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正患者男,60岁,因"喉恶性肿瘤"于2014年3月于外院行"垂直半喉切除术",术后半年声嘶伴呼吸困难1个月后就诊于我院。电子喉镜示:喉术后改变,右侧喉室膨隆,凸向喉腔,喉口狭窄,黏膜光滑(图1)。喉部CT示:会厌软骨右侧可见团块状软组织密度影,CT值约39 HU,与会厌分界不清,向下累及右侧杓会厌皱襞、右侧声带,局部突向喉腔。喉腔受压变形,病变沿甲状软骨右上间隙突入颈部软组  相似文献   

We present a case with laryngeal melanosis and discuss the clinical significance of this condition. A 58-year-old male patient was referred to the otolaryngology department with a 2-month history of hoarseness. He had a history of smoking 20 cigarettes a day for 40 years. Videolaryngosgopic examination showed chronic laryngitis findings with multifocal pigmented pachydermic areas. Multiple biopsies were performed by laryngomicrosurgery. Pathological examination revealed laryngeal melanosis. As the number is not much enough, the association of laryngeal melanosis and carcinogenesis seems to be controversial. In the point of management, we have to be aware of the risks of laryngeal melanosis, such as developing neoplasm, and monitor the patients closely by periodical examinations and biopsies and advise the patients to stop smoking.  相似文献   

Laryngeal leiomyosarcoma (LLM) is a rare malignancy originating from the smooth muscles of blood vessels or from aberrant undifferentiated mesenchymal tissue. Histological diagnosis may be particularly difficult and correct diagnosis is based on immunohistochemical investigations and electron microscopy. A case report of a LLM in a 74-year-old man is presented. Direct laryngoscopy revealed a large glottic lesion causing airway compromise and an emergency tracheotomy was performed. Subsequent total laryngectomy confirmed the diagnosis of leiomyosarcoma. Lung metastases developed 8 months following treatment, despite the absence of local or regional recurrence, and the patient died 3 months later. A review of the English and French literature revealed 30 previous cases of LLM. Clinical presentation, histological diagnosis, and management of this rare malignancy are analyzed aiming to improve our knowledge regarding the best treatment modality.  相似文献   

Laryngopyocele is a fairly rare disease. It is a complication of laryngocele. Its clinical picture is often alarming; thus it needs fast differential diagnosis. Computed tomography allows early diagnosis. Surgical treatment permits a complete recovery. An association between laryngocele and carcinoma of the larynx has been reported by some authors. Three new cases of laryngopyocele are presented and discussed. Received: 23 November 1999 / Accepted: 29 May 2000  相似文献   

A 56-year-old Japanese man presented with hoarseness and left sided neck swelling in June 2003. Endoscopy showed an irregular tumor extending from the anterior commissure to the left ventricle with dark pigmentation. A biopsy showed malignant melanoma. A total laryngectomy with left radical neck dissection was performed in July 2003, followed by chemohormonal therapy and radiotherapy to the neck. Multiple bone metastases were diagnosed in May 2004, and the patient died with disseminated disease in April 2005, 21 months after initial treatment. The medical literature on laryngeal malignant melanoma was reviewed, and suggested a very poor prognosis despite therapy with surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy.  相似文献   

目的 探讨喉纤维上皮性息肉(FEP)病因、临床特征、诊断、鉴别诊断,提高对头颈部FEP的认识。方法 回顾性分析1例原发于喉的FEP患者的临床资料,结合文献复习总结FEP的临床诊断治疗经验。该患者先行气管切开解除气道梗阻并行喉肿物活检,病理示FEP后再次支撑喉镜下等离子行喉FEP完整切除。结果 患者术后恢复好,成功拔除气套管,随访1年未见复发及恶变。结论 喉FEP为来源于中胚层的良性肿瘤,临床罕见,治疗以手术完整切除为主,预后良好,不易恶变。  相似文献   

Tonsillar and laryngeal tuberculosis are rare diseases. We report a case with a tonsillar and laryngeal lesion. Histopathological and bacteriological examinations established the diagnosis of tonsillar and laryngeal tuberculosis associated with asymptomatic pulmonary focus.  相似文献   

喉淀粉样变性病的临床报告并文献复习   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:进一步认识喉淀粉样变性病的发病机制、分类、临床表现、诊断及治疗。方法:11例喉淀粉样变性病患者,行间接喉镜下手术5例,支撑喉镜下手术1例,喉裂开术2例,垂直半喉切除声门重建术1例,未手术2例。结果:3例失访,2例复发,6例情况稳定。结论:①Symmers分类方法具有临床价值;②诊断、鉴别诊断依据刚果红染色呈棕红色,偏光显微镜下呈双折光和绿荧光的特殊形态;③喉淀粉样变性确诊后,必须排除全身性、继发性淀粉样变性及多发性浆细胞瘤;④治疗依赖患者的严重程度,轻者可以保守观察,重者必须外科切除;⑤可以复发,必须长期随访。  相似文献   

