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Interpeduncular nucleus afferents in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Afferents to the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) of the rat were studied with the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) retrograde transport method. HRP was deposited microelectrophoretically in the IPN of adult rats. Major projections to the IPN originate in the medial habenular nucleus, the region surrounding the dorsal tegmental nucleus (accessory dorsal tegmental nucleus and the so-called dorsal tegmental nucleus pars lateralis), and the midbrain raphe (nucleus centralis superior and nucleus raphe dorsalis). Also, minor projections originate in the central gray and nucleus locus coeruleus. Our results indicate that the habenulointerpeduncular projection originates solely from the medial habenular nuclei and is topographically organized; medial regions of the medial habenular nuclei project to ventral portions of IPN and lateral regions project to the dorsal IPN.  相似文献   

Afferents to the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) of the rat were studied with the horseradish peroxide (HRP) retrograde transport method. HRP was deposited microelectrophoretically in the IPN of adult rats. Major projections to the IPN originate in the medial habenular nucleus, the region surrounding the dorsal tegmental nucleus (accessory dorsal tegmental nucleus and the so-called dorsal tegmental nucleus pars lateralis), and the midbrain raphe (nucleus centralis superior and nucleus raphe dorsalis). Also, minor projections originate in the central gray and nucleus locus coeruleus. Our results indicate that the habenulointerpeduncular projection originates solely from the medial habenular nuclei and is topographically organized; medial regions of the medial habenular nuclei project to ventral portions of IPN and lateral regions project to the dorsal IPN.  相似文献   

The connections of the precomissural nucleus (PRC) have been examined with anterograde and retrograde axonal tracing methods in the rat. Experiments with cholera toxin B subunit (CTb) indicate that the PRC shares a number of common afferent sources with the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray (PAG). Thus, we have shown that the nucleus receives substantial inputs from the prefrontal cortex, specific domains of the rostral part of the lateral septal nucleus, rostral zona incerta, perifornical region, anterior hypothalamic nucleus, ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, dorsal premammillary nucleus, medial regions of the intermediate and deep layers of the superior colliculus, and cuneiform nucleus. Moreover, the PRC also receives inputs from several PAG regions and from neural sites involved in the control of attentive or motivational state, including the laterodorsal tegemental nucleus and the ventral tegmental area. The efferent projections of the PRC were analyzed by using the Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) method. Notably, the PRC presents a projection pattern that resembles in many ways the pattern described previously for the rostral dorsolateral PAG in addition to projections to a number of targets that also are innervated by neighboring pretectal nuclei, including the rostrodorsomedial part of the lateral dorsal thalamic nucleus, the ventral part of the lateral geniculate complex, the medial pretectal nucleus, the nucleus of the posterior commissure, and the ventrolateral part of the subcuneiform reticular nucleus. Overall, the results suggest that the PRC might be viewed as a rostral component of the PAG, and the possible functional significance of the nucleus is discussed in terms of its connections.  相似文献   

The motoneurons innervating the orbicularis oculi muscle from a subgroup within the facial nucleus, called the intermediate facial subnucleus. This makes it possible to study afferents to these motoneurons by means of autoradiographical tracing techniques. Many different injections were made in the brainstem and diencephalon and the afferent projections to the intermediate facial subnucleus were studied. The results indicated that these afferents were derived from the following brainstem areas: the dorsal red nucleus and the mesencephalic tegmentum dorsal to it; the olivary pretectal nucleus and/or the nucleus of the optic tract; the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum (parabrachial nuclei and nucleus of K?lliker-Fuse) and principal trigeminal nucleus; the ventrolateral pontine tegmentum at the level of the motor trigeminal nucleus; the caudal medullary medial tegmentum; the lateral tegmentum at the level of the rostral pole of the hypoglossal nucleus and the ventral part of the trigeminal nucleus and the nucleus raphe pallidus and caudal raphe magnus including the adjoining medullary tegmentum. These latter projections probably belong to a general motoneuronal control system. The mesencephalic projections are mainly contralateral, the caudal pontine and upper medullary lateral tegmental projections are mainly ipsilateral and the caudal medullary projections are bilateral. It is suggested that the different afferent pathways subserve different functions of the orbicularis oculi motoneurons. Interneurons in the dorsolateral pontine and lateral medullary tegmentum may serve as relay for cortical and limbic influences on the orbicularis oculi musculature, while interneurons in the ventrolateral pontine and caudal medullary tegmentum may take part in the neuronal organization of the blink reflex.  相似文献   

