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Mammalian cells require cholesterol for normal cell function. This requirement can be fulfilled by endogenous biosynthesis or by extracellular supplementation. Infants fed with human milk receive greater quantities of cholesterol than those fed commercial formulas. Whether this lack of cholesterol in commercial formulas poses a threat to normal neonatal cell function is not known. We compared small intestinal microvillus membrane fluidity, hydrolase activities, protein concentration, permeability to nonabsorbable markers, and weight gain in neonatal piglets receiving restricted intake of isocaloric formulas containing either normal amounts of cholesterol (145 mg/dl) or very low levels of cholesterol (less than 2 mg/dl). Using the fluorescent probe, diphenylhexatriene, and fluorescence polarization, microvillus membranes from cholesterol deprived piglets demonstrated higher fluidities than did microvillus membranes from animals fed normal concentrations of cholesterol. Cholesterol-deprived animals, even though their caloric intake was similar to cholesterol-fed animals, demonstrated a net weight loss per animal whereas the cholesterol-fed animals demonstrated a weight gain. These results demonstrate that in a pig model on a restricted intake, cholesterol deprivation alters the biophysical properties of the microvillus membrane.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have shown that adults with low birthweight have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and some others have shown that they have a less favourable serum lipid and lipoprotein profile. If cholesterol metabolism were programmed in utero, we would expect to see an influence of birthweight on blood lipids in children. In 422 children aged 11-15 y in Middlesborough, Cleveland, UK, we investigated the association between birthweight and serum lipids and plasma fibrinogen. We also investigated the influence of childhood social deprivation, measured using the Townsend deprivation index, on these measures. CONCLUSIONS: We found a significant inverse association between birthweight and serum triglyceride level, but not with other serum lipid levels. From a regression model we estimate that triglyceride rose by 1.1 mmol l(-1) kg(-1) fall in birthweight after adjustment for sex, current age and weight. Findings were similar in boys and girls separately. This could contribute to the observed inverse association between birthweight and cardiovascular mortality. Social deprivation was associated with higher fibrinogen, but not lipid levels. Our data highlight the importance of considering influences throughout the life course on adult disease.  相似文献   

We prospectively studied the effect of carbamazepine (CBZ) therapy on serum lipids and liver function tests in 28 patients and 28 age and sex matched controls. The mean age of patients was 8.29 years, duration of therapy with CBZ 10.3 months and dose of CBZ 13.1 mg/dL. The patients and controls were comparable in weight, height and BMI. Mean +/- SD of cholesterol 162 +/- 25.8 mg/dL in patients was significantly more than controls 131+/- 25.2 mg/dL. Mean LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol were also significantly raised in patients. Values of mean VLDL, triglycerides, ratio of LDL HDL, TC HDLC bilirubin and SGPT were not significantly different in two groups. Blood Levels of alkaline phosphatase were significantly more in patients compared to controls. The long term implications of these findings need to be studied.  相似文献   

In diabetic children, the effect on serum lipids of insulin by itself and combined with glucose of with Aminosol + glucose has been studied. The level of serum free fatty acids decreased significantly in every case. The cephalin level decreased under the effect of insulin and insulin + Aminosol, whereas it rose after insulin and glucose infusion. The triglyceride level remained unchanged when insulin was applied by itself, and decreased significantly under the effect of insulin + Aminosol, while it showed a rising tendency after insulin + glucose infusion.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis is unknown, but a possible role for reactive oxygen metabolites has been postulated. We evaluated whether developmental differences exist in the levels of 1) the free radical-generating enzyme xanthine oxidase, 2) granulocyte peroxidase, an index of the resident granulocyte population, 3) free radical-scavenging enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase), and 4) reduced glutathione, an endogenous antioxidant, in the ileal and colonic mucosa of 1-d-old, 3-d-old, 2-wk-old, and 1-mo-old piglets. We found no xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase activity in 1-d to 1-mo-old piglets. Mucosal granulocyte peroxidase activity was higher in older animals, indicating that there was an age-dependent infiltration of granulocytes (eosinophils, neutrophils) in the distal bowel. The peroxidase activity per circulating granulocyte, however, did not vary with age. Superoxide dismutase activity was significantly higher in 1-d-old piglets than in all older age groups; glutathione peroxidase activity was significantly lower in 1-d-old animals than that of older age groups. There was no detectable catalase activity in the mucosa when tissue was corrected for catalase activity of blood. Finally, ileal GSH levels were significantly lower in 1-d-old than in 2-wk-old and 1-mo-old animals, whereas colonic reduced glutathione activity did not differ among age groups. In conclusion, the distal bowel of the neonatal piglet appears to have a limited capacity to generate oxidants via xanthine oxidase and resident granulocytes. However, the neonatal piglet intestine has a lower capacity to detoxify hydrogen peroxide than that of older animals.  相似文献   