The kaposiform hemangioendothelioma (KHE) is an uncommon vascular neoplasm of borderline or intermediate malignant potential in which involvement of the head and neck region is rare.  相似文献   

A laryngocele is usually a cystic dilatation of the laryngeal saccule. The etiology behind its occurrence is still unclear, but congenital and acquired factors have been implicated in its development. In this study, we present a rare case of laryngocele occurring in a 72-year-old woman. During physical examination the external component of the laryngocele was seen as a swelling in the neck. The swelling became larger during Valsalva maneuver. On the endoscopic examination of the larynx, she had a bulging near the ventricular fold and the right aryepiglottic fold. Diagnosis of laryngocele was made and confirmed with physical examination, indirect laryngoscopy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Primary laryngeal angiosarcoma (LA) is rare without a reported series evaluating these tumors. STUDY DESIGN/METHODS: Five patients with LA were retrospectively retrieved from the Otorhinolaryngic Registry of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. RESULTS: Three men and 2 women, aged 29 to 71 years, presented with hoarseness (n = 4) and hemoptysis (n = 1). Two patients had previous neck radiation. The tumors involved the supraglottis (n = 4) with a mean size of 3.1 cm. Histologically, all tumors had anastomosing vascular channels lined by remarkably atypical endothelial cells protruding into the lumen, frequent atypical mitotic figures, and hemorrhage. All cases tested (n = 4) demonstrated immunoreactivity with antibodies to Factor VIII-RA and CD34. All patients had surgery followed by postoperative radiation (n = 3 patients). Three patients died with disease (mean, 17 mo), whereas one patient is alive with no evidence of disease at 18 years. CONCLUSIONS: LA is a rare tumor, frequently associated with previous radiation, usually involving the supraglottis with characteristic histomorphologic and immunophenotypic features. LA has a poor prognosis, making appropriate separation from other conditions important.  相似文献   

目的探讨原发性喉淀粉样变的临床特征及治疗方法。方法回顾性分析空军军医大学附属唐都医院2017年4月—2019年1月收治的喉淀粉样变4例临床资料,并进行相关文献复习。结果4例患者病变组织均经手术切除,其中2例喉正中裂开肿物切除,2例支撑喉镜下二氧化碳激光手术切除,病理结果示淀粉样变,无喉气管功能损伤,无临床及实验证据表明有系统性淀粉样病变。随访时间3个月至2年,未见肿物复发。结论孤立性喉淀粉样变是一种罕见的良性肿瘤,需要同其他良恶性喉肿瘤相鉴别,治疗前需排除全身系统性淀粉样病变。治疗方案以手术为主,治疗策略应该偏保守,以保留器官功能为前提。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the long-term clinical outcome of dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma or chondrosarcoma with additional malignant mesenchymal component (CAMMC) of the larynx and compare the results with those of axial chondrosarcomas. STUDY DESIGN/METHODS: Two patients with CAMMC of the larynx (0.03%) were retrospectively identified within the archives of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology between 1970 and 2001. We compared the clinical and histologic features of these two cases with those reported in the English literature (Medline 1966-2001) (Table I). RESULTS: Patient no. 1 was a 67-year-old man who presented with a 12-month history of hoarseness and was found to have a 4-cm mass involving the cricoid cartilage. Enucleation was performed and histologically demonstrated a dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma. Without additional intervention, the patient died after 136 months without evidence of disease. Patient no. 2 was a 41-year-old man who also presented with a 12-month history of hoarseness and dysphagia and was found to have a 5-cm mass involving the cricoid cartilage. A total laryngectomy was performed for the dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma. He is alive without evidence of disease at last contact (91 mo). CONCLUSION: CAMMC of the larynx are rare tumors but have a better prognosis than their axial counterparts (mean, 6 mo). Initial voice-sparing surgery can be followed with more aggressive surgery if recurrences develop.  相似文献   

目的〓〖HTK〗探讨甲状舌管癌的诊断及治疗方法。〖HTW〗方法〓〖HTK〗回顾性分析1例甲状舌管癌患者病历资料,结合复习相关文献,对甲状舌管癌的起源、诊断及治疗方法进行讨论。〖HTW〗结果〓〖HTK〗甲状舌管癌多为乳头状癌,颈部CT有多囊结构、囊壁实性结节或钙化表现。〖HTW〗结论〓〖HTK〗甲状舌管癌临床罕见,囊肿迅速长大、颈部CT表现和细针穿刺是术前诊断的重要依据,Sistrunk术式是有效的原发灶切除方法。  相似文献   

正颗粒细胞瘤(granular cell tumor,GCT)临床上较为少见,发生于喉部的更为罕见。2011年4月至2017年5月,青岛大学附属医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科共收治喉颗粒细胞瘤4例,其中成人2例,儿童2例,现报告如下。1临床病例例1,男,41岁,因"声音嘶哑3年余"于2011年4月27日入院,检查:右侧声带中份可见息肉样肿物,表面光滑,声带活动可,闭合欠佳。电子喉镜检  相似文献   

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