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Summary The breathing pattern and respiratory muscle function were investigated in ten trained and ten untrained adolescents (aged 15–16 years) while undergoing an incremental intensity exercise test on a cycle ergometer up to 80% maximal oxygen consumption ( O2max), maintained to exhaustion. Before and after exercise, maximal inspiratory (P I max) and expiratory (P E max) pressures were measured at residual volume and total lung capacity, respectively. During exercise, the breathing pattern [tidal volume (V T), respiratory frequency (f R), ventilation] and the relative contribution of ribcage and abdomen to V T were assessed using inductance plethysmography. Electromyographic activities of transversus abdominis (EMGtr) and diaphragm (EMGdi) muscles were recorded and analysed during exercise. There was a difference in the change in the pattern of breathing between the trained and the untrained group; f R increased significantly (P < 0.05) at 40% O2maxfor the untrained group. Before exercise there was no difference in the maximal respiratory pressures. Up to 60% and 80% O2max, transversus abdominis and diaphragm muscle activity increased significantly in the trained adolescents. However in this group, no evidence of respiratory muscle fatigue appeared: P I max, P E max and the frequency spectrum of EMGtr and EMGdi were not altered by exercise up to exhaustion. In the untrained group, who had high ventilatory responses, expiratory muscle function was unchanged at the end of the exercise, but signs of inspiratory muscle fatigue appeared in that P I max was significantly decreased after exercise.  相似文献   

Summary To study the cause of the increased blood volume of endurance-trained athletes we assessed the renal blood volume regulating mechanisms in eight untrained (UT) and eight endurance-trained (TR) male subjects during a 4 h head-out immersion. In TR plasma volume remained constant whereas it decreased in UT by 2.4 ml/kg (p<0.025). Immersion diuresis of TR was only half as high as in UT (peak values: 3.22 ml/min in UT, 1.60 ml/min in TR). Free water clearance remained approximately constant in UT but temporarily decreased in TR (p<0.001). This points to poor or even absent inhibition of antidiuretic hormone secretion in the latter group. Osmolar clearance increased less in TR than in UT (p<0.02) which was partly due to a delayed increase of glomerular filtration rate. Plasma osmolality, creatinine, and protein concentrations as well as hematocrit values were reduced during immersion to a similar extent in both groups. The results indicate a reduced renal response of endurance-trained subjects to congestion of the low-pressure system resulting in an increase in blood volume. A preliminary report was presented at the 45th meeting of the German Physiological Society [Pflügers Arch.359 (Suppl.), R 138 (1975)] Supported by the Minister für Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Grant No. 06/0604/685 11  相似文献   

Summary At a given oxygen uptake ( O2) and exercise intensity blood lactate concentrations are lower following endurance training. While decreased production of lactate by trained skeletal muscle is the commonly accepted cause, the contribution from increased lactate removal, comprising both uptake and metabolic disposal, has been less frequently examined. In the present study the role of resting skeletal muscle in the removal of an arterial lactate load (approximately 11 mmol·-l–1) generated during high intensity supine leg exercise (20 min at approximately 83% maximal oxygen uptake) was compared in the untrained (UT) and trained (T) forearms of five male squash players. Forearm blood flow and the venoarterial lactate concentration gradient were measured and a modified form of the Fick equation used to determine the relative contributions to lactate removal of passive uptake and metabolic disposal. Significant lactate uptake and disposal were observed in both forearms without any change in forearm O2. Neither the quantity of lactate taken up [UT, 344.2 (SEM 118.8) mol·100 ml–1; T, 330.3 (SEM 85.3) mol·100 ml–1] nor the quantity disposed of [UT, 284.0 (SEM 123.3) mol·100 ml–1, approximately 83% of lactate uptake; T, 300.8 (SEM 77.7) mol·100 ml–1, approximately 91% of lactate uptake] differed between the two forearms. It is concluded that while significant lactate disposal occurs in resting skeletal muscle during high intensity exercise the lower blood lactate concentrations following endurance training are unlikely to result from an increase in lactate removal by resting trained skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Summary Red cell concentrations of hemoglobin (MCHC), H+, Na+, K+, Mg++, Cl were measured in femoral venous blood of six untrained (UT), six endurance trained (TR) and three semitrained (ST) subjects during graded increasing work (4, 8, 12, 18 and 24 mkp/s, 10–15 min on each step) on a bicycle ergometer. Before exercise no significant differences were detected for the measured variables when comparing UT and TR. During exercise MCHC, [Na+], [K+] and [Mg++] remained constant indicating lack of water shift into the erythrocytes in spite of a marked acidosis (lowest pHBlood value 7.225). This lack resulted from an elevated extracellular osmolality. [H+]Ery and [Cl]Ery maximally increased by 2.0×10–8 eq/kg H2O and 10 meq/l, respectively. The change was markedly greater in UT than in TR at equal load. However, if [H+]Ery and [Cl]Ery were related to pH of whole blood, differences between groups almost disappeared and the ions were distributed as predictable from in vitro experiments (Fitzsimmons and Sendroy, 1961). Behaviour of H+ and Cl may be of importance for oxygen dissociation under in vivo conditions.Supported by Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaften, Köln  相似文献   