To determine the response of the preterm infant's intestine to entire feedings at different postnatal ages, we recorded results of manometry of the gastroduodenum and determined fasting plasma concentrations of gastrin, gastric inhibitory peptide, neurotensin, and peptide YY three times in each of two groups: 27 preterm infants were randomly assigned to receive hypocaloric enteral nutrition on postnatal days 3 to 5 (early feeding) or on days 10 to 14 (late feeding). Initial observations (study 1) were performed by the fifth postnatal day; study 2 was performed on days 10 to 14, and study 3 on days 24 to 28. Early-fed infants received hypocaloric feedings immediately after study 1; late-fed infants did not receive enteral feedings until the completion of study 2. Although motor activity and fasting gastrointestinal peptide concentrations did not differ between groups at study 1, at study 2 early-fed infants had significantly more mature motor patterns than did babies not being fed. Early-fed infants also had significantly higher plasma concentrations of gastrin and gastric inhibitory peptide than did late-fed infants; neurotensin and peptide YY values were similar in both groups. By the time of study 3, when late-fed infants had also received enteral feedings, gut development was not different in the two groups. However, early-fed infants were able to tolerate full oral nutrition sooner, had fewer days of feeding intolerance, and had shorter hospital stays. Thus the provision of early hypocaloric nutrition was associated with earlier nutrition of preterm infants' intestinal function and resulted in improved feeding tolerance. These findings support the use of early feedings in preterm infants.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Critically ill neonates often have their enteral intake severely limited shortly after birth. Whether glutamine (Gln) or glutamate (Glu) can preserve intestinal structure and function in the neonate undergoing limited enteral feeding is not clear. We hypothesize that Gln and Glu can similarly preserve intestinal structure in the developing small intestine of infant rats fed a low protein diet. METHODS: Using a gastrostomy-fed "pup-in-a-cup" rat model, the effects of Gln and Glu on the developing rat small intestine were examined. Four groups of 6- to 7-day-old pups were fed rat milk substitute (RMS) via gastrostomy tube. One group was provided 100% and three were provided 25% of the protein normally received from their mothers. Two of the groups fed 25% protein received additional Gln or Glu for 6 days. RESULTS: Pups receiving the 100% protein RMS were larger than pups receiving the 25% protein RMS with or without Gln/Glu supplementation (P < 0.001). Average villus height (P < 0.01) and area (P < 0.01) were greater in pups receiving 100% protein RMS than in pups given 25% protein RMS formula. There was no significant difference among the groups in mucosal maltase or alkaline phosphatase activities. Tight junction protein claudin-1 was significantly higher in the group fed 100% protein RMS diet, while occludin did not differ among the 4 groups. Neither Gln nor Glu increased claudin-1 or occludin in rats fed 25% protein. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that neither Gln nor Glu supplementation can substitute effectively for whole protein in the developing rat small intestine for the outcomes that were evaluated.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal tumours are rare in children and leiomyoblastoma of small intestine is still rarer. We report a case of leiomyoblastoma of small intestine in a child who presented with acute intestinal obstruction.  相似文献   

To study the effect of corticosteroids on postnatal maturation of Na+ transport in the small intestine, we studied 10-12-day-old suckling rabbits after they had received cortisone acetate, 20 mg/kg SC on days 3, 4, and 5 of life. When killed, the cortisone-injected animals weighed significantly less than saline-injected controls. In jejunal villus enterocytes isolated from this cortisone-treated group, the specific activities of sucrase and Na+-K+-ATPase were significantly greater than those in control enterocytes. Studied in Using chambers, a significant electrical and ion-flux response to glucose was observed in the jejunal epithelium of the treated group, but not in controls. We conclude that exogenous cortisone, administered early in life, can stimulate the precocious development not only of certain epithelial enzymes but also glucose-facilitated Na+ transport in the jejunum of the rabbit.  相似文献   

