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The education of physician-patient communication for the medical students is an important part, which can guarantee the quality of medical education in the work of clinical teaching. But in the present, medical colleges don't pay much attention to the training of physician-patient communication in the clinical practice for the medical students. This study discusses the importance to cultivate the ability of physician-patient communication for the medical students, the medical students' problems in the study of physician-patient communication in the clinical practice, and the learning suggestions of physician-patient communication for the medical students in the clinical practice, in order to provide reference for clinical teaching work.  相似文献   

In order to improve the basic clinical skills of long-term medical students, the main teaching factors influencing the students' clinical skills were analyzed. Besides, the integrated course about basic clinical skills training was established and practiced. It is showed that this course enhanced the clinical skills of medical students by increasing the social humanism courses, integrating the teaching contents of clinical skills, strengthening the doctor-patient communication skills training and using various teaching methods.  相似文献   

In this paper the writer reviewed the experience gained from the clinical teaching of emergence medicine of seven-year program students and primarily explored the teaching principles of this clinical course. Targeted at solving the problems found in teaching activities and taking the current medical environment into account, the writer proposed the following clinical teaching methods to achieve a better effect With the transformation of clinical emergence medicine teaching philosophy, the clinical teaching should lay its focuses on the cultivation of capability of scientific thinking and the practical skill training of clinical emergence medicine. Besides, the enhanced communication skills between doctor and patient, the strengthened comprehensive quality of medical practice and scientific research of teachers and the establishment of equal and harmonious teacher-student relationship would contribute greatly to the improvement of clinical teaching as well.  相似文献   

The aim of clerkship is to enhance students' perceptions of clinical work, and strengthen the theoretical knowledges. Internship is more emphasis on students in the practical application of theoretical knowledge work skills. In internship phase, students interested in more clinical practice issues, therefore, trainees and interns in the choice of cases to explain the priorities vary.Clinical teachers should not only pay attention the teaching of clinical knowledge, still need to guide students to properly handle the doctor-patient relationship.  相似文献   

通过对毕业生及其培养或用人单位的问卷调查,本文分析了南京医科大学七年制临床医学专业人才培养的成效,以及江苏省医疗卫生事业发展对高层次医学人才的需求.结果 显示,临床实践能力和科研创新能力是医疗卫生事业发展所需要的高层次医学人才的重要能力;在三级甲等医院工作,具有硕士/博士学位、在专业技术岗位的被调查者更加看重医学生的科研创新能力;而在"1年通识教育、4年医学专业教育(含1年临床课程及见习、1年临床通科实习)、2年二级学科轮转"模式下培养的七年制临床医学专业毕业生的临床实践能力较强,但是科研创新能力不足,且学业负担偏重.因此,应当加强对七年制临床医学专业学生科研创新能力的培养和临床实践能力的通科训练.
An evaluation of 7-year medical education program in Nanjing Medical University was performed via questionnaire survey to the graduates and the staff of hospitals in which the graduates work,and the demand for advanced quality of medical graduates in the field of medical health care in Jiangsu Province is further analyzed. The results showed that the capacity for clinical practice and the capacity for research and innovation are the most important, which can meet the demands of health service development for high-level medical talents. The staff working in advanced hospitals, possessing master or doctor degree,or working as medical experts put more emphasis on the ability of the graduates to do innovative scientific research. Through the completed procedure of the 7-year program includes college general education for 1 year, medical education for 4 years ( containing senior clinical clerkship for 1 year and internship for 1 year) and alternation for medical and surgery subspecialties for 2 years, the graduates showed higher ability to do clinical practice, but not showed the growth of capacity for research and innovation. The most staff investigated proposed an enhancement in training for the capacity for innovative research and general clinical practice.  相似文献   

麻醉医学专业临床教学的实践与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clinical education is the key step for cultivating students' basic knowledge, fundamental skills, and clinical thinking, and fulfilling the changing from medical students to clinicians who would be licensed. This article discussed how to improve clinical education of the anesthesiology interne from the following seven aspects: constructing teachers team, perfecting management system, emphasizing training of fundamental theory, knowledge and skills, clinical examination, education of medical insurance, education of medical ethics, and enriching extracurricular activities of interne.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview on the school-running concept and practice of the Medical School of SUN Yat-sen University in recent decade. While inheriting the fine educational tradition of Three "Bs" and Three "Ss" ( emphasizing the mastery of basic theories, basic knowledge and basic skills, as well as the development of serious attitudes, strict operating and stringent requirements for a high standard level ) , we established the Three-early-involvement Educational Model (early involvement in clinic practice, early involvement in scientific research, and early involvement in social practice ). In light of the integrated principles simplified as "earliness, integrity, strictness and solidity" in medical education (including the three-early-involvements; professional morality and medical ethics; the "Three Ss" and "Three Bs" ; solid clinical basics and sound monitoring) , we consolidated the professional quality, practical and innovative abilities of medical students in the cultivation qualified medical graduates. The paper can provide favorable reference for other medical schools in the training of qualified medical students.  相似文献   