Summary The effects of carbohydrate and fat intake on exercise-induced fatigue was investigated in 30 untrained — ( of 40.6±2.7 ml · kg−1 · min−1) and 24 trained-subjects ( of 52.3±2.7 ml · kg−1 · min−1) performing a 34 km march with a 25 kg backpack. Marching time was 8 1/2 h and 6 1/3 h in the untrained and trained-subjects respectively. The subjects were divided into 3 dietary groups. One group had free access to sugar cubes, the second group was offered almonds and the third one served as a control. Triglyceride levels decreased by 65 mg · dl−1 in untrained, and by 115 mg · dl−1 in trained subjects, while blood glucose remained at normal levels. In the untrained subjects, ingestion of almonds delayed the subjective sensation of exhaustion, while 50% of the controls and the sugar consuming subjects complained of exhaustion. The data suggest that ingestion of food containing fat delays exercise induced exhaustion or fatigue to a greater extent than does carbohydrate ingestion.  相似文献   

Summary Oxygen dissociation curves (ODC) in whole blood and organic phosphate concentrations in red cells were determined in 10 highly trained male athletes (TR), 6 semitrained subjects (ST) who played sports regularly at low intensities and 8 untrained people (UT). In all groups standard ODCs (37 C, pH 7.40, Pco243 Torr) at rest and after a short exhaustive exercise were nearly identical, but P o2 values measured immediately after blood sampling and corrected to standard conditions tended to fall to the right of the in vitro ODC. Elevated P50 in the physically active [28.6±1.4 Torr (3.81±0.18 kPa) in ST, 28.0±1.1 Torr (3.73±0.15 kPa) in TR, but 26.5±1.1 Torr (3.53±0.15 kPa) in UT] were partly caused by different [DPG] (11.9±1.3 mol/gHb in UT, 13.3±1.5 mol/gHb in TR, 13.8±2.2 mol/gHb in ST). There were remarkable differences in the shape of the curves between the groups. The slope n in the Hill plot amounted to 2.65±0.12 in UT, 2.74±0.12 in ST and 2.90±0.11 in the TR (2 p against UT<0.001), leading to an elevated oxygen pressure of about 2 Torr (0.27 kPa) at 20% saturation and an augmented oxygen extraction of 5–7 So2 at a Po2 of about 15 Torr (2 kPa), which might be favorable at high workloads.The reason for the phenomenon could be an increased amount of young red cells in the blood of TR, caused by exercise induced hemolysis.A preliminary report was presented at the 49th Meeting of the German Physiological Society [Pflügers Arch. (Suppl.), 373, R 57 (1978)]  相似文献   

Summary Resting pulmonary plasma and blood volumes (PPV and PBV), interventricular circulation time (IVCT), cardiac and stroke index (CI and SI), heart rate (HR), total plasma and blood volumes (PV and BV) were determined in athletes (two male groups representing different types of sport activities, and one female group) and compared with those of non-athletes (one male and one female group).In addition to high maximal aerobic power, the athletes were characterized by greater SI, BV and PV and lower resting HR than non-athletes. PPV and PBV were significantly larger and IVCT significantly longer in the trained than in the untrained groups, probably reflecting an improved capacity of the pulmonary circulation. PPV as per cent of PV was almost equal in all the groups, indicating the same distribution of plasma between the pulmonary and systemic circulation. The data also indicate that total blood volume is an important determinant of the magnitude of the pulmonary vascular bed. The increased volume of flowing blood and increased stroke volume in athletes probably allows for a reduction in flow velocity and thereby a reduction in kinetic energy.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to examine whether or not there were any differences between untrained and trained subjects in the changes of blood flow in the ipsilateral and contralateral lower limbs after isometric exercise. Blood flow of the thigh and calf in both right and left legs were measured simultaneously before and after isometric contraction with mercury-in-silastic strain gauge venous occlusion plethysmography. In the present study, the main pattern of blood flow responses in the active and non-active limbs was strikingly similar in all subjects: a significant fall in blood flow immediately after isometric contraction at a force of about 50% of maximal muscle strength for 15 sec was observed in the non-active lower limbs. Peak blood flow of the exercised thigh in the trained group was significantly higher than that in the untrained ones. From these results, it was suggested that higher blood flow after isometric exercise in the trained subjects may be due to the improvement of degree of vasodilation in the lower limb as a result of physical training.  相似文献   

