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A healthcare revolution is at hand, and not just in Washington, DC. The 78th Annual Catholic Health Assembly, held June 6 to 9 in New Orleans, drew 1,300 Catholic health providers from across the nation to explore the progress of healthcare reform--at the federal level, in state initiatives, and in cities across the nation where providers are collaborating to provide more comprehensive, cost-effective care. Culminating in an affirming address by First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, the assembly afforded attendees opportunities to discuss the operational opportunities ahead, innovative care approaches, and strategies to maintain their Catholic identity and values under a reformed system.  相似文献   

The Catholic Health Association (CHA) Leadership Task Force on National Health Policy Reform has offered a proposal that, if enacted by Congress, would result in profound changes in the way providers deliver healthcare in the United States. The proposal would result in fewer acute healthcare facilities, challenge some acute care facilities to provide additional services and require each Catholic healthcare provider to collaborate with Catholic providers and others. Two features distinguish CHA's plan from the many other healthcare proposals that have been offered. First, CHA's plan is rooted in six tenets of Catholic healthcare. Second, the plan primarily focuses on client-centered delivery reform rather than on financing issues as other proposals have done. The task force believed it first had to create a vision of what the nation's future healthcare delivery system should look like. The task force decided that providers must do a better job of meeting clients' healthcare needs. To be a credible leader in the healthcare reform debate, the task force believes that CHA must offer a plan that primarily focuses on the needs of people and, second, controls costs effectively.  相似文献   

Where health reform ends up this year--or next--is anyone's guess. But no one can dispute the enormous role the Clinton White House has played in getting the ball rolling. Even the Clintons' most ardent foes (and there are more than a few) acknowledge that the President and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton deserve enormous credit for putting the complex issue high on the public and political agenda. With those extra-credit points safely assured, the editorial staff of the Journal of American Health Policy is grading the efforts of 10 top health officials in the Clinton Administration. Our 1994 report card reflects individuals' leadership ability, credibility in dealing with the public, willingness to compromise, and role in improving health care for all Americans.  相似文献   

Whatever the final shape of healthcare reform, providers and sponsors are already collaborating with each other in various network arrangements. As they pursue these arrangements, they are asking questions about their role in a reformed system and whether the networks they participate in will strengthen their mission and ministry. Documents published about five years ago by the Catholic Health Association (CHA) and the Commission on Catholic Health Care Ministry provided the rationale for CHA's proposal to form integrated delivery networks (IDNs) as part of a national healthcare reform plan. The documents called for a continuum of care with comprehensive community- and institution-based services and challenged Catholic healthcare leaders to work for a healthcare system that guarantees access to the needy and most vulnerable in society. The central task for administrators today is to determine whether participating in an IDN enables Catholic healthcare providers to fulfill their original mission and purpose. To determine this, organizations must clarify their mission and evaluate their beliefs. They must also develop a shared vision of motives and goals among everyone with whom they collaborate. IDNs' success in furthering the healthcare ministry will depend on leaders' ability to ensure that new corporate cultures which arise in cooperative ventures and arrangements support Catholic values and mission. In making the transition to a new environment, leaders should remember that aspects of IDNs support many of the goals of the Catholic healthcare ministry.  相似文献   

In a world that is rapidly changing, healthcare stands in the midst of the maelstrom. Yet the one thing that everybody agrees on is the need for more change. The 75th Annual Catholic Health Assembly brought together members of the Catholic healthcare community to reflect on the need to reform the U.S. healthcare system. Together, they examined the problems, the proposals, and the processes for change. At the assembly, marking the 75th anniversary of the founding of CHA, the ministry's leaders reaffirmed their commitment to the founders' values and looked at practical ways to fulfill their mission to serve the poor and most vulnerable among us.  相似文献   

Dedicated to helping Catholic hospitals keep pace with rapid changes in the healthcare field, CHA flourished under the leadership of its first president, Rev. Charles B. Moulinier, SJ, who served from 1915 to 1928. The second in a series of Health Progress articles on the Catholic Health Association's history (March 1990) recounted Fr. Moulinier's efforts to expand CHA's role as a national organization serving Catholic hospitals. This article describes the work of Rev. Alphonse M. Schwitalla, SJ, to reorganize CHA and to develop a program for evaluating Catholic schools of nursing. In May, a fourth article will focus on CHA's developing relationships with other national Catholic organizations and its expanded role as an advocate of healthcare policy reform.  相似文献   

