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标识语具有特殊的交际功能。调查表明,医院双语标识语翻译存在英语译文用词不当、同一医院中文标识语一词多译、中国式英语译文等问题。提出:翻译时应注意对等原则,标示语翻译力求简洁等。  相似文献   

由于自然语言的不确定性,论文摘要中不可避免语义模糊现象。本文以英语原版期刊中的论文摘要为语料来源,对科研论文摘要中的语用含糊作了探讨。作为一种言语交际策略,语用含糊在摘要写作中起着积极的作用,它不仅反映了科技英语语篇中会话合作原则的质量准则,而且使话语更加合适、得体。  相似文献   

张栋玲  王美芳 《中国学校卫生》2012,33(12):1523-1524
道德脱离是在社会认知理论基础上发展起来的一个概念,用以解释个体违反道德标准而不产生任何不良情绪的现象[1].作为一套相互关联的认知机制,道德脱离包含道德理由、委婉标签、有利比较、责任转移、责任扩散、歪曲结果、过失归因和非人性化8个成分[2-3].  相似文献   

一、全球性的社会问题:越来越严峻的艾滋现象 干预社会生活,参与分析和解决社会问题,是社会学的一个主要社会功能。“社会问题”与“社会的问题”不同,因为社会的问题并非都是社会问题。一种现象要变成社会问题必须具备三个条件:  相似文献   

著名教育家叶圣陶先生曾就口语交际与作文的关系做出过论述:“口头为语,书面为文,??口语是第一性的,书面是第二性的??在作文教学中,不能舍本抓末,饮水忘源,应当兼顾并重。”从这段论述中,可以看出口语交际与作文有着重大的联系,也体现了来自实际生活中口语交际能力的重要。但在我们的实际教学工作中,老师们觉得作文难教,学生们更觉得作文难写的现象层出不穷。纠其原因,每次老师在上口语交际课时与习作的教学内容相脱离,从而演变成口语交际光说不写,习作教学光写不说的两极分化的地步,最后导致学生到写作文时,就写上一截枯燥无味的文章,敷衍了事。可见,要想解决习作教学这个难题,还得从提高学生的口语交际表达能力这个关键处着手。  相似文献   

除非你永远不出门,否则不管你乐意不乐意,这辈子注定要在社会交际中周旋了。在交际越来越成为一门学问、一种艺术的今天,你应该——  相似文献   

封建时代,对君、亲、师的名字避免直呼,新社会社交中避讳引起不愉快的字眼儿,都要用一种委婉词语代替,谓之避讳语。 古代对君、亲、师及长辈的名字避讳概有二法:一、取同义字或同音字代替避讳字。如司马迁为避汉武帝刘彻名讳,在《史记》中将蒯彻改为蒯通;苏轼为避祖父苏序名讳,改序为叙。二、用改字、空字、缺笔,弃名称字之法避讳。如南齐时萧景先,原名萧道先,为避齐高帝萧道成名讳而改换一字;空字避讳,即空某字不写,或作空围“口”,或写“某”字,或写“讳”字;为避万  相似文献   

本文从广告语言的语用语境出发,以格赖斯的合作原则理论为依据,对药品广告进行语用分析.由于交际语境的特殊性,为了打动消费者,药品广告语言常常有意违背合作原则,本文将按其四条准则对此现象进行逐一探讨,指出这一语用策略可用钱冠连提出的"目的-意图"原则进行诠释,以期更深刻地认识药品广告语言特征.  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展,博客作为一种新媒体现象,其影响力已经越来越深入和广泛;作为一种社会交流工具,博客已经成为继Email、BBS、ICQ之后的第四大沟通方式.图书馆作为文献资料中心和知识的集散地,在信息网络时代,应当重视博客的运用和建设,利用博客建立和扩大图书馆与社会服务对象双向交流互动的平台,最大限度地发挥图书馆公共信息和社会知识服务的功能.  相似文献   

英语作为一种语言,是人类最重要的交际工具之一.语言是交际中最根本的功能.随着我国经济蓬勃发展,英语的所需性显得更强.但是,在我们现在的语言环境里,要小学生学好英语,说好英语还是有一定的难度.甚至有个别学生视其为负担.笔者认为,兴趣乃是学生学英语的最好的"老师".  相似文献   

Although the German public health service is mainly concerned with social medical tasks there is too little awareness of the fact that social medicine forms the scientific basis of most actions. As a matter of fact social medicine in public health departments is often reduced to mere medical insurance and expert reports. This is mainly due to the historical development of social medicine in Germany. Among the numerous important social medical tasks of the public health service, this article mainly concentrates on local coordination, health promotion, health care, and social compensation, including subsidiary medical care of certain groups of the population and aspects of infectious disease control with particular attention to measures against AIDS. The further development of both the public health service and social medicine requires a closer cooperation between them.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to indicate that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the social work purpose of simultaneous attention to persons in their contexts. In fact, the productive pull of both perspectives is what separates social work from other helping professions. Indeed, it is what separates health social work from other health professions. What has created difficulty, however, has been the predominant lens through which person and environment have been investigated, understood and manipulated. This paper compares two major models of knowledge building in an attempt to identify the consequences for research and practice in social work. Examples are provided from both research and practice that derive from these differing perspectives in an effort to clarify the choices social worker health professionals make when encountering a person-in situation.  相似文献   

