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Ecphory occurs when one recollects a past event cued by a trigger, such as a picture, odor, or name. It is a central component of autobiographical memory, which allows us to "travel mentally back in time" and re-experience specific events from our personal past. Using fMRI and focusing on the role of medial temporal lobe (MTL) structures, we investigated the brain bases of autobiographical memory and whether they change with the age of memories. Importantly, we used an ecphory task in which the remote character of the memories was ensured. The results showed that a large bilateral network supports autobiographical memory: temporal lobe, temporo-parieto-occipital junction, dorsal prefrontal cortex, medial frontal cortex, retrosplenial cortex and surrounding areas, and MTL structures. This network, including MTL structures, changed little with the age of the memories.  相似文献   

An important objective of functional neuroimaging research is to identify neuroanatomical correlates of memory processes such as encoding and retrieval. In typical studies directed at this goal, however, the to-be-remembered information has been presented in a single perceptual modality. Under these conditions it is not known whether the observed brain activity reflects the studied memory process as such or only the memory process in the given modality. The positron emission tomography (PET) study reported here was designed to identify brain regions involved in encoding and retrieval processes specific to visual and haptic modalities, as well as those common to the two modalities. These latter, common regions, were assumed to be associated with "transperceptual" encoding and retrieval processes. Abstract three-dimensional objects, difficult to describe verbally, served as to-be-remembered materials. A multivariate partial least squares analysis of the PET data revealed that transperceptual encoding processes activated right medial temporal lobe, superior prefrontal cortex bilaterally, and posterior inferior temporal gyrus bilaterally. Transperceptual recognition activations were observed in two right orbitofrontal regions and in anterior cingulate. These results provide initial evidence that some processes involved in memory encoding and retrieval operate beyond perceptual processes and in that sense are transperceptual.  相似文献   

This study found that attempts to recall earliest memories were strongly influenced by the testing context. It showed that a brief 3-minute self-hypnosis experience, coupled with the insinuation that hypnosis improves memory, resulted in earlier autobiographical memory reports (M = 29.5 months) than instructions for relaxation (M = 37.9 months) or counting/visualization (M = 48.9 months). Inquiries about earliest memories across 5 age ranges showed that the hypnotic context resulted in a higher proportion of participants reporting a memory at or before 12, 24, 36, 48, and 60 months of age. Nearly 40% of the "hypnotized" participants reported a memory for an event that reportedly occurred at or before 12 months of age. A brief discussion of context effects and demand characteristics associated with hypnosis and memory follows.  相似文献   

The authors examined the impact of posthypnotic amnesia on the accessibility and quality of personal memories. High, medium,and low hypnotizable individuals recalled two autobiographical episodes and rated those memories. During hypnosis, subjects were given a posthypnotic amnesia suggestion that targeted one of the episodes. After hypnosis, they recalled and rated their memories of the episodes. The posthypnotic amnesia suggestion influenced the accessibility and quality of autobiographical memory for high and some medium, but not low, hypnotizable participants. The article discusses these findings in terms of investigating and understanding the impact of posthypnotic amnesia on autobiographical memory.  相似文献   

Conway (Conway, M.A., 1992. A structural model of autobiographical memory. In: Conway, M.A., Spinnler, H., Wagenaar, W.A. (Eds.), Theoretical Perspectives on Autobiological Memory. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 167-194) proposed that two types of autobiographical memories (AMs) exist within a hierarchical AM system: unique, specific events and repeated, general memories. There is little research on whether retrieval of these AMs relies on different neural substrates. To investigate this issue, we used a multivariate image analysis technique, spatiotemporal partial least squares (PLS), to identify distributed patterns of activity most related to AM tasks that we have found to be associated with a medial and left-lateralized network. Using PLS, specific and general memories were more strongly associated with different parts of this retrieval network. Specific AM retrieval was associated more with activation of regions involved in imagery in episodic memory, including the left precuneus, left superior parietal lobule and right cuneus, whereas general AM retrieval was associated with activation of the right inferior temporal gyrus, right medial frontal cortex, and left thalamus. These two patterns emerged at different lags after stimulus onset, with the general AM pattern peaking between 2 and 6 s, and the specific AM pattern between 6 and 8 s. These lag differences are consistent with Conway's theory which posits that general AMs are the preferred level of entry to the AM system. A seed PLS analysis revealed that the regions functionally connected to the hippocampus during retrieval did not differentiate specific from general AM retrieval, which confirms our earlier univariate analysis indicating that some aspects of the memory retrieval network are shared by these memories.  相似文献   