In a first experiment with 24 newborn lambs, the promoting effect of colostrum feeding on the fresh weight of the small intestine and its protein content was demonstrated by comparison with that of other dietary treatments (fasting, lactose, protein hydrolysate feeding). In a second experiment, the amounts of colostral IgG1 entrapped within the intestine wall and the valine incorporation rates into the intestinal protein were determined in 3-, 8- and 18-hour-old lambs fed either cow milk, cow colostrum or ewe colostrum. The amounts of IgG1 in the small intestine wall and the valine incorporation rates were higher in the lambs fed colostrum (ewe or cow) than in the milk-fed animals. The intestinal protein increase resulted primarily from the retention of colostral proteins in the colostrum-fed newborn lambs. However, colostrum feeding stimulated intestinal protein synthesis more actively than milk feeding.  相似文献   

Highly purified microvillus membrane vesicles isolated from rat small intestine were enriched in sucrase, maltase, and aminopeptidase activities. Approximately 90-95% of each enzyme was released from the membrane fraction by treatment with detergent (Triton X-100) and sonication. Using untreated and solubilized preparations, the effect of lectin binding on the activity of each of the three enzymes was measured. It was observed that wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) dramatically enhanced the activity of membrane-bound maltase but had much less effect on the detergent solubilized enzyme. Under the same conditions aminopeptidase activity was inhibited by WGA and PHA while sucrase activity was not affected. These alterations in enzyme activity occurred at lectin concentrations that also precipitated each solubilized enzyme from solution. Inhibitory sugars prevented the alterations in enzyme activity suggesting that the effect is due to the binding of lectin to specific carbohydrate structures. Enhancement of membrane-bound maltase activity by WGA and PHA was shown to be temperature dependent indicating that the lipid environment of the microvillus membrane may play a role in mediating the lectin effect. A kinetic analysis of the changes in maltase activity induced by these two lectins was due solely to an increase in Vmax. Two other lectins used in this study (concanavalin A and Ricinus communis agglutinin) did not readily precipitate the enzymes in question or alter their activity. These results show that binding of lectins to brush border membranes can induce variable changes in the activity of several membrane associated hydrolases, and suggest that similar changes may occur in vivo in the presence of dietary lectin.  相似文献   

目的:通过内毒素血症幼年大鼠小肠Bcl-2及BaxmRNA表达的变化,观察谷氨酰胺对小肠细胞凋亡的作用,探讨谷氨酰胺对内毒素血症幼年大鼠小肠的保护机制。方法:用腹腔注射内毒素(4mg/kg大肠杆菌脂多糖O55B5)方法制备18日龄大鼠内毒素血症模型(内毒素组);腹腔注射同等量生理盐水为对照组;腹腔注射内毒素同时注射N(2)-L-丙氨酰-L-谷氨酰胺(2g/kg)为谷氨酰胺干预组。分别在注射后2,4,6,24,72h取全部回肠,半定量RT-PCR法测Bcl-2,BaxmRNA的表达。结果:正常对照和内毒素组小肠各时间点的Bcl-2mRNA均无表达,谷氨酰胺组各时间点的Bcl-2mRNA表达增强。正常对照BaxmRNA表达较弱,内毒素组小肠各时间点的BaxmRNA表达均明显增强,而谷氨酰胺组2h亚组的表达较正常明显减弱,其余各时间点的BaxmRNA表达接近对照组。内毒素组Bax,Bcl-2mRNA表达的比值明显高于对照组,谷氨酰胺组Bax,Bcl-2mRNA表达的比值明显低于对照组和内毒素组,其中以2h亚组的变化最显著。结论:谷氨酰胺使内毒素血症小肠Bcl-2基因表达增强,明显高于正常;Bax基因表达减弱至接近正常;Bax,Bcl-2mRNA表达的比值明显下降,从而抑制细胞凋亡,维持肠屏障结构的完整,以对抗内毒素对肠黏膜的损害。  相似文献   

Minute ventilation, arterial blood gases, arterial pH, cardiac output, and transdiaphragmatic force generation, both during spontaneous ventilation and in response to phrenic nerve stimulation during airway occlusion at end expiration, were measured in nine anesthetized, tracheostomized piglets before and 30 min after parenteral infusion of 20 mg/kg aminophylline. Serum theophylline levels averaged 109 +/- 21 mumol/L (19.7 +/- 3.7 micrograms/mL) at 30 min postinfusion. No significant changes were noted in pH, blood gases, blood pressure, or ventilatory measures after aminophylline. Aminophylline infusion also had no effect on transdiaphragmatic force generation at any frequency of phrenic nerve stimulation studied. It is concluded that aminophylline has no effect on diaphragmatic contractility in the quietly breathing, nonfatigued piglet.  相似文献   

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