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目的 :为内耳疾病的定位诊断和显微手术提供正常人内耳的MRI图像及解剖学数据。方法 :选择 33例无任何耳部疾病的正常志愿者 ,采用MRI技术对两侧内耳同时进行三维重建成像 ,观察其形态结构 ,3个半规管和内听道进行测量。结果 :(1) 33例均能满意显示两侧内耳的解剖结构 ,前庭、耳蜗、半规管、内听道显示清晰。 (2 ) 3个半规管内周长、外周长、管腔面积均以后半规管最长 ,上半规管次之 ,外半规管最短。 (3) 3个半规管脚间距以上半规管最大 ,外半规管次之 ,后半规管最小。 (4 ) 3个半规管壶腹端直径均大于 2mm ,外半规管单脚端直径为 (1.37±0 .34)mm ,上、后半规管总脚端直径为 (1.73± 0 .15 )mm。 (5 )内听道四壁中以前壁最长 ,后壁最短。内耳门处上下径小于前后径 ;内听道面积为 35 .4 5mm2 。结论 :利用MRI技术能立体而直观地显示内耳的细微结构。  相似文献   

国人内耳骨半规管的形态学观测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 为人类学及临床应用提供解剖学资料。方法 采用内耳铸型法制作内耳骨迷路标本 30例 (6 0侧 ) ,对骨半规管的跨度、高度、内径、弧长、各骨半规管间的顶点间距及总骨脚的长度进行观测 ,所得数据用SAS 6 12软件进行分析。结果  6 0侧内耳硅胶铸型标本骨半规管显示为半环形小管。前骨半规管的跨度为 (4 91± 0 70 )mm ,高度为 (5 4 94 - 0 5 7)mm ,内径为 (1 784 - 0 2 3)mm ,弧长为 (18 344 - 1 95 )mm ;后骨半规管的跨度为 (2 784 - 0 5 2 )mm ,高度为 (6 184 - 0 6 3)mm ,内径为 (1 86 4 - 0 2 8)mm ,弧长为 (2 0 18 ± 1 93)mm ;外骨半规管的跨度为 (4 30 4 - 0 4 5 )mm ,高度为 (4 0 6± 0 5 2 )mm ,内径为 (2 0 94 - 0 2 4 )mm ,弧长为 (11 80± 1 5 2 )mm ;总骨脚的长度为 (4 984 - 0 4 9)mm。各骨半规管的顶点间距分别是前 -外骨半规管为 (8 0 6 4 - 0 77)mm ,前-后骨半规管为 (9 95 4 - 0 96 )mm ,外 -后骨半规管为 (5 4 6 4 - 0 75 )mm。左右两侧差异无显著性。结论  3个骨半规管的大小、形态各异  相似文献   

内耳骨迷路的磨制与雕刻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内耳骨迷路埋藏在颞骨岩部内 ,其形态不规则 ,方位不规范 ,示教较为困难。我们用干骨磨制和湿骨雕刻的方法 ,制作了一些内耳骨迷路的标本。由于标本真实 ,立体感强 ,用于课堂教学后 ,效果好。现将内耳骨迷路的干骨磨制和湿骨雕刻的方法步骤介绍如下。1 干骨内耳骨迷路的磨制1.1 材料 选用骨质较好的完整颞骨、用双氧水漂白 ,以增加标本的美观感。1.2 器械 牙科钻、各型号钻头。1.3 磨制方法 磨制时 ,参照内耳模型 ,按骨半规管、前庭和耳蜗的顺序进行。1.3.1 前骨半规管的磨制 先将颞骨岩部弓状隆起表面的骨质磨掉 ,一次不要去的太…  相似文献   