Addis DR  Knapp K  Roberts RP  Schacter DL 《NeuroImage》2012,59(3):2908-2922
Models of autobiographical memory propose two routes to retrieval depending on cue specificity. When available cues are specific and personally-relevant, a memory can be directly accessed. However, when available cues are generic, one must engage a generative retrieval process to produce more specific cues to successfully access a relevant memory. The current study sought to characterize the neural bases of these retrieval processes. During functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), participants were shown personally-relevant cues to elicit direct retrieval, or generic cues (nouns) to elicit generative retrieval. We used spatiotemporal partial least squares to characterize the spatial and temporal characteristics of the networks associated with direct and generative retrieval. Both retrieval tasks engaged regions comprising the autobiographical retrieval network, including hippocampus, and medial prefrontal and parietal cortices. However, some key neural differences emerged. Generative retrieval differentially recruited lateral prefrontal and temporal regions early on during the retrieval process, likely supporting the strategic search operations and initial recovery of generic autobiographical information. However, many regions were activated more strongly during direct versus generative retrieval, even when we time-locked the analysis to the successful recovery of events in both conditions. This result suggests that there may be fundamental differences between memories that are accessed directly and those that are recovered via the iterative search and retrieval process that characterizes generative retrieval.  相似文献   

Patients will often reflect on the meaning of a painful episode, as, for example, when completing questionnaire measures of subjective pain experience or in clinical interviews. Neuroimaging studies of the human cortical and subcortical physical pain response have identified a neural network consistently referred to as the "pain matrix." We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate whether the pain matrix could be activated through the retrieval of memories relating to previously painful events, in the absence of any direct peripheral noxious input. Fourteen pain-free participants were explicitly instructed to recall autobiographical memories of painful episodes in response to pain-related words and non-painful episodes in response to equally salient but non-pain words. Memories triggered by pain-related words produced significantly greater activation of left caudal anterior cingulate cortex (BA32'), and left inferior frontal gyrus (BA44, extending to BA47/45) more than memories triggered by equally salient but non-pain words. We suggest that these activations demonstrate a semantic retrieval process for pain-related memories, which may provide a means of cognitively reappraising the memory of the painful episode, thus allowing the person to elaborate on the circumstances surrounding the event, without physically re-experiencing it. PERSPECTIVE: The present study reveals a putative neural mechanism for the retrieval of autobiographical memories of previously painful events, which may provide a means of cognitively reappraising a painful episode, without physically re-experiencing it. This finding has implications for understanding disease mechanisms of chronic pain and their impact on subsequent treatment.  相似文献   