Features of the organization of the efferent axonal projections from the medial superior olivary nucleus (MSO) in the cat were studied. In order to determine the origin and distribution of projections from MSO, the retrograde horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and autoradiographic tracing methods were used. The results showed that (1) in both HRP and autoradiographic studies the projection to the inferior colliculus was largely ipsilateral, although a contralateral component was present; (2) the projection field of MSO was confined to the ventral division of the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus, and within this field the labeling was heavier in the rostral and dorsolateral parts of the ventral division; (3) the projection to the inferior colliculus was topographic with ventral parts of MSO projecting ventrally and dorsal parts of MSO projecting dorsolaterally; (4) the projection field in the central nucleus formed successive laminae oriented from ventrolateral to dorsomedial; (5) the axonal course was via the medial or internal segment of the lateral lemniscus; and (6) some fibers in this course ended additionally within the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus. This latter projection was also topographically organized. These observations supported previously described features of lamination and tonotopic order for afferents of the inferior colliculus, as well as recent suggestions that functional segregation of afferent connections exists within the laminated portion of the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus.  相似文献   

The topographic organization of afferent projections from the deep cerebellar nuclei, medulla oblongata and spinal cord to the paramedian reticular nucleus (PRN) of the cat was studied using the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method of retrograde labelling. Discrete placements of HRP within each of the dorsal (dPRN) and ventral (vPRN) regions of the PRN showed some segregation of input. The deep cerebellar nuclei project in a predominantly contralateral fashion upon the PRN. A small but significant ipsilateral fastigial afferent component is also present. The fastigial and dentate nuclei contribute the majority of fibers to the dPRN whereas the interposed nucleus provides very little. The vPRN receives a relatively uniform input from all 3 cerebellar nuclei. Both lateral vestibular nuclei contribute the majority of fibers from the vestibular nuclear complex largely from their dorsal division. Additional input arises from bilateral medial and inferior vestibular nuclei. The vPRN receives relatively more fibers from the inferior vestibular nuclei than does the dPRN while inputs from the medial vestibular nuclei are comparably sparse. The PRN receives bilateral projections from the nucleus intercalatus (of Staderini). A significant projection to the contralateral PRN occurs from the ventrolateral subnucleus of the solitary complex and its immediate vicinity. Additional sources of medullary afferent input include the lateral, gigantocellular and magnocellular tegmental fields, the contralateral PRN and the raphe nuclei. Sites of origin of spinal afferents to the dPRN are bilaterally distributed mainly within Rexed's laminae VII and VIII of the cervical cord whereas those to the vPRN are confined largely to the medial portion of the contralateral lamina VI in the C1 segment. A few labelled cells are found in the thoracolumbar cord with those to the vPRN being more caudal. These data provide the neuroanatomical substrate for a better understanding of the functional role of the PRN in mediating cardiovascular responses appropriate to postural changes.  相似文献   

The afferent and efferent connections of the dorsal tegmental nucleus (DTN) were studied in the rat using axoplasmic transport techniques. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and Fast Blue were injected stereotaxically into either pars centralis or pars ventromedialis of the DTN, two subdivisions of the nucleus with distinctive connected with the ipsilateral lateral mammillary and interpeduncular neclei; these projections constitute the major afferent and efferent systems of the DTN. Commissural fibers from the corresponding pars centralis and intrinsic fibers systems are massive and form a complex fiber meshwork within the subnucleus. The prepositus hypoglossi nuclei (bilateral) also project to the pars centralis. Smaller numbers of afferent fibers arise from the lateral habenular nucleus, the posterior hypothalamus and the brainstem reticular formation.The pars ventromedialis of the DTN receives diverse inputs which include the septal nuclei, diagonal band of Broca, preoptic area, anterior and lateral hypothalamus, lateral and medial habenular nuclei, medial mammillary nucleus and many nuclei of the brainstem reticular formation. Based on the differences of connections and cytoarchitecture between the pars and the pars ventromedialis, the pars ventromedialis may be an entity separate from the dorsal tegmental nucleus.  相似文献   

