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Mechanosensory information from exteroceptive hairs on the legs of a locust is first processed in a segmental ganglion by a midline population of spiking local interneurons for use in adjustments of posture and locomotion. Each interneuron receives excitatory inputs from a characteristic array of these receptors so that the surface of a leg is mapped onto the whole population of interneurons as a series of overlapping receptive fields. The properties of this first synaptic connection, and the contributions of individual afferents forming the receptive fields of the interneurons are examined. The gain of the excitatory synaptic connection between the hair afferents and the interneurons is often high, so that a single afferent spike can lead directly to a spike in the interneuron. Repetitive spikes in a hair afferent evoke EPSPs in an interneuron that decline in amplitude but that may summate. The first EPSP in any sequence is always the largest. The high frequencies of afferent spikes that are evoked by a normal deflection of a hair saturate the synaptic connection so that the amplitude of depolarization is no greater than to a single spike. The EPSPs from two hairs in a receptive field can summate but lead to no heterosynaptic facilitation. High-frequency bursts of spikes in one afferent can reduce the postsynaptic effect of another afferent. The amplitude of the EPSPs and the gain of the synaptic connections differ markedly between the hairs that comprise the receptive field of an interneuron. There are gradients of effectiveness, generally according to the axes of the leg, with one group of adjacent hairs producing the largest-amplitude EPSPs and having the highest gains. Individual hairs may contribute to the receptive field of more than one interneuron, and the gain of these connections may differ. The complexity of a receptive field is further accentuated by the specificity of connections made by the different physiological types of hair receptors. High-threshold hairs may make synaptic connections with an interneuron, but adjacent low-threshold hairs may not. This organization of the receptive fields means that the interneurons are sensitive to certain inputs and can reliably pass on a signal from one hair. It also implies that greater weighting is given to inputs from certain regions.  相似文献   

An identified intersegmental interneuron in Locusta and Schistocerca, with its cell body in the fourth abdominal ganglion and an axon which projects to the brain is excited by mechanosensory inputs from receptors on the head and neck. The organization of its receptive field, the types of sensory receptors which contribute to it and the patterns and strengths of the afferent connections were investigated by intracellular recording from the axon of the interneuron close to a spike-initiating site in the prothoracic ganglion. The receptive field of the interneuron consists of a small patch of hairs on the head ipsilateral to the axon, and from hairs on two regions of the prosternum (a cuticular structure on the ventral surface of the prothoracic segment), first an ipsilateral, lateral region and second a medial but contralateral region. Hairs on the pronotum (dorsal neck) also contribute but were not investigated here. Each spike in the afferent from a hair with a filiform appearance and with a pigmented base on the prosternum consistently evokes an EPSP in the interneuron. These have a short and constant latency, indicating that the connection is probably direct. The head hairs also appear to make direct connections with the interneuron in the prothoracic ganglion, so that the spike-initiating site here can integrate signals evoked by wind on the head and on the prosternum. Stiff tactile hairs on the prosternum do not connect with the interneuron. The EPSPs evoked by the long filiform hairs are consistently larger than those produced by the short filiform hairs and a single spike in some of the afferents from the long filiform hairs can evoke a spike in the interneuron. The effectiveness of an afferent is therefore correlated with the length of the filiform hair it innervates. The hairs with the most powerful effects are always the longest and occur in the same position on every locust. The shape of the receptive field and the different strengths of connections are apparent even in early larval instars. The axonal branches of the interneuron are restricted to the same side of the ganglion as the axon itself. Afferents from filiform hairs on the medial region of the prosternum project contralaterally, and those from the lateral region project ipsilaterally. Afferents from some of the head hairs project ipsilaterally directly to the prothoracic ganglion. The terminals of all these afferents overlap with the branches of the interneuron. By contrast, the afferents of tactile hairs which do not connect, project to different regions of neuropile. The connections ensure that the high sensitivity of the filiform hairs is maintained at the first stage in the central processing and suggest a role for this interneuron in supplying information about small changes in air currents that may be of use in controlling steering manoeuvres during flight.  相似文献   