Market-driven healthcare reform is now a reality. As the federal government grapples to control open-ended entitlements, Medicare and Medicaid, and as the private and public sectors continue to wrestle with the costs of healthcare coverage and delivery, it is useful to review the Canadian healthcare system. Canada's system underwent considerable analysis during the Clinton administration's attempt at healthcare reform. Then, as now, the system was heralded or reviled by disparate interests. Canada's system deserved another look in light of current U.S. interest in healthcare reform.  相似文献   

In September 1992 seven leaders of institutes of women religious met in St. Louis to discuss the challenges facing sponsors of Catholic healthcare. One woman religious from the Catholic Health Association also joined in the roundtable conversation. The discussion ranged over a variety of topics but invariably returned to one question: Given the current situation in healthcare, how can sponsors use their leadership to foster relationships that ensure the continued vitality of the Catholic healthcare ministry and promote a just and rational healthcare system?  相似文献   

Catholic healthcare providers today can live out their vision and values only if they become public policy advocates. They must learn how to shape effective public policy to help heal the ailing U.S. healthcare system. Although from a political perspective they might feel ill-equipped to advocate in the public policy arena, Catholic healthcare providers are richly endowed from the perspective of their tradition of social teaching. They must uphold the common good as a primary criterion in healthcare reform. Two important issues provide an extraordinary opportunity and challenge for Catholic healthcare leaders to demonstrate their commitment to the common good: euthanasia and healthcare reform.  相似文献   

The charitable acts of women religious in response to the needs of the communities in which they settled is one of the great chapters in the history of the Church in America. But in the past two decades providers have had to contend with extraordinary changes in the healthcare environment. The Catholic healthcare mission was rooted in concern for the poor. Should Catholic healthcare providers withdraw from this field in which they have had such a significant presence and have contributed so much, or be driven from healthcare by the fiscal consequences of fidelity to mission? Instead, through its reform proposal, the Catholic Health Association has recommended that Catholic providers become advocates of change. However, even if change, such as universal access to healthcare, is achieved, we shall still have a society in which there will be many poor people. The challenge will be to see that healthcare for the poor does not become poor healthcare. Although the changing urban environment presents enormous challenges to providers, the Catholic healthcare ministry is a significant presence in urban areas. Widespread poverty accompanied by behavioral problems and social breakdowns are significant factors affecting healthcare and healthcare costs. Drug addiction; AIDS; teenage pregnancy; homelessness; the deterioration of the family; and generations of unemployment, anomie, abuse, and violence, which are often most acute in concentrated neighborhoods of poverty, challenge the ability of Catholic hospitals to meet their community's needs. Catholic providers today have a real opportunity to bring about positive changes in healthcare. They have the history, experience, and will to preserve a Catholic presence in the provision of healthcare.  相似文献   

In 1988, with the publication of Catholic Health Ministry: A New Vision for a New Century, the Commission on Catholic Health Care Ministry called on the Church to redefine its healing mission in society. Unfortunately, despite various efforts, the Church has not yet fully articulated a shared vision of Catholic healthcare, healing, and support. Healing human brokenness has always been the Church's work in the world, whether the brokenness be physical, emotional, intellectual, moral, or spiritual. The Church, having a broader definition of brokenness than that of the larger healthcare system, must sometimes act as a countercultural critic of that system. Two of the great challenges facing healthcare today are providing care for dependent persons (people with chronic illnesses and older people) and for dying persons. In both cases, much more coordination of the various actors is needed. The Church could ensure that this coordination is carried out. In each diocese, the bishop should organize a pastoral health and social service planning group to assess community needs and apply Church resources to them. Local Catholic healthcare providers and social service agencies should develop a corporate culture of healing and support. Parishes should accept the idea that healing and supporting frail people are integral parts of parish life.  相似文献   