The afferent projections from the brainstem to the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (MD) were studied in the cat, by means of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. A topographical arrangement of these projections is described. The medial part of MD is the area of the nucleus which receives fewer afferents from the brainstem. After injections in this part, labeled neurons were observed mainly in the interpeduncular nucleus, the ventral tegmental area and the substantia nigra. After injections of HRP in the intermediate part of the MD, labeled cells were seen mainly in the interpeduncular nucleus, substantia nigra, dorsal and centralis superior raphe nuclei, dorsal tegmental nucleus, and coeruleus complex. Less conspicuous was the number of labeled cells in the central gray and the dorsolateral portion of the tegmentum of the mesencephalon and pons. After injections in the lateral part of MD, labeled neurons were observed mainly in the deep layers of the superior colliculus, central gray, the oral paramedian pontine reticular tegmentum, and the interpeduncular nucleus. Labeled cells were also observed in the substantia nigra, locus coeruleus, dorsal tegmental nucleus, cuneiform area, and the mesencephalic reticular formation. These findings show the MD as a thalamic link of three different groups of brainstem structures projecting to different cortical areas with different functional significance.  相似文献   

The organization of afferent and efferent connections of the interpeduncular nucleus (IP) has been examined in correlation with its subnuclear parcellation by using anterograde and retrograde tracing techniques. Based on Nissl, myelin, and acetylcholinesterase staining five paired and three unpaired IP subnuclei are distinguished. The unpaired division includes the rostral subnucleus (IP-R), the apical subnucleus (IP-A), and the central subnucleus (IP-C). The subnuclei represented bilaterally are the paramedian dorsal medial (IP-DM) and intermediate subnuclei (IP-I) and the laterally placed rostral lateral (IP-RL), dorsal lateral (IP-DL), and lateral subnuclei (IP-L). Immunohistochemical techniques showed cell bodies and fibers and terminals immunoreactive for substance P, leu-enkephalin, met-enkephalin, or serotonin to be differentially distributed over the different IP subnuclei. Substance P-positive perikarya were found in IP-R, enkephalin neurons in IP-R, IP-A, and the caudodorsal part of IP-C, and serotonin-containing cell bodies in IP-A and the caudal part of IP-L. Efferent IP projections were studied both by injecting tritiated leucine in IP and by injecting HRP or WGA-HRP in the presumed termination areas. The results indicate that the major outflow of IP is directed caudal-ward to the median and dorsal raphe nuclei and the caudal part of the central gray substance, i.e., the dorsal tegmental region. The projection appears to terminate mainly in the raphe nuclei, around the ventral and dorsal tegmental nuclei of Gudden, and in the dorsolateral tegmental nucleus. The descending projection to the dorsal tegmental region originates in virtually all IP subnuclei, but the main contribution comes from IP-R and the lateral subnuclei IP-RL, IP-DL, and IP-L. Sparser projections to the dorsal tegmental region originate in IP-C and IP-I, whereas the contribution of IP-A is only minimal. The projections from IP-R are mainly ipsilateral and those from IP-DM are mainly contralateral. IP fibers to the median and dorsal raphe nuclei originate predominantly in IP-R and IP-DM, and to a lesser extent in IP-C, IP-I, IP-RL, and IP-DL. A much smaller contingent of IP fibers ascends to diencephalic and telencephalic regions. A relatively minor projection, stemming from IP-RL and IP-DL, reaches the lateral part of the mediodorsal nucleus, the nucleus gelatinosus, and some midline thalamic nuclei. These IP fibers follow either the habenulo-interpeduncular pathway or the mammillothalamic tract.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cells of origin of ascending afferents to the mammillary nuclei and the afferents' fields of termination within these nuclei were studied by using retrograde and anterograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase in the rat. The pars compacta of the superior central nucleus projects bilaterally to the median region of the medial mammillary nucleus. The ventral tegmental nucleus projects ipsilaterally to the medial mammillary nucleus, except for its median region, in a topographic manner such that the rostrodorsolateral part of the ventral tegmental nucleus projects to the medial quadrant of the medial mammillary nucleus; the rostroventromedial part projects to the dorsal quadrant; the caudodorsolateral part projects to the ventral quadrant; and the caudoventromedial part projects to the lateral quadrant. These projection fields extend throughout the longitudinal axis of the medial mammillary nucleus, except for its most caudal region, to which only the dorsolateral part of the ventral tegmental nucleus projects. This nucleus also projects topographically to the ipsilateral dorsal premammillary nucleus; the rostral part of the ventral tegmental nucleus projects to the dorsal part of the dorsal premammillary nucleus, whereas the caudal part projects to the ventral part. The periaqueductal gray around the dorsal tegmental nucleus projects bilaterally to the supramammillary nucleus. The pars alpha of the pontine periaqueductal gray projects bilaterally to the peripheral part of the lateral mammillary nucleus, whereas the pars ventralis of the dorsal tegmental nucleus projects ipsilaterally to the lateral mammillary nucleus. The results show that the tegmentomammillary projections are organized in a gradient fashion, with the rostral to caudal position of cells of origin within the tegmental nuclei of Gudden being reflected by the medial to lateral position of fields of termination within the mammillary nuclei.  相似文献   