At the distal end of the tibia of a locust hind leg are 2 pairs of movable spurs that can be moved by contact with external objects--as, for example, when the body sways from side to side and loads one leg unevenly or when the foot is placed on rough ground--but not by direct muscular action. Movements imposed on a spur evoke phasic bursts of spikes in the axon of a single receptor cell at its base. If the displacement is maintained, however, the response adapts within a few seconds. The afferents from these spur receptors excite particular spiking local interneurons with cell bodies at the ventral midline of the metathoracic ganglion. Each afferent spike is consistently followed at a constant latency by a depolarizing potential in one of these interneurons. The potential can evoke a spike, and its amplitude is enhanced by a hyperpolarization applied to the interneuron. The central delay to this chemically mediated EPSP, which also includes conduction time to synaptic sites, probably indicates a direct connection. Some spiking local interneurons are excited by the 2 anterior spurs but are unaffected by the 2 posterior ones, while others receive the converse pattern of inputs. The receptive fields of these interneurons also include regions on either the anterior or posterior surfaces of the tibia with excitatory inputs from hair afferents. A reliable inhibitory reflex effect on the single levator tarsi is evoked by movement of any of the 4 spurs. The inhibitory potentials are not caused directly by the sensory afferents but involve the spiking local interneurons upon which the afferents synapse. The receptive field of this motor neuron therefore results from the convergence of inputs from a few interneurons. Motor neurons of other tarsal muscles are unaffected by movement of the spurs, but those of some more proximal muscles may be excited. These reflex effects should enhance the traction of the tarsus with the ground.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which neurons recognize the appropriate postsynaptic cells remain largely unknown. A useful approach to this problem is to use a system with a few identifiable neurons that form highly specific synaptic connections. We studied the development of synapses between two identified cercal sensory afferents and two giant interneurons (GIs) in the embryonic cockroach Periplaneta americana. By 46% of embryonic development, the axons of the filiform hair sensory neurons have entered the terminal ganglionic neuropil and grow alongside the GI primary dendrites, although they do not form synapses. From 50% of development, the GI dendrites grow outward from the center of the neuropil to contact the presynaptic axons and their branches. The sensory neurons begin to spike at 52% of development, and, from 55% of development, these action potentials evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials in the GIs. Synaptic contacts were first seen at this time. The pattern of synaptic connections was highly specific from the outset. GI2 had strong input from the medial (M) afferent and had almost negligible input from the lateral (L) afferent, whereas GI3 had input from both. This specificity was present before bursts of spontaneous activity began in the sensory neurons at 59% of development. GI2 filopodia selectively formed synaptic contacts with the M axon rather than the L axon. The few contacts made by GI2 with the L axon had a normal morphology but fewer presynaptic densities. Filopodial insertions were not involved in selective synapse formation. In this system, highly specific synaptic recognition appears to be activity independent. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to relate the distribution of filiform hairs on the cercus of the second instar cockroach, Periplaneta americana, to the morphology and patterns of synaptic connectivity of their afferents. We studied the most distal 25 of the 39 filiform hairs which are commonly present. Filiform afferent arborizations were stained by cobalt filling from the cell body in the cercus. Three fundamental arbor types were found, two similar to those of the first instar medial (M) and lateral (L) afferents, and a third, novel type. L-type arbors could be divided into four subtypes. The most obvious correlate of arbor type is the circumferential position of the hair on the cercus. The proximodistal position of the sensillum within each cercal segment is also a determinant of its arbor. By comparison of hair positions and afferent morphologies, we were able to ascribe homologies between the second instar hairs and members of adult longitudinal hair columns. The patterns of monosynaptic connections between afferents and giant interneurons (GIs) 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 were determined by recording synaptic potentials in GIs evoked by direct mechanical displacement of individual filiform hairs. Latency from stimulus onset to the rise phase of the first excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) was used as the criterion of monosynapticity. The EPSP amplitudes of the two original L and M afferents are halved in the second instar, in the absence of a significant decrease in GI input resistance. The other afferents can be divided into two basic classes: those which input to GI5 (M-type), and those which input to GI3 and GI6 (L-type). The former is correlated with a central or medial position, while the latter is associated with a group of afferents situated laterally on the cercus. In segments 3 and 4, input to GIs 1 and 2 also correlates with a medial cercal position, however, in the more proximal segments 5 and 6, afferents at all positions input to these interneurons. The occurrence of afferents of identical morphology and similar connectivity in equivalent positions in different segments suggests that each sensory neuron is determined by its two-dimensional position within a segment. The presence of afferents with the same morphology which display proximodistal differences in synaptic connectivity, and of other afferents which have M-type connectivity despite L-type morphology, means that anatomy is generally a poor predictor of synaptic connectivity.  相似文献   

