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本文收集我院近3a来有完整的X线影像和内镜检查发现的儿童GER84例,试行临床分析如下.1对象和方法1.1对象儿童GER4例中,男42例,女42例,年龄分布4岁6例,7岁18例,9岁14例,14岁46例.病程最短7d,最长6a,普遍为3mo~4mo.临床以消化道症状为主,呕吐51例,上腹痛和(或)不适感44例,其他如胸骨后或剑突下突发性、渐进性疼痛5例,反复咽喉部异物感或烧灼感6例,营养不良6例,反复咳嗽和哮喘13例,间歇性抬肩或深吸气为首先症状12例,脑电图异常放电8例.1.2方法受检病例均有胃食管反流的临床表现,新生儿期及受检前3d服用过胃肠动力…  相似文献   

老年人反流性食管炎393例分析   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28  
目的为了解老年人反流性食管炎的特点,对反流性食管炎患者的内镜表现与特点进行分析。方法将本院10年来681例反流性食管炎患者分为老年组和非老年组,对两组的患病率、病变程度、病理结果、并存疾病进行了比较。结果老年组患病率238%,非老年组083%(P<0001);老年组病变程度较非老年组严重(P<005);病理活检,非老年组中仅发现2例轻度不典型增生,而老年组中共发现9例不同程度的不典型增生及1例癌变;老年患者并存疾病以食管裂孔疝多见。结论反流性食管炎是老年人的常见病,内镜检查对该病的诊治具有重要价值。  相似文献   

食管pH 24h监测与内镜诊断胃食管反流病的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  

胃食管反流病食管外表现的临床研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Li ZS  Xu XR  Zou DW  Xie WF  Yu XF  Chen XM  Lin Y  Xia J  Zhu FS  Wen W  Su T 《中华内科杂志》2006,45(1):13-16
目的探讨胃食管反流病(GERD)食管外表现(EED)的临床特征和质子泵抑制剂对EED的治疗效果。方法本研究为多中心、开放、前瞻性临床研究,在上海市的4家医院同期入选GERD患者,均符合内镜下有反流性食管炎(RE)的诊断标准,无RE者则为24h食管pH监测阳性的非糜烂性反流病(NERD)。进行GERD典型症状和EED相关症状的问卷调查并记录积分,有EED症状者行电子喉镜检查并记录有关征象,然后对上述资料进行统计、比较分析。结果共分析200例符合标准的GERD患者,伴有EED者95例,无EED者105例;NERD患者66例,RE134例,其中65例为具有EED的RE患者。EED的症状最常见的为咽球感和(或)咽部异物感,发生率为27%,其他常见的依次为咳嗽、咽喉灼痛、声音嘶哑,哮喘较少,其发生率分别为21%、16%、11%、3%。有EED的患者中并存典型GERD症状的发生率为56%,EED症状的严重程度在RE和NERD患者间差异无统计学意义。喉镜检查示声带红斑、水肿32%,杓区红肿25%,咽后壁淋巴增生20%,未见明显异常的42%。95%的EED患者治疗8周后症状基本消失。结论较大比例的GERD患者中有EED存在,而喉镜、常规24hpH监测对诊断的阳性预测值不高,高剂量质子泵抑制剂对EED的治疗有效。  相似文献   

目的通过对452例胃食管反流病临床分析、初步探索其发病规律和病因.方法在2000例内镜检查中检出胃食管反流病452例,从发病年龄、性别、临床症状、疾病分类、Hp感染及实验室检查等方面进行综合分析,按一般统计学处理,初步探讨其发病规律和病因.结果从2000例内镜检查中检出452例胃食管反流病,检出率为22.6%,高于广州、四川等地.发病年龄20岁一50岁偏多,男女之比相当,同广州、四川等地.临床症状以反酸、烧心。嗳气、胸痛为主.疾病分类依次为:单纯性胃反流235例(51.7%);食管、贲门反流92例(20.4%);胃食管、责门反流44例(9.7%);胃反流伴胃溃25例(5.8%);胃反流伴糜烂、出血20例(4.4%),胃反流伴球炎15例(3.3%);胃反流伴球溃13例(2.9%);反流性残胃炎8例(1.8%).经临床检查,综合分析其发病因素,主要是胃肠运动功能障碍,致使食管下段和幽门括约肌张力降低所致胃肠内容物反流引起.同时发现30岁~50岁女性偏多,可能因体内雌性激素紊乱,而引起胃肠运动功能障碍所致;以及部分患者有肝胆疾病或胃、胆手术切除后引起.结论胃食管反流病主要是胃肠功能运动障碍,以及内分泌紊乱、胆疾病引起.  相似文献   

