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局部枸橼酸抗凝在高危出血倾向患者血液透析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

局部枸橼酸抗凝在高危出血倾向患者血液透析中的应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的探讨学生反思日记书写教学方法的可行性.以更好地提高临床学习效果。方法在59名护理本科生进行临床学习过程中.教师对其提出书写1周反思日记的要求,并由同一教师进行反馈.然后自设问卷对学生进行调查。结果47.3%学生认为反思日记书写频率为每周2~3篇为最合适;45.4%学生表示能坚持每周书写;学生最愿意与同学互相交流反思日记;学生认为临床学习来回奔波是阻碍日记书写的最大障碍;而希望对自己的学习有帮助是促进学生反思日记书写的最大动力;56.4%学生喜欢用书面的方式书写;38.2%学生表示喜欢反思日记书写这种教学方法。结论作为一种有效的促进学生学习的方法.学生对反思日记书写能接受。但需要时间和精神的支持;同时教师应详细讲解反思日记的书写方法.不能强迫学生书写:选择合适的反思日记反馈者也是保证有效书写的重要因素。  相似文献   

目的:观察简化枸橼酸抗凝(S-RCA)在我院透析中心具有高危出血倾向患者血液透析中的有效性、安全性及对透析充分性的影响.方法:选择35例高危出血倾向的HD患者,随机分为无肝素组(16例,治疗36次)和S-RCA组(19例,治疗45次),监测治疗前后凝血功能、血气分析、电解质情况及透析充分性,同时观察透析过程中患者生命体...  相似文献   

枸橼酸抗凝在血液透析中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究局部枸橼酸抗凝(regional citrate anticoagulation,RCA)在血液透析中的安全性,解决高危出血倾向血液透析中的抗凝问题.方法:选择有高危出血倾向的透析患者37例,透析中用枸橼酸抗凝,输入速度为51 mmol/h,血流量200~230 ml/min.所用透析液的钠离子为135 mmol/L,钙离子1.5 mmol/L,碱基32~34 mmol/L.分别在透析前与透析1 h、2 h、4 h及结束时监测患者透析管路动静脉端全血活化凝血时间(WBACT)、血pH、剩余碱(BE)及血清总钙水平,并记录治疗中的不良反应及体外循环凝血情况.结果:37例患者共行420次透析.透析管路静脉端WBACT较动脉端明显延长,P<0.001.透析后酸中毒纠正,无碱中毒发生,pH、BE与透析前比较,P<0.05.透析前后血钙变化无统计学意义.透析器的血室容积下降率均<20%,无1例发生严重的出血或透析途中凝血现象.结论:RCA具有良好的局部抗凝效果,是解决高危出血倾向患者透析抗凝的理想选择.  相似文献   

目的观察简化法局部枸橼酸抗凝(simplified-regional citrate anticoagulation,S-RCA)与小剂量阿加曲班(Argatroban)抗凝在高危出血风险维持性血液透析(maintenance hemodialysis,MHD)患者中的抗凝效果。方法选取空军特色医学中心血液净化中心2017年2月至2019年5月具有活动性出血或出血倾向的32例血液透析患者,随机分为S-RCA组(A组),阿加曲班组(B组)。A组在体外循环管路起始端持续泵入4%枸橼酸至透析结束,静脉壶不追加枸橼酸,静脉回路不补钙,B组在滤器前持续泵入小剂量阿加曲班(0.69μg·kg~(-1)·min~(-1))至透析结束,两组均使用含钙(1.5 mmol/L)透析液。观察透析充分性、滤器和静脉壶抗凝有效率、活化部分凝血活酶时间(activated partial thromboplastin time,APTT)及滤器前后游离钙(iCa~(2+))变化,记录不良反应及出血事件。结果 (1)两组患者均顺利完成4 h血液透析治疗,两组透析充分性Kt/v无明显差异(1.33±0.16 vs 1.26±0.06,P=0.129)。(2)A组与B组滤器抗凝有效率无统计学差异(P=0.600),静脉壶抗凝有效率A组优于B组(93.75%vs 56.25%,P=0.037)。(3)B组透析后APTT较A组明显延长(40.4±8.2 vs 28.8±1.6,P0.001),B组透析2h滤器前、后及透析后APTT较同组透析前均延长(40.0±4.8 vs 39.8±7.2,40.4±8.2 vs 30.7±1.8,P均为0.01),B组透析后1 h APTT较透析前仍延长(38.8±7.4 vs 30.7±1.8,P=0.003)。(4)A组透析后iCa~(2+)略高于HD前(1.13±0.06 vs 1.06±0.10,P=0.012),虽略升高,但仍处于正常范围内。(5)A组出现1例口唇麻木,经调整枸橼酸流速和补钙治疗后好转,B组出现1例皮下瘀斑,后自行好转,无明显新发出血或原有出血加重。结论对于高危出血风险MHD患者,S-RCA优于小剂量阿加曲班法,较常用的两段法局部枸橼酸抗凝更具优势。  相似文献   

