重要组成部分,他们应该公平地获得基本的保健服务。该文采用描述性统计方法以及Slope(斜度)指数法对10个国家级贫困县中2503名15~49岁以婚妇女、1236名0~6岁儿童的保健服务利用的公平性状况进行了分析。结果提示,我国贫困农村地区妇幼保健服务的利用仅达到甚至低于1992年全国农村的平均水平,且贫困地区内不同经济状况的人群,其保健服务的利用也存在不公平性,须引起政府部门的高度重视。  相似文献   

Objective : This paper seeks to compare the relationships between social capital and health for rural and urban residents of South Australia.
Methods : Using data from a South Australian telephone survey of 2,013 respondents (1,402 urban and 611 rural), separate path analyses for the rural and urban samples were used to compare the relationships between six social capital measures, six demographic variables, and mental and physical health (measured by the SF-12).
Results : Higher levels of networks, civic participation and cohesion were reported in rural areas. Education and income were consistently linked with social capital variables for both rural and urban participants, with those on higher incomes and with higher educational achievement having higher levels of social capital. However, there were also differences between the rural and urban groups in some of the other predictors of social capital variables. Mental health was better among rural participants, but there was no significant difference for physical health. Social capital was associated with good mental health for both urban and rural participants, but with physical health only for urban participants. Higher levels of social capital were significantly associated with better mental health for both urban and rural participants, but with better physical health only for urban participants.
Conclusions and implications : The study found that social capital and its relationship to health differed for participants in rural and urban areas, and that there were also differences between the areas in associations with socioeconomic variables. Policies aiming to strengthen social capital in order to promote health need to be designed for specific settings and particular communities within these.  相似文献   

Purpose: To determine if chronic cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality rates are higher among residents of mountaintop mining (MTM) areas compared to mining and nonmining areas, and to examine the association between greater levels of MTM surface mining and CVD mortality. Methods: Age‐adjusted chronic CVD mortality rates from 1999 to 2006 for counties in 4 Appalachian states where MTM occurs (N = 404) were linked with county coal mining data. Three groups of counties were compared: MTM, coal mining but not MTM, and nonmining. Covariates included smoking rate, rural‐urban status, percent male population, primary care physician supply, obesity rate, diabetes rate, poverty rate, race/ethnicity rates, high school and college education rates, and Appalachian county. Linear regression analyses examined the association of mortality rates with mining in MTM areas and non‐MTM areas and the association of mortality with quantity of surface coal mined in MTM areas. Findings: Prior to covariate adjustment, chronic CVD mortality rates were significantly higher in both mining areas compared to nonmining areas and significantly highest in MTM areas. After adjustment, mortality rates in MTM areas remained significantly higher and increased as a function of greater levels of surface mining. Higher obesity and poverty rates and lower college education rates also significantly predicted CVD mortality overall and in rural counties. Conclusions: MTM activity is significantly associated with elevated chronic CVD mortality rates. Future research is necessary to examine the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of MTM on health to reduce health disparities in rural coal mining areas.  相似文献   



To identify factors driving the rapid increase in caesarean section in China between 1988 and 2008.


Data from four national cross-sectional surveys (1993, 1998, 2003 and 2008) and modified Poisson regression were used to determine whether changes in household income, access to health insurance or women’s education accounted for the rise in caesarean sections in urban and rural areas.


In 2008, 64.1% of urban women and 11.3% of women in the poorest rural region reported giving birth by caesarean section. A fast rise was occurring in all socioeconomic groups. Between 1993 and 2008, the risk of caesarean section had increased more than threefold in urban areas (relative risk, RR: 3.63; 95% confidence interval, CI: 2.61–5.04) and more than 15-fold in rural areas (RR: 15.46; 95% CI: 10.46–22.86). After adjustment for improvements in income, education and access to health insurance over the study period, the RR dropped minimally in urban areas (RR: 3.07; 95% CI: 2.32–4.07), which suggests that these factors do not explain the rise; in rural areas, the adjusted RR dropped to 7.18 (95% CI: 4.82–10.69), which shows that socioeconomic change is only partly responsible for the rise. Socioeconomic region of residence was a more important driver of the caesarean section rate than individual socioeconomic status.


The large variation in caesarean section rate by socioeconomic region – independent of individual income, health insurance or education – suggests that structural factors related to service supply have influenced the increasing rate more than a woman’s ability to pay.  相似文献   

Drawing on the 1998 China national health services survey data, this study estimated the poverty impact of two smoking-related expenses: excessive medical spending attributable to smoking and direct spending on cigarettes. The excessive medical spending attributable to smoking is estimated using a regression model of medical expenditure with smoking status (current smoker, former smoker, never smoker) as part of the explanatory variables, controlling for people's demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. The poverty impact is measured by the changes in the poverty head count, after smoking-related expenses are subtracted from income. We found that the excessive medical spending attributable to smoking may have caused the poverty rate to increase by 1.5% for the urban population and by 0.7% for the rural population. To a greater magnitude, the poverty headcount in urban and rural areas increased by 6.4% and 1.9%, respectively, due to the direct household spending on cigarettes. Combined, the excessive medical spending attributable to smoking and consumption spending on cigarettes are estimated to be responsible for impoverishing 30.5 million urban residents and 23.7 million rural residents in China. Smoking related expenses pushed a significant proportion of low-income families into poverty in China. Therefore, reducing the smoking rate appears to be not only a public health strategy, but also a poverty reduction strategy.  相似文献   

