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Hemoglobinopathy and allied hemolytic disorders are important genetic and public health problems in Orissa. These cause high degree of hemolytic anemia, morbidity and mortality in the vulnerable populations. A total of 465 Ashram School children aged 6-15 years belonging to Bathudi, Bhumiz, Kolha and Santal tribes in six localities of Mayurbhanj district of Orissa were screened for hemoglobinopathy, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency, ABO and Rhesus blood groups serology and any other hereditary condition. The sickle cell trait (Hb AS) was detected in Santal (1.0%), Bathudi (1.0%) and Bhumiz (0.9%) tribals. No case of homozygous sickle cell disease was detected among the tribes of Mayurbhanj district. The beta-thalassemia trait was detected in Santal (8.0%), Kolha (2.0%), Bhumiz (1.7%) and other tribal (3.8%) students. Sickle cell hemoglobinopathy and beta-thalassemia are prevalent in this district among the tribes, but the frequency is very low. The prevalence of G-6-PD deficiency is considerably high (7.7-9.8%) among the tribes of Mayurbhanj district in Orissa. Out of total 43 G-6-PD deficient subjects, there were 32 males, 9 heterozygote females and 2 homozygous females. This shows that the antimalarial drugs should be administered with caution as these cause hemolytic anemia, sometimes fatal also. The distribution of ABO and Rhesus blood groups shows the preponderance of B blood group (33.8%) over O (29.6%) and 2.1% cases of Rhesus negativity were detected among the Bathudi tribe. This pattern is consistent with the characteristic features of tribal populations in India.  相似文献   

In our study, the prevalence of nasopharyngeal Streptococcus pyogenes was 130 (14.3%) of 909 healthy children. Isolates were found to be susceptible to all antibiotics tested. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and arbitrarily primed PCR revealed that 34 (32.4%) of the 105 isolates and 41 (40.6%) of the 101 isolates typed, respectively, were clonally indistinguishable.  相似文献   



Genes for thalassaemia, haemoglobin S, Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase which confer resistance to malaria are found in high frequencies in Nigeria, 25% of the population being carriers of the sickle cell trait while another 25% are hemizygous for the G6PD gene. The frequency of alpha thalassaemia is equally high among Nigerians but there is little information on beta thalassaemia in this population. A recent study however suggest a high prevalence of beta thalassaemia in the same population, hence the need for this study.


Haemoglobin A2 and HbF were determined in healthy adults who have haemoglobin A genotype by elution after electrophoresis and alkaline denaturation methods respectively.


The mean HbA2 among the subjects was 3.3% (range 2.0–5.6%) while the mean HbF was 2.6% (range 0.4–8.8%). Twenty-six percent of the subjects had HbA2 values higher than 3.9% while 86% had HbF values greater than 1%, twenty-four percent had elevated HbA2 and HbF. The mean HbA2 value was 2.7% among those with HbF <1%, 3.6% among those with HbF 1–3% and 3.1% among those with HbF >3%.


These findings confirm that the frequency of beta thalassaemia in western Nigeria is higher than previously thought and that many of the individuals studied may be silent carriers of the beta thalassaemia trait. Its presence may also have been masked by the high prevalence of alpha thalassaemia in the same environment. It is therefore important to consider beta thalassaemia trait as a differential diagnosis in patients who present with haemolytic anaemia in this environment  相似文献   

Nineteen group A streptococcal isolates obtained in western Norway from patients with invasive disease during a period of high morbidity and mortality were examined for clonality and emm gene polymorphism. These isolates belonged to the prevalent serotypes during the outbreak, namely T1, T3 or T6. Restriction fragment length polymorphism and sequencing of the emm genes were used to compare these isolates with 14 isolates of the same serotype but from non-invasive infections. The restriction analysis did not identify specific invasive clones. The emm genes in three of the four T3 isolates from invasive disease had nucleotide substitutions inducing a charge difference in the N-terminal part of the M protein. The 4 T6 isolates had a longer emm amplicon when compared to 15 isolates from superficial infections and also showed nucleotide substitutions that could induce conformational changes in the hypervariable end of the M protein. Restriction analysis of the emm amplicon of the T6 isolates in order to estimate the number of A- and C-repeats is described. The emm gene sequence served as an epidemiological marker within the serotypes T3 and T6, but the significance of the emm polymorphism displayed by the isolates from invasive disease is uncertain at this stage.  相似文献   

A survey of 6882 primary school children living in Ilorin, Nigeria revealed that 3.7% of the children were infested with Pediculus humanus capitis. Infestation rate among the children in the Islamic community was 4.1%, whereas in the Christian area, the infestation rate was 3%. Girls had a higher infestation rate (5.6%) than boys (2.1%). The highest infestation rate (28.4%) was observed among girls of low socioeconomic class, followed by their male counterparts (11.2%). Factors associated with the onset of pediculosis included overcrowding, long hair, family size, age, living in a sordid environment, and personal hygiene. Strategies for the effective control of pediculosis are discussed.  相似文献   