胃食管反流病(GERD)是消化科常见多发病,因其有较高的人群相关症状发生率(西方国家约7%~15%[1],我国约为768%[2])和较严重的并发症,而受到广泛的关注.在以往的研究中已经认识到,GERD是以胃食管动力障碍为主要病理机制的疾病,但由于该...  相似文献   

胃食管反流检查方法对胃食管反流病的诊断价值   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
评估不同的诊断方法在胃食管反流病诊断中的价值。对135全角典型胃食管反流症状,并经内镜证实有下段食管炎的患者X线钡餐确定反流,核素显像测定反流,24小时食管内pH监测,LESP测定及Losec实验性治疗。结果显示:X线钡餐检查27例,9例阳性,阳性率为30.3%,核素显像9例,7例阳性,阳性率77.7%;食管内24小时pH监测72例,53例阳性,阳性率73.61%;LESP测定25例,10例阳性,阳性率40%;56例行Losec试验性治疗,有效54例,阳性率96.4%。本研究结果表明:在所有的检查方法中,Losec试验性治疗阳性率最高,且不需特殊设备及操作技能,可作为临床上诊断本病的有效方法。食管内24小时pH 和核素显像测定胃食管反流阳性率近似,但后者设备昂贵,仅适用于有胃食管反流疾病的儿童,食管内24小时pH监测敏感性高,不失为诊断胃食管反流疾病的可靠指标。  相似文献   

裂孔疝对胃—食管反流影响的研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的本研究旨在评价滑动性裂孔疝存在是否对胃—食管反流产生影响.方法本研究对197例有胃—食管反流症状的门诊患者进行了内窥镜检查和食管内24hpH监测.结果在197例有胃—食管反流症状的患者中,裂孔疝患者占36%.裂孔疝患者中食管炎发病率明显高于无裂孔疝患者.24hpH监测结果显示,84例为生理性反流,37例为病理性反流,64例为反流性食管炎,12例生理性反流,但患有食管炎.裂孔疝患者卧位反流百分时间长于无裂孔疝患者.裂孔疝患者夜间5min以上的反流发作较无裂孔疝患者频繁.裂孔疝患者白天黑夜均反流现象明显多于无裂孔疝患者.结论①在某些有胃—食管反流的患者中,病理性反流和反流性食管炎是胃—食管反流疾病的不同阶段,病理性反流是第一阶段,在此阶段,食管下段括约肌功能不全,但食管粘膜抵抗力能有效地防止反流酸损害食管粘膜,反流性食管炎是第二阶段,在此阶段,由于反流酸作用太强,食管粘膜难以抵抗其作用而发生食管上皮组织损害.②裂孔疝病人白天夜间均发生反流现象的频率较高,这种现象可引起食管炎.  相似文献   

肝硬变胃食管反流与食管静脉曲张破裂出血的关系陈曰文湖陈慧林金坤任明李初俊胡品津Subjectheadingslivercirrhosis/complication;esophagealandgastricvarices/complication;g...  相似文献   

王文海  张玫 《山东医药》2009,49(36):65-66
目的探讨胃食管反流病(GERD)与会厌囊肿的关系。方法随机选择经胃镜检查诊断为反流性食管炎或具有典型的反酸烧心症状并经试验性治疗有效而确诊的GERD患者150例(观察组),经胃镜诊断为慢性浅表性胃炎的患者150例(对照组)。观察两组合并会厌囊肿的比率。结果观察组共发现会厌囊肿7例(4.77%),对照组发现1例(0.67%)。两组比较有统计学差异。结论GERD与会厌囊肿之间存在密切关系。  相似文献   

