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A study was carried out to determine if changes to the undergraduate orthodontic course at Leeds Dental Institute resulted in increased student satisfaction. The study was based on a questionnaire distributed to dental students comprising statements related to the undergraduate orthodontic course. Questionnaires were distributed in 1993 and 1995 to 2 groups of 4th year undergraduate dental students at the same stage of their course on both occasions. Questions were in the form of 16 statements with which students expressed a level of agreement, ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The numbers of responses at each level of agreement were compared between the 2 groups. Statistical differences were determined using a Mann Whitney-U test. 8 of the 16 statements had more favourable responses in 1995 than in 1993. No statement received a less favourable response in 1995 than in 1993. It is concluded that changes in the undergraduate orthodontic course at Leeds Dental Institute aimed at increased problem-based learning and clinician-led tutorials, have resulted in improved student satisfaction with the teaching.  相似文献   

该研究首先分析了当前口腔七年制正畸学教学的现状,然后总结出一套切实可行又适应七年制学员特点的教学方案.实践证明该教学方案能够提高学员学习兴趣,帮助学员更好的理解正畸理论知识,提高学员分析问题,解决问题的能力,取得了较好的教学效果.  相似文献   

Since 1994, important modifications have been implemented in the dental curriculum in France, and an additional year has been included in the dental curriculum. The 1st year has remained unchanged; it is common to both medical and dental schools and leads to a selection procedure of 1 in 10 dental students. In the new curriculum, the dental student is engaged in a 5-year programme in dental school (years 2 to 6), as opposed to 4 years in the former programme (years 2 to 5). Basically, this new curriculum emphasises research initiation, links with medical training and offers broader clinical experience. During the academic year 1998-1999, dental schools had 2 different types of students: the 4th year students belonging to the new programme along with the 5th year students in their final year of the old curriculum. Using a specially devised questionnaire, we investigated the students' perception of their respective training, their motivation and professional plans. At the Faculty of Odontology in Lyon, the new curriculum is perceived as an increased strain by the dental students.  相似文献   

目的 评价PDCA循环管理模式联合PBL教学方法在口腔本科实习中的教学效果。方法 选择新疆医科大学口腔医学院2010~2011级本科生,随机分为PDCA循环联合PBL教学试验组和传统教学对照组,各30人,比较2组实习生的理论知识、临床操作及诊疗技能有无差异。结果 在基础理论方面,试验组(86.325.13)分,对照组(82.726.49)分,成绩有统计学差异(P < 0.05),在临床操作及诊疗技能方面,试验组表现良好及优秀为63.3%,而对照组仅为36.7%,且差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。结论 相对于传统教学方法,PDCA循环结合PBL教学能提高口腔本科实习生的理论知识掌握、临床操作及诊疗技能,值得推广和应用。  相似文献   

In March 2017, a group of teachers of human disease/clinical medical science (HD/CMSD) representing the majority of schools from around the UK and Republic of Ireland met to discuss the current state of teaching of human disease and also to discuss how the delivery of this theme might evolve to inform improved healthcare. This study outlines how the original teaching in medicine and surgery to dental undergraduate students has developed into the theme of HD/CMSD reflecting changing needs as well as guidance from the regulators, and how different dental schools have developed their approaches to reach their current state. Each school was also asked to share a strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis of their programme and to outline how they thought their HD/CMSD programme may develop. The school representatives who coordinate the delivery and assessment of HD/CMSD in the undergraduate curriculum have extensive insight in this area and are well‐placed to shape the HD/CMSD development for the future.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to determine the structure, mode of delivery, mode of assessment and staffing of the oral surgery undergraduate curriculum within UK dental schools. A questionnaire was distributed by e-mail in January 2006 to each of the 15 dental schools with undergraduate dental degree programmes in Ireland and the UK. Those providing feedback then met to clarify any areas as required. Thirteen completed questionnaires were returned. There were a total of 55 academics involved in the teaching of oral surgery at these 13 institutions. Over the three clinical years the mean number of clinical sessions was 51. The mean staff student ratio for supervision of forceps exodontia was 1:5. On average 51 teeth were extracted by each student in the clinical years. The mean staff student ratio for surgical extractions was 1:2. The mean number of surgical extractions for each student was 6. All schools formatively assessed competency in forceps exodontia and 9 of 13 assessed surgical extractions. Summative assessment of exodontia was done in six schools and surgical extractions in 4 of 13 schools. All 13 schools deliver teaching programmes designed to meet the requirements of the frameworks governing the central curriculum. There were, however, variations between individual schools in the content and delivery of the oral surgery clinical teaching programmes. There were dramatic variations in the numbers of academic staff involved and some institutions relied on their NHS colleagues to deliver the clinical teaching.  相似文献   

