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Råssjö EB  Mirembe FM  Darj E 《AIDS care》2006,18(7):710-716
Three hundred and six sexually experienced adolescents participated in a study on sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevalence and associated risk factors. The prevalence of Neisseria gonorrhoea (NG), Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) and syphilis was 4.5%, 9%, 8% and 4% for females and 4.7%, 5.7%, 0% and 2.8% for males. HIV-seropositivity was found in 15.2% of females and 5.8% of males. Structured face-to-face interviews were used to obtain information about social background, sexual experience and genital symptoms. Four focus-group discussions were used in order to validate the interview data. Females were more likely to be infected by the four treatable STIs and HIV, despite risky behavior being more common among males. Unemployment, little formal education, the presence of bacterial STIs and post-coital bleeding or a bad smell from the vagina was highly associated with the risk for HIV in females. The higher prevalence of STIs, including HIV, among adolescent girls cannot be explained by sexual behavior only, as boys reported more risk behavior and were still less affected by STIs. Biological and social factors are definitely of importance.  相似文献   

The object of this study was to determine the factors associated with partner notification (PN) of sexually transmitted infection (STI) exposure among pregnant, low income, Mexican-American (MA) and African-American (AA) women and their male sexual partners. We used a cross-sectional analysis of 166 pregnant women with an STI, enrolled in a randomized controlled trial of behavioural intervention to prevent recurrent STIs. The primary outcome, PN, is notification of, or intent to notify male sexual partner(s) of STI exposure. Pregnant women with one (n = 136) versus multiple (n = 30) partners reported PN for 88.2% and 54.5% of male partners, respectively (P < 0.001). Multivariate logistic regression demonstrated three variables that independently predicted PN: a steady relationship, with one male sexual partner and recent (<30 days) intercourse with the partner. Among the low income, pregnant MA and AA women, the three relationship variables predicted 81.6% of PN and correctly classified 78.5% of males notified and 65.7% of males not notified.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and associated risk factors in HIV-infected pregnant women followed for prenatal care in Salvador, Bahia. This was a cross-sectional study of 63 women seeking prenatal care at a reference center. Participants were interviewed regarding socio-epidemiological and clinical history, and were tested for HBsAg, anti-HCV, anti HTLV I/II, VDRL, Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, CD4 count, and HIV plasma viral load. The main outcome variable was the presence of any STI. The mean age of patients was 28.2 years (16-40 years). 23 (36.5%) were diagnosed with at least one STI. The frequency of diagnoses was: HBV, 3.2%; HCV, 8.1%; HTLV I/II, 3.4%; syphilis, 9.5%; Chlamydia trachomatis, 11.1%; HPV, 15.0%; Mycoplasma hominis, 2.1%, and Ureaplasma urealyticum, 2.1%. No case of Neisseria gonorrhoeae was identified. No association was found between socio-epidemiological variables and the presence of an STI. CD4 T lymphocyte < 500 cells/μL (p = 0.047) and plasma viral load >1,000 copies (p = 0.027) were associated with the presence of STI. STIs are frequent in pregnant women infected with HIV, and all HIV-infected pregnant women should be screened to decrease transmission of these pathogens and to protect their own health.  相似文献   

Lithuania is a small country with a population of 3.7 million. It has recently been released from the yoke of Soviet rule. HIV infection was first identified in 1988 and while the numbers of cases are small, the incidence is beginning to rise precipitously. A National AIDS Centre has been established in the capital, Vilnius, and a nationwide epidemiological survey is underway. Efforts are being made to prevent HIV infection. Sixty one per cent of notified cases of HIV infection are in Klaipéda, a port city adjacent to the Kaliningrad region and the predominant mode of transmission is by intravenous drug use. The majority of cases of AIDS, however, are seen in Vilnius. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are poorly controlled and there is no national control strategy. While the incidence of gonorrhoea is declining, new cases of syphilis have been on the increase, reaching 101.4 cases per 100,000 of the population. Cases of congenital syphilis are still seen.  相似文献   

White R  Celum C  Wasserheit J  Aral S  Hayes R 《Lancet》2008,372(9646):1297; author reply 1297-1297; author reply 1298

Two-hundred and forty-five heterosexual HIV-infected patients (58% women; median age 41 years) were screened for asymptomatic sexually transmitted infections (STIs) during a routine visit at a large HIV outpatient clinic in the Netherlands. High-risk sexual behaviour was rare and STI prevalence was low: three Chlamydia trachomatis infections and one case of syphilis were diagnosed. These results suggest that, in the Netherlands, screening for STI during routine visits is currently not needed for asymptomatic heterosexual HIV-infected patients.  相似文献   

