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羊水中葡萄糖含量及其临床意义   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
1 羊水的生成  羊水的形成比较复杂 ,不同的妊娠时期 ,羊水的量和成分都不同。在妊娠早期 ,羊水是母体血清经胎膜进入羊膜腔的透析液。进入中期妊娠后 ,胎儿尿液经膀胱排入羊膜腔 ,使羊水渗透压逐渐降低 ,尿酸和肌酐却逐渐升高 ;但另一方面 ,胎儿又通过吞咽羊水以取得羊水量的平衡。步入晚期妊娠以后 ,羊水的主要来源为尿液和肺液 ,后者为前者的一半。羊水的交换、运转主要通过胎尿的排出和胎儿吞咽羊水达动态平衡。胎盘胎儿面的羊膜及其他羊膜面和脐带虽经实验证明也有水和小分子物质的交换 ,但量甚微[1] 。2 羊水量2 .1 羊水量随妊娠…  相似文献   

羊水中葡萄糖含量测定对胎膜早破并发子宫内感染的诊断价值胡继芬陈丽红马炎辉胡丽玲(福建医科大学附属第一医院)胎膜早破(prematureruptureofthemembrane,PROM)是产前常见并发症,其主要危险是子宫内感染,从而增加了胎儿死亡率。...  相似文献   

为对比评价高感染风险妊娠妇女有或无新生儿宫内感染时血清、羊水及脐血中自细胞介素(IL)-1β,IL-10及肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)水平,对100例高感染风险妊娠妇女进行前瞻性研究,根据新生儿早期有或无新生儿宫内感染分成两组:50例有新生儿宫内感染(1组);50例无新生儿宫内感染(2组);另选20例健康妊娠妇女作为对照组。应用微生物学和分子生物学(PCR)法确定感染的病原体,应用美国“Biosource”公司试剂盒ELISA分析法检测妊娠妇女血清、羊水及胎儿脐血中细胞因子含量。在剖宫产术中或在第一产程羊膜切开采集羊水,观察妊娠、分娩及产褥期经过特点,以及胎儿/新生儿状态,所得结果经统计学处理。  相似文献   

胎膜早破后残余羊水量与宫内感染和新生儿发病率的相关性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的探讨胎膜早破后残余羊水量与宫内感染和新生儿发病率的相关性.方法175例胎膜早破患者在破膜后均行超声检测羊水指数(AFI),根据残余AFI将孕妇分成3组羊水过少组(AFI≤50 mm)22例、羊水量偏少组(50 mm<AFI≤80 mm)24例、羊水量正常组(AFI>80 mm)129例,分析胎儿宫内感染、胎儿窘迫和新生儿发病等指标在3组之间的差别.结果羊水残余量少者,破膜时孕周和分娩孕周均明显比残余量多者短,胎儿宫内感染率和新生儿发病率明显增加.胎儿窘迫的发生与羊水残余量无明显相关性,孕妇的年龄、孕次、产次、破膜后继续妊娠的时间、分娩方式和胎儿的出生体重等在3组之间无明显差别.结论胎膜早破后,羊水残余量的减少可能与宫内感染和新生儿发病率升高等有关,可作为临床监测胎儿宫内安危的指标.  相似文献   

孕妇血清中乙型肝炎病毒DNA含量与胎儿宫内感染的关系   总被引:59,自引:1,他引:58  
探讨孕妇血清中乙型肝炎病毒DNA含量与胎儿宫内感染发生率的关系。方法用斑点杂交法检测185例乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原阳性孕妇血清中HBVDNA及新生儿HBsAg。结论孕妇血清HBVDNA含量升高是胎儿发生乙型肝炎病毒感染重要因素之一。  相似文献   

本文对185例羊水过少作了临床分析,认为其与过期妊娠、妊高征、胎儿宫内发育迟缓及妊娠期肝内胆汁郁积症有较密切的关系;羊水过少的胎儿窒息发生率及围产儿死亡率均明显高于对照组、按照羊水过少的羊水量分析,围产儿死亡率在0~100ml,101~200ml,201~300ml者各为44.12‰,26.31‰及0‰,故本文认为以羊水过少量定义以<200ml为宜。  相似文献   