目的 :为临床上保留迷路在内镜下行桥脑小脑三角区病变手术提供解剖学资料。方法 :在 2 0例 40侧成人尸头上模拟颞骨径路保留迷路内镜手术 ,测量乙状窦内侧至总骨脚、岩上窦下缘至外半规管在岩部后骨板延长线之间距离 ,对可操作范围进行评估 ,对内镜的导入角度进行研究。并就如何避免损伤半规管、颈静脉球、面神经、乙状窦、岩上窦等结构提出看法。结果 :岩上窦下缘至内淋巴囊上缘距离为(9 .5 3± 2 .64 )mm ,乙状窦内侧至总骨脚距离为 (13 .89± 2 .3 4)mm ,至内淋巴管距离为 (10 .62± 2 .0 9)mm ;由该三条线构成的上底为 13 .89mm ,下底为 10 .62mm ,高为 9.5 3mm的梯形为内镜操作范围。乙状窦距颞骨表面距离 (以乙状窦上膝为标准 )为 (5 .2 7± 1.60 )mm ,乙状窦宽度为 (11.97± 2 .10 )mm ,上下膝长度为 (2 4.78± 4.2 1)mm ,乙状窦与外耳道后壁距离为 (13 .5 9± 3 .0 3 )mm ,岩骨后骨板至后半规管后缘、总骨脚后缘距离分别为 (4 .0 7± 1.2 6)mm和 (5 .5 8± 1.49)mm ,内镜的导入角度应力争与岩部上嵴平行 ,这样的角度最便于观察和操作 ,且不易损伤内部重要结构。我们测得的岩部上嵴与矢状线之间角度为 (63 .87± 9.3 1)°。结论 :保留迷路所得到的操作范围完全可以满足在内镜下行脑桥小脑三角区  相似文献   

颞骨内面神经垂直段的显微解剖及其临床意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究颞骨内面神经垂直段及其毗邻结构的显微解剖,为临床应用提供解剖学资料。方法:通过模拟临床经乳突入路的方法,分层解剖20个成人湿性头颅标本(40侧颞骨),显露并观测颞骨内面神经垂直段及其毗邻结构。结果:面神经垂直段的长度为(17.39±1.78)mm、直径为(2.13±0.13)mm,面神经垂直段与水平段的夹角(向前)为(115.5±6.89)°,面神经垂直段近端至外半规管隆突距离为(2.86±0.31)mm,鼓索神经自面神经发出点至茎乳孔距离为(5.99±0.74)mm,面神经垂直段与鼓索神经的夹角(向上)为(38.6±1.99)°,锥隆起尖到面神经垂直段垂直距离为(2.05±0.65)mm,后半规管至面神经垂直段最短距离为(2.89±0.36)mm。有5%(2/40侧)的面神经垂直段的近端位于外半规管隆突外侧。结论:外半规管、鼓索神经、茎乳孔、锥隆起、后半规管是手术中确定面神经垂直段的重要标志。熟悉颞骨内面神经垂直段与其周围结构的毗邻关系,有利于面神经垂直段相关手术的顺利进行。  相似文献   

经幕上、下联合进路岩斜区的显微外科解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :为岩斜区病变手术治疗提供解剖学基础。方法 :显微镜下在 30侧经 10 %福尔马林固定成人尸头标本上 ,对岩斜区进行解剖学观测并模拟幕上、下联合进路手术。结果 :(1)前半规管拱峰离岩骨表面 (弓状隆起 )较浅 ,平均深 2 .19mm。后半规管最靠近乙状窦 ,乙状窦前缘到后半规管最后点平均 9.4 9mm ;(2 )弓状隆起至岩尖 ,后半规管最后点至耳蜗、内耳门后缘以及乙状窦前缘至内耳门后缘的距离 (mm)分别为 34.0 9± 4 .87,14 .2 9± 1.76 ,15 .13± 1.97,2 1.89± 2 .37。结论 :临床上应用经幕上、下联合进路能较好地暴露岩斜区的解剖结构 ,可取得岩斜区病变手术治疗的满意效果。  相似文献   

