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Introduction and Aims. The effect of heroin administration route on speed of transition to regular use is unknown. This paper aims to determine whether the speed of transition from initiation of heroin use to daily heroin use differs by route of administration (injecting, chasing/inhaling or snorting). Design and Methods. Privileged access interviewer survey of purposively selected sample of 395 current people who use heroin (both in and not in treatment) in London, UK (historical sample from 1991). Data on age and year of initiation, time from initiation to daily use and routes of administration were collected by means of a structured questionnaire. Generalised ordered logistic models were used to test the relationship between route of initial administration of heroin and speed of transition to daily heroin use. Analyses were adjusted for gender, ethnicity, daily use of other drug(s) at time of initiation, year of initiation and treatment status at interview. Results. After adjustment, participants whose initial administration route was injecting had a 4.71 (95% confidence interval 1.34–16.5) increase in likelihood of progressing to daily use within 1–3 weeks of initiation, compared to those whose initial administration route was non‐injecting. Discussion and Conclusions. The speed of transition from first use to daily heroin use is faster if the individual injects heroin at initiation of use. Those who initiate heroin use through injecting have a shorter time frame for intervention before drug use escalation. [Hines LA, Lynskey M, Morley KI, Griffiths P, Gossop M, Powis B, Strang J. The relationship between initial route of heroin administration and speed of transition to daily heroin use. Drug Alcohol Rev 2017;00:000‐000]  相似文献   

This paper examines gender differences and trends over time in the age of initiation to heroin use. Data from two large surveys: the Sydney component of the ANAIDUS, conducted in 1989, and the ASHIDU, conducted in 1994, were used to examine this issue. Together, these studies contained information on 1,292 individuals who identified themselves as heroin users. Results indicated that, while there were no significant gender differences in age of initiation to heroin use, there was a significant (p < 0.001) time trend in the mean age at which heroin was first used. Specifically, the mean age of first heroin use among individuals born during the interval 1940-1949 was 20.5 years while among those born during 1970-1979 the mean age of first heroin use was 16.5 years. These findings were confirmed by analyses of the National Household Survey. Further analysis of the ASHIDU data indicated that younger age of initiation to heroin use was associated with polydrug use, overdose and crime after the effects of duration of heroin use had been statistically controlled. These findings suggest that there has been both an increase in the willingness of young people to experiment with heroin and an increased availability of the drug over this time. In combination with evidence that there has been an increase in the amount of heroin being imported into Australia, and an increased demand for treatment for opiate dependence, these data suggest that Australia is experiencing an increase in the use of heroin, particularly among youth.  相似文献   

This paper explores differences between women's and men's first experience of injecting in relation to socio-demographic context, drug use, and the role of others. We collected cross-sectional retrospective data from 334 recently initiated (≤5 years) injecting drug users in New South Wales and Queensland, Australia using a structured questionnaire in face-to-face interviews. Logistic regression was used to estimate crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR). Findings from the adjusted analysis show that women had a shorter duration of illicit drug use prior to initiation (adjusted OR 0.84, 95%CI: 0.74 - 0.94), and were more likely to have their romantic-sexual partner facilitate the initiation by paying for the drugs (adjusted OR 4.64, 95%CI: 1.21 - 17.73). Women also reported a greater likelihood of being initiated in groups of other women (adjusted OR 2.87, 95%CI: 1.24 - 6.67), suggesting that some women play an active role in their initiation experience rather than relying on, or being lead by, a romantic-sexual partner. These findings demonstrate the crucial role that romantic-sexual partners play in women's initiation experience, but also provide evidence for the way that women can be active participants in their own initiation and in initiating other women. [Bryant J, Treloar C. The gendered context of initiation to injecting drug use: evidence for women as active initiates. Drug Alcohol Rev 2007;26:]  相似文献   

The Australian National AIDS and Injecting Drug Use Study was designed to monitor the risk behaviour of Australian injecting drug users (IDUs) in a number of major cities, and to estimate the seroprevalence of those interviewed. Differences in risk behaviour found across 2 years in Perth are reported. One hundred and ninety-six Perth IDUs were interviewed in 1989, and 150 in 1990 using the same survey questionnaire, with a small cohort of 38 respondents being followed up across the 2 years.