几种检测指标预测宫内感染的价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 比较几种快速预测宫内感染的方法,了解手术中IL-6在宫内感染时的水平。方法 取19例宫内染孕妇和88便无宫内感染孕妇的血和羊水标本,分别检测血白细胞(WBC)、C-反应蛋白(CRP)和羊水中乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、葡萄糖(GLU)和IL-6,羊水沉渣涂片革兰染色胎盘进行病理学检查。结果 宫内感染组的粒细胞比例,羊水中LDH和IL-6水平显著高于对照组,羊水中GLU显著氏于对照组。根据各项与宫内  相似文献   

宫内感染与宫内生长迟缓关系的探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

为探讨测定羊水中葡萄糖含量对诊断宫内感染的意义,选择孕34周前早产及/或早破水的39例孕妇,除外糖尿病、7天内应用过抗菌素及入院时宫口开大>4cm 者。所有病例均在 B 超下用无菌操作,以20号腰穿针作羊膜腔穿刺抽取羊水进行涂片革兰氏染色检查、培养及药敏试验,同时作人支原体和脲支原体培养,用葡萄糖氧化酶法测定羊水中葡萄糖含量,同时取孕妇静脉血测定血糖。宫内感染诊断依据:羊水培养阳性、胎盘和/或脐带中有多核白细胞、羊水涂片革兰氏染色见到细菌。宫内感染和羊水中葡萄糖含量的关系用 t 检验,P<0. 05有意义。  相似文献   

Summary Concentration of amniotic fluid disaturated phosphatidylcholine (DSPC), factors related to cervical ripening, and histopathological evidence of chorioamnionitis were studied in 38 patients in preterm labour with intact membranes; all of them delivered spontaneously before 37 weeks. There was no correlation between the amniotic fluid DSPC level and gestational age at the time of amniocentesis. However, a significant inverse correlation was found between the amniotic fluid DSPC level and the interval between the onset of labour and delivery. The amniotic fluid DSPC level in cases with onset-delivery interval of <48h was significantly higher than that in cases with an onsetdelivery interval of 48h or more. The gestational age in the former group was significantly lower than in the latter (28.6 vs 32.0 weeks). The amniotic fluid DSPC level in the patients with chorioamnionitis was significantly higher than that in the patients without chorioamnionitis, although the gestational age did not differ between the two groups. All 3 infants with RDS were associated with cervical incompetence. Patients in preterm labour with chorioamnionitis may be refractory to tocolysis and have higher amniotic fluid surfactant levels.  相似文献   

Gas-liquid chromatography has been proposed as a possible tool in the rapid diagnosis of amniotic fluid infections. The analysis is based on the identification of specific organic acids derived from bacterial metabolism when organisms are present within the amniotic fluid. We retrospectively subjected 69 samples of amniotic fluid which had been obtained by transabdominal amniocentesis to analysis by gas-liquid chromatography. Forty-seven samples were derived from patients who either were in premature labor or had premature rupture of membranes with associated premature labor. Twenty-two specimens which served as a comparison group were obtained from patients who underwent amniocentesis for assessment of fetal maturity. The results obtained from chromatographic analysis are presented, and the possible applications of this technique to the clinical situation are discussed.  相似文献   

Amniotic fluid glucose values were measured in 285 women with normal and abnormal pregnancies. A progressive decrease in glucose values was observed with advancing gestation. Complications in pregnancy did not influence the amniotic fluid glucose value for the given gestational age. In patients with diabetes, very high levels were found, but these progressively decreased with advancing gestation. Since abnormal conditions in pregnancy, other than diabetes, do not affect the amniotic fluid glucose level, it seems to be a reliable tool in assessing fetal maturity. Values above 15 mg/100 ml rule out term pregnancies and those below 5 mg/100 ml, prematurity.  相似文献   