目的:为临床乙状窦前入路迷路后区域手术操作提供解剖学资料。方法:经10%甲醛溶液固定成人尸头标本15具共30侧。在外耳道后上棘、乳突上嵴、乳突尖之间磨除骨质,暴露乙状窦、岩上窦、岩上窦-乙状窦交点、颅中窝硬膜、乙状窦前方的颅后窝硬膜。磨出后骨半规管、外骨半规管、上骨半规管及面神经垂直段、颈静脉球。测量相关数据。结果:乙状窦前入路迷路后区域的骨质可分为三层:表面骨皮质,乳突蜂房骨质,覆盖深部结构的坚硬骨质。外耳道后上棘至后骨半规管的最近距离为(17.88±1.27)mm;面神经垂直段在外半规管下方、后半规管的前方走向二腹肌嵴前缘的内侧,其长度为(7.58~14.02)mm;外耳道后上棘.乙状窦最短距离为(13.84±2.74)mm。结论:此区域骨质分层明显的解剖学特点及测量的数据可以指导手术操作,避免损伤重要结构,为乙状窦前入路迷路后锁孔入路提供了重要的解剖学资料。  相似文献   

目的:应用64层MSCT观测成人内听道底及其相关的解剖结构,为临床应用提供影像解剖学依据。方法筛选2011年4—12月广东省人民医院采用64层MSCT扫描的乳突气化良好、无中耳或内耳病变且无眩晕等平衡功能障碍症状的40例共80耳成人CT资料进行回顾性分析。在MSCT图像上观测:横嵴,横嵴至前庭内侧骨壁的距离( D1),面神经管迷路段、上前庭神经管、下前庭神经管和后壶腹神经管(单管)各管的长度、宽径,以及后壶腹神经管的内听道开口(单孔)至前庭内侧骨壁的距离(D2)。结果80耳的横嵴、面神经管迷路段、上前庭神经管、下前庭神经管和后壶腹神经管、单孔在横断位、冠状位及矢状位均能显示。其中横嵴局部解剖位置清晰、稳定,位于内听道底的中部,内侧缘自前内向后外走行,D1为(1.56±0.55)mm(0.55~2.67 mm)。面神经管迷路段长度(2.60±0.34)mm(1.54~3.27 mm),宽径(0.91±0.23)mm(0.50~1.58 mm);上前庭神经管长度(3.39±0.52) mm(2.50~5.06 mm),宽径(1.03±0.19)mm(0.74~1.62 mm);下前庭神经管长度(1.35±0.27) mm(0.74~2.17 mm),宽径(1.34±0.25)mm(0.85~2.34 mm);后壶腹神经管长度(3.88±0.84) mm (2.58~6.00 mm),宽径(0.63± 0.12) mm (0.42~0.98 mm)。 D2为(2.50±0.72)mm(1.37~5.01 mm)。结论64层螺旋CT能较好地显示位于内听道底的横嵴以及面神经管迷路段、前庭上神经、前庭下神经、后壶腹神经各骨管和单孔的走行及形态特征,为内耳疾病的诊断、鉴别诊断及术前评估提供有参考价值的信息。  相似文献   

目的 :了解儿童颞骨岩部的解剖特点 ,以利于儿童岩部的手术。方法 :对 8例 5~ 7岁的儿童头颅颞骨进行了骨性标志、面神经的走行、半规管的相对位置的观察 ,同时对 6例成人头颅进行了比较性的观察 ,测量了有关数据。结果 :儿童颞骨气房发育较成人差 ;65 %儿童后半规管下脚平面神经垂直段的中点 ,水平半规管更向下倾斜 ;岩部的上下径、面神经垂直段较成人短 [(3 6.3± 2 .6) <(4 5 .1± 3 .2 ) ]mm、[(9.3± 1.2 ) <(13 .9± 2 .3 ) ]。结论 :儿童颞骨结构与成人有较大区别 ,乳突部气房形成与否对半规管的位置影响较大 ;儿童经岩部手术应考虑到这些区别。  相似文献   

颞骨手术相关的面神经临床解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨颞骨手术中面神经的解剖学特点及手术中的定位方法。方法 (1)在15例尸头标本上(30侧)模拟完壁式乳突根治术,面神经隐窝入路,面神经减压手术,迷路下入路,颅中窝入路内耳道等手术,观察面神经形态及其与周围结构的关系;(2)30例干颞骨标本采用断面方法观察面神经管与周围主要结构之间的关系。结果 (1)面神经垂直段中点距离乙状窦前壁(6.42±2.65)mm,距离颈静脉球外侧壁(3.58±1.33)mm。(2)面神经隐窝外侧气房明显存在者86.67%(26例),不明显者13.33%(4侧),面神经隐窝外侧气房可以定位面神经与面神经隐窝。(3)在外半规管中后1/3交点下方(1.70±0.33)mm可定位面神经锥段,向下与二腹肌嵴前端连线是面神经垂直段位置。(4)膝神经节位于匙突前(2.48±0.23)mm。(5)弓状隆起外侧端前方是内耳道底位置,岩浅大神经方便定位面神经迷路段。结论利用面神经与周围结构的关系,根据面神经走行特点及面神经管周围颜色、骨质改变在颞骨部位手术中能够快速准确的定位面神经,同时也可以将面神经作为其它手术的重要标志。  相似文献   