The notion of community utilized by planners and healthcare providers is doubly deceptive. On the one hand, it presupposes apparent equality and absence of conflicts between people in the same population group. On the other hand, it supposes a certain possibility of intervention by healthcare services in relation to behavioral patterns that are considered undesirable, from the point of view of disease control or health promotion. Used this way, this concept ends up concealing the "social nature" of the target population: poor people and the setbacks that their condition of poverty causes. To bring to light the problem of the euphemism implicit in this notion of community, the objective of the present article was to present Simmel's radically relational approach for characterizing the subordination of these population groups to healthcare policies and programs. For this purpose, the starting point was the appropriation of the sociological notion of community by the healthcare services, from T?nnies' classic formulation and its influence on the authors of the Chicago school.  相似文献   

This article presents the findings of research conducted with social workers in primary health care teams in Ireland. Data from questionnaires and from a focus group were analyzed. The findings draw attention to the nature of the role of the primary care social worker, including both the satisfying and challenging aspects of this role. It was evident that the participants liked the generic nature of their role and the fact that they worked with non-mandated clients. However, they encountered challenges related to resources, management structures, and interdisciplinary work. The findings shed light on an area of social work that has been under-researched.  相似文献   

List of books reviewed.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract Feminists have been taken to task for suggesting both that the higher level of mental illness observed in women is a consequence of the oppression they face - an oppression which drives them into madness and mental disorder - and also that the concept of mental illness is a social construct inappropriately and incorrectly applied to women by a patriarchal order as a means of social control. This paper examines this supposed contradiction and the ideas that underly the contrasting contentions. It argues that the two positions are not in fact incompatible.  相似文献   

Systemic capacity building: a hierarchy of needs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
'Capacity building' is the objective of many development programmes and a component of most others. However, satisfactory definitions continue to elude us, and it is widely suspected of being too broad a concept to be useful. Too often it becomes merely a euphemism referring to little more than training. This paper argues that it is more important to address systemic capacity building, identifying a pyramid of nine separate but interdependent components. These form a four-tier hierarchy of capacity building needs: (1) structures, systems and roles, (2) staff and facilities, (3) skills, and (4) tools. Emphasizing systemic capacity building would improve diagnosis of sectoral shortcomings in specific locations, improve project/programme design and monitoring, and lead to more effective use of resources. Based on extensive action research in 25 States, experience from India is presented to illustrate how the concept of the capacity building pyramid has been put to practical use.  相似文献   

注重改善恶性肿瘤患者的生存质量   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
重视恶性肿瘤患者的生存质量是社会进步的必然趋势。作者简要介绍了我国恶性肿瘤患者生存质量的研究现状,阐述了研究恶性肿瘤患者生存质量的意义,提示目前改善恶性肿瘤患者生存质量存在的问题与难点,并对改善恶性肿瘤患者生存质量进行了展望。建议针对影响肿瘤患者生存质量的躯体、心理及社会功能这三方面因素,卫生部门应注重肿瘤学、心理学和社会医学的多学科联合的健康教育,采取一定的综合干预措施,提高患者的生存质量。  相似文献   



The widespread use of relative scales in socioepidemiological studies has recently been criticized. The criticism is based mainly on the fact that the importance of different risk factors in explaining social inequalities in cardiovascular disease (CVD) varies, depending on which scale is used to measure social inequalities. The present study examines the importance of established risk factors, as opposed to low-grade inflammation, in explaining socioeconomic differences in the incidence of CVD, using both relative and absolute scales.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that children's language will develop normally in the average, “good” day care and home environments. In fact teachers and parents from all social backgrounds vary widely in the quality of language interaction they furnish to children in the early years. These variations, moreover, are highly correlated with how well children develop language and other skills. Over a series of research projects in both day care and the home, principles and methods have been devised that have been shown to enable both normal and at risk young children to develop high and long-lasting competencies in language and other cognitive and social skills. The approach centers on engaging the whole child to interact with language informally in play and the ordinary routines of child care, both individually and in small groups, and emphasizing both the social, communicative and cognitive functions of language. A variety of specific techniques for use in day care are described and illustrated with several successful cases with at risk children.  相似文献   

The paper examines the level of knowledge about sexuality of people with mental disabilities. The research also presents differences resulting from sex and the level of mental retardation. The sample included 24 persons with mental disabilities, who the author of this paper knew very well due to the time spent with them during a summer camp at a club in Vjeverica. Data was collected through direct interviews. Two types of questionnaires on sexuality of people with mental disabilities were used during these interviews. Results indicate that the level of knowledge about sexuality is not sufficient. Specifically low knowledge was shown in the area of the protection of sexual health such as sexually transmitted diseases and methods of protection. A relatively good level of knowledge was shown by the respondents in distinguishing between appropriate and inappropriate ways of sexual behaviour and social understanding of certain situational norms. Differences regarding sex and the level of disability were found. The results indicate the need for additional education on sexuality of both people with mental disabilities and their parents, along with support. Despite the fact that the research was conducted on a small occasional sample, it indicates that further research on this subject is needed.  相似文献   

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