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目的探讨药品调剂差错常见原因及有效的防范措施。方法对我院2年来药剂科药品调剂差错登记本进行回顾性分析,总结引起药品调剂差错的常见原因,探讨相应防止差错发生的有效措施。结果我院药品调剂差错发生率为0.022%,常见原因包括来自药师、药品、医师、患者等各方面的因素。结论应针对药品调剂发生的常见原因采取一系列有效的防范措施,减少差错发生,保证患者的用药安全。  相似文献   

门诊和住院药房的调剂窗口是医院的重要窗囗之一,其工作质量的好坏,直接关系到患者的身心健康。而且与患者的治疗效果、性命相关,同时也关呼医院的信誉与形象。为了减少调剂差错的发生率,保证患者用药安全有效,让患者得到及时有效的治疗,我们应当注意以下几方面问题。1容易在收费划价时出现的差错1.1多收费及少收费主要由于划价人员对医生处方中的药品剂量与规格没搞清,国产、进囗药未明确,这种情况给药房工作人员和患者带来很多麻烦,还会因此引发纠纷。1.2乱收费或错收费对某些药品的别名或常用名与另外的药名相混淆,药名同而剂型不同,或医…  相似文献   

建立健全优良的药房管理制度,规范药房管理及药师职责对提高药剂科工作的质量非常重要。药品调剂是药剂科主要工作之一,准确调剂药品,是药剂人员的职责,有效地防止调剂差错,对确保病人用药安全,具有十分重要的意义。现探讨如下: 1 调剂差错 调剂差错包括药品名不对或规格、数量不符;还有一些隐在的调剂错误,如发出失效药品等。差错大多是  相似文献   

住院药房常见调剂差错 原因及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
药品调剂(drug dispensing)意指配药、配方、发药,又称为调配处方,是医院药剂科的常规业务工作之一,工作量约占整个药剂科业务工作的50%~70%.通过药剂人员的调剂工作,患获得安全有效的药物和正确的用药方法,在此过程中出现任何差错都会影响医生处方的预期疗效,出现不良症状,严重的甚至导致患死亡.  相似文献   

张琳 《中国实用医药》2014,(21):260-261
通过对门诊药房药品调剂差错类型和特点的分析,总结出门诊药房调剂差错的主要原因和特点,提出相应的防范措施,降低调剂差错的发生率,提高了药房调剂工作的质量。  相似文献   

本文对我院近3年的药品调剂差错进行了回顾性分析,以探讨减少药品调剂差错的措施,更好地服务于临床。1资料与方法按年度对我院2006年1月至2008年12月药剂科调剂差错登记本进行统计,分析发生差错的原因,并提出相应的防范措施。  相似文献   

徐拥军 《首都医药》2009,16(18):15-15
门诊药房调剂工作是医院临床工作中的重要环节,是满足临床治疗需要并直接为病人服务的重要工作。调剂工作的质量直接影响用药的安全与有效以及病人服药的依从性。  相似文献   

李培芳  方明 《中国医药》2014,(9):1375-1377
目的:探讨药品调剂差错与处方差错的原因和防范措施。方法对安徽省立医院门诊药房的74例调剂差错与51例处方差错进行回顾性分析。结果74例调剂差错中,排名前3位的分别是易混淆药品25例(33.8%)、药品数量错误22例(29.7%)、药品给错患者18例(24.3%)、相邻位置错误、打印机出错、用法用量错误等。51例处方错误中,剂量与用法错误15例(29.4%),药物相互作用与配伍禁忌13例(25.5%),重复用药9例(17.7%),电脑操作错误5例(9.8%),其他原因5例(9.8%),用药与诊断不相符3例(5.9%),剂型与给药途径不合理1例(2.0%)。结论建立调剂差错登记与处方差错登记制度,定期分析差错原因,采取相应的干预措施是提高医院药学服务的有效方法。  相似文献   

李卫平  游宏勇  许汝福  王强 《中国药房》2023,(11):1389-1392
目的 探索相似药品分区调剂模式,为提高相似药品调剂准确率、降低调剂差错风险提供参考。方法 通过调整传统的药品单一横向或纵向排序方式为“Z”字形货位排序,实施相似药品分人、分区调剂模式,再配合摆药单据格式的调整以及完善盘点方式等措施,探索相似药品分区调剂模式的有效性和可行性;并从工作质量和工作效率2个方面综合评价相似药品分区调剂模式在药品调剂管理中的作用。结果 实施相似药品分区调剂模式后,月调剂差错总数[(18.42±8.79)个vs.(28.50±6.87)个,P=0.005]、月相似药品调剂差错占比[(4.17±5.71)%vs.(10.96±7.05)%,P=0.017]显著低于实施前,月账物相符率[(98.46±0.73)%vs.(97.61±0.57)%,P=0.004]显著高于实施前;且每日各批次调剂完成时间未受到明显影响,可保障日常工作平稳、有序开展。结论 实行相似药品分区调剂模式可提高相似药品的调剂准确率、降低调剂差错风险,且不会影响调剂工作效率。  相似文献   

李蔷 《海峡药学》2010,22(9):232-234
介绍2009年度我院药房的药品名称、剂型、规格、包装等的区别,避免调剂差错,保证用药安全。  相似文献   

杨丽  章萍  刘焕胜  李姗 《中国当代医药》2014,(24):185-186,189
目的:调查由相似药品引起的调剂错误情况,为药师提供参考,提高药房调剂的准确性和安全性。方法对2013年本院药房药品的调剂情况进行汇总分析。结果找出导致药品调剂差错的多种原因:外包装相似,通用名称相似,通用名称相同但剂型、规格不同等。结论针对上述原因提出相应的整改措施,对易混淆的相似药品进行归纳、整理,以达到预防错误的目的,并在此过程中完善相应标准操作规程,提高药房工作质量,确保患者安全用药。  相似文献   