The bony labyrinth provides a proxy for the morphology of the inner ear, a primary cognitive organ involved in hearing, body perception in space, and balance in vertebrates. Bony labyrinth shape variations often are attributed to phylogenetic and ecological factors. Here we use three‐dimensional (3D) geometric morphometrics to examine the phylogenetic and ecological patterns of variation in the bony labyrinth morphology of the most species‐rich and ecologically diversified traditionally recognized superfamily of Carnivora, the Musteloidea (e.g. weasels, otters, badgers, red panda, skunks, raccoons, coatis). We scanned the basicrania of specimens belonging to 31 species using high‐resolution X‐ray computed micro‐tomography (μCT) to virtually reconstruct 3D models of the bony labyrinths. Labyrinth morphology is captured by a set of six fixed landmarks on the vestibular and cochlear systems, and 120 sliding semilandmarks, slid at the center of the semicircular canals and the cochlea. We found that the morphology of this sensory structure is not significantly influenced by bony labyrinth size, in comparisons across all musteloids or in any of the individual traditionally recognized families (Mephitidae, Procyonidae, Mustelidae). PCA (principal components analysis) of shape data revealed that bony labyrinth morphology is clearly distinguishable between musteloid families, and permutation tests of the Kmult statistic confirmed that the bony labyrinth shows a phylogenetic signal in musteloids and in most mustelids. Both the vestibular and cochlear regions display morphological differences among the musteloids sampled, associated with the size and curvature of the semicircular canals, angles between canals, presence or absence of a secondary common crus, degree of lateral compression of the vestibule, orientation of the cochlea relative to the semicircular canals, proportions of the cochlea, and degree of curvature of its turns. We detected a significant ecological signal in the bony labyrinth shape of musteloids, differentiating semi‐aquatic taxa from non‐aquatic ones (the taxa assigned to terrestrial, arboreal, semi‐arboreal, and semi‐fossorial categories), and a significant signal for mustelids, differentiating the bony labyrinths of terrestrial, semi‐arboreal, arboreal, semi‐fossorial and semi‐aquatic species from each other. Otters and minks are distinguished from non‐aquatic musteloids by an oval rather than circular anterior canal, sinuous rather than straight lateral canal, and acute rather than straight angle between the posterior and lateral semicircular canals – each of these morphological characters has been related previously to animal sensitivity for detecting head motion in space.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that the three semicircular canals are set at right angles to each other and the lateral semicircular canal is smaller than the anterior and posterior semicircular canals. Precise knowledge of the size and spatial relationships of the semicircular canals is vital, and so the 40 petrous parts of the temporal bones were scanned by micro‐CT at a slice thickness of 35 µm. The micro‐CT images were used in reconstructing three‐dimensional models of the bony labyrinth using computer software. Various dimensions of the semicircular canals were measured using the software, and statistical analysis was performed. The anterior semicircular canal was slightly wider than the posterior semicircular canal, and their heights were similar. The radius of curvature of the lateral semicircular canal was 20% smaller than those of the anterior and posterior semicircular canals. The angles between the three canals were not exactly 90 degrees: they were 92.1, 84.4, and 86.2 degrees between the anterior and posterior, anterior and lateral, and posterior and lateral semicircular canals, respectively. We obtained high‐resolution images of the semicircular canals using three‐dimensional reconstruction software, and these were used to precisely measure the angles between the semicircular canals and the area of the distorted circle formed by each semicircular canal. Anat Rec, 296:834–839, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