Low perception of HIV risk despite behaviors associated with increased risk is thought to be a contributing factor for a higher prevalence of HIV in blacks than other groups in the United States. We sought to determine HIV risk perception and its impact on safer sex practices and interest in preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP). From August 1 to October 31, 2010, an anonymous survey was conducted at a sexually transmitted infection clinic asking questions about demographics, risk behaviors, and PrEP interest. Participants were categorized into high-risk, moderate-risk, and low-risk groups according to predefined HIV risk characteristics. Only heterosexual high-risk participants were further assessed for their risk perception, condom use and PrEP interest. There were 494 participants; 63% male, 70% blacks, 88% heterosexual; 83% were categorized into the high-risk group. Of the 359 heterosexual high-risk participants, 301 (84%) perceived themselves at no or low-risk. Rates of consistent condom use with vaginal, oral, and anal sex were low (<20%) in this group despite high levels of knowledge about HIV transmission risks. Rates of condom use were not affected by risk perception. No interest in PrEP was associated with low education level (adjusted odds ratio 4.97; p=0.02) and low risk perception. These findings suggest that despite having knowledge about HIV transmission risks, the majority of high-risk participants did not recognize their risks and used condoms with low frequency. Low risk perception and low education level may impact PrEP interest. Enhanced interventions are needed to improve HIV risk perception, safer sex practices, and knowledge about PrEP.  相似文献   

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have been identified as cofactors of HIV transmission. Greater understanding of local STI burdens can assist in the development of more effective STI and HIV prevention strategies. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence and incidence of STIs among South Indian men and women identified to be at increased risk for HIV infection. Individuals at increased risk for HIV infection were enrolled in a prospective longitudinal study in Chennai, India (n = 480) between August 2002 and December 2003. Participants were enrolled from patients seeking services at an sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinic and a confidential HIV testing and counseling program. The most common prevalent STIs were herpes simplex virus (HSV)-2 (50% of women, 29% of men), syphilis (11% of women, 8% of men), and Trichomonas vaginalis (6% of women). At enrollment, women, participants with no schooling, participants with greater than four sex partners, and single participants were found to be at increased risk for HSV-2 infection (p < 0.05). The two most common incident STIs at 12 months were HSV-2 with 12% of men and 8% of women testing positive and hepatitis B with 2% of men and 5% of women testing hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positive. In this cohort of South Indian men and women with a high background prevalence of HSV-2, suppressive therapy against herpes replication may have a substantial impact in reducing both HSV-2 transmission and HIV acquisition. With the high incidence of STIs, targeted prevention and clinical management strategies among individuals practicing high risk behaviors may help to slow the continued spread of HIV in India.  相似文献   

Because the acquisition of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is based on individual sexual behaviors, the most successful STI prevention initiatives have been behavioral interventions seeking to change individual risk behaviors. This article explores systematic and community-based prevention initiatives and the steps in development and validation of behavioral interventions to reduce STIs. Key interventions and the trials in which they were proven effective are discussed in detail. It is hoped that a greater understanding of the development and validation of behavioral interventions for STI prevention will encourage physicians to accept these interventions as additional tools to prevent disease and suffering.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional survey was conducted of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and risky behaviors among 407 drug abusers in treatment facilities in 1998. Infections with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), and syphilis were detected by testing serum antibody levels; chlamydia and gonorrhea were detected by testing nucleic acid levels in urine. Logistic regression analysis was performed to measure associations. Prevalences of antibodies were as follows: to HSV-2, 44.4%; to HCV, 35.1%; to HBV, 29.5%; to HIV, 2.7%. The prevalence of syphilis was 3.4%; of chlamydia, 3.7%; and of gonorrhea, 1.7%. Of the 407 subjects, approximately 62% had markers for 1 of the STDs. HIV infection was associated with African American race, use of smokable freebase (crack) cocaine, and STD history. HBV infection was associated with age >30 years, injecting drugs, needle sharing, a history of treatment for drug abuse, and African American race. HCV infection was associated with an age >30 years, injecting drugs, and needle sharing, and HSV-2 infection with an age >30 years, female sex, and African American race. Syphilis was associated with a history of STDs. High prevalences of STDs among drug abusers indicate the need for integration of STD screening and treatment into drug treatment programs.  相似文献   

Sexually transmitted infections remain a major public health concern in the United States. An estimated 19 million infections occur each year. The economic burden imposed by sexually transmitted infections is impressive: direct medical costs are estimated to be as high as $15.5 billion annually. Women and infants disproportionately bear the long-term consequences of sexually transmitted diseases. This article briefly introduces various infections, reviews new diagnostic information, and presents the latest guidelines for therapy. All recommended and alternative regimens are drawn from the most recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention treatment guidelines and recent updates.  相似文献   