The regions projecting to Gudden's tegmental nuclei were examined by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase or wheat-germ-agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase. Gudden's tegmental nuclei in the rabbit can be divided into a pars principalis of the ventral tegmental nucleus (TVP), a pars ventralis of the dorsal tegmental nucleus (TDV), and a pars dorsalis of the dorsal tegmental nucleus (TDD). The TVP receives many fibers from the medial division of the ipsilateral medial mammillary nucleus and bilaterally from the lateral habenular nucleus, and additionally some fibers from the posterior nucleus of the interpeduncular complex. The TDV receives many fibers from the ipsilateral lateral mammillary nucleus, from the ipsilateral prepositus hypoglossi nucleus, bilaterally from the lateral habenular nucleus, from the central and paramedian nuclei of the interpeduncular complex, from the bilateral gray matter along the floor of the fourth ventricle, and from the contralateral supragenual nucleus. The TDD receives a projection from the lateral habenular nucleus of both sides and from the central and paramedian nuclei of the interpeduncular complex, and a minor projection from the ipsilateral lateral mammillary nucleus, the posterior nucleus of the interpeduncular complex, the prepositus hypoglossi nucleus, and the contralateral supragenual nucleus.  相似文献   

Intra-axonal recording and horseradish peroxidase staining techniques were used to map terminal fields of primary afferent fibers from cutaneous receptors within the cat sacrocaudal spinal cord. It was hypothesized that projection patterns of cutaneous afferent fibers mirror the known somatotopic organization of sacrocaudal dorsal horn cells. Forty-three primary afferent fibers, innervating either slowly adapting type I receptors, hair follicles, or slowly adapting type II receptors, all on the tail, were recovered. All collaterals (N = 372) branched from parent axons in the dorsal columns. Most collaterals coursed rostromedially to the ipsilateral gray matter, penetrated the medial dorsal horn, and arborized within laminae III, IV, and to a lesser extent, V. Ipsilateral projections to dorsal horn were as follows: axons with dorsal or dorsolateral receptive fields (RFs; n = 20) to the lateral portion, axons with lateral RFs (n = 4) to the central portion, and axons with ventral or ventro-lateral RFs (n = 19) to the medial portion. Most axons (16 of 20) with dorsal or dorsolateral RFs also had contralateral projections to lateral dorsal horn and most axons (15 of 19) with ventral or ventrolateral RFs also had contralateral projections to medial dorsal horn. No axons with lateral RFs had crossed projections. These data represent the first complete mapping of the somatotopic organization of primary afferent fiber projection patterns to a spinal cord level. The findings demonstrate that ipsilateral projection patterns of sacrocaudal primary afferent fibers are in register with the somatotopic organization of the dorsal horn. Our earlier suggestion that crossed projections of primary afferent fibers give rise to crossed components of dorsal horn RFs spanning the midline is supported by these results.  相似文献   