Kim H 《NeuroImage》2012,61(4):966-977
Most internally oriented mental activities are known to strongly activate the default network, which includes remembering the past, future thinking and social cognition, and are heavily self-referential, and demanding of memory retrieval processes. Based on these observations and building on related findings from the literature, the present article proposed a simple, dual-subsystem model of the default network. The ability of the model to estimate brain activity during autobiographical memory (AM) retrieval and related reference conditions was then tested by performing a quantitative meta-analysis of relevant literature. The model divided the default network into two subsystems. The first, called the 'cortical midline subsystem (CMS)', was comprised of the anteromedial prefrontal cortex and posterior cingulate cortex, and primarily mediates self-referential processing. The other, termed the 'parieto-temporal subsystem (PTS)', included the inferior parietal lobule, medial temporal lobe and lateral temporal cortex, and mainly supports memory retrieval processes. The meta-analysis of AM retrieval contrasts yielded a double dissociation that was consistent with this model. First, CMS regions associated more with an AM>laboratory-based memory (LM) contrast than with an AM>rest contrast, confirming that these regions play more critical roles in self-referential processing than memory retrieval processes. Second, all three PTS regions showed a greater association with an AM>rest contrast than with an AM>LM contrast, confirming that their role in memory retrieval processes is greater than in self-referential processing. Although the present model is limited in scope, both in terms of anatomical and functional specifications, it integrates diverse processes such as self-referential processing, episodic and semantic memory and subsystem interface, and provides useful heuristics that can guide further research on fractionation of the default network.  相似文献   

Cognitive reserve (CR) is the ability of an individual to cope with advancing brain pathology so that he remains free of symptomatology. Epidemiological evidence and in vivo neurometabolic data suggest that CR may be mediated through education or IQ. The goal of this study was to investigate CR-mediated differential brain activation in 17 healthy young adults and 19 healthy elders. Using nonquantitative H(2)(15)O PET scanning, we assessed relative regional cerebral blood flow while subjects performed a serial recognition memory task under two conditions: nonmemory control (NMC), in which one shape was presented in each study trial; and titrated demand (TD), in which study list length was adjusted so that each subject recognized shapes at approximately 75% accuracy. A factor score that summarized years of education and scores on two IQ indices was used as an index of CR. Voxel-wise, multiple regression analyses were performed with TD minus NMC difference PET counts as the dependent variable and the CR variable as the independent variable of interest. We identified brain regions where regression slopes were different from zero in each separate group, and also those where regression slopes differed between the two age groups. The slopes were significantly more positive in the young in the right inferior temporal gyrus, right postcentral gyrus, and cingulate, while the elderly had a significantly more positive slope in left cuneus. Brain regions where systematic relationships between CR and brain activation differ as a function of aging are loci where compensation for aging has occurred. They may mediate differential ability to cope with brain changes in aging.  相似文献   

Rabin JS  Rosenbaum RS 《NeuroImage》2012,62(1):520-529
Qualitative and quantitative reviews of the neuroimaging literature show that overlapping brain regions support theory of mind (ToM) and autobiographical memory (AM). This overlap has been taken to suggest that individuals draw on past personal experiences to infer others' mental states, but work with amnesic people shows that ToM does not always depend on AM. One variable that may determine the extent to which one relies on AM when inferring another's thoughts and feelings during ToM is whether that individual is personally known. To test this possibility, participants were scanned with fMRI as they remembered past experiences in response to personal photos ('AM' condition) and imagined others' experiences in response to photos of personally familiar ('pToM' condition) and unfamiliar ('ToM' condition) others. Spatiotemporal Partial Least Squares was used to identify the spatial and temporal characteristics of neural activation patterns associated with AM, pToM, and ToM. We found that the brain regions supporting pToM more closely resembled those supporting AM relative to ToM involving unfamiliar others, with the greatest degree of overlap within midline regions. A complementary finding was the observation of striking differences between pToM and ToM such that midline regions associated with AM predominated during pToM, whereas more lateral regions associated with social semantic memory predominated during ToM. Overall, this study demonstrates that ToM involves a dynamic interplay between AM and social semantic memory that is biased towards AM when a personally familiar other is the subject of the mental state inference.  相似文献   