Significant injecting differences between 1989 and 1990 in both the cohort and independent samples were found. In general, these amounted to a greater likelihood that a new needle and syringe would be used on each injecting occasion, and a greater use of bleach in 1990 than in 1989. The most common response of respondents who said they had changed their drug use behaviour in 1990 was to report ceasing to share needles, while the most common response in 1989 was reduced sharing. There was an increased use of condoms for vaginal intercourse with all partners in both studies across the 2 years. Seropositivity for all new cases across the 2 years was 1.75%.

It is apparent that there has been a significant shift in risky behaviour in the direction of greater safety across the 2 years. There is also objective corroborative evidence in increased demand for sterile injecting equipment sold through pharmacists, although there is no evidence that drug use increased significantly during the same period. It is concluded that the availability of sterile needles and syringes should be maintained and improved and that emphasis should be placed on encouraging safer sexual behaviour among IDUs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine changes in drug use patterns among groups of injecting drug users (IDU) who remained in the drug market during a period of reduced heroin availability in NSW, Australia. Cross-sectional data collected from regular IDU interviewed as part of the NSW Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) between 1996 - 2003 were analysed. Drug use patterns, reported drug availability and price were assessed. There was a marked decrease in the frequency of heroin use during the period of reduced availability in 2001, with some increase in 2002 and 2003. Heroin availability and frequency of use have not returned to levels reported prior to 2001; however; even at the peak of the reduction in supply, users continued to access heroin. There was a significant shift among IDU from heroin to cocaine during 2001, which subsequently reversed. The availability of cocaine has fluctuated in recent years, but the price has remained stable. The price of heroin appeared to be more responsive to market fluctuations, and co-varied with heroin availability. IDU used cocaine when heroin was less available; however, patterns of cocaine use were not maintained. The frequency of heroin use remained lower, which may be indicative of a less consistent supply, increased price or increased numbers of IDU entering treatment. The reduced supply of heroin in 2001 highlighted the adaptable nature of IDU patterns of use, indicative of the need for a commensurate treatment response. It also highlighted the importance of the ongoing monitoring of drug trends in Australia. [Roxburgh A, Degenhardt L, Breen C. Changes in patterns of drug use among injecting drug users following changes in the availability of heroin in New South Wales, Australia. Drug Alcohol Rev 2004;23:287-294]  相似文献   

Introduction and Aims. The number of illicit drug users incarcerated in Sri Lanka has been growing over the last decade. This paper presents drug‐use characteristics and risk‐taking behaviours among a group of male incarcerated drug users. Design and Methods. An interviewer‐administered structured questionnaire was completed by 278 drug users in three prisons in Sri Lanka. Results. The majority (81.3%) of interviewees were aged 25–45 years. Most of them had received low levels of education, and experienced childhood delinquency and a deprived upbringing. Drug use was largely initiated during early adolescence, then continued to chronicity and the development of drug dependence. There was a high incidence (25–35%) of family history of drug abuse. Heroin (98%) and cannabis (54%) were the main drugs of abuse in the past 30 days. Polydrug use was common (75% in the past 12 months). Tobacco and alcohol use were widespread. The prevalence of intravenous drug use was higher than officially reported (15.8% vs. 1%). There was a high prevalence (53%) of risk‐taking sexual behaviour. Discussion and Conclusion. The pattern of drug use was similar to those reported in nearby countries. However, the increasing prevalence of injecting drug use and risk‐taking sexual behaviour is a concern. There is an urgent need to develop effective treatment strategies and to prevent the spread of HIV and hepatitis in Sri Lanka.[Dissabandara LO, Dias SR, Dodd PR, Stadlin A. Patterns of substance use in male incarcerated drug users in Sri Lanka. Drug Alcohol Rev 2009]  相似文献   