A leader in U. S. Catholic healthcare since 1915, CHA has helped Catholic hospitals meet the challenges of the standardization movement, the Depression, and two world wars. The fifth Health Progress article on CHA's history (June 1990) described the association's postwar emergence as a service organization under the leadership of Rev. John J. Flanagan, SJ. This article, the last in the series, charts CHA's response to the revolutionary changes within Catholic healthcare brought about by the Second Vatican Council and the passage of Medicare. It recounts the struggles within the U.S. Catholic healthcare community to sustain its Catholic identity, as well as the community's increased presence as an advocate for a just healthcare system. In the spirit of the institutes of women religious who established the Catholic healthcare ministry in the United States, CHA enters the 1990s committed to advocating for universal access to healthcare and enhancing its members' ability to serve the poor and vulnerable.  相似文献   

To date, no proposal for systemic healthcare reform directly addresses whether healthcare is a right for all Americans. In fact, some proposals have avoided the issue altogether. Typically, proponents of reform have been more comfortable approaching healthcare services as something society has a moral obligation to provide rather than something individuals have a right to. Such an approach is consistent with the liberal democratic tradition's understanding of rights, which stresses individual freedom and autonomy. According to the Catholic social teaching of the past century, however, the right to participate in society takes precedence over the right to be free of governmental intrusions. From the Catholic perspective, furthermore, lack of access to healthcare is tantamount to being denied full involvement in social life. This tradition has stressed repeatedly that each individual achieves dignity and fulfillment only by being actively involved in the social world. In debates over systemic healthcare reform, it is imperative that advocates of the Catholic perspective recognize the difference between the meaning of "rights" as it has developed in their tradition and the meaning that has emerged from the context of the liberal democratic tradition. Their challenge will be to give the debate's key term a meaning that better reflects the tradition of Catholic social teaching.  相似文献   

Suzanne F. Delbanco is the executive director of Catalyst for Payment Reform (CPR), a nonprofit organization working for coordinated action among the largest purchasers of healthcare and health plans to reform the way we pay for healthcare in the United States to improve quality and cost. In addition to her duties at CPR, Suzanne is on the Advisory Committee to the Director and the National Biosurveillance Advisory Subcommittee of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She also serves on the boards of HCI3, the Anvita Health Advisory Council, the executive committee of the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative, and participates in the Healthcare Executives Leadership Network. Before CPR, Suzanne was President, Health Care Division at Arrowsight Inc., a company using video to help hospitals measure the performance of healthcare workers and provide them with feedback while they are working to improve adherence to safety and quality protocols. From 2000 to 2007, Suzanne was the founding CEO of The Leapfrog Group. The Leapfrog Group uses the collective leverage of its large corporate and public members to initiate breakthrough improvements in the safety, quality, and affordability of healthcare for Americans. Before joining Leapfrog, Suzanne was a senior manager at the Pacific Business Group on Health where she worked on the Quality Team. Suzanne holds a PhD in Public Policy from the Goldman School of Public Policy and a MPH from the School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley.  相似文献   

Systemic healthcare reform provides an opportunity to make care of the dying more humane, less technology based. Dying persons should neither be ignored when technologies prove futile nor be handed over too hastily to professional and institutional care. Perhaps dying should be reclaimed and, where possible, taken back into the home, family, and community. Caring appropriately for dying persons is made difficult today by a number of factors. Americans' death-denying attitudes drive much of what healthcare professionals do in both acute and long-term care settings. Frequently, the emphasis is on curative and rescue interventions to the neglect of all else. Finally, the U.S. family has become increasingly unable or unwilling to care for a dying family member at home. The potential for significant reform of the healthcare system may change the way care is rendered to dying persons. Catholic healthcare providers should be leaders in reshaping the way dying persons are cared for. First, ethics committees should formulate, promulgate, and implement policies delineating the appropriate use of life-sustaining interventions. Second, long-term care givers need to overcome the troubling tendency to transfer dying persons to acute care facilities when death is imminent. Third, hospice services should be available and their use encouraged. Finally, representatives from Catholic healthcare should work with parishes to encourage the faith community to share in the responsibility of providing home care for dying persons.  相似文献   