Xu ZM  Wu LF 《中华妇产科杂志》2006,41(11):724-728
目的探讨妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)孕妇羊水葡萄糖水平变化与羊水量及新生儿出生体重的关系。方法对255例足月、单胎孕妇,于孕24~28周行50g葡萄糖筛查试验(50gGCT),口服葡萄糖后1h血糖≥7·8mmol/L,且<10·6mmol/L者为葡萄糖筛查阳性,阳性者进一步行75g葡萄糖耐量试验(75gOGTT)。根据两项试验结果分为GDM组、妊娠期糖耐量低减(GIGT)组和正常妊娠组,每组85例。分别测定3组孕妇的羊水葡萄糖水平、羊水指数、新生儿出生体重、孕妇空腹血糖、脐静脉血糖,并进行各指标间相关与回归的统计学分析。结果(1)GDM组羊水葡萄糖水平为(1·30±0·71)mmol/L,明显高于GIGT组的(1·02±0·57)mmol/L和正常妊娠组的(0·90±0·58)mmol/L,分别比较,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0·01)。(2)GDM组羊水指数为(16·1±4·6)cm,稍高于GIGT组的(14·8±4·3)cm,差异无统计学意义(P>0·05);明显高于正常妊娠组的(12·7±3·2)cm,差异有统计学意义(P<0·01)。(3)GDM组新生儿出生体重为(3612±510)g,低于GIGT组的(3694±490)g,高于正常妊娠组的(3487±458)g,但分别比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0·05)。(4)GDM组羊水葡萄糖水平分别与羊水指数(r=0·330,P=0·002)、新生儿出生体重(r=0·347,P=0·001)、孕妇空腹血糖(r=0·589,P<0·01)、脐静脉血糖(r=0·218,P=0·045)呈正相关关系。GIGT组和正常妊娠组羊水葡萄糖水平仅与羊水指数呈正相关关系。(5)GDM组中血糖控制理想孕妇的羊水葡萄糖水平、羊水指数及新生儿出生体重分别为(1·02±0·50)mmol/L、(13·9±4·2)cm及(3497±475)g,血糖控制不理想孕妇分别为(1·92±0·76)mmol/L、(16·4±4·4)cm及(3869±481)g,两者分别比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0·01、P<0·05、P<0·01)。GDM组中血糖控制理想孕妇的以上3项指标接近正常妊娠组(P>0·05)。结论GDM患者的羊水葡萄糖水平与羊水量、新生儿出生体重有密切关系。血糖控制理想与否对GDM合并羊水过多、巨大儿等并发症起决定因素,而积极管理可极大地改善GDM患者的母儿预后。  相似文献   


Objective: To determine whether the levels of inflammatory mediators in gastric fluid (GF) of a premature newborn are associated with those in amniotic fluid (AF) of the newborn’s mother.

Patients: Twenty-three pairs of pregnant women and their premature newborns <35 weeks gestation, born by Cesarean sections.

Methods: Amniotic fluids and newborn gastric fluids were obtained from women during Cesarean section procedure. The mother-premature newborn dyads were retrospectively assessed to analyze the clinical and laboratory data. Concentrations of interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-8 (IL-8), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and mannose-binding lectin (MBL) were compared between amniotic and newborn gastric fluids in each dyad.

Results: Premature newborns and their mothers with funisitis had significantly higher median AF IL-6, TNF-α and GF IL-8 concentrations than those without funisitis (p?=?0.022 for AF IL-6; p?=?0.023 for AF TNF-α; p?=?0.022 for GF IL-8). The concentrations of IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α and MBL in newborn GF were significantly correlated with those in AF in each dyad (p?<?0.001, r?=?0.872 for IL-6; p?<?0.001, r?=?0.851 for IL-8; p?<?0.001, r?=?0.768 for TNF-α; p?<?0.001, r?=?0.845 for MBL, respectively).

Conclusion: The levels of inflammatory mediators in GF of a premature newborn immediately after birth are strongly associated with those in AF of the newborn’s mother.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this prospective study was to record endothelin-1 (ET-1) concentrations in the second trimester amniotic fluid and compare these values in women who developed intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) later in pregnancy with those with uneventful pregnancies. METHOD: Amniotic fluid was retrieved by amniocentesis from 125 women in the second trimester of pregnancy. The levels of ET1 were measured by a sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay. RESULTS: From the 125 women included in the study 12 had pregnancies that later developed IUGR and 88 had uneventful pregnancies. The ET1 concentration was significantly higher (P<0.005) in women who later developed IUGR than in normal pregnancy (106 pg/ml versus 64.7 pg/ml). CONCLUSION: The amniotic fluid concentration of ET1 is elevated by the second trimester in women who later develop IUGR.  相似文献   