In the present study two types of descending ocellar neurons have been morphologically and physiologically identified in the cockroach Periplaneta americana: a descending ipsilateral ocellar neuron (DIO-neuron) and a descending contralateral ocellar neuron (DCO-neuron). Both DIO- and DCO-neurons possess a cell body near the ocellar tract in the protocerebrum and extend dendritic processes into the ipsilateral ocellar nerve. An axon of the DIO-neuron descends to the metathoracic ganglion, and its entire course is ipsilateral to the cell body. An axon of the DCO-neuron crosses the median plane of the protocerebrum and descends through the contralateral ventral nerve cord to the second abdominal ganglion. Both axons possess masses of branches in each ganglion as well as in the brain. Both DIO- and DCO-neurons showed no spontaneous spike discharges, and responded with a few off-spikes to ocellar illumination. They responded to various mechanical stimuli, like cercal stimulation with a train of spikes which was suppressed by ocellar illumination. Spikes of DCO-neurons caused postsynaptic potentials and spikes in some interganglionic metathoracic interneurons, and spikes in motor nerves. These data are discussed in relation to the ocellar function of the cockroach as well as in comparison with that of other insects.  相似文献   

The connections made by afferents from a proprioceptor at the femorotibial joint in a hind leg of a locust, the femoral chordotonal organ (FCO), were determined by making intracellular recordings from motor neurons and spiking local interneurons in the central nervous system and from afferent cell bodies in the periphery. Staining the central projections of the afferent neurons with dye introduced into their axons at the receptor, and the intracellular injection of dye into motor neurons and interneurons, shows that the branches of all 3 types of neuron overlap in specific regions of neuropile. Afferents excited by a movement of the receptor apodeme that is equivalent to an imposed extension of the femorotibial joint excite flexor tibiae motor neurons and some spiking local interneurons with cell bodies at the ventral midline of the metathoracic ganglion. The opposite movement excites extensor tibiae motor neurons and a different set of spiking local interneurons. Spikes in afferents that excite flexor motor neurons evoke depolarizing potentials that follow each spike with a consistent central latency of approximately 1.5 msec. The amplitude of the depolarizing potentials is dependent upon the membrane potential of the motor neuron. This evidence points to the connection being direct and to the potentials' being EPSPs. Simultaneous recordings from certain spiking local interneurons and certain flexor motor neurons show that they receive many synaptic potentials in common and are driven in a parallel fashion by movements of the receptor apodeme. Spikes of some afferents evoke EPSPs in both neurons with the same consistency and latency. An afferent can therefore synapse directly upon a motor neuron and a spiking local interneuron. Each afferent synapses on several motor neurons and possibly upon several interneurons. In turn, each motor neuron and each interneuron receives inputs from several afferents.  相似文献   

The morphology and organisation of the central projections of tactile hair afferents from the hind leg of the locust, Schistocerca gregaria, were examined by staining individual hair afferents. Each tactile hair on the femur, tibia, and tarsus is innervated by a single sensory afferent, which projects to the ipsilateral half of the metathoracic ganglion. Afferents arborize in the ventralmost and lateral ventral association centres (vVAC and lVAC). The projections are organised somatotopically in a map with three axes, according to the position of the hair on the leg. First, proximo-distal: afferents from hairs on the proximal leg segments project more anteriorly than do those from hairs on distal leg segments. Moreover, on any given segment the afferents from the more proximal hairs project more anteriorly than do the afferents from the distal hairs. Second, antero-posterior: afferents from hairs on the posterior surface of the leg project more medially than do afferents from anterior hairs. Third, dorso-ventral: afferents from hairs on ventral parts of the leg project more ventrally than do afferents from the dorsal hairs. The afferents from posterior and anterior hairs project to an area between the central projections from dorsal hairs and ventral hairs. The position of a projection within the map is dependent upon the location of the hair on the leg and not the peripheral routes taken by the axon of its afferent to reach the ganglion.  相似文献   