If 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring is to be a useful diagnostic tool, it must reliably discriminate gastroesophageal reflux patients despite daily variations in distal esophageal acid exposure. To address this issue, we studied 53 subjects (14 healthy normals, 14 esophagitis patients, and 25 patients with atypical symptoms) with two ambulatory pH tests performed within 10 days of each other. Intrasubject reproducibility of 12 pH parameters to discriminate the presence of abnormal acid reflux was determined. As a group, the parameters of percent time with pH<4 (total, upright, recumbent) were most reproducible (80%). Therefore, a subject was defined as having gastroesophageal reflux disease if at least one of these three values were abnormal. Intrasubject reproducibility for the diagnosis of reflux disease was 89% for the entire sample. Among subsets, the reproducibility was 93% for the normals and esophagitis patients and 84% for the atypical symptom patients. Total percent time with pH<4 was the single most discriminate pH parameter (85%) and nearly equaled that of the three combined parameters (89%). The intrasubject variability of this parameter was determined by the mean ±2sd of the relative differences between the two test results for all 53 subjects. Total percent time with pH<4 may vary between tests by a factor of 3.2-fold or less (218% higher to 69% lower). We conclude: (1) ambulatory 24-hr esophageal monitoring is a reproducible test for the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease; and (2) the large intrastudy variability in 24-hr total acid exposure may limit this test's usefulness as a measurement of therapeutic improvement.Supported, in part, by Public Health Services Grant AM 34200-01A1 from NIADDIK.  相似文献   

Twenty-four-hour home esophageal pH monitoring is proposed in order to study gastroesophageal reflux (GER) so that prolonged use of costly hospital equipment and staff can be curtailed and the diagnostic accuracy of the examination improved. Eighty-six patients affected by GER symptoms and 20 healthy volunteers underwent 24-hr home esophageal pH monitoring, x-rays, and endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract to investigate reliability of outpatient recording. Fifteen more patients consecutively underwent out- and inpatient recording to detect possible differences between these methods in the two daily periods. Outpatient monitoring was well tolerated in 94.7% of the patients; 14.3% of them markedly reduced their routine activities. The range of normality of outpatient recording does not differ from that of inpatients. In the 15 patients who consecutively underwent out-and inpatient monitoring, no significant differences were reported. The sensitivity of 24-hr home esophageal pH recording is 0.85, the specificity 1, the accuracy for negative prediction 0.68, and the accuracy for positive prediction 1. The reliability of 24-hr home esophageal pH monitoring is comparable to inpatient recording. It allows hospital cost reduction and is also better tolerated by patients but has not greatly improved the diagnostic accuracy of the gastroesophageal reflux pH monitoring.Supported by the Ministere Pubblica Istruzione, Rome; and Finanziamenti per studi e ricerche 40%, Com. 06, Cat 12-07 imp. 11515, University of Bologna.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The tests that are currently available for the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) lack the desired diagnostic accuracy. To date, only pH monitoring has been shown to have a good sensitivity and specificity, but recent studies have failed to confirm this. Thus there is a need to find a test with acceptable sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing GERD. The present study aimed to find a single test or a combination of tests that could serve as a gold standard for the diagnosis of GERD and to identify an evidence-based diagnostic work-up for GERD in clinical and research settings. METHODS: A prospectively conducted masked study was carried out in which 109 GERD patients were recruited on the basis of symptom score evaluation (heartburn and/or regurgitation). After informed consent was given, the patients underwent various tests, including esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy from the lower esophageal mucosa during the first visit, followed by omeprazole challenge test (OCT), radionuclide scintigraphy, barium swallow and finally 24-h esophageal pH monitoring. A positive concordance of three or more tests was taken as the gold standard. RESULTS: The results of all six tests were available for 70 patients. As a single diagnostic test, pH testing had the best combination of sensitivity and specificity (Youden's J = 0.69). Even in cases of endoscopy-negative reflux disease, pH monitoring was the most sensitive and specific test (93.3% and 90.4%, respectively; J = 0.83). OCT, endoscopy and histopathology also had good sensitivity (84.4%, 64.4%, 82.2%, respectively). A combination of OCT, endoscopy and histopathology achieved a sensitivity of 100%. CONCLUSIONS: A combination of OCT, endoscopy and histology will identify all cases of GERD. As these investigations are easily available, they should form the diagnostic work-up in clinical situations. 24-h esophageal pH testing, despite being the gold standard, has no utility in routine clinical settings and hence its availability should be limited to tertiary care settings.  相似文献   