Whilst preparing undergraduate students for a clinical course in paediatric dentistry, four consecutive classes (n = 107) were divided into two groups. Seven behaviour‐modifying techniques were introduced: systematic desensitization, operant conditioning, modelling, Tell, Show, Do‐principle, substitution, change of roles and the active involvement of the patient. The behaviour‐modifying techniques that had been taught to group one (n = 57) through lecturing were taught to group two (n = 50) through video sequences and vice versa in the following semester. Immediately after the presentations, students were asked by means of a questionnaire about their perceptions of ease of using the different techniques and their intention for clinical application of each technique. After completion of the clinical course, they were asked about which behaviour‐modifying techniques they had actually used when dealing with patients. Concerning the perception of ease of using the different techniques, there were considerable differences for six of the seven techniques (P < 0.05). Whilst some techniques seemed more difficult to apply clinically after lecturing, others seemed more difficult after video‐based teaching. Concerning the intention for clinical application and the actual clinical application, there were higher percentages for all techniques taught after video‐based teaching. However, the differences were significant only for two techniques in each case (P < 0.05). It is concluded that the use of video based teaching enhances the intention for application and the actual clinical application only for a limited number of behaviour‐modifying techniques.  相似文献   

Summary All areas of the practice of dentistry are evolving at a considerable pace. One area in particular which has seen a rapid revolution is the oral rehabilitation of partially dentate adults. The aim of this study was to describe the contemporary teaching of fixed partial dentures (FPDs) in dental schools in Ireland and the United Kingdom. An online questionnaire which sought information in relation to the current teaching of FPDs was developed and distributed to 15 Irish and UK dental schools with undergraduate teaching programmes in Spring 2009. Responses were received from 12 schools (response rate = 80%). All schools offer teaching programmes in relation to FPDs. The number of hours devoted to pre‐clinical/phantom head teaching of FPDs ranged from 3 to 42 h (mean: 16 h). The staff/student ratio for pre‐clinical teaching courses in FPDs ranged from 1:6 to 1:18 (mode: 1:12). Cantilever resin‐retained FPDs were the most popular type of FPD provided clinically (average = 0·83 per school; range = 1–2). Five schools (42%) report that they have requirements (e.g. targets, quotas, competencies) which students must complete prior to graduation in relation to FPDs. Fixed partial dentures form an important part of the undergraduate teaching programme in UK and Irish dental schools. While this teaching is subjected to contemporary pressures such as lack of curriculum time and a lack of available clinical facilities and teachers, there is evidence that teaching programmes in this area are evolving and are sensitive to current clinical practice trends and evidence‐based practice.  相似文献   

Motivational interviewing (MI) is a client‐centred, directive, therapeutic approach that enhances clients' readiness to change by exploring their ambivalence about doing so, thus increasing their motivation to change, and by helping them to commit to the process of change. MI is now being applied to dentistry in the area of oral health e.g. smoking cessation and the prevention of early childhood caries. This aligns dentistry with other healthcare professions in their focus on utilising MI to bring about behavioural change. This paper focuses on how the profession of dentistry would benefit from examining how to integrate MI both in undergraduate teaching and practice. Currently the teaching focus in relation to MI has centred on the theoretical content and less on underlying philosophy. This paper explores how a teaching philosophy, as delivered in the behavioural science programme in the School of Dentistry, University College Cork, Ireland, can provide a framework for teaching MI. Key components within this teaching philosophy are: teaching for understanding, developing reflective practice and student‐centred teaching.  相似文献   



The aim was to assess the ability and confidence of UK undergraduate dental students in applying the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) and determining appropriate orthodontic referral.

Materials and Methods

This was a cross-sectional survey using a case-based online questionnaire. Fourth and fifth year undergraduate dental students were recruited from UK dental schools through their university and social media. Six cases were presented and participants were asked to provide an IOTN score and judgement about referral. Participants were asked about their confidence, experience and orthodontic teaching.