The locust prosternum carries a population of long filiform hairs that are very sensitive to air currents. The sensory afferent neurons that innervate the hairs make strong monosynaptic connections with an identified intersegmental interneuron (A4I1) which is known to contact motor neurons that supply muscles controlling wing angle during flight. In order discover how the synapse between the afferents and interneuron A4I1 might be modulated, the afferents were labelled intracellularly by backfilling with horseradish peroxidase to reveal their central terminals which lie in the prothoracic ganglion. A postembedding immunogold method was used to make a quantitative assessment of the prevalence of immunoreactivity for GABA and glutamate in processes presynaptic to the afferent terminals. In one afferent neuron, where 77 synapses were examined, 40 (52%) of the presynaptic processes were immunoreactive for GABA. When adjacent sections through the same terminal branches were labelled with the two antibodies, it was demonstrated that GABA- and glutamate-like immunoreactivity was present in different populations of presynaptic processes. A series of 110 ultrathin sections was cut through one set of afferent terminal branches and alternate grids were stained with GABA and glutamate antibodies. From these sections, the terminals were reconstructed and the position of 35 input and 21 output synapses mapped. Of the 35 input synapses, 18 (51%) were immunoreactive for GABA, 14 (40%) were immunoreactive for glutamate and 3 (9%) were unlabelled by either antibody. On these terminals, the different classes of input synapses appeared to be intermingled at random with the output synapses made by the afferent, and no pattern govering synapse distribution could be discerned. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Several identified interneurons in the cricket cercal afferent system display directional sensitivity to wind stimuli: the spike frequency of these cells depends on the wind direction with respect to the animal's body. Factors determining the directional sensitivity of one of these identified interneurons (interneuron 10-3) were studied in detail. This cell has 3 dendritic branches that arborize in 3 distinct regions of the terminal abdominal ganglion. Using 2 independent methods, it was demonstrated that the dendrites have different receptive fields to wind stimuli. First, small patches of filiform hairs, whose afferents projected to individual dendrites, were isolated and selectively stimulated. In each case the response of the cell matched the receptive field of the afferents in the patch. Second, a laser beam directed through the stereo dissecting microscope was used to photoinactivate small portions of the cell in situ during intracellular recording. By isolating or ablating individual dendrites, the contributions of each of the 3 dendrites to the overall receptive field were assessed. Although the receptive field of the whole cell could be predicted by a summation of the receptive fields of all 3 dendrites, the precise directional sensitivity of the cell could not be predicted by a simple linear summation of the receptive fields of each dendrite. Two factors were found to account for this nonlinearity of summation. The first factor was polysynaptic inhibition from other interneurons within the terminal abdominal ganglion. Wind directions that activate inhibition in interneuron 10-3 were identified, and the specific classes of filiform afferents that activate the inhibitory pathway were determined. The net effect of the inhibition was to "sharpen" the directional sensitivity of 10-3 by selectively decreasing the cell's response to specific excitatory inputs. The second factor that contributed to directional sensitivity was the complex electroanatomy of the interneuron. The probable location of the spike-initiating zone (SIZ) was determined by using the laser photoinactivation technique. The relative efficacies of synaptic inputs onto the 3 different branches were then interpreted with respect to their different electrotonic distances from the SIZ. On the basis of the data obtained in this report, we present a qualitative model for the basis of directional sensitivity in this cell.  相似文献   

Primary afferent neurons innervating muscle spindles in jaw-closing muscles have cell bodies in the trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus (NVmes) that are electrically coupled and receive synapses. Each stem axon gives rise to a peripheral branch and a descending central branch. It was previously shown that some spikes generated by constant muscle stretch fail to enter the soma during fictive mastication. The present study examines whether the central axon is similarly controlled. These axons were functionally identified in anaesthetized and paralysed rabbits, and tonic afferent firing was elicited by muscle stretch. For the purpose of comparison, responses were recorded extracellularly both from the somatic region and from the central axon in the lateral brainstem. Two types of fictive masticatory movement patterns were induced by repetitive stimulation of the masticatory cortex and monitored from the trigeminal motor nucleus. Field potentials generated by spike-triggered averaging of action potentials from the spindle afferents were employed to determine their postsynaptic effects on jaw-closing motoneurons. Tonic firing of 32% NVmes units was inhibited during the jaw-opening phase, but spike frequency during closing was almost equal to the control rate during both types of fictive mastication. A similar inhibition occurred during opening in 83% of the units recorded along the central branch. However, firing frequency in these was significantly increased during closing in 94%, probably because of the addition of antidromic action potentials generated by presynaptic depolarization of terminals of the central branch. These additional spikes do not reach the soma, but do appear to excite motoneurons. The data also show that the duration and/or frequency of firing during the bursts varied from one pattern of fictive mastication to another. We conclude that the central axons of trigeminal muscle spindle afferents are functionally decoupled from their stem axons during the jaw-closing phase of mastication. During this phase, it appears that antidromic impulses in the central axons provide one of the inputs from the masticatory central pattern generator (CPG) to trigeminal motoneurons.  相似文献   