When Hurricane Katrina struck Louisiana last August, it ravaged the healthcare system, which has since been struggling to cope with day-to-day challenges while also preparing for the future. The The Louisiana Recovery Authority (LRA) has been working to develop a blueprint for an equitable, affordable, high-quality healthcare system that's also equipped to respond to future disasters. In this installment of Straight Talk, representatives from Franciscan Missionaries Of Our Lady Health System, Baton Rouge, and Ochsner Health System, New Orleans, discuss the present and future state of healthcare in Louisiana. Modern Healthcare and PricewaterhouseCoopers present Straight Talk. The session on rebuilding Louisiana was held on June 8, 2006 at Modern Healthcare's Chicago headquarters. Fawn Lopez, publisher of Modern Healthcare, was the moderator.  相似文献   

The Catholic healthcare ministry is at a challenging moment in its history. Not only is the ministry called to continue to be authentic to its own self, but the ministry also has the opportunity to communicate the richness and universality of its values to others. In response to our members' genuine concerns, the Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA) has prepared this document to support our members in the expression of their Catholic identity in new forms of healthcare service.  相似文献   

Scripture can enlighten us on the difficult times Catholic healthcare providers face today. Two stories from Mark's Gospel offer helpful insights to persons engaged in the institutional context of healing. These stories are of the woman with the "flow of blood" (Mk 5:25-34) and of the Syro-Phoenician woman (Mk 7:24-30). The women were determined to receive the healing they needed. They went for it, and got it, despite considerable obstacles. I suggest five insights we might draw from these two narratives of healing. These women were persistent. Sometimes it takes a great deal of persistence to find God in all the ordinariness, the numbing everydayness we encounter in our daily work. Like these women, the healing you seek for those you care for takes place in a hostile world. Catholic healthcare institutions themselves face some hostility from other institutions. The stories remind us that we must feel our own pain and that of others. The capacity to hurt and to feel the hurt of others helps us persevere in the face of this hostile world. Both women did what others could--and should--have done for them. Each of these women found in herself a place of strength she could draw on. This place of strength is the presence of God. I hope that Catholic healthcare providers are aware of God's presence in them and in those to whom they minister. I hope they work against the "quick-fix" mentality of much of modern healthcare and modern consumerism. Catholic healthcare recognizes the sacramentality of life on earth, struggling always to find the God who is revealed where we least expect her.  相似文献   

In response to the increasing outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases in the United States, the Catholic Health Association (CHA) has developed a new resource to help its members launch programs that will increase immunization rates among children in their service area. Vaccines are the building blocks of basic primary care. But society and the healthcare system have erected barriers that prevent children from being fully immunized. Impediments include missed opportunities, cost barriers, and facility and resource barriers. Catholic healthcare providers can help eliminate these barriers and ensure that all children in their service areas are vaccinated by assessing their immunization resources, seeking out unvaccinated children, and collaborating with community organizations and agencies. CHA's immunization campaign will guide Catholic healthcare providers as they protect children from preventable diseases. Immunization may help reduce the costs of emergency and acute care for conditions that could have been prevented.  相似文献   

In 1993 the Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls, MN, transferred ownership and sponsorship of their 12 healthcare facilities to Catholic Health Corporation of Omaha. The sisters had had two goals from the start of the process: To transfer the facilities to another Catholic system, and in such a way that both members of the religious institute and the facilities' personnel would "own" the decision To complete the transfer with minimal upheaval in facility operations The sisters accomplished both of these goals. They attribute their success to prayer and several critical factors. First, having pondered their healthcare ministry in light of their Franciscan tradition, the sisters decided that a larger system could better meet their facilities' needs. Second, they developed a set of criteria for the new sponsor, including the requirement that it be both Catholic and dedicated to rural healthcare. Third, the sisters became willing to take the risks a transfer involved for both their congregation and the 12 facilities. Fourth, the sisters clearly communicated their decision to everyone affected by it. Fifth, they sought the help of experts in making the transfer. Sixth, they worked hard to create trust, so that all involved--including those who would lose their jobs--took ownership of the transfer decision. After completion of the transfer, each of the facilities held a ritual celebrating the friendships and respect built over the long years the Franciscan Sisters were their sponsors. The sisters held their own ritual of commemoration. They continue their ministries in health, education, social services, and pastoral care.  相似文献   

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