Advancing age is associated with changes in fat and carbohydrate (CHO) metabolism, which is considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The effects of exercise intensity and duration on fat and CHO metabolism in elderly male subjects were investigated in the present study. Seven trained (63.7 ± 4.7 years) and six untrained (63.5 ± 4.5 years) healthy males performed three 30 min trials on a cycle ergometer at 50, 60 and 70% and two other trials at 60 and 70% in which the total energy expenditure was equal to that for 30 min at 50% Respiratory measures were undertaken throughout the exercise and blood samples taken before and immediately after each trial. Statistical analyses revealed a significant effect of exercise intensity on fat oxidation when the exercise durations were equated as well as when the energy expenditure was held constant for the three trials, though no training effect was noted. Total carbohydrate oxidation increased significantly with exercise intensity (P < 0.05) and with training. Significantly higher levels of non-esterified free fatty acid (NEFA) and glycerol were observed for trained compared with untrained though not for B-hydroxybutyrate (3-OH) or insulin. No differences in NEFA, glycerol, 3-OH were evident for increases in exercise intensity. Carbohydrate and fat oxidation are significantly affected by exercise intensity in elderly males, although only CHO oxidation is influenced by training. Furthermore, training-induced increases in the availability of NEFA and glycerol are not associated with an increase in fat oxidation, rather an increase in CHO oxidation.  相似文献   

Summary Heart-rate and ventilation curves during recovery from heavy exercise in 10 trained and 10 untrained individuals, were found to be composed of a rapid and of a slow component, both exponential in character. The half-time constants of the rapid components of heart-rate and ventilation recovery curves were determined. The trained individuals were found to have lower recovery constants than untrained ones, the difference being statistically significant.  相似文献   

