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Laparoscopic-assisted intestinal resection for Crohn's disease   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
PURPOSE: The inflammatory process associated with Crohn's disease often makes dissection difficult, even in open surgery. This study was undertaken to determine if dissection and resection could be performed laparoscopically and whether it would benefit this group of patients. METHODS: Between November 1992 and November 1994, laparoscopic-assisted intestinal resection was attempted in 18 patients with Crohn's disease and was successfully completed in 14. One patient had ileal disease, requiring ileal resection with ileoileal anastomosis. The remainder had disease requiring ileocolic resections. Muscle-splitting incisions averaging 5 cm in length were made to facilitate removal of specimens. RESULTS: Commencement of oral alimentation was possible at an average of 3.6 (range, 1–7) days postoperatively. Discharge occurred at an average of 6.6 (range, 4–9) postoperative days. In comparison, 14 patients operated on by the authors for the same disease in the open manner during the past six months stayed an average of 8.5 (range, 5–14) postoperative days. Postoperative complications were minimal. CONCLUSIONS: On the basis of this initial study, it appears that laparoscopic-assisted intestinal resection can be readily performed in patients with Crohn's disease. In our early experience, we have found that laparoscopic mobilization and resection may be difficult or impossible in patients with large fixed masses, multiple complex fistulas, or recurrent Crohn's disease. Extraction incisions are frequently so large in these patients that they do not derive the same benefits from laparoscopic surgery that are enjoyed by patients without these findings. Most patients having laparoscopic resections eat earlier, may require fewer narcotics, and are able to be discharged from the hospital an average of two days earlier than patients operated on in an open manner. In addition, it appears that laparoscopic-assisted intestinal resection results in a shorter, easier convalescence and an earlier return to full activity.  相似文献   

Opinion statement For many patients, nutritional support and relief of symptoms remain the primary management goal of pseudo-obstruction. Specific pharmacological agents for this disorder are, in general, lacking. Given that the efficacy of many of the individual available agents is far from excellent, several centers have turned to combination therapy. Though there is at present no evidence from controlled studies to support this strategy, it is, at the very least, theoretically attractive as these agents act through a number of separate mechanisms. The combination of a prokinetic and an emetic may prove especially useful. As the pseudo-obstruction syndromes are, individually, rare, and experience with any given prokinetic agent in these disorders limited, it is difficult to develop strict guidelines for their use in this context. It stands to reason that a response to a prokinetic agent would seem unlikely in a patient with an advanced myopathic process; anecdotal evidence suggests, however, that some patients with severe scleroderma may derive some symptomatic improvement. Where oral therapy is tolerated, cisapride would appear the best choice among available agents. When this fails, subcutaneous octreotide may be added or substituted. In the acute situation, intravenous erythromycin may alleviate gastroparesis, but probably exerts little beneficial effect beyond the pylorus; parenteral metoclopramide may be tried, but, here again, convincing evidence of efficacy is lacking. The roles of endoscopy and surgery are largely confined to facilitating nutrition and providing decompression.  相似文献   

Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) is a syndrome defined by the presence of chronic intestinal dilation and dysmotility in the absence of mechanical obstruction or gross inflammatory disease. Specific diseases may affect any level of the brain-gut axis. For most patients, the diagnosis relies upon a combination of historical, laboratory, manometric and histological features. Recent advances into the autoimmune nature of etiologies such as Chagas' disease and paraneoplastic dysmotility and into the genetic basis of mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy, multiple endocrine neoplasia IIB and Hirschsprung's disease have greatly refined our understanding and diagnosis of these disorders. At present, medical therapy of CIPO remains limited. Current and future developments in pharmacologic agents targeting specific enteric neurotransmitters and motility patterns hold much promise for improving the care of the patients afflicted with this complex and often debilitating syndrome.  相似文献   

Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Opinion statement Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIP) is a gastrointestinal motility disorder characterized by chronic symptoms and signs of bowel obstruction in the absence of a fixed, lumen-occluding lesion. Radiographic findings consist of dilated bowel with airfluid levels. Pseudo-obstruction is an uncommon condition and can result from primary or secondary causes. The management is primarily focused on symptom control and nutritional support to prevent weight loss and malnutrition. The principles of management of patients with CIP involve 1) establishing a correct clinical diagnosis and excluding mechanical obstruction; 2) differentiating between idiopathic and secondary forms; 3) performing a symptomatic and physiologic assessment of the parts of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract involved by manometric and whole gut transit scintigraphic studies; 4) careful assessment of nutritional status of the patient; and 5) developing a therapeutic plan addressing the patient’s symptoms and nutritional status. Treatment of CIP includes frequent small meals with a low-fat, low-fiber diet, liquid nutritional supplements may be needed; prokinetic agents such as metoclopramide may help to reduce upper GI symptoms. Trials of drugs such as erythromycin, domperidone, cisapride, and tegaserod may be considered if there is no response. Subcutaneous octreotide may be helpful to improve small bowel dysmotility especially in patients with scleroderma. In patients with symptoms suggestive of bacterial overgrowth, courses of antibiotics such as metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, and doxycycline may be needed. Nutritional assessment and support is an important aspect of management. Enteral nutrition is usually preferred. In carefully selected patients, feeding jejunostomy with or without decompression gastrostomy may be tried. Long term parenteral nutrition should be reserved for patients who can not tolerate enteral nutrition. Complications associated with total parenteral nutrition include infections, sepsis, and cholestatic hepatic dysfunction.  相似文献   

Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) is a disease characterized by episodes resembling mechanical obstruction in the absence of organic, systemic, or metabolic disorders. Pseudo-obstruction is an uncommon condition and can result from primary (40%) or secondary (60%) causes. The most common symptoms are nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension, abdominal pain and constipation or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually present many years before CIPO diagnosis. They can lead to severe electrolyte disorders and malnutrition. Principles for management of patients with CIPO are: to establish a correct clinical diagnosis in excluding mechanical obstruction; to perform a symptomatic and physiologic assessment of the gastrointestinal tract involved; to look for extra-intestinal manifestations, especially for myopathy and neuropathy; to discuss in some cases a surgery for full-thickness intestinal biopsies, and/or a neuromuscular biopsy in case of mitochondrial cytopathy suspicion. The management is primarily focused on symptom control and nutritional support to prevent weight loss and malnutrition. Treatment of CIPO includes prokinetic agents which may help to reduce gastrointestinal symptoms Courses of antibiotics may be needed in patients with symptoms suggestive of bacterial overgrowth. When necessary, enteral nutrition is preferred. In carefully selected patients, feeding jejunostomy with or without decompression gastrostomy may be tried. Long term parenteral nutrition should be reserved for patients who can not tolerate enteral nutrition. Intestinal transplantation can be discussed in selected patients.  相似文献   

Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) is a severe digestive syndrome characterized by derangement of gut propulsive motility which resembles mechanical obstruction, in the absence of any obstructive process. Although uncommon in clinical practice, this syndrome represents one of the main causes of intestinal failure and is characterized by high morbidity and mortality. It may be idiopathic or secondary to a variety of diseases. Most cases are sporadic, even though familial forms with either dominant or recessive autosomal inheritance have been described. Based on histological features in- testinal pseudo-obstruction can be classified into three main categories:neuropathies, mesenchymopathies, and myopathies, according on the predominant involvement of enteric neurones, interstitial cells of Cajal or smooth muscle cells, respectively. Treatment of intestinal pseu- do-obstruction involves nutritional, pharmacological and surgical therapies, but it is often unsatisfactory and the long-term outcome is generally poor in the majority of cases.  相似文献   

Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) is a severe functional digestive syndrome characterised by a derangement of gut propulsive motility which resembles mechanical obstruction. It may be associated with disabling and potentially life-threatening complications. CIPO can be secondary to a variety of diseases, but it is more frequently idiopathic. Most cases are sporadic, but familial forms have also been described. Based on histological features CIPO can be classified into three major entities: neuropathies, mesenchymopathies, and myopathies depending on the predominant involvement of enteric neurones, interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) or smooth muscle cells, respectively. Mitochondriopathies may be responsible for a syndromic form of CIPO, i.e. mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy. Management of CIPO involves nutritional, pharmacological and surgical therapies, but the long-term outcome turns out to be poor in the vast majority of cases. The main pathogenetic and clinical features of the syndrome, together with current management recommendations are reviewed in this chapter.  相似文献   

Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) is a syndrome characterized by the presence of recurrent episodes of clinical intestinal obstruction in the absence of obstructive lesions. Although this syndrome is rare, it causes a high morbidity. It is caused by a disturbance of the intestinal motility, that results in a failure of the progression of the intestinal content. Basically, the failure of the intestinal motility is a consequence of muscular disorder, neurological disorder or both. Usually, CIPO is secondary to other systemic disease; however, in the last years, many cases of primary CIPO have been described. The use of new manometric tecniques and specific histological procedures have allowed to clarify the pathogenesis of some of these entities including mitochondrial diseases and paraneoplasic syndromes. Clinical manifestations of CIPO are diverse, depending on the location and extension of the motility disorder. As the diagnosis of this disease is usually not an easy task, patients frecuently undergo unnecesary surgical interventions, are diagnosed of psyquiatric disorders, or the correct diagnosis is delayed several years after the first symptoms arise. The aims of the treatment are to maintain the nutritional condition and to improve symptoms using nutritional measures, drugs or, eventually, endoscopical or surgical procedures.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the need for intestinal repeat resection for recurrence of Crohn's disease in patients observed for more than 20 years after the first resection. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data were gathered retrospectively from the medical records of 53 (28 F) consecutive patients with Crohn's disease from May 1954 to December 2002. Median age at first intestinal resection was 24.5 (range 13-65) years, and median observation time thereafter was 26.5 (20.1-48.6) years. Disease location and behaviour were defined according to the Vienna classification. RESULTS: The 53 patients had an average 2.7 and a median 2 intestinal resections. Out of 144 intestinal resections (77.1%) 111 were performed during the first three operations; no alterations in distribution of ileal, ileocolic and colic resections were found. From the first to the third operation there was an increase in penetrating disease from 15% to 39% (p=0.046) concomitant with a decrease in stricturing disease from 72% to 44% (p=0.048) of the patients. There was also a corresponding decrease in ileocolic disease from 45% to 5% (p=0.003) and a tendency towards an increase in ileal disease from 38% to 67%. One patient died (1.8%) from rectosigmoid perforation after the third resectional operation. Six patients needed reoperation (11.3%) for ileus, anastomotic bleeding, rectosigmoidal perforation and abdominal pain. Thirty-four patients (64.2%) needed intestinal repeat resection (median 8.3 years) during 25.3 years after the first repeat resection. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates a diminution of Crohn's disease activity with time, as demonstrated by no need for intestinal repeat resection more than 25 years after the first resection.  相似文献   

Objective. To assess the need for intestinal repeat resection for recurrence of Crohn's disease in patients observed for more than 20 years after the first resection. Material and methods. Data were gathered retrospectively from the medical records of 53 (28 F) consecutive patients with Crohn's disease from May 1954 to December 2002. Median age at first intestinal resection was 24.5 (range 13–65) years, and median observation time thereafter was 26.5 (20.1–48.6) years. Disease location and behaviour were defined according to the Vienna classification. Results. The 53 patients had an average 2.7 and a median 2 intestinal resections. Out of 144 intestinal resections (77.1%) 111 were performed during the first three operations; no alterations in distribution of ileal, ileocolic and colic resections were found. From the first to the third operation there was an increase in penetrating disease from 15% to 39% (p=0.046) concomitant with a decrease in stricturing disease from 72% to 44% (p=0.048) of the patients. There was also a corresponding decrease in ileocolic disease from 45% to 5% (p=0.003) and a tendency towards an increase in ileal disease from 38% to 67%. One patient died (1.8%) from rectosigmoid perforation after the third resectional operation. Six patients needed reoperation (11.3%) for ileus, anastomotic bleeding, rectosigmoidal perforation and abdominal pain. Thirty-four patients (64.2%) needed intestinal repeat resection (median 8.3 years) during 25.3 years after the first repeat resection. Conclusions. This study indicates a diminution of Crohn's disease activity with time, as demonstrated by no need for intestinal repeat resection more than 25 years after the first resection.  相似文献   

Opinion statement The definition of chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIIP) is somewhat vague because it was based on clinical observations that preceded modern advances in the measurement of gut motility and neuromuscular integrity. Appropriate management of patients with CIIP requires an initial consideration, supported by pertinent diagnostic tests, of the tissue affected (muscle, nerves, both), extent and magnitude of gut propulsive failure, and extraintestinal disease.  相似文献   

Chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

Laparoscopic versus open bowel resection for Crohn's disease.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic bowel resection is an alternative to open surgery for patients with Crohn's disease requiring surgical resection. The present report describes a seven-year experience with the laparoscopic treatment of Crohn's disease compared with the open technique in a tertiary Canadian centre. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A retrospective analysis of 61 consecutive patients undergoing elective resection for Crohn's disease was carried out between October 1992 and June 1999. This analysis included 32 laparoscopic resections (mean age 33 years) and 29 open resections (mean age 42 years). Patient demographics were compared, as well as short and long term outcomes after surgery (mean follow-up 39 months). RESULTS: Patients in the laparoscopic group were younger and had fewer previous bowel surgeries than patients who had open resections. Indications for surgery and operative times were similar between the groups. Patients who underwent laparoscopic resections required fewer doses of narcotic analgesics. The resumption of bowel function after surgery, and tolerance of a clear liquid and solid diet was quicker in the laparoscopic group. Patients who underwent laparoscopic resections had significantly shorter hospital stays than those who underwent open resections. Fifteen patients (48.4%) in the laparoscopic group experienced recurrence of disease compared with 13 patients (44.8%) in the open group. In both groups, the most common site of recurrence was at the anastomosis. The disease-free interval was the same length for both groups (23.9+/-17.3 months for the laparoscopic resection patients compared with 23.9+/-20.2 months for the open resection patients; P=1.00). CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic resection for Crohn's disease can be performed safely and effectively. Quicker resumption of oral feeds, less postoperative pain and earlier discharge from hospital are advantages of the laparoscopic method. No differences in the recurrence rate or the disease-free interval were noted.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of preoperative total parenteral nutrition (TPN) on patients with Crohn's disease undergoing bowel resection, an historical cohort was assembled of 103 patients resected between 1982 and 1984 by a single surgical team. Preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative variables were compared between patients receiving TPN and patients not receiving TPN. Analysis was stratified for three surgical procedures: segmental small bowel resection, ileocecectomy, and segmental or total colectomy. The effect of TPN was most pronounced in patients having small bowel surgery. For segmental small bowel resection, 12 of 17 patients had TPN, and these patients had 20.4 ±14.3 cm less bowel resected than did those in the non-TPN group, an effect not dependent on duration of TPN. For ileocectomy patients, 31 of 62 patients received TPN, and these patients had 11.2±4.2 cm less small bowel resected than the non-TPN group, an effect not dependent on the duration of TPN. For large bowel resection patients, 6 of 24 patients had TPN, and there was no difference in length of bowel resection, preoperative and perioperative variables, or recurrence. The total hospital stay was 13.5±2.6 days longer for those having TPN;3.5±1.9 days of the longer stay was postoperative. In conclusion, TPN was associated with reduced length of small bowel resection at the expense of longer hospital stay.This research supported in part by the Gastrointestinal Research Foundation Junior Board.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND Complications of Crohn's disease such as intestinal obstruction, fistula or perforation often need surgical treatment. Nearly 70%-80% patients with Crohn's disease would receive surgical treatment during the lifetime. However, surgical treatment is incurable for Crohn's disease. The challenge of recurrence postoperatively troubles both doctors and patients. Over 50% patients would suffer recurrence postoperatively. Some certain risk factors are associated with recurrence of Crohn's disease.AIM To evaluate the risk factors for endoscopic recurrence and clinical recurrence after bowel resection in Crohn's disease.METHODS Patients diagnosed Crohn's disease and received intestinal resection between April 2007 and December 2013 were included in this study. Data on the general demographic information, preoperative clinical characteristics, surgical information, postoperative clinical characteristics were collected. Continuous data are expressed as median(inter quartile range), and categorical data as frequencies and percentages. Kaplan-Meier method was applied to estimate the impact of the clinical variables above on the cumulative rate of postoperative endoscopic recurrence and clinical recurrence, then log-rank test was applied to test the homogeneity of those clinical variables. Multivariate Cox proportional hazard regression analysis was performed to identify the risk factors of postoperative endoscopic recurrence and clinical recurrence.RESULTS A total of 64 patients were included in this study. The median follow-up time for the patients was 17(9.25-25.75) mo. In this period, 41 patients(64.1%) had endoscopic recurrence or clinical recurrence. Endoscopic recurrence occurred in34(59.6%) patients while clinical recurrence occurred in 28(43.8%) patients, with the interval between the operation and recurrence of 13.0(8.0-24.5) months and 17.0(8.0-27.8) mo, respectively. In univariate analysis, diagnosis at younger age(P 0.001), disease behavior of penetrating(P = 0.044) and preoperative use of anti-tumor necrosis factor(TNF)(P = 0.020) were significantly correlated with endoscopic recurrence, while complication with perianal lesions(P = 0.032) and preoperative use of immunomodulatory(P = 0.031) were significantly correlated with clinical recurrence. As to multivariate analysis, diagnostic age(P = 0.004),disease behavior(P = 0.041) and preoperative use of anti-TNF(P = 0.010) were independent prognostic factors for endoscopic recurrence, while complication with perianal lesions(P = 0.023) was an independent prognostic factor for clinical recurrence.CONCLUSION Diagnostic age, disease behavior, preoperative use of anti-TNF and complication with perianal lesions were independent risk factors for postoperative recurrence in Crohn's disease.  相似文献   

D J Dawson  C M Sciberras  H Whitwell 《Gut》1984,25(9):1003-1008
A 22 year old woman presenting with recurrent intestinal pseudo-obstruction is reported. Jejunal biopsy showed subtotal villous atrophy which improved markedly during a period of total parenteral nutrition and with steroid treatment. It did not relapse on a gluten free diet. The reasons why this patient represents a case of coeliac disease with secondary pseudo-obstruction, rather than primary intestinal pseudo-obstruction with secondary bacterial overgrowth, is discussed.  相似文献   

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