羊水粪染的羊水置换与新生儿预后   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 对Ⅱ度以上羊水粪染的孕妇行羊水置换,旨在改善新生儿预后。方法 32例采用自行设计的三通管装置和置换液行羊水置换,作研究组,另30例作对照组,进行对比分析。结果 新生儿窒息率、胎粪吸入综合征发生率、脐血及股动脉血血气分析,研究组与对照组对比有显著性差异(P〈0.01)。产褥病率两组无明显差异(P〉0.05)。两组各自脐静脉和股动脉血血气分析对比无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。结论 羊水染行羊水和  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Ultrasound estimation of amniotic fluid volume (AFI) is a critical component of antenatal surveillance. Alterations in AFI have classically been considered an indication of fetal compromise, but recent studies have called this into question. The present study was undertaken to reevaluate the relationship between AFI and perinatal outcome. STUDY DESIGN: The perinatal data base of the authors' institution was queried for all patients in a 6-year period who had AFI evaluated. Two groups, 1 high-risk and 1 low-risk, were evaluated to determine the relationship between AFI and gestational age. An additional high-risk group that had AFI determined within 48 hours of delivery was also used to correlate AFI with intrapartum and perinatal outcomes. Statistical analysis was performed using linear regression analysis to evaluate the correlation between AFI and gestational age or birth weight. Additional correlations were done using analysis of variance, chi-square, Fisher exact test, or Student t test. Interaction between variables was analyses using logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Fourteen thousand seven hundred forty-seven AFI determinations in 4337 high-risk patients, and 1153 AFI determinations in 1153 low-risk patients were evaluated. There were no clinically significant correlations between AFI and gestational age. In the second high-risk group of 454 patients there was a significant correlation between polyhydramnios and large-for-gestational age infants, congenital anomalies, and an increase in cesarean section for delivery. There was an increased risk of nonreassuring fetal heart rate patterns during labor for the oligohydramnios patient, but only in preterm patients. There was no strong relationship between AFI and neonatal complications or length of stay in the neonatal intensive care unit. Logistic regression confirmed that AFI was not significantly correlated with perinatal outcome. CONCLUSION: The present study suggests that AFI is a weaker predictor of perinatal outcome than has been classically suggested. Although the AFI identification of polyhydramnios was helpful in identifying LGA fetuses and fetuses at risk for congenital abnormalities, oligohydramnios was a rather weak predictor of poor perinatal outcome.  相似文献   

Xu L  Liu P  Yan D 《中华妇产科杂志》1999,34(10):591-593
目的 探讨羊水内皮素1(ET1) 与围产儿缺氧的关系。方法 采用放射免疫法对161例孕( 产)妇进行羊水ET1 水平检测。将其分为正常妊娠组110 例,对其中足月妊娠30 例同时进行母血和脐血ET1 水平检测;宫内缺氧组51 例。结果 (1) 羊水ET1 水平在正常妊娠组孕14 ~27 周时为(7.740±2 .133)ng/L,至妊娠晚期时为(18.640 ±1 .968)ng/L,随孕周增加呈上升趋势( P< 0.01) 。(2) 脐血ET1 水平明显高于母血ET1 水平,但较羊水为低(P<0.01) 。羊水与脐血ET1 水平存在正相关关系(r=0.952,P<0.01),而母血与脐血无相关关系(r= 0.338,P> 0 .05) 。(3) 宫内缺氧组中,出现胎儿窘迫者羊水ET1 水平为(30.654 ±5.832)ng/L,较正常妊娠组明显升高( P<0.01) ;出现重度新生儿窒息死亡者羊水ET1 水平为(960 .650 ±236 .698)ng/L,为正常晚期妊娠的60 倍左右( P<0 .001) 。结论 正常妊娠羊水中存在ET1 ,且随妊娠进展而增加。胎儿缺氧时羊水ET1 水平升高,并随缺氧程度加重而显著上  相似文献   

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