The projections of the medial terminal nucleus (MTN) of the accessory optic system have been studied in the rabbit and rat following injection of 3H-leucine or 3H-leucine/3H-proline into the MTN and the charting of the course and terminal distribution of the MTN efferents. The projections of the MTN, as demonstrated autoradiographically, have been confirmed in retrograde transport studies in which horseradish peroxidase (HRP) has been injected into nuclei shown in the autoradiographic series to contain fields of terminal axons. The following projections of the MTN have been identified in the rabbit and rat. The largest projection is to the ipsilateral nucleus of the optic tract and dorsal terminal nucleus (DTN) of the accessory optic system. Labeled axons course through the midbrain reticular formation and the superior fasiculus, posterior fibers of the accessory optic system, to reach the nucleus of the optic tract and the DTN in both rabbit and rat. Axons also run forward to traverse the lateral thalamus and to distribute to rostral portions of the nucleus of the optic tract in rat only. A second, large projection is to the contralateral dorsolateral portion of the nucleus parabrachialis pigmentosus of the ventral tegmental area together with an adjacent segment of the midbrain reticular formation. The patchy terminal field observed has been named the visual tegmental relay zone (VTRZ). This fiber projection courses within the posterior commissure and along its path to the VTRZ, provides terminals to the interstitial nucleus of Cajal and the nucleus of Darkschewitsch, both bilaterally. A third, large MTN projection distributes ipsilaterally to the deep mesencephalic nucleus, pars medialis, and the oral pontine reticular formation. Further, this projection also supplies input to the medial nucleus of the periaqueductal gray matter, bilaterally in the rabbit and rat, and in the rabbit also to the ipsilateral superior and lateral vestibular nuclei. A fourth projection crosses the midline and courses caudally to reach, contralaterally, the dorsolateral division of the basilar pontine complex and the above nuclei of the vestibular complex. A fifth projection of the MTN utilizes the medial longitudinal fasciiculus to reach the rostral medulla, in which its axons distribute ispilaterally to the dorsal cap, its ventrolateral outgrowth, and the beta nucleus of the inferior olivary complex. There is also a contralateral contingent of this projection that leaves the medial longitudinal fasciculus to innervate a small rostral segment of the contralateral dorsal cap.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The ascending projections to the lateral lemniscal nuclei and the inferior colliculus were investigated in the albino rat by using Fluoro‐Gold, either alone or in combination with other retrograde tract tracers. Injections were made into the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICC), the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL), the intermediate nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (INLL), or the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (VNLL). The ICC receives both ipsilateral and contralateral projections from the DNLL and the lateral superior olive, major ipsilateral projections from the INLL, VNLL, medial superior olive, and superior paraolivary nucleus, and major contralateral projections from both dorsal and ventral cochlear nucleus. The DNLL receives a similar pattern of projections from the auditory lower brainstem nuclei. The INLL, in contrast, receives its major projections from the ipsilateral VNLL, lateral superior olive, medial superior olive, superior paraolivary nucleus, and medial nucleus of the trapezoid body, but does not receive a heavy projection from the contralateral lateral superior olive. It receives a major contralateral projection from the ventral cochlear nucleus, but a much lighter projection from the contralateral dorsal cochlear nucleus. The VNLL receives projections from the ipsilateral medial nucleus of the trapezoid body and the contralateral ventral cochlear nucleus, but does not receive projections from the medial or lateral superior olives, the superior paraolivary nucleus, or the dorsal cochlear nucleus. Thus, the three primary subdivisions of the rat's lateral lemniscus can be distinguished from each other on the basis of their distinctive projection patterns. J. Comp. Neurol. 512:573–593, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Using a retrograde tracer technique with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) attempts were made to determine the origins of reticulospinal tracts and their funicular trajectories. Reticulospinal tracts originating from the mesencephalic reticular formation (RF) were composed of: (1) descending projections arising from the cluster of cells located just lateral to the periaqueductal gray that course in the anterior funiculus (AF) and ventral part of the lateral funiculus (LF) with ipsilateral predominance; and (2) projections from the cluster of cells located dorsal to the brachium conjunctivum that course in the ipsilateral LF. Origins of the pontine reticulospinal tracts arising from the n. reticularis pontis oralis (Poo) have been divided qnto three parts: (1) medial one-third; (2) middle; and (3) ventrolateral. The axons from the medial part descend ipsilaterally via the medial part of the AF, while the axons from the ventrolateral part of the Poo give rise to diffuse descending projections in the AF and LF. The middle part of the Poo has been further subdivided into: (1) dorsal part that gives rise to spinal projections ipsilaterally in the ventrolateral funiculus (VLF); and (2) ventral, particularly its upper part, whose axons descend bilaterally via the DLF. Origins of reticulospinal tracts from the n. reticularis pontis caudalis (Poc) could be divided into three parts: (1) medial; (2) dorsolateral; and (3) ventrolateral. The medial part of the Poc is a source of axons via the medial part of the ipsilateral AF, while the ventrolateral part of the nucleus is a source of axons via the contralateral LF. The spinal projections from the dorsolateral part of the Poc appears to course diffusely in the AF and LF, but with DLF predominance. The n. reticularis gigantocellularis (Gc) was found to be a main medullary source of the spinal projections in the ipsilateral AF, while n. reticularis magnocellularis (Mc) is the major source of the fibers coursing ipsilaterally in the VLF. The most medial part of the Mc descends ipsilaterally via the medial part of the AF, while the ventrolateral part of the nucleus together with the n. reticularis lateralis of Meesen and Olszewski descends ipsilaterally via the DLF. It has also been found that the axons from the n. reticularis paramedianus pass via both the AF and LF with ipsilateral predominance, while the n. reticularis dorsalis and ventralis course via the LF with ipsilateral predominance.  相似文献   