本文综述了局部枸橼酸抗凝的机理、临床应用以及不良反应的防治,旨在能够更好的将这一方法应用于临床.  相似文献   

本文综述了局部枸橼酸抗凝的机理、临床应用以及不良反应的防治,旨在能够更好 的将这一方法应用于临床。  相似文献   

目前,为了选择一种更安全有效的血液透析方法治疗高危出血或活动性出血的尿毒症患者,我们对局部枸橼酸抗凝(RCA)血液透析和血仿膜肝素吸附法无肝素透析(HCHD)进行了临床应用并将2种方法进行了对比分析,现报道如下。  相似文献   

目的 研究商品化枸橼酸-葡萄糖抗凝溶液A(ACD-A液)应用于急性肾衰竭伴出血倾向高危患者连续性血液净化(CBP)抗凝的疗效及安全性。方法 12例伴出血或出血倾向患者行连续性静脉-静脉血液滤过(CVVH),分为局部枸橼酸抗凝(RCA)组和对照组。RCA组共38例次,应用ACD-A液为抗凝剂自滤器前输入;于血路管的静脉侧补充10%葡萄糖酸钙。ACD-A液及钙剂输入速度根据血清及滤器后离子钙(iCa2+)水平调整以维持滤器后iCa2+ 0.30~0.40 mmol /L ,血清iCa2+ 0.9~1.2 mmol/L。对照组应用小剂量低分子肝素钠(1700~2500 IU,每12~24 h 1次)或不使用抗凝剂。比较两组血滤器使用时间;监测RCA组治疗前后血浆凝血酶原时间(PT)和部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)、酸碱变化及血清iCa2+、钠离子(Na+)水平。 结果 RCA组和对照组CBP总治疗时间分别为1192.5 h、596 h,各使用血滤器62个、42个。24 h和48 h血滤器的可使用率分别为:RCA组65.3%和24.5%;对照组14.5%和0。达使用终点的血滤器平均寿命,RCA组显著长于对照组[(29.4±21.0)(1.5~71.5)h比(14.2±8.2)(4.5~40)h,P < 0.01]。ACD-A抗凝治疗中,血PT、APTT、pH、碱剩余、iCa2+ 、Na+水平较治疗前基本保持不变;无1例次出血加重或新发出血、无1例次诱发肢体抽搐。结论 ACD-A液抗凝剂在有效监测的情况下,应用于伴出血倾向患者的CBP,是一种简便易行、安全有效的方法,有一定的临床应用及推广价值。  相似文献   

