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Parkinson's disease(PD) is a chronic degenerativedisease of the nervous system marked by tremor,muscle rigidity, hypokinesis, abnormal posture, andpathologically, selective loss of dopaminergicneurons in the substantia nigra of the midbrain andobvious decrease of dopamine content in the striatum.It is encountered mostly in the middle-aged and oldpersons and is one of main causes inducing their  相似文献   

Cardiac and cerebrovasculur disease is one of themost serious disease threatening human health and lifecurrently. Atherosclerosis is the main pathologicalbasis of ischemic heart disease and cerebrovasculardisease. So prevention of atherosclerosis is alsoprimary strategy for heart and cerebrovasculurdiseases. The etiology of atherosclerosis is blood stasisand phlegm retention in traditional Chinese medicine.However,blood stasis and stagnation of phlegm haveequivalent position in clinical treat…  相似文献   

Coronary artery disease is the most common cardiovascular disease and constitutes the major cause of death in China. The interventional treatment of coronary artery disease has developed rapidly during the last decade, with the number of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) procedures being around 147 300 in the year of 2007. The number is expected to be elevated greatly in the coming years because of great improvement in national health care system and interventional expertise This article reviews the current status of coronary intervention in China.  相似文献   

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a significant interactive disease in patients with diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease with major morbidity consequences and high costs to the healthcare system. The prevalence of end stage renal disease (ESRD), a f'mal outcome of CKD, has increased progressively in the past decades in both developing and developed countries. It is now appreciated that the majority of patients with CKD have a chronic decline of renal function over years before renal replacement therapy is required. This non-specific process continues even when the initial insult is no longer present and has been called progression of CKD.  相似文献   

Plasma lipids are controlled by genes and play an important role in the development of atherosclerosis. Dysplipidemia is an important risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD). Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the developed world. More than 14 million Americans are afflicted with clinicallysignificant CAD. To illustrate the impact of CAD in developed countries,  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONR enal interstitial fibrosis is a common pathway ofchronic renal disease and is characterized by in creased numbers of fibroblasts resulting from the prolifer ation of fibroblasts, transformation of tubular epithelialcells into fibroblasts and insufficient rate of apoptosis offibroblasts[1,2]. Apoptosis is one of the important mech anisms of cell clearance under pathophysiological condi tions and a failure in the clearance of renal fibroblastsmay result in fibrob…  相似文献   

Essentials for Acupuncture Treatment of Periarthritis of Shoulder   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Periarthritis of shoulder, also called "congealed shoulder" in TCM, is a disease characterized by progressive pain and movement restriction in the peripheral tissues of the unilateral shoulder joint. Acupuncture can give very good therapeutic effects for this disease. If attention is paid to the following aspects, the therapeutic effect of acupuncture treatment will be much better.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer is one of the most frequent cancers in the world. Hepatic metastasis is the most common site metastatic disease and dominant cause of death in colorectal cancer patients. In the large majority of cases, cell dysfunction in CRC results from multiple rather than single, gene interactions, so to be able to predict occurrence of disease and treatment outcome, more studies on comparative proteomics are needed both in sporadic and in hereditary colorectal cancer. This article is about the proteomic study on hepatic metastasis of colorectal cancer which helps to identify the specific proteins that play important roles in hepatic metastasis. The study of protein molecules with their expressions correlated to the metastatic process would help to understand the metastatic mechanisms and thus facilitate the development of strategies for the therapeutic interventions and clinical management of cancer.  相似文献   

Carcinoma of the salivary gland is an uncommon disease, accounting for less than 1% of all head and neck malignant neoplasm.1 Lymphoepthelioma is a malignant tumor of epithelial origin showing varying amounts of reactive lymphocytic infiltrate. Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma (LELC) constitutes a significant proportion of salivary gland carcinoma in Chinese and Eskimo populations and is related to Epstein-Barr virus infection. Carcinoma of the salivary gland has a propensity for early lymphatic metastasis, and thus a swelling of cervical lymph nodes is occasionally the sole initial symptom. It is very vital to consider a multimodality approach including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy for the treatment in the locally advanced disease.  相似文献   

Celiac disease (CD) has been long considered as a "European disease" that is rarely seen in the North America. Recent data has refuted this notion and suggested that celiac disease in the United States is as common as in Europe. The atypical clinical presentation of celiac disease was one of the major reasons implicated for the under-diagnosis of this disease in American children. In this report, we describe several case presentations of children with celiac disease in order to update primary care physicians on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of this increasingly prevalent disease.  相似文献   