此研究主要基于<21世纪初医学教育概况--来自北美130所院校报告>中临床经历(clinical experience)部分进行分析,同时结合文献资料,介绍了北美主流医学教育的总体概况.最后联系同内临床实习教学的情况,提出对我国医学教育的思考和启发.
This research mainly analysed the section of clinical experience in the reporl of"A panoramic snapshot of medical students'education at the beginning of the 21st century"and gave a brief introduction to the mainstream medical education in No,hem Amercia according to the literature.At last,the enlightment from the report and reformation of our clinical practice were put forward.  相似文献   

In recent years, the medical graduates who take part in postgraduate examination have been increasing each year. The preparation for postgraduate examination affects the clinical practice, but not yet has a quantitative report. This article studied the students in general surgery, which were divided into postgraduate examination group and clinical practice group. By comparing the theoretical knowledge results and the clinical practice skills between the two groups we found that there was no difference between the two groups in the theoretical and operating skill when they were just in the department, and the operating results in the clinical practice group were better than the postgraduate examination group when they were out of the department.  相似文献   

It is of great importance to construct harmonious doctor-patient relationship by strengthening the cultivation of communication skills of medical students. The authors expound the necessity of cultivating doctor-patient communication skills in medical universities. In the meantime,the authors analyze the cause of inability of doctor-patient communication . And some methods were explored to improve the doctor-patient communication skills of medical students with the analysis of educational situation of communication skills.  相似文献   

为了更好地培养医学生临床实践能力,新疆医科大学第一附属医院血液科在临床实习中进行了积极的探索,主要包括明确血液病学实习的重要性与目的 ;加强医学生基本技能的培训,提高医学生病历书写质量;注重临床思维模式的训练和培养医学生医患沟通的能力.实践证明,以上方法有利于培养医学生的临床实践能力,有利于医学生向临床医生的转变.  相似文献   

临床技能教学是基础医学向临床实践过渡的重要学习阶段。针对血液科实习特点,通过培养实习学生的临床思维能力和医患沟通能力,掌握血液学实习方法,可以收到很好的教学效果。  相似文献   

基于网络教学平台的血液科实习教学与管理是以医学实习生为中心的个性化、人性化教学模式,是对传统教学的有力补充。文章结合实践,对其几个主要问题做了介绍,并指出网络教学在实习教学中的应用,可以促进学生主动学习、终身学习能力的提高和培养。  相似文献   

以临床技能中心建设为契机 加强临床实践教学改革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
临床实践教学是医学教学过程中重要组成部分,是医学生理论联系实际、医学基础知识与临床实际工作衔接的重要时期,是由医学生到住院医师的必经之路。因此,在临床实践教学中,重视和加强医学生素质教育和创新能力、实践能力的培养尤为重要。以建设临床技能培训中心为契机,进行改革临床技能教学管理模式,建立科学、有效的教学方法,培养医学生正确的临床思维方式和创新意识具有重要意义。  相似文献   

临床实习是医学教育的重要组成部分,是培养学生理论联系实际的能力及临床操作技能的最佳方法之一,也是培养临床医学生向一名合格医生转变的重要教育过程。但医学生临床实习正面临着一些挑战和冲击,也是我们临床带教老师需要关注及期待解决的问题。  相似文献   

针对目前医学生临床诊疗操作机会减少以及临床动手能力普遍下降的问题,本文探讨了加强内科学临床实践技能培训和提高医学生临床实践能力的有效方法。通过加强内科学临床教师培训、医学生入科实习前教育、病史采集和体格检查训练、常规穿刺强化训练和医疗文书书写洲练,提高了医学生的临床实践技能,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

医学检验专业本科实习教学模式的探索与实践   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文根据检验医学学科特点和该校20年检验医学本科教育办学经验,就提高实习教学质量、学生的实践能力和创新精神的培养,以及在体现检验专业人才特色和使培养的学生适应社会需要等方面进行了积极的改革和有益的探索。提出了一套适合该专业本科学生培养目标的“三位一体”实习教学模式。  相似文献   

临床思维是建立在症状、体征和检查结果基础上,对疾病诊断的总结、分析、判断过程。培养正确的思维模式可以避免以偏概全或对疾病分析的遗漏。在临床实习中培养临床思维能力将使医学生在临床技能运用上得到很大提高。  相似文献   

客观结构化临床考试在医学生临床技能考试中的实践研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
客观结构化临床考试在临床技能评估中为医学生提供了一种逼真、全面的考试氛围,已经被国内外医学院校广泛应用,具有真实、有效、可靠等特点和广阔的发展前景。为了强化临床医学专业学生的实践技能方法,提高医学生临床应用能力和技能操作水平,提高医院带教教师和病人对医学生的满意度,第三军医大学西南医院选择2003级临床医学专业303名学生为研究对象,对其实施客观结构化临床考试。实践证明,客观结构化临床考试是提高医学生临床应用能力及实践技能水平的有效方法,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

加强医学生血液内科临床实习期间人文教育方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析医学生人文教育的迫切性,从临床课教师的角度,提出在临床教学阶段,根据临床实际情况,增加医患沟通、培养团队协作精神、规范医疗文书书写、加强医德医风、隐私保护性医疗是实习期间加强人文教育的措施。  相似文献   

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