The aim of this retrospective study was to determine the prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis co-infection in men with gonorrhoea attending a sexually transmitted diseases clinic in Edinburgh, Scotland. During the study period, there were 660 cases of culture-proven gonorrhoea. Chlamydial DNA was detected in the urethra in 79 (31%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 25-37%) heterosexual men who have sex with women (MSW); the median age was significantly lower than those with gonorrhoea alone (24.0 versus 30.0; P <0.0005). The prevalence of urethral chlamydial infection among MSW was significantly higher than among men who have sex with men (MSM) (32 [12%; 95% CI, 8-16%] of 268 MSM) (chi2 = 27.21; P <0.001). Sixteen (24%; 95% CI, 14-34%) of 68 MSM with rectal gonorrhoea had concurrent rectal chlamydial infection. The high prevalence of concurrent gonorrhoea and chlamydiae therefore warrants empirical treatment and/or testing for chlamydia in all men with urethral gonorrhoea.  相似文献   

Perception of risk has been suggested as an important element of sexual behaviour change among people who engage in behaviours which place them at risk of HIV infection. A study of the relationship between perception of risk of HIV infection and risk-related sexual behaviours was conducted in a genitourinary medicine clinic. The sample comprised 767 patients attending over a 3-month period; data collection was by self-completed questionnaire. A total of 574 questionnaires were suitable for analysis, representing a response rate of 75%. The majority of people in the sample reported behaviours which increased their risk of HIV infection, but only 19% (n = 112) of the sample perceived themselves to be personally 'at risk', despite adequate knowledge of HIV transmission and methods of risk reduction. Significant differences between social class groups were found for knowledge scores, with highest scores among professionals and lowest among unemployed subjects (Kruskal Wallis test chi 2 = 24.6, P less than or equal to 0.001). Increasing age was significantly associated with better knowledge; significantly more young people aged 16-20 years who did not perceive themselves 'at risk' (64%), had lower knowledge scores than older people who did not perceive themselves 'at risk' (41%). Among heterosexuals who reported having sex with other people in addition to their regular partner, 79% did not perceive themselves as 'at risk' of HIV infection, and of these, 64% reported only infrequent condom use with casual sexual partners. Significantly more heterosexual men (67%) than women (44%) reported multiple sex partners.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to identify risk factors associated with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among rural-to-urban migrants in Beijing in 2002. Migrants with STDs consisted of 432 migrants who sought STD care in two public STD clinics. Migrants without STDs included 892 migrants recruited from 10 occupational clusters. Multiple logistic regression was used for data analysis. Compared to migrants without STDs, migrants with STDs were more likely to report having engaged in commercial sex (selling or buying sex) (odds ratio [OR] = 2.70, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.71-4.25), multiple sex partners in the previous month (OR = 6.50, 95% CI: 3.73-11.32) and higher perceived HIV-related stigma (OR = 1.89, 95% CI: 1.30-2.75). Being a migrant with an STD was also associated with female gender (OR = 4.10, 95% CI: 2.89-5.82), higher education (OR = 2.92, 95% CI: 1.40-6.06), and higher monthly salary (OR = 1.68. 95% CI: 1.23-2.29). Migrants with STDs visited their hometowns more frequently and had more stable jobs than migrants without STDs. Approximately 10% of the migrants with STDs and 7.7% of the migrants without STDs always used condoms. This study suggests that among migrants, acquisition of an STD is associated with higher participation in risk behaviors as would be expected, but also with higher perceived stigma, education, stable jobs, salary, and with female gender. Appropriate behavioral intervention programs are advocated to reduce the risk and stigma among the special population.  相似文献   

This qualitative study was conducted to explore health-seeking behaviour for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV testing among female sex workers (FSWs) in the cities of Hanoi and Da Nang, Vietnam. Data were gathered from in-depth interviews, focus groups and participant observation. Results suggest that women's decision to seek STI treatment and HIV testing is influenced by the complex interplay of personal risk perceptions, social relationships and community discourse. The women exhibited adequate knowledge of HIV while their knowledge of STIs was limited. They demonstrated high-risk perceptions of HIV, but they showed little concern for STIs. Most women sought treatment at pharmacies when they noticed symptoms of the genital tract. Their decision to seek care in health facilities and HIV testing was hampered by the high costs of treatment, judgmental attitudes of service providers, and a lack of information on testing services. Future interventions need to focus on strengthening knowledge of STIs and the STI-HIV association, and increasing awareness of HIV counselling and testing services. Training for STI service providers including pharmacies and private practitioners on sex-worker friendly and non-judgmental services and counselling skills should be emphasized to provide timely diagnosis and treatment of STIs, and to refer women to HIV testing.  相似文献   

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