Tracer injections into the dorsal tier of the lacertilian dorsal thalamus revealed an extensive innervation of the cerebral cortex. The medial cortex, the dorsomedial cortex, and the medial part of the dorsal cortex received a bilateral projection, whereas the lateral part of dorsal cortex and the dorsal part of the lateral cortex received only an ipsilateral thalamic projection. Thalamocortical fibers were found superficially in all cortical regions, but in the dorsal part of the lateral cortex, varicose axons within the cellular layer were also observed. The bilateral thalamocortical projection originates from a cell population located throughout the dorsolateral anterior nucleus, whereas the ipsilateral input originates mainly from a rostral neuronal subpopulation of the nucleus. This feature suggests that the dorsolateral anterior nucleus consists of various parts with different projections. The dorsal subdivision of the lateral cortex displayed hodological and topological (radial glia processes) features of a dorsal pallium derivative. After tracer injections into the dorsal cortex of lizards, we found long descending projections that reached the striatum, the diencephalic basal plate, and the mesencephalic tegmentum, which suggests that it may represent a sensorimotor cortex.  相似文献   

The topographic distribution of projections from the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (VNLL) in the cat was investigated with the autoradiographic tracing method. The origin of minor projections was verified by retrograde tracing methods. Small injections of tritiated leucine were placed in restricted zones of VNLL. A major afferent fiber system to the inferior colliculus was labeled in all cases. From the injection site labeled fibers coursed through and around the nuclei of the lateral lemniscus to enter the ipsilateral inferior colliculus. Regardless of the position or small size of the injection, labeled fibers distributed widely in the inferior colliculus. Fibers ended in the central nucleus and deeper layers of the dorsal cortex in most cases. There was also labeling in the ventrolateral nucleus, but very few fibers ended as lateral as the lateral nucleus. A small number of labeled fibers passed from the inferior colliculus into the nucleus of the brachium of the inferior colliculus and adjacent tegmental areas. Some labeled fibers entered the commissure of the inferior colliculus where they were traced into the dorsal cortex and rostral pole of the inferior colliculus on the side contralateral to the injection site. Though the projections labeled in individual cases were similar in their divergent pattern within the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus, specific variations in the pattern were found. The dorsal zone of VNLL projected more heavily to the deeper layers of the dorsal cortex and an adjacent field in the central nucleus than the other zones. Dorsal injections in the middle zone of VNLL, on the other hand, labeled the medial part of the central nucleus more heavily, whereas ventral injections in the middle zone resulted in heavier lateral labeling. The ventral zone of VNLL projected heavily to a central field in the central nucleus. In addition to this major afferent system of VNLL to the inferior colliculus, a smaller descending projection was found. The descending projection ended mainly in the dorsomedial periolivary region and ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body. However, in some cases a few fibers were traced to the cochlear nuclei. Finally, we observed projections to the medial geniculate body from the dorsal and ventral zones of VNLL that ended diffusely in the medial division of the medial geniculate body. Possibly some fibers from the dorsal zone contribute to a broader projection of the lateral tegmentum to the dorsal division of the medial geniculate body.  相似文献   