Abstract:  In a randomized study, sequential anticoagulation for hemodialysis (citrate for the first 3.5 h, switching to 30-min anticoagulation-free hemodialysis) was compared to standard citrate anticoagulation. Fifty-two hemodialysis procedures were randomized either to sequential ( n  = 27) or standard citrate group ( n  = 25). The antithrombotic effect in the circuit was visually assessed after hemodialysis using a score from 1 (total clotting) to 5 (no clotting). The antithrombotic score for sequential versus standard group was as follows: dialyzer, 4.0 ± 1.1 versus 4.8 ± 0.4 ( P  < 0.01); arterial bubble trap, 4.0 ± 1.2 versus 4.7 ± 0.6 ( P  = 0.013); venous bubble trap, 4.0 ± 1.3 versus 4.8 ± 0.6 ( P  < 0.01). Serum citrate levels during sequential versus standard citrate anticoagulation (µmol/L) were as follows: at the beginning, 143 ± 65 versus 148 ± 77 (not significant [NS]); after 2 h, 317 ± 157 versus 354 ± 111 (NS); at the end, 125 ± 81 versus 405 ± 133 ( P  < 0.01). Sequential anticoagulation reduces the final serum citrate concentration to predialysis level. It can be a good anticoagulation strategy for patients in whom the reduction of citrate load is desired.  相似文献   

During haemodialysis in the patient at high risk for bleeding, heparin cannot be safely used to prevent clotting in the dialysis assembly. Among numerous procedures proposed to reduce the risk for bleeding, Pinnick et al. (N Engl J Med, 308: 258, 1983) proposed the use of citrate as the sole anticoagulant. Citrate toxicity and efficiency were studied during 44 haemodialyses carried out in thirteen patients with a high risk for bleeding or with active bleeding. Three patients had hepatic failure. Two types of citrate solution were used, the trisodium form of citrate (102 mmol.l-1 citrate) or the monosodium form (306 mmol.l-1 citrate). The solutions were infused with a calibrated, pressure insensitive pump, before the dialysis unit at a flow rate of 600 ml.h-1 and 200 ml.h-1 respectively. Sufficient citrate was infused to maintain a clotting time of the blood line and dialyser of more than 18 min. Standard 10% calcium chloride was infused at a constant rate of 7 mg.min-1 into the blood being returned to the patient. The patients were dialysed for 4 h for each haemodialysis with a single-pass system. The dialyses were uncomplicated; no active bleeding was noted. The patient's clotting time was significantly reduced during haemodialysis (18.1 +/- 8.9 min to 14.5 +/- 6.3 min; p less than 0.001). Two-hundred and twenty serum citrate levels were measured. Only nine were above the toxic value of 2 mmol.l-1. No clinical evidence of a decrease in ionized calcium was found: there was no change in the corrected QT intervals and blood pressure.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Coronary artery revascularization and cardiac valve replacement have been performed with increasing frequency over the past decade in patients maintained on chronic hemodialysis. Hemodialysis is frequently required shortly after surgery for treatment of hyperkalemia or volume overload. Use of low-dose or regional heparinization for hemodialysis may cause bleeding in patients who have recently undergone open-heart surgery. We performed 16 hemodialyses using regional citrate anticoagulation in 4 maintenance dialysis patients who had recently undergone cardiothoracic surgery. Systemic anticoagulation did not occur during any of the initial procedures, and in each patient a decrease in sanguineous chest tube drainage was observed during the initial postoperative dialysis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Regional citrate anticoagulation (RCA) may be a valuable alternative to systemic heparin anticoagulation during continuous venovenous hemodialysis (CVVH). RCA does not increase the risk of bleeding, but carries the risk of metabolic derangements. Clotting-free circuit survival may be increased with RCA. METHODS: Critically ill patients at low risk for bleeding were randomized for CVVH with RCA or systemic heparin anticoagulation. A maximum of 4 consecutive CVVH circuits were analyzed for every patient. Clotting-free circuit survival, adverse metabolic events and bleeding complications were recorded. RESULTS: Forty-eight patients were included in the study and randomized for RCA (n=21) or systemic heparin (n=27). A total of 142 CVVH circuits were analyzed with a median of 3 circuits per patient. Uncensored circuit survival and median clotting-free circuit survival were similar for both groups. No significant adverse metabolic events occurred in the RCA group. Major bleedings were not recorded in the RCA group, compared with 10 events in the heparin group (p<0.01). The number of red blood cell units given per day of CVVH was significantly higher in the heparin group (0.88 vs 0.43 units/day, p=0.01). Also, the mean decrease in hemoglobin concentration per day in the nontransfused stable patients, was significantly higher in the heparin group. CONCLUSION: RCA during CVVH can be performed safely, with a circuit survival similar to systemic heparin anticoagulation, but significantly lower incidence of bleeding. Citrate anticoagulation should be advocated as first choice, also for critically ill patients considered to be at low risk for bleeding.  相似文献   