An unofficial scheme for reporting dispensing error rates resulted in 7, 158 dispensing error reports being collected from 89 hospital pharmacies Analysis of the data has provided information on the most common errors, causative factors and outcomes The 10 drugs most commonly involved in dispensing errors have been identified and the most common error identified as dispensing the wrong strength of the right drug The actions required to further reduce the incidence of dispensing errors in NHS hospitals are identified A dispensing error web‐site has been developed as part of this project; chief pharmacists from over 50 NHS hospitals are committed to submitting dispensing error reports to the web‐site, data entry commenced in June 2002 and the web‐site should be available for demonstration in September  相似文献   

Illumination and errors in dispensing.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

OBJECTIVE: To estimate frequencies of potential errors involving similarly named drugs using a retrospective claims database and measure the association between frequencies of potential errors and two measures of drug name similarity, edit distance (minimum number of insertions, substitutions, or deletions of characters required to change a given word into another target word) and normalized edit distance (proportion of letters that must be changed to commute one word to another, and ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating identical words, and 1 indicating a pair of words with no common letters). DESIGN: Retrospective database analysis. SETTING: Idaho Medicaid claims data from 1993 to 2000. PATIENTS: Not applicable. INTERVENTION: Potential errors were detected using adjacent claims generated by dispensing of one drug followed by dispensing of the other drug with a similar name. In all, four potential error criteria were developed: two for detecting potential refill errors and two for detecting potential initial errors. A total of 10 drug pairs were randomly selected from the Idaho Medicaid claims database for each value of edit distance, which ranged from 1 to 30 (n = 300). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Frequencies of potential medication errors in claims sequences for initial and refill claims, edit distance, and normalized edit distance. RESULTS: Of 300 drug pairs studied, 106 (35.33%) were involved in at least one potential error. A total of 1,138 dispensing episodes satisfied the criteria for potential errors. Frequencies of potential errors per drug pair were negatively associated with edit distance (r = -0.133, P < .05) and normalized edit distance (r = -0.226, P < .01). Frequencies of potential initial errors also were negatively associated with edit distance (r = -0.126, P < .05) and normalized edit distance (r = -0.222, P < .01). Potential refill errors also had negative association with edit distance (r = -0.134, P < .05) and normalized edit distance (r = -0.226, P < .01). CONCLUSION: Error criteria were successfully applied to a retrospective claims database to detect potential initial and refill errors that involved similarly named drugs.  相似文献   

姜疆  李媛  柴昱  战旗 《药学实践杂志》2022,40(2):188-192
目的 了解国内医院门诊药房调配差错及有效防控措施现状,以期进一步提高药品调配工作质量.方法 检索中文期刊数据库2015—2020年二、三级医院门诊药房调配差错及其采取措施后的质量持续改进的文献,汇总分析改进前后不同差错类型及其数量,原因分析及其改进措施等内容.结果 检索得到的146篇文献中纳入分析的有13篇(三级医院1...  相似文献   

我院住院药房处方调配差错分析与防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探索减少药房调配差错的具体措施,提高药品调配工作质量。方法 对我院住院药房2009年1月~2011年12月《药品调配差错登记本》记载的差错进行回顾性分析汇总。结果 3年内共发生调配差错101例,其中药物数量差错28例,药物品种差错20例,包装相似差错12例,药物剂量与剂型差错11例,生产厂家差错11例,划价差错6例,退药差错5例,医师处方差错4例,发错科室2例,位置相近取错药2例。结论 我科逐步建立了药材科调剂标准化体系,建立了调配工作各个环节标准操作规程,辅以药师定期的业务培训,交流学习及季度绩效考核激励机制,大大提高了住院药房药师的处方审核能力,有效地预防处方调配差错的发生。  相似文献   

医疗机构减少药品调配和给药差错的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
医疗机构中用药差错比较普遍,而调配和给药错误在用药差错中占有较高比例。美国的研究表明,虽然总体上调配和给药错误的发生率比较低,但是由于医疗机构中药品使用量大,一个比较繁忙的医疗机构药房7个月内共发生5075次差错,其中79%被发现。另有研究指出,备药和发药错误占用药差错的11%~21%。我国对调配和给药错误尚缺乏全国性的实证数据,但个别医院的研究表明,调配和给药错误对病人安全的影响是比较显著的。本文从调配和给药差错的影响因素、国外减少相关差错的先进技术与干预措施角度进行分析,提出建议,供国内药学工作者参考。  相似文献   

We investigated consciousness of the prevention of dispensing errors with the pharmacists and clerical staffs which work in community pharmacies and analyzed the structure of those subconscious to examine preventive measures of dispensing errors. Questionnaire survey was performed for all pharmacists and clerical staffs working in community pharmacies where each is affiliated with four pharmacy groups. The questionnaire consisted of 38 questions about "atmospheres for the prevention of dispensing errors" in the pharmacy along their attributions. And data were analyzed by occupation to confirm the difference. As a result of factor analysis, five factors such as "the posture of the boss", "information exchange", "the order of the pharmacy" were extracted from the pharmacists. Moreover, in the case of the clerical staffs, five similar factors have been extracted besides "a sense of responsibility to duties" replaced "the order of the pharmacy". As a result of structural equation modeling, the pass model with high goodness of fit to which "measures for dispensing error prevention" and "consciousness to the dispensing error of a pharmacy" were assumed to be a subordinate concept respectively by each occupational category. It became clear that a suggestion of the concrete preventive measures drafting was provided even from the investigation of the consciousness level.  相似文献   

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