Summary Ventilatory and circulatory drives elicited by exercise-simulating perfusion of the circulatory isolated hindleg were examined in 10 trained (TR) and untrained (UTR) rats. TR were submitted to endurance training on a motordriven treadmill (30·min–1 at a grade of 10%, 5 days a week for 30 min). Exercise was simulated by perfusion with modified tyrode solutions:I.) hypoxic, enriched with lactic acid (15 mmol·l–1), II.) normoxic, enriched with lactic acid. III.) hypoxic without lactic acid. Perfusion was performed in anaesthetized animals through cannulae in the femoral artery and vein; the hindled was connected to the rest of the body only by nerve and bone. 10 min of control perfusion (normoxic tyrode solution) was followed by a 20 min test period and another 10 min control perfusion. Apart from heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR) and several outflow parameters were measured ([K+], [Na+], [lactate], pH, PO2, PCO2). During control periods HR was slightly higher in UTR than in TR (375.5±3.9 (SE) vs. 364.1±5.5 beats/min–1,p<0.6 n.s.), and RR in UTR was significantly higher than those in TR (61.5±0.4 bpm vs. 55.5±3.9 breaths·min–1,p<0.001). During the test periods both HR and RR in UTR increased significantly while in TR they did not (e.g. in series I mean HR and RR in UTR increased by 8.9±1.2 beats·min–1 and 1.4±0.1 breaths·min–1 respectively, whereas in TR the changes were-2.9±1.5 beats·min–1 and -0.8±0.2 breaths·min–1. A significant difference between UTR and TR can only partly be due to diminished venous [H+] caused by better H+ buffering in TR. Particularly in the tests with lactic acid, lactate was far above threshold level. It can be concluded that the metabolic stimulus and the afferent branch of the cardiorespiratory reflex have been attenuated by endurance training.Dedicated to J. Stegemann on the occasion of his 60th anniversary  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the time course of changes in plasma potassium concentration during high intensity exercise and recovery in trained and untrained men. The subjects performed two exercise protocols, an incremental test and a sprint, on a cycle ergometer. A polyethylene catheter was inserted into the antecubital vein to obtain blood samples for the analysis of plasma electrolyte concentrations and acid-base parameters, during and after exercise. During both tests, venous plasma sodium, potassium and chloride concentrations increased in all the subjects, although the largest relative increase was detected in potassium concentration - 35% and 31% over rest in the progressive test and 61% and 37.7% in the sprint test, for cyclists and controls, respectively. After exercise plasma potassium concentration decreased exponentially to below resting values. There was a linear correlation between the amount of potassium accumulated in plasma during exercise and the amount eliminated from plasma when the exercise ceased. We found that, although plasma potassium accumulation occurred in both forms of exercise in the trained and nontrained subjects, the time constant of potassium decrease following exercise was shorter in the trained subjects. Thus, the trained subjects exhibited a better capacity to recover to resting concentrations of plasma potassium. We propose that the extracellular potassium accumulation acts as a negative feedback signal for sarcolemma excitability depending on the muscle metabolic rate.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether sweat sodium concentration ([Na+]sweat) during exercise in the heat differs between aerobically trained and untrained individuals. On three occasions, ten endurance-trained (Tr) and ten untrained (UTr) subjects ( [(V)\dot]\textO2\textpeak \dot{V}{\text{O}}_{{2{\text{peak}}}}  = 4.0 ± 0.8 vs. 3.4 ± 0.7 L min−1, respectively; P < 0.05) cycled in a hot-ventilated environment (36 ± 1°C; 25 ± 2% humidity, airflow 2.5 m s−1) at three workloads (i.e., 40, 60, and 80% [(V)\dot]\textO2\textpeak \dot{V}{\text{O}}_{{2{\text{peak}}}} ). Whole-body (SRWB) and back sweat rates (SRBACK) were measured. At the conclusion of the study, Na+ in sweat and blood samples was analyzed to calculate Na+ secretion and reabsorption rates. SRWB and SRBACK were highly correlated in Tr and UTr (r = 0.74 and 0.79, respectively; P < 0.0001). In both groups, SRBACK increased with the increases in exercise intensity (P < 0.05). Likewise, [Na+]sweat increased with the exercise intensity in both groups (P < 0.05) and it tended to be higher in Tr than in UTr at 60 and 80% [(V)\dot]\textO2\textpeak \dot{V}{\text{O}}_{{2{\text{peak}}}} (~22 mmol L−1 higher; P = 0.06). However, when normalized for SRBACK, [Na+]sweat was not different between groups. In both groups, Na+ secretion and reabsorption rates increased with the increases in SRBACK (P < 0.05). However, Na+ reabsorption rate was lower in the Tr than in the UTr (mean slope = 48 vs. 82 ηmol cm−2 min−1; P = 0.03). In conclusion, using a cross-sectional study design, our data suggest that aerobic fitness level does not reduce sweat Na+ secretion or enhance Na+ reabsorption during prolonged exercise in the heat that induced high sweat rates.  相似文献   

The diurnal variations of serum-erythropoietin concentration ([s-EPO]) were investigated in six physically trained (T) and eight untrained (UT) men. The T subjects had a higher mean maximal oxygen uptake than UT subjects [75.7 (SEM 1.6) ml · min–1 · kg–1 versus 48.3 (SEM 1.4) ml · min–1 · kg–1, P < 0.0001] and a lower mean body mass index [BMI, 21.7 (SEM 0.7) kg · m–2 versus 24.4 (SEM 0.6) kg · m–2, P=0.02]. Each subject was followed individually for 24 h as they performed their normal daily activities. Venous blood samples were collected from awakening (0 min) until the end of the 24-h period (1440 min). Both T and UT had a nadir of [s-EPO] 120 min after awakening [10.0 (SEM 0.3) U · 1–1 versus 11.5 (SEM 2.1) U · 1–1, P > 0.05]. The UT and T increased their [s-EPO] to peak values at 960 min and 960–1200 min, respectively (ANOVA P=0.03) after awakening [UT: 18.4 (SEM 2.8) U · l–1; T: 16.2 (SEM 2.5) U · l–1, P > 0.05]. The mean 24-h [s-EPO] were 14.5 (SEM 1.0) U · l–1 and 14.9 (SEM 0.9) U · l–1 in T and UT, respectively (P > 0.05). The individual mean 24-h [s-EPO] were not correlated to body mass, BMI or maximal oxygen uptaken. Significant diurnal variations in [s-EPO] occurred in these healthy subjects irrespective of their levels of physical activity.  相似文献   

Left ventricular (LV) volume changes were studied by radionuclide cardiography at rest and during graded upright bicycle exercise in seven healthy untrained men aged 21-30 years. The exercise-induced changes in LV volumes were most pronounced during mild exercise: from rest to 25% submaximal exercise stroke volume increased by 26% and LV ejection fraction from 0.60 to 0.69 (both P less than 0.01), whereas further increments of the work load resulted in only small changes of these variables. LV end-diastolic volume increased initially by 10% (P less than 0.05) but returned to baseline values at higher work loads, whilst a rather constant decrease was recorded in LV end-systolic volume during increasing exercise loads. Changes in plasma catecholamine levels were most pronounced at the high work loads, indicating that these hormones are not directly contributing to the LV volume changes.  相似文献   