Regional anticoagulation: hemodialysis with hypertonic trisodium citrate   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have developed a simplified method for performing regional citrate anticoagulation during hemodialysis. High ultrafiltration rates and specialized equipment were obviated by the use of a 1.6-mol/L trisodium citrate solution and a standard calcium-containing dialysate. Thirty-six dialyses were performed with this technique on 14 stable and 22 high bleeding risk patients. There was no significant decline in plasma-ionized calcium during citrate dialysis, ie, 3.85 +/- 0.34 mg/dL (mean +/- SE) predialysis, to 3.31 +/- 0.26 postdialysis; furthermore, no patient developed neuromuscular symptoms or evidence of cardiovascular instability from hypocalcemia. Serum sodium rose with this procedure, but not to hypernatremic levels. This method of citrate dialysis is safe and effective during continuous blood flow (double-needle) hemodialysis, and is no more difficult to perform than conventional heparin dialysis. Single-needle (reciprocating blood flow) hemodialysis was successfully performed by the additional use of a calcium-free dialysate and separate calcium chloride infusion (10% calcium chloride), but risks the production of unexpected hypercalcemia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Systemic heparinization is associated with a high rate of bleeding when used to maintain patency of the extracorporeal circuit during continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) in critically ill patients. Regional anticoagulation can be achieved with citrate, but previously described techniques are cumbersome and associated with metabolic complications. METHODS: We designed a simplified system for delivering regional citrate anticoagulation during continuous venovenous hemofiltration (CVVH). We evaluated filter life and hemorrhagic complications in the first 17 consecutive patients who received this therapy at our institution. Blood flow rate was set at 180 ml/min. Ultrafiltration rate was maintained at 2.0 liters/hr and citrate-based replacement fluid (trisodium citrate 13.3 mM, sodium chloride 100 mM, magnesium chloride 0.75 mM, dextrose 0.2%) was infused proximal to the filter to maintain the desired fluid balance. Calcium gluconate was infused through a separate line to maintain a serum-ionized calcium level of 1.0 to 1.1 mM. RESULTS: All patients were critically ill and required mechanical ventilation and vasopressor therapy. Systemic heparin anticoagulation was judged to be contraindicated in all of the patients. A total of 85 filters were used, of which 64 were lost because of clotting, with a mean life span of 29.5 +/- 17.9 hours. The remaining 21 filters were discontinued for other reasons. Control of fluid and electrolyte balance and azotemia was excellent (mean serum creatinine after 48 to 72 hr of treatment was 2.4 +/- 1.2 mg/dl). No bleeding episodes occurred. Two patients, one with septic shock and the other with fulminant hepatic failure, developed evidence for citrate toxicity without a significant alteration in clinical status. Nine patients survived (52.9%). CONCLUSION: Our simplified technique of regional anticoagulation with citrate is an effective and safe form of anticoagulation for CVVH in critically ill patients with a high risk of bleeding.  相似文献   

目的探讨对高危出血倾向患者行无肝素连续性静脉-静脉血液滤过(CVVH)治疗的可能性。方法37例患者共行CVVH治疗75例次,分为观察组和对照组。观察组43例次,有高危出血倾向,采用无肝素抗凝;对照组32例次,采用低分子量肝素钙抗凝。回顾性分析2组相关临床指标。结果2组治疗后血肌酐(SCr)、尿素氮(BUN)均降低,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),2组SCr、BUN下降率均无统计学差异(P〉O.05);观察组治疗前、后凝血酶原时间(PT)、活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),对照组治疗后PT、APTT较治疗前延长,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);观察组有凝血功能障碍的患者管路和滤器使用寿命与对照组无统计学差异(P〉0.05),观察组无凝血功能障碍的患者管路和滤器使用寿命短于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论无肝素抗凝技术用于高危出血倾向患者的CVVH治疗疗效肯定,并无增加出血的风险。  相似文献   

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