Primary mechanosensory receptors and interneurons in the cricket cercal sensory system are sensitive to the direction and frequency of air current stimuli. Receptors innervating long mechanoreceptor hairs (>1000 microm) are most sensitive to low-frequency air currents (<150 Hz); receptors innervating medium-length hairs (900-500 microm) are most sensitive to higher frequency ranges (150-400 Hz). Previous studies demonstrated that the projection pattern of the synaptic arborizations of long hair receptor afferents form a continuous map of air current direction within the terminal abdominal ganglion (). We demonstrate here that the projection pattern of the medium-length hair afferents also forms a continuous map of stimulus direction. However, the afferents from the long and medium-length hair afferents show very little spatial segregation with respect to their frequency sensitivity. The possible functional significance of this small degree of spatial segregation was investigated, by calculating the relative overlap between the long and medium-length hair afferents with the dendrites of two interneurons that are known to have different frequency sensitivities. Both interneurons were shown to have nearly equal anatomical overlap with long and medium hair afferents. Thus, the differential overlap of these interneurons with the two different classes of afferents was not adequate to explain the observed frequency selectivity of the interneurons. Other mechanisms such as selective connectivity between subsets of afferents and interneurons and/or differences in interneuron biophysical properties must play a role in establishing the frequency selectivities of these interneurons.  相似文献   

The relationships between primary afferent terminals (PATs) and their associated presynaptic terminals in the rat trigeminal sensory nuclear complex (TSNC) were examined with special reference to amino acid transmitters glutamate (Glu) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Primary afferent terminals anterogradely labeled from the trigeminal ganglion with the B subunit of cholera toxin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (CTB-HRP) were sectioned for electron microscopy. Serial sections from the principal nucleus (Vp), dorsomedial parts of the oral and interpolar nuclei (Vdm), and lamina III/IV of caudal nucleus (Vc) were immunostained for Glu and GABA by using a postembedding immunogold technique. The tracer, CTB-HRP to the trigeminal ganglion, preferentially labeled myelinated primary afferents. Sections immunostained with Glu antiserum showed that most labeled PATs were enriched with immunoreactivity (IR) for Glu. The Glu-IR PATs contained clear, round, synaptic vesicles and formed asymmetric synaptic contacts with somata or dendrites. They were frequently postsynaptic to, unlabeled axon terminals filled with a mixture of clear, round, oval, and flattened vesicles (p-endings), with symmetric synaptic junctions. The frequency of synapses onto somata or primary dendrites per Glu-IR PAT was higher in the Vdm than in either the Vp or Vc lamina III/IV. The frequency of contacts of the p-endings per Glu-IR PAT was higher in the Vp than in the Vdm and Vc lamina III/IV. Sections immunostained with GABA antiserum showed that most axon terminals presynaptic to PATs were enriched with GABA in the three nuclei. The GABA-IR axon terminals and their postsynaptic PATs had a similar ultrastructural character to p-endings and their postsynaptic Glu-IR PATs, respectively. The present study suggests that primary afferent neurons with large-caliber fibers use glutamate as a neurotransmitter and are subject to presynaptic modulation by GABAergic fibers.  相似文献   