This study investigates the extent to which heroin users are exposed to multiple forms of infection risk. Structured interviews were administered to a prospective network sample of 408 heroin users. Subjects were contracted in south London in a wide range of social settings by specially recruited privileged access interviewers. Most heroin users (74.5%) had been exposed to more than one infection risk factor and more than half of the sample had been exposed to three or more risk factors. HIV serostatus was primarily related to men having sex with men. Hepatitis B seropositive status was primarily related to the number of years injecting drugs. At this stage of the HIV epidemic in London, HIV infection among heroin users may be related more to homosexual risk behaviour than drug risk factors. Heroin injectors were at greater risk of infection than heroin chasers both through their sexual behaviour as well as through their injecting practices. Heroin users who refused to give a saliva sample for analysis were found to be more likely to engage in several health risk behaviours than those who provided samples. This finding has important methodological implications for seroprevalence surveys. Other implications of the results for prevention programmes aimed at health risk behaviours of heroin users are also discussed.  相似文献   

目的了解阳泉市海洛因滥用情况,并探讨了相应的措施。方法统计2003年1月-2005年12月期间由于海洛因的非法使用而被阳泉市公安局禁毒处拘留、并强制戒毒3个月~6个月的犯罪人员的案宗,内容包括海洛因非法使用者的年龄、性别、职业、文化程度。用EXCEL对数据进行统计分析并进行t检验。结果阳泉市海洛因非法使用以男性为主体,占83.3%。平均年龄(29±6)岁。20~29岁与30~39岁年龄段为其好发年龄。多为初中文化程度,达91.4%。多为无业人员,达到91.7%。复吸总人数占总样本人数的13.4%。女性复吸人员平均年龄小于总样本女性平均年龄。结论阳泉市海洛因非法使用以中青年男性、低学历、无业者为主。女性复吸低龄化。禁毒工作重在预防。  相似文献   

目的:了解西安地区海洛因依赖者(吸毒者)滥用毒品方式的变化情况及注射滥用的原因。方法:对2003年和2004年西安市安康医院戒毒科收治的415例海洛因滥用者的滥用方式进行调查;并自拟问卷调查采用注射方式滥用毒品的原因。结果:共调查415例,其中2003年180例,2004年235例。被调查者中注射毒品者2003年60例,占33.3%;2004年175例,占74.5%,两年比较差异有显著性(P<0.01)。对2004年采用注射方式滥用毒品的原因调查显示:欣快感强烈(上头快)(99.2%)、注射器容易得到(91.5%)、节省吸毒费用(80.8%)和省时、省力(79.6%)是采用注射方式滥用毒品的主要原因。结论:西安地区海洛因依赖者滥用海洛因的方式已从非注射方式向注射方式转换;注射毒品已成为该地区海洛因依赖者采用的最主要的滥用毒品方式。  相似文献   

This study examined characteristics attributed to a person using an illegal narcotic drug (heroin) and sought to change established stereotypes by participation in a group education experience. Prior to the main study, 100 Advanced Psychology students generated lists of adjectives they would use to describe a heroin user. The most frequently mentioned characteristics were placed in structured lists as pre- and post-test measures. Both semantic differential and open-choice formats were used. The Prevention Role Play, a recently developed strategy in drug education, was used to challenge the group's stereotypes. Significant shifts in attributions were revealed between the pre- and post-test measures. After the Role Play students reduced their negative stereotype on a number of dimensions though they still described the heroin user as confused, insecure, troubled and lonely. The discussion considers possible strategies for facilitating positive attitude change.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe past two decades have seen an increase in heroin-related morbidity and mortality in the United States. We report on trends in US heroin retail price and purity, including the effect of entry of Colombian-sourced heroin on the US heroin market.MethodsThe average standardized price ($/mg-pure) and purity (% by weight) of heroin from 1993 to 2004 was from obtained from US Drug Enforcement Agency retail purchase data for 20 metropolitan statistical areas. Univariate statistics, robust Ordinary Least Squares regression and mixed fixed and random effect growth curve models were used to predict the price and purity data in each metropolitan statistical area over time.ResultsOver the 12 study years, heroin price decreased 62%. The median percentage of all heroin samples that are of South American origin increased an absolute 7% per year. Multivariate models suggest percent South American heroin is a significant predictor of lower heroin price and higher purity adjusting for time and demographics.ConclusionThese analyses reveal trends to historically low-cost heroin in many US cities. These changes correspond to the entrance into and rapid domination of the US heroin market by Colombian-sourced heroin. The implications of these changes are discussed.  相似文献   