Statistical parametric mapping (SPM) is currently the most widely used method for analysis of functional activation images. This paper reports a quantitative evaluation of the sensitivity and accuracy of SPM, using a realistic simulator of PET image formation, which accounted for the main physical processes involved in PET, including attenuation, scatter, randoms, Poisson noise, and limited detector resolution. Activation foci of the brain were simulated by placing spheres of specified activities in particular locations. Using these data, the sensitivity and accuracy of SPM in detecting activation foci was measured for different versions of the SPM spatial normalization method and for an elastic warping method referred to as STAR (spatial transformation algorithm for registration). The STAR method resulted in relatively better registration and hence better detection of the activation foci. A secondary goal of the paper was to evaluate the improvement in detection sensitivity obtained by applying an atlas-based adaptive smoothing method instead of the usual Gaussian filtering method. The results indicate some limitations of statistical parametric mapping, assist in the correct interpretation of the SPM maps, and point to future research directions in functional image analysis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Achieving ego-integrity involves fully accepting oneself and is important in quality of later life, but the concept of ego-integrity in old adults has not yet been well articulated in nursing practice. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to elucidate the concept of ego-integrity in late adulthood in terms of the range of meanings this concept embraces within contemporary Korean society. DESIGN: Q-methodology was applied, which represents a method for measuring subjectivity. SETTINGS: The study was performed in a community setting in the Republic of Korea. PARTICIPANTS: The participants were 26 old adults, aged 65-70 years, living in the community in Korea. Two inclusion criteria were applied: (1) the participants had to be literate and competent to ensure that they were able to sort the cards stating the Q-samples in a forced distributive manner, and (2) the participants were regarded by researchers as having achieved ego-integrity in late adulthood as described in the literature. METHODS: Data obtained from June 2004 to December 2004 from a sample of 26 older adults were analyzed by PCQ software (a factor analysis program for the Q-technique) to delineate the factors of ego-integrity in late adulthood. RESULTS: A four-factor solutions for the study subjects indicates that there were differences in the frames of reference in achieving ego-integrity in late adulthood. The frames of reference of the four factors were: (1) a satisfactory connection between the generations, (2) enjoying a peaceful life, (3) peace through acceptance, and (4) achieving a praiseworthy life in spite of adversity. CONCLUSION: The projected property of ego-integrity in late adulthood is closely related to cultural and psycho-social environmental influences throughout the life span. Culturally sensitive life-reviews methods need to be developed to intervene in the specific ways that individual older adults achieve their own ego-integrity throughout their life experiences.  相似文献   

The first cardiac pacemaker implants occurred in the late 1950s and involved insertion of epicardial or epimyocardial leads and abdominal pulse generators. By the mid 1960s, cardiologists were making attempts to insert transvenous leads into the right ventricle. These early unipolar leads had large, polished, high polarization electrodes, no fixation device, and no lumen in which to place a stylet for lead positioning. The lead implantation procedures were usually long and the irradiation to both patient and operator excessive. Pulse generators were powered by zinc-mercury cells, which were large, unreliable, and prone to sudden output failure. Postoperative complications such as lead dislodgement, exit block, and premature power source failure were very common with most patients requiring further surgery within a year. Little has been written of this period and in particular the experiences of the operators, such that today's pacemaker implanters have virtually no knowledge of this bygone era. This historical report by four Australian cardiologists details the operative procedures and follow-up management of those original pacemaker recipients.  相似文献   

In the face of demographic aging, shelter institutions have an outstanding role as an alternative of social support in the attention for the health of the elderly. This study was aimed at describing the health condition of the elderly within the wide picture of old folks homes and identifying how the elderly perceive their own health. It is a qualitative study for which data was collected through participative observation and half-structured interviews with 17 elderly living in an old folks home in Rio de Janeiro. The results showed that the elderly see their health as satisfactory because there is no pain, no physical discomfort and they have a feeling of security provided by the fact that they live in the institution. On the other hand, concerns related to aches and suffering deriving from natural losses, distance from the family and feelings of solitude and abandonment were conditions associated to the occurrence of diseases. It was concluded that the social fact of living in an old folks home is characterized mainly as an abandonment, which has a direct impact on the health conditions of this population.  相似文献   

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