Ligands of the mu-opiate receptor (MOR) are known to influence many functions that involve vagal afferent input to the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), including cardiopulmonary responses, gastrointestinal activity, and cortical arousal. The current study sought to determine whether a cellular substrate exists for direct modulation of vagal afferents and/or their neuronal targets in the NTS by ligands of the MOR. Anterograde tracing of vagal afferents arising from the nodose ganglion was achieved with biotinylated dextran amine (BDA), and the MOR was detected by using antipeptide MOR antiserum. The medial subdivision of the intermediate NTS was examined by electron microscopy for the presence of peroxidase-labeled, BDA-containing vagal afferents and immunogold MOR labeling. MOR was present in both presynaptic axon terminals and at postsynaptic sites, primarily dendrites. In dendrites, MOR immunogold particles usually were located along extrasynaptic portions of the plasma membrane. Of 173 observed BDA-labeled vagal afferent axon terminals, 33% contained immunogold labeling for MOR within the axon terminal. Many of these BDA-labeled terminals formed asymmetric, excitatory-type synapses with dendrites, some of which contained MOR immunogold labeling. MORs were present in 19% of the dendrites contacted by BDA-labeled terminals but were present rarely in both the vagal afferent and its dendritic target. Together, these results suggest that MOR ligands modulate either the presynaptic release from or the postsynaptic responses to largely separate populations of vagal afferents in the intermediate NTS. These results provide a cellular substrate for direct actions of MOR ligands on primary visceral afferents and their second-order neuronal targets in NTS.  相似文献   

The morphology and physiology of small multimodal ocellar interneurons (SM-neurons) have been examined in the cockroach Periplaneta americana. The SM-neuron is monopolar with its cell body in the tritocerebrum near the esophagus. Its axon ascends to the protocerebrum and extends into the ocellar neuropil through the ocellar tract and the ocellar nerve. The axon sends a long collateral process towards the optic tract. The SM-neuron responded with spike discharges to various sensory stimuli. The collateral and many side branches along the axon in the deutocerebrum appear to be input regions from those sensory afferents. Cercal stimulation triggered most effectively a train of spikes in the SM-neuron: some of seven giant axons in the ventral nerve cord were involved in this pathway. Cercal stimulation also evoked depolarization in the large second order ocellar neurons (L-neurons). A possible neural connection between SM-neurons and L-neurons was examined pharmacologically. Interaction of ocellar illumination and cercal stimulation in the L-neuron was also examined. These data are discussed in relation to the ocellar function of cockroaches and in comparison with data obtained in other insects.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of afferent presynaptic inhibition has been intensively studied in the sensory neurons of the chordotonal organ from the coxobasal joint (CBCO) of the crayfish leg. This has revealed that it has a number of discrete roles in these afferents, mediated by distinct populations of interneurons. Here we examine further the effect of presynaptic inhibition on action potentials in the CBCO afferents and investigate the nature of the synapses that mediate it. In the presence of picrotoxin, the action potential amplitude is increased and its half-width decreased, and a late depolarizing potential following the spike is increased in amplitude. Ultrastructural examination of the afferent terminals reveals that synaptic contacts on terminal branches are particularly abundant in the neuropil close to the main axon. Many of the presynaptic terminals contain small agranular vesicles, are of large diameter, and are immunoreactive for gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). These terminals are sometimes seen to make reciprocal connections with the afferents. Synaptic contacts from processes immunoreactive for glutamate are found on small-diameter afferent terminals. A few of the presynaptic processes contain numerous large granular vesicles and are immunoreactive for neither GABA nor glutamate. The effect that the observed reciprocal synapses might have was investigated by using a multicompartmental model of the afferent terminal.  相似文献   