Blood pressure, height, weight and body mass index were measured in 1,280 Irish children aged 5-12 years (640 boys and 640 girls). Mean systolic and diastolic pressures accurate to within +/- 3 mmHg for each one year age-sex-group are presented. Blood pressure levels were found to correlate positively and significantly with height, weight and body mass index in both sexes. Forty nine (8%) boys and 58 (9%) girls were found to have a mean systolic blood pressure level above the 95th percentile value recommended by the 1987 Task Force of the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute of America. Sixty eight (11%) boys and 71 (11%) girls had elevated diastolic levels above 95th percentile values, while 19 (3%) boys and 20 (3%) girls had an elevation of both systolic and diastolic pressure. The implications of these findings for Irish children are discussed.  相似文献   



Microalbuminuria is an early sign of kidney and cardiovascular damage. Therefore, early detection in asymptomatic individuals may be helpful in preventing deterioration in renal function.


We carried out a cross-sectional study of 820 secondary school students aged 10 – 19 years from September to November 2008. The urine samples of 615 (75.0%) without overt proteinuria and haematuria were tested for microalbuminuria using the micral test strips. Values of greater than 20mg/L were considered positive.


There were 299 (48.6%) males and 316 (51.4%) females, with a M:F ratio of 1:1.1. The prevalence of microalbuminuria as seen in 214 of the students was 33.2%. It was significantly higher in females (45.3%), obese subjects (35.4%), those with hypertension (70.6%), those with positive family history of hypertension (59.5%), and diabetes mellitus (46.4%). Microalbuminuria was found in 1 of the 2 subjects who had features of DM and in one subject with sickle cell anemia.


The prevalence of microalbuminuria in Nigerian adolescents is high. We recommend routine screening for microalbuminuria in adolescents for early detection and prevention of renal damage.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the relationship between threat perception bias and anxiety among children and adolescents in China. A sample of 1,004 elementary, middle and high school students aged 9 to 19 years listened to stories containing themes of generalized anxiety, social anxiety and separation anxiety in either an ambiguous or non-ambiguous context. The story content included topics such as upset stomach, teacher-student interaction, and parents who are late to return home. Multiple threat perception indices were derived from children's responses. Children's level of anxiety was assessed by means of self-report questionnaires and parental reports. Higher levels of anxiety were related to higher frequencies of threat perception and interpretation, lower thresholds to detect threat and more negative feelings and cognitions. Age and gender were also related to some indices of threat perception bias. Threat perception bias was related to anxious symptomatology in general and was not content specific to particular anxiety disorders. The findings were consistent with studies conducted in Western culture and suggest that cognitive processing theories of childhood anxiety may generalize beyond Western society.  相似文献   

The in vitro and cytolytic properties of the hemolysin of group B streptococcus (GBS) were investigated using sheep erythrocytes and McCoy cells adapted for growth in a serum-deficient medium. The relationship between the hemolysin, various carrier molecules and phospholipids was examined. Starch-based carriers interfered with the inhibitory activity of phospholipids and solvents for the phospholipids reduced the activity of the hemolysin. These technical problems were resolved by use of an albumin-based carrier, a strain producing large amounts of hemolysin and sonication of the phospholipid. The hemolysin was cytolytic for McCoy cells and this activity and its hemolytic action on sheep erythrocytes were inhibited by a number of phospholipid components of surfactant. It is possible that GBS hemolysin has a direct or indirect role in the pathogenesis of the pneumonitis of early onset GBS infection.  相似文献   



Traffic injuries are an important problem in low income countries. In Uganda road traffic is the largest single cause of injury in Kampala; pedestrians, and children are most affected. Pedestrian injury affects school children in Uganda.


To determine the overall risk of pedestrian traffic injury among school children in Kawempe, Uganda.


A cohort was assembled at 35 primary schools and followed for 3 terms. Ten of the schools had participated in previous injury programs, others were systematically selected. Injuries were recorded by teachers using a questionnaire. Data collected included ID, school, age, grade, gender, incident date, vehicle type, and injury outcome. Demographic characteristics are described and cumulative incidences calculated.


The cohort included 8,165 children (49% male) from 35 primary schools. The mean age was 9 years (Sd=2.78). Of the 35 schools, 92% were day; the others mixed day and boarding. 53 children (27 girls) were involved in a traffic incident. 25% of the injuries reported were serious and warranted care in a health facility. No deaths occurred. Forty % of incidents involved commercial motorcycles, 41% bicycles, 9% cars, 8% taxis, and 2% trucks. The cumulative incidence was 0.168% each term. Over the 3 terms of the year the cumulative incidence was 0.5 ± 0.02. There were no gender differences in the cumulative incidence.