Summary Six trained male cyclists and six untrained but physically active men participated in this study to test the hypothesis that the use of percentage maximal oxygen consumption (% , as a normalising independent variable is valid despite significant differences in the absolute of trained and untrained subjects. The subjects underwent an exercise test to exhaustion on a cycle ergometer to determine and lactate threshold. The subjects were grouped as trained (T) if their exceeded 60 ml ·kg–1 ·min–1, and untrained (UT) if their was less than 50 ml · kg–1 · min-–1. The subjects were required to exercise on the ergometer for up to 40 min at power outputs that corresponded to approximately 50% and 70% The allocation of each exercise session (50% or 70% was random and each session was separated by at least 5 days. During these tests venous blood was taken 10 min before exercise (–10 min), just prior to the commencement of exercise (–10 min), after 20 min of exercise (20 min), at the end of exercise and 10 min postexercise (+ 10 min) and analysed for concentrations of cortisol, [Na+], [K+], [CI], glucose, free fatty acid, lactate [la-], [NH3], haemoglobin [Hb] and for packed cell volume. The oxygen consumption ( ) and related variables were measured at two time intervals (14–15 and 34–35 min) during the prolonged exercise tests. Rectal temperature was measured throughout both exercise sessions. There was a significant interaction effect between the level of training and exercise time at 50% for heart rate ( c:) and venous [la]. At 70% and ventilation ( ) for the T group and and carbon dioxide production for the UT group increased significantly with time and there was a significant interaction effect forf c, ]Ia–1], [Hb] and [NH3]. The change in body mass at 50% and 70% was significantly greater in the T group. The present study found that when two groups of male subjects with different absolute exercised at a similar percentage of some effector responses were significantly different, questioning the validity of selecting % as a normalising independent variable.  相似文献   

Summary After intravenous injection elimination and some effects of Prednisolone were compared in sportsmen and untrained individuals. The rate of elimination was higher in sportsmen possibly due to adaptive events during muscular training. The higher rate of elimination does not seem to reduce the steroid effects.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that the VO2 kinetic response would be slowed in untrained (UT) but not trained (T) teenage participants whilst cycling at 115 rev min(-1) compared to 50 rev min(-1). Eight UT and seven T boys completed two square-wave transitions to very heavy-intensity exercise pedalling at 50 rev min(-1) and 115 rev min(-1). In UT at the higher pedal rate, the phase II VO2 was significantly (P < 0.01) slower (50 rev min(-1): 32 ± 5 vs. 115 rev min(-1): 42 ± 11 s) and the relative VO2 slow component was significantly (P < 0.01) elevated (50 rev min(-1): 10 ± 3 vs. 115 rev min(-1): 16 ± 5%). The phase II VO2 (50 rev min(-1): 26 ± 4 vs. 115 rev min(-1): 22 ± 6s) and relative VO2 slow component (50 rev min(-1): 14 ± 5 vs. 115 rev min(-1): 17 ± 3%) were unaltered by pedal rate in T (P > 0.05). These data are consistent with the notion that VO2 kinetics are influenced by muscle fibre recruitment in youth but this effect is attenuated in endurance trained teenage boys.  相似文献   

The effect of physical training on muscle sympathetic activity (MSA) was studied by comparing resting levels of MSA in 8 well-trained racing cyclists and in 8 age-matched untrained subjects (mean age 22 yrs). In addition, MSA was determined for 5 untrained subjects before and after an 8-week training program on cycle erogmeters (training group). Recordings were made from the peroneal nerve at the knee with the subject in recumbent position. The well-trained cyclists were characterized by a clearly higher maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and lower heart rate at submaximal exercise (180 W) than their untrained counterparts. These variables were also significantly changed with training in the training group. In contrast, there were no training-related effects on MSA. Thus, MSA expressed as either the number of sympathetic bursts/100 heart beats (+2%, NS) or bursts/min (-10%, NS) did not differ between the well-trained cyclists and the untrained controls. Furthermore, no changes in MSA occurred with training in the training group (bursts/100 heart beats: +8%, NS; bursts/min -2%, NS). Individual variations in MSA were large and independent of training state. It is concluded that differences in physical conditioning do not account for the large inter-individual differences in MSA in resting man.  相似文献   

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