Sixty-nine responses were returned. A quarter of participants reported having used IOTN before in a clinical setting. Clinical experience with IOTN influenced confidence. Familiarity with making orthodontic referrals was low and only one participant reported having made an orthodontic referral. Correct IOTN scores were given by 68% of participants for a large 14 mm overjet (5a) case, 43% of participants for an impacted canine (5i) case and 26% of participants for an impacted premolar (5i) case. Incorrect IOTN was most common in hypodontia cases with only 19% correctly identifying mild hypodontia (4h) and 28% identifying severe hypodontia (5h). For the majority of cases, incorrect answers about referral were due to confusion between specialist practitioner and orthodontic consultant pathways.


Dental students' ability and confidence in correctly applying the IOTN Dental Health Component and selecting the appropriate referral pathway was inadequate. Responses suggest a lack of clinical experience in assessing patients, applying the IOTN and making referrals. The low response rate is disappointing and limits the scope for making recommendations.  相似文献   

Introduction: Following concerns expressed regarding recently expanded dental education, a survey was conducted on United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland clinical educators’ perceptions of their work and the educational experiences they provide in clinical restorative dentistry. Many of the challenges facing dental education are common to all countries, and it would be of interest to note if the views reported are representative of the greater European perspective. The results of this survey represent a European regional picture. Methods and Materials: This is a survey of clinical staff in restorative dentistry departments across all of the fully established UK and ROI dental schools. The survey covered factors affecting the quality of undergraduate learning in restorative dentistry and the implications of these for programme delivery. Thematic analysis was applied to qualitative responses. Results: One hundred and eighty‐eight responses were received across the gamut of clinical educators’ roles and across 15 of the 16 schools. Themes identified were personal workload, teaching effectiveness, students’ clinical experiences, provision of teaching, departmental organisation and job satisfaction. Discussion: The survey findings had many parallels with other recent reports but also suggested some developments. Conclusion: The survey provided an accurate snapshot of staff views on the quality of undergraduate clinical training in restorative dentistry. Despite experiencing difficulties in many areas of their work resulting in poor morale, staff considered teaching rewarding although undervalued by others. A number of recommendations are made for the development of undergraduate teaching.  相似文献   

Objectives: To investigate if there was an agreement between the students and supervisors on the quality of clinical teaching in Restorative Dentistry in the Dublin Dental School and Hospital and to identify differences on how effective clinical teaching is perceived between three academic years. In addition it aimed to identify the existence of any similarities between students’ and supervisors’ perceptions of specific teaching behaviours that are most and least helpful in learning. Materials and methods: An anonymous questionnaire based on the above objectives was distributed to three cohorts of undergraduate students and three cohorts of clinical supervisors. The response rate was 94% for the first, 94% for the second and 63% for the third student cohort. Twenty‐one (21) out of the 36 supervisors returned the questionnaire. Basic analysis of the clinical questionnaire was carried out in order to find the distributions of the variables between the groups. These distributions were compared using a non‐parametric analysis (Kruskal–Wallis). The degree of association was measured by the Pearson’s chi‐square values. Results: Students from all 3 years reported to be neither very satisfied nor very dissatisfied with their clinical teaching with a few statistically significant differences across the 3 years. The supervisors on the other hand, replied with a great deal of similarity across the 3 years. Furthermore, supervisors gave a high degree of straight line responses and generally felt very good about the level of clinical teaching. There was a high degree of variability in what the supervisors thought was important but also a high degree of similarity in what they thought wasn’t helpful. It was exactly the opposite for the students. Conclusions: There is a limited agreement between students and staff on the effectiveness of clinical teaching and the way effectiveness is perceived between students and clinical supervisors as well as between senior and more junior students. Overall though students and supervisors rated the clinical teaching favourably but indicated several areas of concern.  相似文献   

目的 探讨标准化病人(standardized patient,SP)与Typedont模拟(牙合)架相结合的方法在口腔正畸教学中的应用,寻找教学中存在的问题并分析其教学效果.方法将40名学生随机分为2组,每组20人,一组接受传统教学方法,另一组接受SP与Typedont模拟(牙合)架相结合的教学方法.采用理论知识,临床操作以及调查问卷方式进行教学评估.结果SP与Typedont相结合的教学方法在各项考核中都优于传统教学方法.结论SP与Typedont相结合的教学方法能够引导学生学习积极性,提高学习效率及临床操作能力,值得在正畸教学中推广.  相似文献   

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