Gastroesophageal reflux: the features in elderly patients   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
INTRODUCTlONWiththeintroduction0fintraesophageal24-hpH-m0nitoringinclinicalpractice,itisnowpossibletoidentifypatternsofgastroesophagealreflux(GER)inthehealthypeopleandpatientsandtoassesstheeffectofH2blockersandH oc adenosinetriphosphatase(ATPase)inhibitorsonGERdiseasesL1Ai7I.ItisincreasinglyrecognizedthatsymptomaticGERmayoccurinthepatients0fallages.However,littleinformationisavailableonsymptomaticGERpatternsintheelderly.Recently,Moldetal,investigatedGERdisease(GERD)inpatientsag…  相似文献   

Simultaneous ambulatory esophageal pH monitoring was performed in 10 patients (group 1) with normal distal acid exposure and in 40 patients (group 2) with pathological distal reflux. The probes were placed 5 and 10 cm above the lower esophageal sphincter to quantify variations of pH values that can be due to a displacement of pH sensor. In group 1 the median percent time with pH<4 for total and upright monitoring periods and composite score were significantly lower at the proximal than the distal level. In group 2 all pH data were significantly lower at the proximal than the distal level. The patients with pathological reflux were subdivided into two subgroups based on endoscopic findings (mild and severe esophagitis). The patients with severe esophagitis showed a proximal acid reduction higher than in patients with mild esophagitis. Nine patients with mild esophagitis showed normal values at 10 cm, but all patients with severe esophagitis had abnormal proximal acid exposure.  相似文献   

Distal esophageal pH less than 4 is frequently seen during meal ingestion in 24-hr ambulatory pH monitoring for the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The characteristics of this meal-related apparent reflux without diet restriction was evaluated. Data from normal volunteers (N=21) and consecutive patients (N=66) referred with heartburn and/or chest pain were studied with ambulatory pH monitoring. The median percent times pH<4 in the distal esophagus were significantly greater in symptomatic patients than controls for total 24-hr, upright, and supine periods, and postprandial periods of 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 min (P values of 0.007–0.03). However, the median percent time pH<4 during the meal periods was the same for patients (4.4%) and for controls (6.6%) withP=0.23. Excluding the meal periods from analysis resulted in greater separation between controls and patients with abnormal acid exposure when compared to the conventional method. Patients should maintain their usual routine without diet restriction during 24-hr ambulatory pH studies in the clinical setting. Furthermore, exclusion of meal periods can eliminate meal-time pH variabilities without affecting postprandial acid exposure and improve the diagnosis of GERD.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To define the normative data of gastroesophageal reflux (GER) and laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) in healthy Chinese volunteers. METHODS: Healthy volunteers without gastrointestinal and throat disease and symptoms were enrolled and underwent 24‐hour impedance‐pH monitoring. RESULTS: A total of 37 healthy volunteers completed all the tests (female 54.1%; age 38.0 ± 15.2 years). Of 1862 GER, 49.6% were mixed, 40.9% were liquid and 9.5% were gas. More than half (54.9%) were acid. The median and 95th percentile numbers of GER were 52 and 71, respectively. The number of LPR was eight, of which two were mixed and the others were liquid. Only one episode of reflux was classified as acid LPR. The median and 95th percentile numbers of LPR were 0 and 2, respectively. More liquid reflux were associated with LPR (P = 0.02). Age had no influence on GER and LPR reflux profiles. CONCLUSIONS: Few LPR occurred in healthy Chinese volunteers and they were rarely acid when they reached the larynx. LPR was mostly associated with liquid reflux.  相似文献   

In 10 patients with peptic esophageal stricture the effect of esophageal dilatation on intraesophageal pH, stricture diameter, and dysphagia has been studied. Percentage of time during which intraesophageal pH was <4 and the number of reflux episodes per hour did not change significantly. Stricture diameter increased slightly, but consistently, from 7.0±0.5 mm to 9.1±0.5 mm (P <0.01) four days after dilatation, but was not significantly different from predilatation values after 12 weeks. Improvement in symptoms of dysphagia was striking ( P <0.01) four days and six weeks after dilatation, but worsened again at 12 weeks (P=NS). It is unlikely that esophageal dilatation adversely affects the intraesophageal environment.  相似文献   

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