《Journal of anatomy》2017,231(6):990-1018
The bony labyrinth of vertebrates houses the semicircular canals. These sense rotational accelerations of the head and play an essential role in gaze stabilisation during locomotion. The sizes and shapes of the semicircular canals have hypothesised relationships to agility and locomotory modes in many groups, including birds, and a burgeoning palaeontological literature seeks to make ecological interpretations from the morphology of the labyrinth in extinct species. Rigorous tests of form–function relationships for the vestibular system are required to support these interpretations. We test the hypothesis that the lengths, streamlines and angles between the semicircular canals are related to body size, wing kinematics and flying style in birds. To do this, we applied geometric morphometrics and multivariate phylogenetic comparative methods to a dataset of 64 three‐dimensional reconstructions of the endosseous labyrinth obtained using micro‐computed tomography scanning of bird crania. A strong relationship between centroid size of the semicircular canals and body size indicates that larger birds have longer semicircular canals compared with their evolutionary relatives. Wing kinematics related to manoeuvrability (and quantified using the brachial index) explain a small additional portion of the variance in labyrinth size. We also find strong evidence for allometric shape change in the semicircular canals of birds, indicating that major aspects of the shape of the avian labyrinth are determined by spatial constraints. The avian braincase accommodates a large brain, a large eye and large semicircular canals compared with other tetrapods. Negative allometry of these structures means that the restriction of space within the braincase is intense in small birds. This may explain our observation that the angles between planes of the semicircular canals of birds deviate more strongly from orthogonality than those of mammals, and especially from agile, gliding and flying mammals. Furthermore, we find little support for relationships between labyrinth shape and flying style or wing kinematics. Overall, our results suggest that the topological problem of fitting long semicircular canals into a spatially constrained braincase is more important in determining the shape of the avian labyrinth than the specifics of locomotory style or agility. Our results tentatively indicate a link between visual acuity and proportional size of the labyrinth among birds. This suggests that the large labyrinths of birds compared with other tetrapods may result from their generally high visual acuities, and not directly from their ability to fly. The endosseous labyrinths of extinct birds and their close dinosaurian relatives may allow broad inferences about flight or vision, but so far provide few specific insights into detailed aspects of locomotion.  相似文献   

Ontogeny, or the development of an individual from conception to death, is a major source of variation in vertebrate morphology. All anatomical systems are affected by ontogeny, and knowledge of the ontogenetic history of these systems is important to understand when formulating biological interpretations of evolutionary history and physiology. The present study is focused on how variation affects the bony labyrinth across a growth series of an extant mammal after ossification of the inner ear chambers. Digital endocasts of the bony labyrinth were constructed using CT data across an ontogenetic sequence of Monodelphis domestica, an important experimental animal. Various aspects of the labyrinth were measured, including angles between the semicircular canals, number of turns of the cochlea, volumes of inner ear constituents, as well as linear dimensions of semicircular canals. There is a strong correlation between skull length and age, but from 27 days after birth onward, there is no correlation with age among most of the inner ear measurements. Exceptions are the height of the arc of the lateral semicircular canal, the angular deviation of the lateral canal from planarity, the length of the slender portion of the posterior semicircular canal, and the length of the canaliculus cochleae. Adult dimensions of several of the inner ear structures, such as the arcs of the semicircular canals, are achieved before the inner ear is functional, and the non‐ontogenetic variation in the bony labyrinth serves as an important source for behavioral, physiological, and possibly phylogenetic information. Anat Rec, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的探讨低剂量CT在婴幼儿内、中耳容积再现(VR)重建中应用价值。方法 60例被怀疑耳部疾病患儿,其中男性36例,女性24例,年龄15天~3岁。分为常规剂量组和低剂量组,各随机选择30例CT诊断解剖结构正常、临床检查未见异常的健侧耳为研究对象。常规剂量组男性17例,女性13例,平均年龄为1岁8个月;低剂量组男性19例,女性11例,平均年龄为1岁5个月。用75mAs(常规剂量组)和15mAs(低剂量组)的剂量分别扫描婴幼儿颞骨,行VR重建,比较不同剂量对骨迷路和听骨链三维结构再现能力的影响。结果 60例中除镫骨板、镫骨脚和半规管外,其余结构均100%完整再现。常规剂量组中,镫骨脚、镫骨板的完整再现率分别为63.3%(19/30)、26.7%(8/30),完整再现率最低的半规管为上半规管73.3%(22/30);低剂量组中,镫骨脚、镫骨板的完整再现率分别为60.0%(18/30)和26.7%(8/30),完整再现率最低的半规管为外半规管70.0%(21/30)。两组图像上述部位完整再现率比较差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论 15mAs为目前颞骨CT扫描的最低剂量值,能获得理想的婴幼儿骨迷路和听骨链三维图像,可应用于临床。  相似文献   