Behaviors that increase the risk of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) among adolescents living in rural areas have been reported to be as frequent as those of lower socioeconomic minority youth living in large urban areas. Little is known, however, about whether rural adolescents possess adequate knowledge upon which to make responsible decisions to avoid exposure to HIV. In order to address this deficit, we administered the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) 1989 Secondary School Health Risk Survey to 294 sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students (30.2% sample) from a rural county with significant social problems including epidemic sexually transmitted diseases STDs, sex-for-drugs, poverty, and drug abuse. The sample was 65% African-American, 50% female, with a mean age of 12.9 +/- 1.3 years. Although 68% reported having received school-based AIDS education, a lower proportion (greater than or equal to 10%) the students were found to correctly answer 8 of 17 AIDS/HIV knowledge questions than those from a national comparison group. The mean was 12.8 +/- 3.1 of 17 items answered correct. Lower AIDS/HIV knowledge was associated with lower school grade (rho = 0.46, p less than or equal to 0.0001); being African-American, Hispanic, or Native American (p less than or equal to 0.043); and never receiving school-based AIDS/HIV education (p less than or equal to 0.0001). Based on multivariate analysis of variance (ANOVA), only school-based AIDS/HIV education was a significant predictor (p less than or equal to 0.0001) of knowledge.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Awareness of the health risks of smoking is an important factor in predicting smoking-related behaviour; however, little is known about the knowledge of health risks in low-income countries such as India. The present study examined beliefs about the harms of smoking and the impact of health knowledge on intentions to quit among a sample of 249 current smokers in both urban and rural areas in two states (Maharashtra and Bihar) from the 2006 TCP India Pilot Survey, conducted by the ITC Project. The overall awareness among smokers in India of the specific health risks of smoking was very low compared to other ITC countries, and only 10% of respondents reported that they had plans to quit in the next six months. In addition, smokers with higher knowledge were significantly more likely to have plans to quit smoking. For example, 26.2% of respondents who believed that smoking cause CHD and only 5.5% who did not believe that smoking causes CHD had intentions to quit (χ2 = 16.348, p < 0.001). Important differences were also found according to socioeconomic factors and state: higher levels of knowledge were found in Maharashtra than in Bihar, in urban compared to rural areas, among males, and among smokers with higher education. These findings highlight the need to increase awareness about the health risks of smoking in India, particularly in rural areas, where levels of education and health knowledge are lower.  相似文献   

河南省嵩县PRA调查结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1998年10月,河南卫Ⅷ项目改善生育卫生服务技术组在嵩县利用PRA方法(个人深入访谈、矩阵打分)对30名近3年内有生育史的妇女及其丈夫进行调查。调查结果显示:多数妇女能做到产前检查,约80%产妇在家分娩。利用矩阵打分法,对妇女选择的分娩地点进行打分,县医院分值最高为37.76分,男性则对乡卫生院打分最高,妇女、男性对健康教育有较大需求,她(他)们最喜爱的教育方式有小册子,医生咨询,办培训班等。基  相似文献   

Illness and health behaviour in Addis Ababa and rural central Ethiopia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the results of health surveys among 544 randomly selected households (2829 people) in seven kebele (urban dwellers' associations) in Addis Ababa and Kaliti, an industrial suburb of Addis Ababa, and in four rural villages in two peasant associations. The major objective was to study illness distribution and health behaviour among different socioeconomic and cultural groups in urban and rural communities within the context of available health resources, national health policy and planning. Results show that in spite of the rapid expansion of health services since the Ethiopian revolution serious problems of allocation and access persist. Higher illness prevalance rates were found in rural areas (23.2%), Kaliti (25.5%) and in the low socioeconomic kebele in Addis Ababa (23.9%) than in the high socioeconomic kebele (16.5%), but rural/urban and intraurban differences were greater than reported here due to underreporting. One-third of all illnesses were treated by modern services, 19.9% by self care and 26.0% by traditional medicine and transitional healers, with 21.5% of all illnesses not being treated. Utilization rates varied with type and duration of illness, socioeconomic level, age, sex and place of residence. The role of distance and other contact barriers, treatment outcome and availability of private clinics and alternative health resources in utilization is also evaluated. Coverage of the modern health services was associated with socioeconomic status and mobility of patients as well as availability of health services.  相似文献   

This study examined the association of a number of social and economic and other factors with perceived morbidity and use of health services by children in rural Bangladesh, using the data of a health and socioeconomic survey conducted in Matlab, Bangladesh in 1996. One of the factors of interest was women’s social position measured with indicators such as their education, domestic autonomy, social networks and social prestige. Other factors of interest were economic in nature and included the availability of high-quality primary health care (PHC) facilities in one part of the study area. A total of 52% of the 3,793 children below 15 had an episode of an acute illness in the month preceding the interview. The medical care sought for acute illnesses was grouped into four categories: medical doctors, paramedics, traditional and untrained village doctors (including drug sellers) and homeopaths. A total of 55% of the children who were sick in the past month consulted any type of health provider. Logistic regression was used to estimate the effects of the various independent variables on the two dependent variables: perceived morbidity of under-15 children and health service use for under-15 sick children. The results revealed that age of the child was the most important factor influencing perceived morbidity while social and economic variables were in general not related to perceived morbidity. Prolonged and severe illnesses and illnesses of young and male children were more likely to be treated by health providers, particularly by physicians. While women’s education and social network influenced visits to any health providers socioeconomic indicators influenced visits to physicians. Availability of PHC facilities in one part of the study area also led to more use of modern medical care. The findings highlight that improvement of women’s education and of social and economic status in general, in combination with more availability of high-quality PHC will in Bangladesh lead to better health care of children.
Nurul AlamEmail:

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