本文报告小脑大面积梗塞10例。确诊主要靠MRI,鉴于本病与高血压脑动脉硬化关系密切,积极治疗对防止本病发生有一定意义。治疗上须避免在急性期用扩管药,如病变压迫脑干或引起阻塞性脑积水经治疗后仍加重者可考虑手术治疗。  相似文献   

子宫内膜异位症的中医研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄文玲  金哲 《医学综述》2009,15(6):921-924
子宫内膜异位症是育龄妇女的多发病、常见病,现代医学治疗手段仅能缓解症状,但复发率高。本文通过分析、总结近年来的文献,从病因病机及辨证论治方面探讨中医治疗子宫内膜异位症现状。目前认为,其病机之根本为血瘀,活血化瘀是治疗原则大法,以内服为主,多途径给药及多种疗法并用,疗效稳定、操作简便,不良反应少,愈后不易复发,具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

近年来,乳腺腺病发病率居乳腺疾病首位,是女性最为常见的乳腺良性病变,其中,乳腺硬化性腺病极易与乳腺癌相混淆,故早期鉴别诊断对患者后续治疗有着积极的临床意义。常规超声是诊断乳腺腺病的基础,随着超声技术的快速发展,超声造影、弹性成像及自动乳腺全容积成像等技术的应用进一步提高了该病的诊断正确率。因此,本文整理了近年来相关文献,对乳腺腺病和乳腺癌的不同类型超声特点及表现情况进行总结分析,以提高鉴别水平,希望对临床上乳腺腺病与乳腺癌的鉴别诊断提供一定的理论参考依据。  相似文献   

Alveolar hydatid disease in man is the intermediate stage in the life cycle of the tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis. This is a rare disease restricted to very few areas of the world. The occurrence of this disease in India is now described for (so far as the authors are aware) the first time. Some unusual features of the disease are highlighted in this patient. The hepatic lesion had infiltrated into the right atrial wall resembling an atrial tumour. The ostium of the inferior vena cava was occluded, causing Budd-Chiari syndrome. The radiological and haemodynamic study of the hepatic outflow tract in this disease are documented.  相似文献   

70例儿童淋病分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘小雁  李海鹰 《北京医学》1996,18(6):347-349
通过对70例儿童淋菌性尿道,阴道炎临床资料分析,提出儿童淋病发病有增加的趋势;传染源多来自家庭;夏秋季发病较多,妇女易感,意在呼呈普及性病知识,减少儿童的性病感染率,搞好儿童性病的治疗与监测。  相似文献   

蜡泪样骨病(Melorheostosis)是一种罕见起病原因不明的骨质硬化性疾病。发病率约为1/100万左右,早期无明显的临床特征,随着病情进展主要表现为受累肢体的慢性疼痛,活动时加重,且年龄越大疼痛越明显,严重者可出现受累肢体的感觉异常、关节挛缩、僵硬、畸形等。该疾病主要有保守治疗和手术治疗两种方式,一般愈后较好。此病发病较低,临床对此病认识不足,漏诊及误诊率较高。本文通过对我科收治的1例患者进行分析并复习相关文献,进一步熟悉蜡泪样骨病的的诊断和治疗方案,以提高对此病的认识。  相似文献   

张为  曾丽 《医学综述》2006,12(8):478-480
多发性硬化是中枢神经系统的脱髓鞘疾病,虽然其确切的发病机制不明,其治疗上还是取得了进展,本文将主要从免疫调节剂、免疫抑制剂、其他治疗等三个方面对该病的治疗进展作一综述。  相似文献   

中药治疗炎症性肠病作用靶点探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
炎症性肠病(inflammatory bowel disease,IBD)是一类病因未明、侵及胃肠道的自身免疫性疾病,包括溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis,UC)和克罗恩病(Crohn’s disease,CD),其发病机制与免疫、遗传、感染等多种因素有关。由于IBD的全身性、难治性及西药治疗的局限性,为了另辟蹊径,近年来中医药治疗IBD的研究越发被重视,并且已经深入到中药治疗IBD的药理作用机制领域,文章就近5年来中药治疗IBD的作用靶点研究做一综述。  相似文献   

特发性间质性肺炎是临床上常见的主要疾病,也是现代医学在治疗方面缺乏有效治疗手段的疾病之一,多年来一直是临床研究的热点、难点之一。近年来,中医界对该病进行了深入的研究,尤其是在辨证论治方面取得了显著的成绩,现将近几年中医药在该病的病名来源、分型辨证论治、分期、分阶段辨证论治等方面的研究做一综述。  相似文献   

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