This study compares a number of self-reported measures of drug use with the results of urine testing in a group of patients receiving methadone maintenance treatment. One hundred and twenty-nine subjects were interviewed and 4-5 months later, a second interview was obtained from 87 of these. At each interview subjects were asked about drug use on each of the preceding 7 days and also about the number of days of drug use in the previous month. It was found that most patients were continuing to use heroin, usually fairly infrequently. Direct comparisons of urine test results and self-reported drug use indicate substantial positive correlations. However, there was a tendency for self-report to underestimate drug use in this patient sample. It appears that urine testing is the single most useful measure of drug use. This supports the notion that it is a valid tool in evaluation research. However, the combination of self-report and urine tests provides more information about drug use than any single measure.  相似文献   

Background . Despite the widely noted increase in crystal methamphetamine (CM) use, there are few studies on circumstances of first CM use or correlates of use among high‐risk populations (e.g. street‐involved youth). Methods . Street‐involved youth in Vancouver, Canada, were enrolled in the At‐Risk Youth Study (ARYS) prospective cohort. Extensive outreach produced a representative sample of Vancouver street youth who use illicit drugs. We examined circumstances of first CM use and factors associated with CM use among the cohort. Results . Among 478 participants, 339 (70.9%) had used CM previously. Despite intensive covariate adjustment, a history of CM use was associated independently with having initiated injection drug use [OR = 3.15 (95% CI: 1.89–5.2); p < 0.001]. Among those who had used CM, route of first administration included: 11 (3.2%) oral ingestion; 25 (7.4%) injected; 105 (31.0%) snorted; 231 (68.1%) smoked. The proportion of respondents reporting current CM injection was significantly greater than the proportion reporting injection as the route for first CM use (18.3% vs. 7.4%; McNemar's test p < 0.001). Ability to obtain CM the first time was reported as ‘very easy’ or ‘easy’ by 93.5% and 5.3% of participants, respectively. Conclusions . Crystal methamphetamine use was independently associated with injection drug use, and significant increases in injecting as the primary mode of administration were observed when patterns of use were considered longitudinally. The easy accessibility of CM and its common use during transition into injection drug use demonstrate the need for innovative drug policy to address this growing concern.  相似文献   

Aim. To evaluate the association between coping self‐efficacy and persistent use of heroin by patients enrolled in a methadone treatment program. Design and Methods. Cross‐sectional survey. One hundred and ninety‐one patients attending outpatient methadone clinics in South‐East England, United Kingdom. Validated questionnaires were used to assess drug use (Maudsley Addiction Profile), alcohol use (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test), mental health (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) and coping self‐efficacy (brief 8‐item Drug Taking Confidence Questionnaire). Results. Half of the participants (95/191) reported heroin use in the preceding 14‐day period. Heroin use during methadone treatment was associated with financial problems (P = 0.008), spending time with other drug users (P < 0.001), cocaine use (P = 0.002), low mood (P = 0.002) and dissatisfaction with the daily methadone dose (P = 0.014). Compared with ‘Heroin‐abstinent’ patients, the ‘Heroin’ group reported significantly lower mean coping self‐efficacy scores (t = 9.8, d.f. = 182, P < 0.001, effect size 1.17). After correcting for the effects of co‐variants in a logistic regression model, the main determinants of persistent heroin use were ‘coping self‐efficacy’[B ?0.05; standard error (SE) 0.008; Wald 36.6; odds ratio (OR) 0.95, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.94, 0.97; P < 0.001] and ‘dissatisfaction with methadone dose’ (B 0.93; SE 0.46; Wald 4.1; OR 2.5, 95% CI 1.03, 6.25; P = 0.042). Satisfaction with methadone dose showed no association with self‐efficacy. Discussion and Conclusions. While heroin use during methadone treatment can partly be explained by inadequate dosing, our data suggest a more complex picture with significant contribution from poor coping self‐efficacy. Efforts aimed at enhancing and maintaining the patients' self‐efficacy and social skills are likely to improve heroin and other drug use outcomes with added benefits for treatment completion rates and the throughput of methadone programs.[Senbanjo R, Wolff K, Marshall EJ, Strang J. Persistence of heroin use despite methadone treatment: Poor coping self‐efficacy predicts continued heroin use. Drug Alcohol Rev 2009]  相似文献   

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