We have investigated the morphology of the giant interneurons (GIs) and the main sensory projections to these interneurons in the American cockroach. These neurons are thought to mediate the animal's escape behavior. We describe here the dendritic branching pattern of each of the 14 GIs (7 bilateral pairs) in the terminal ganglion, the pattern of projection of the cercal sensory nerve, and the overlap of the cercal projections with the dendrites of the GIs. Visualization of the GIs and cercal nerve projection was accomplished by single cell injection and axonal backfilling with cobalt. Comparisons of the same identified GI in different animals show the position of the soma and the locations and orientations of the major processes are characteristic for each GI. The axons of the cercal nerve project to a well-defined ipsilateral region of the terminal ganglion. After entering the terminal ganglion, the cercal afferents split into lateral and medial tracts. The projections of the lateral cercal tract overlap extensively with the dendritic fields of the GIs. In contrast, the medial tract does not overlap the dendritic fields of the GIs in the posterior portion of the ganglion and shows only a small degree of overlap in the anterior portion. Correlations between physiological properties of the GIs and cercal afferents are discussed in relation to our anatomical findings.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that the trigeminal motor nucleus (Vmo) and supratrigeminal nucleus (Vsup) receive direct projections from muscle spindle (MS) and periodontal ligament (PL) afferents. The aim of the present study is to examine the ultrastructural characteristics of the two kinds of afferent in both nuclei using the intracellular horseradish peroxidase (HRP) injection technique in the cat. Our observations are based on complete or near-complete reconstructions of 288 MS (six fibers) and 69 PL (eight fibers) afferent boutons in Vmo, and of 93 MS (four fibers) and 188 PL (four fibers) afferent boutons in Vsup. All the labeled boutons contained spherical synaptic vesicles and were presynaptic to neuronal elements, and some were postsynaptic to axon terminals containing pleomorphic, synaptic vesicles (P-endings). In Vmo neuropil, MS afferent boutons were distributed widely from soma to distal dendrites, but PL afferent boutons predominated on distal dendrites. Most MS afferent boutons (87%) formed synaptic specialization(s) with one postsynaptic target while some (13%) contacting two or three dendritic profiles; PL afferents had a higher number of boutons (43%) contacting two or more dendritic profiles. A small but significant number of MS afferent boutons (12%) received contacts from P-endings, but PL afferent boutons (36%) received three times as many contacts from P-endings as MS afferents. In Vsup neuropil, most MS (72%) and PL (87%) afferent boutons formed two contacts presynaptic to one dendrite and postsynaptic to one P-ending, and their participation in synaptic triads was much more frequent than in Vmo neuropil. The present study indicates that MS and PL afferent terminals have a distinct characteristic in synaptic arrangements in Vmo and Vsup and provides evidence that the synaptic organization of primary afferents differs between the neuropils containing motoneurons and their interneurons. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Eigenmannia is a weakly electric fish that emits a constant-frequency electric organ discharge (EOD). Probability coder (P unit) and phase coder (T unit) electroreceptive afferents differentially encode changes in EOD amplitude and phase, respectively. physiologically identified T and P units were intracellularly labelled with HRP and their terminals were examined with electron microscopy to determine their postsynaptic targets. This technique reveals that phase and amplitude are relayed to first-order electrosensory neurons by two parallel but not independent pathways. P-type afferents terminate on granular interneurons, basilar pyramidals, and polymorphic cells, electrosensory lateral line lobe targets that monitor amplitude modulations, but P-type afferents do not contact spherical cells. T-type afferents relay phase information to spherical cells and thus form a separate afferent pathway. T unit terminals do not synapse directly on basilar pyramidal cells. Collateral branches from T-type afferents, however, were also found to terminate on granule and polymorphic cells, thereby adding phase information into the amplitude channel. P- and T-type afferents exhibit cellular specificity by forming synaptic junctions with different subsets of post synaptic targets in the deep neuropil. The afferent terminals make either asymmetric chemical or gap junction synapses depending on the identity of the post synaptic target. T units contacting granule cells or polymorphic cells had not been previously described. Two possible roles of adding phase to amplitude information are discussed in terms of electrolocation.  相似文献   

Y Yarom  M E Spira 《Brain research》1983,284(2-3):321-334
The giant interneurons (GIN) of the central nervous system of the cockroach undergo two major physiological changes during the postembryonic development period: (A) a gradual decrease in the safety factor for action potential propagation across the GIN in the metathoracic ganglion (T3); and (B) a marked decrease in the number of afferent pathways innervating the GIN in T3 (Spira and Yarom). Analysis of the morphological structure of the GINs, by intracellular injection of cobalt ions and by cross-sections prepared for light and electron microscope, reveals that despite the extensive growth of the GINs during the postembryonic developmental period, the main structural outline of the fibers is not altered. In adult preparations, however, the GIN diameter narrows 25-26% in ganglion T3, while in early nymphal stages the reduction is only 8-10%. The difference in the extent of narrowing of the fibers in adult and nymphal stages is the major factor that accounts for the development of a low safety factor region for impulse propagation across T3. Analysis of the passive membrane properties of the GIN reveals that the electrotonic length of the GIN segment in T3 is identical in adult and nymphal stages. It is concluded that the functional disappearance of afferents innervating the GINs in T3 is a consequence of decreased transmission efficacy along the afferent pathways.  相似文献   

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