目的:为乙状窦前入路中安全磨出半规管提供解剖学资料。方法:经10%福尔马林溶液固定的成人尸头标本15个共30侧。磨除Trautman三角的骨质,暴露乙状窦、岩上窦、岩上窦-乙状窦交点、上骨半规管及面神经垂直段、颈静脉球,测量后骨半规管与毗邻结构的距离。结果:后骨半规管与硬化型的乳突对后骨半规管的安全磨出影响较大。鼓室窦存在率100%。后骨半规管的定位:骨质的改变;乙状窦前含乳突小房的松质骨中出现致密的象牙骨质提示接近后骨半规管;颅后窝硬膜皱褶自乙状窦向深层汇集点,提示接近后骨半规管;鼓室窦暴露后,通过外骨半规管定位后骨半规管。结论:鼓室窦可以定位外骨半规管,继而定位后骨半规管;明确毗邻的结构关系可以为安全磨出后骨半规管提供保证。  相似文献   

《Journal of anatomy》2017,231(1):95-109
The labyrinth has two functional parts: the cochlea for audition and the vestibular system for equilibrioception. In the latter, the semicircular ducts and the otolithic organs are sensitive to rotational and linear accelerations of the head, respectively. The labyrinthine morphology influences perception accuracy, hence the adaptation to a specific locomotor pattern. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between locomotion and semicircular canal morphology using geometric morphometrics, and to explain these links with existing functional models. The influence of factors other than functional constraints on labyrinthine morphology is discussed. The left bony labyrinth of 65 specimens was extracted virtually. Five extant hominoid species with various locomotion modes were sampled. A set of 13 landmarks was placed on the semicircular canals. After a Procrustes fit, their coordinates were analyzed using a principal component analysis. It was found that labyrinthine morphology is significantly distinct between species. More specifically, the differences involve a posterolateral projection of the lateral semicircular canal and the rotation of this canal relative to the vertical canals. This rotation occurs in the sagittal plane, which is consistent with previous studies based on traditional morphometrics. Among extant hominoids, the shape of the canals potentially discriminates species based on posture. This result could be used to reconstruct the locomotor pattern of fossil hominoids.  相似文献   

目的 观测经枕下乙状窦后入路手术路径中,显微镜下磨除内听道后壁所涉及的重要解剖结构及相关解剖学参数,以指导术中安全磨除内听道后壁。方法 模拟枕下乙状窦后入路,对6具(12侧)国人湿性头颅标本显微镜下行磨除内听道后壁,以内听道内口后缘中点(P点)作为参照点,分别测量P点至弓状隐窝、后半规管、共脚、内听道底、前庭导水管外口、颈静脉孔的最短距离,对这些结构拍照记录,所得测量结果行统计学处理。结果 以内听道后壁作为参照平面,测得内听道干与后壁平面所呈夹角为47.3°±17.2°。以P点作为参照点,测得P点至弓状隐窝的最短距离(4.10±0.60)mm,P点至后半规管最短距离(7.39±0.44)mm,P点至共脚的最短距离(8.09±0.47)mm,P点至内听道底距离(9.08±0.59)mm,P点至前庭导水管外口(10.44±0.73)mm,P点至颈静脉孔最短距离(7.35±1.09)mm。结论 枕下乙状窦后入路磨除内听道后壁,其磨除长度不应超过7 mm,可减少半规管及共脚的损伤概率。熟悉磨除内听道后壁过程中容易损伤的结构,可避免损伤半规管、颈静脉球、前庭导水管外口及内淋巴囊等重要解剖结构。  相似文献   

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