Each school year about ½ % of Kawempe school children are involved in a traffic incident. Interventions are necessary to reduce the unacceptably high incidents of pedestrian traffic. Interventions to alleviate this situation including safer routes, teaching skills of road crossing to children as well as better regulation and road safety education to two wheelers could reduce the unacceptably high incidents of pedestrian traffic injury.  相似文献   

Hopelessness is a known risk factor for a number of negative outcomes including suicide attempts and deaths. However, little is known about how hopelessness may develop. The goal of this study was to examine the impact of verbal victimization on changes in children's levels of hopelessness. Participants were 448 fourth- and fifth-grade children who were assessed twice, 6 months apart. As hypothesized, reports of verbal victimization occurring during the follow-up period predicted residual change in children's levels of hopelessness. This relation was maintained even after statistically controlling for children's depressive symptoms. Together, these findings suggest that verbal victimization is associated with a greater risk for developing hopelessness in elementary school children, an effect that appears at least partially independent of concurrent depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

Plates 1–15 of the Ishihara tests for color blindness were administered to 5,580 boys and 5,405 girls in primary and secondary schools in Lagos. The difference between males and females in the frequency of total color blindness was not significant. The frequency of total color blindness among the children was 0.19%. However, the frequencies of red-green color blindness, which were 3.60% and 0.81% among the males and females, respectively, were significantly different. Deutans occurred at a higher frequency than protans among both male and female red-green color blind individuals, but the differences among males and also females were not significant. In addition, there was no significant difference between the sexes in the occurrence of deutans and protans. Although the frequency of red-green color blindness detected among males in this study is significantly lower than that reported for Lagos in another survey, which gave a frequency similar to that for Caucasians, the frequency obtained in the present study is similar to frequencies reported for other populations of Blacks of African Ancestry. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 10:283–288, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In order to compare the distribution of selected virulence genes among group A streptococci recovered from invasive disease and superficial infections, 42 isolates were screened for mga, speB, speA, ssa and ska, by PCR. The isolates were predominantly of the sequence types emm1, emm3 and emm6, but also included a few of the types emm22, emm28, emm75 and emm78. The phage-mediated speA seemed to be prevalent in emm types 1 and 3, and its distribution was not related to disease severity. The other genes were present in all isolates. The mga, speB and speA were further studied by sequence analysis. Although allotypic associations with invasiveness were not found, allelic specificity to the emm sequence type was observed. In addition, the mga sequences indicated two lineages, related to opacity factor production. A possible recombination between these two main divergent mga genes was observed in isolates of the types emm22 and emm75. A logical nomenclature of the alleles of mga and speB is suggested.  相似文献   

《Annals of human biology》2013,40(5):658-667

Background: There are wide-ranging differences in human growth, not only between ethnic groups but also between regions. China covers a vast area and has a very large population. However, no studies on the differences in development among children and adolescents in eastern and western China have been reported.

Aim: This study assessed the differences in stature and body weight in children and adolescents in eastern and western China.

Subjects and methods: Using data derived from two national surveys on students' constitution and health carried out by the Chinese government in 1985 and 2005, the average stature and body weight for children and adolescents aged 7–18 years in eastern and western China were calculated. The differences of mean values between eastern and western China were compared.

Results: Boys and girls in eastern China were taller and heavier than their counterparts in western China in all age groups (7–18 years) in 2005, the average differences being 3.56 cm, 4.56 kg (urban boys), 3.05 cm, 2.92 kg (urban girls), 4.04 cm, 4.19 kg (rural boys) and 3.48 cm, 2.96 kg (rural girls). In 18-year-old groups, the differences in the stature and body weight between eastern and western China were 2.82 cm, 5.17 kg for urban boys, 1.86 cm, 2.11 kg for urban girls, 2.26 cm, 3.38 kg for rural boys and 1.96 cm, 1.38 kg for rural girls, respectively. From 1985 to 2005, differences in stature and body weight of children and adolescents between eastern and western China have continuously expanded.

Conclusion: There have been obvious regional variations in development in children and adolescents in China, the variations in development in children and adolescents between eastern and western China being related to regional economic status and living standards of residents.  相似文献   

Smoking and school children.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

A cross-sectional study was conducted among primary school children of four of the government run schools of Delhi during July-October 2001. Out of a total of 940 study subjects studied 156 (16.59%) were found to be infested with head louse. Significantly higher proportions of girls (20.42%) were found to be infested as compared to boys (13.86%). 65.38% of those infested were aware of the infestation. Those who shared both bedding and comb showed a statistically higher significance as compare to others. Manual removal of head louse and nits was practiced by 69.60% of those aware of the infestation. Majority had knowledge of transmission of head louse by comb/brush, 66.08% had knowledge about control of head louse infestation spread by manual removal 7.34% mentioned other means like kerosene oil and lime powder. Since head louse infestation is a common problem of school going children both parents and teachers along with the students should be taught how to recognize the infestation. Also school health teams should be responsible for treatment and prevention of louse infestation besides carrying our other school health service functions.  相似文献   

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