We examined the afferent projections to the subnuclei of the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) in the rat by means of retrograde and anterograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP). We observed locations of retrogradely labeled cells following injections of WGA-HRP into the IPN, and distributions of anterogradely labeled fibers and terminals within the IPN following injections into the areas that contain cells of origin of afferents. Results of the retrograde and anterograde experiments have clarified the detailed organization of the IPN afferents. A part of the nucleus incertus, located dorsomedial to the dorsal tegmental nucleus, projects to the contralateral half of the rostral subnucleus of the IPN; the pars caudalis of the dorsal tegmental nucleus projects sparsely to the rostral lateral, dorsal lateral, lateral, caudal, and apical subnuclei predominantly contralaterally; the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus, to most of the subnuclei predominantly contralaterally; the ventromedial central gray rostral to the dorsal tegmental nucleus and lateral to the dorsal raphe nucleus projects to the rostral lateral and dorsal lateral subnuclei predominantly contralaterally; the median raphe nucleus, substantially to all subnuclei; the medial habenular nucleus, in a topographic manner, to the rostral, central, and intermediate subnuclei, to the rostral lateral and lateral subnuclei predominantly ipsilaterally, and to the dorsal lateral subnucleus predominantly contralaterally; the supramammillary nucleus and areas around the origin of the mammillothalamic tract and near the third ventricle project sparsely to the ventral part of the rostral subnucleus and to the central, lateral, caudal and apical subnuclei; the nucleus of the diagonal band, sparsely to the rostral, central, dorsal lateral, caudal, and apical subnuclei. These differential projections of the afferents to the subnuclei of the IPN may reflect its complex functions within the limbic midbrain circuit.  相似文献   

The structure and connections of areas within the olfactory peduncle (anterior olfactory nucleus and tenia tecta) have been examined. The anterior olfactory nucleus has been divided into external, lateral, dorsal, medial, and ventro-posterior parts. In spite of the term nucleus which is applied to these areas, all of them contain pyramidal-type cells with apical and basal dendrites oriented normal to the surface, and are essentially cortical in organization. Experiments utilizing retrograde and anterograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) have demonstrated that each of these parts of the anterior olfactory nucleus possesses a unique pattern of afferent and efferent connections with other olfactory areas. All subdivisions have projections to both the ipsilateral and contralateral sides, although the ipsilateral projection of the pars externa (to the olfactory bulb) is extremely light. Interestingly, crossed projections are in each case directed predominantly to areas adjacent to the homotopic areas. Two primary subdivisions may also be distinguished in the tenia tecta: a dorsal part composed largely of tightly packed neurons which closely resemble the granule cells of the dentate gyrus (bushy apical but no basal dendrites) and a ventral part which contains predominantly pyramidal-type cells. The connections of these two parts are also very different. The ventral tenia tecta receives substantial projections from the olfactory bulb, pars lateralis of the anterior olfactory nucleus, piriform cortex and lateral entorhinal area. It gives off a heavy return projection to the pars lateralis and lighter projections to the olfactory bulb, piriform cortex and olfactory tubercle. The dorsal tenia tecta receives a heavy projection from the piriform cortex, but none from the olfactory bulb. A few cells in the dorsal tenia tecta are retrogradely labeled from HRP injections into the medial aspect of the olfactory peduncle (involving the ventral tenia tecta and adjacent areas), but none are labeled from the other olfactory areas that have been injected. An area on the dorsal aspect of the olfactory peduncle that differs significantly from the anterior olfactory nucleus, tenia tecta and piriform cortex in terms of its connections and cytoarchitecture has been termed the dorsal peduncular cortex. The most striking feature of this area is its very heavy reciprocal connection with the entorhinal cortex, although it is also reciprocally connected with the olfactory bulb and piriform cortex and projects to the olfactory tubercle. Cells in layer I of the medial and ventral aspects of the olfactory peduncle have been retrogradely labeled from HRP injections into the olfactory tubercle and lateral hypothalamic area. These cells overlie the ventral tenia tecta, medial part of the anterior piriform cortex and pars ventro-posterior and pars lateralis of the anterior olfactory nucleus, but do not appear to be distributed in relation to the cytoarchitectonic boundaries. Possible functional roles of the areas within the olfactory peduncle have been discussed.  相似文献   

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