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人工流产妇女中家庭暴力现况研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 了解我国北方部分城市人工流产妇女中家庭暴力的发生率、暴力类型和暴力的严重程度。方法 于2001年11月~2002年1月在天津、辽宁、河南及陕西的部分城市对1215名自愿要求人工流产的妇女进行横断面调查。结果 1215名人流妇女中有274名妇女报告曾遭受亲密伴侣(配偶/性伴侣)的家庭暴力,其发生率为22.6%;其中性暴力发生率为18.1%,躯体暴力发生率为7.8%,心理暴力发生率为3.0%。既往和本次妊娠期间家庭暴力的发生率分别为21.7%和7.0%。在受虐妇女中。46名妇女(16.8%)经常遭受暴力,偶尔和有时遭受暴力的妇女比例几乎相同(40.5%和42.7%)。大多数受虐妇女(77.0%)只遭受了1种类型的暴力,但有4.4%的受虐妇女曾遭受了心理、性和躯体3种类型的暴力。单纯的性暴力是人流妇女中最常见的暴力形式。其次为单纯的躯体暴力。结论 我国北方部分城市人流妇女中家庭暴力发生率较高。提示在人流妇女中进行家庭暴力的干预和提高医务人员对家庭暴力的认识和识别能力势在必行。  相似文献   

目的 了解中国农村地区已婚妇女家庭暴力发生情况及相关知识。方法 2004年11月至2005年1月,在吉林、安徽省和重庆市的人口基金项目县,采用多阶段容量比例抽样方法随机抽取25个乡镇,对3998名18岁及以上的已婚妇女进行问卷调查。结果 调查地区家庭暴力发生非常普遍,一生中总暴力、心理暴力、躯体暴力和性暴力的发生比例分别为64.8%、58.1%、29.7%和16.7%;调查前12个月中总暴力、心理暴力、躯体暴力和性暴力的发生比例分别为42.6%、37.2%、14.0%和7.7%。不同种类家庭暴力常常同时存在,将近1/3的妇女同时遭受2种或3种家庭暴力的伤害。调查妇女对家庭暴力的认识较差,75.2%的调查妇女对家庭暴力不了解,很多遭受过家庭暴力伤害的妇女对家庭暴力也一无所知,尤其是对心理暴力的知晓情况更差。结论 中国农村地区家庭暴力发生非常普遍,尤其是心理暴力,但已婚妇女对家庭暴力的了解还比较欠缺,需要引起有关部门的重视。  相似文献   

北方城市人工流产妇女家庭暴力相关因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许多国际性研究显示,孕期家庭暴力发生率在5.5%~17%之间,人工流产妇女中家庭暴力发生率高于一般人群(15.0%~39.5%)。家庭暴力的发生与教育水平、地域无关而与收入低、不同种族以及婚姻年限小于2年有关。本文对我国北方部分城市的人流妇女中家庭暴力发生情况进行了调查。以了解中国人流妇女家庭暴力发生现状并分析人工流产妇女中家庭暴力发生的相关因素,为在高危人群中开展反对家庭暴力的宣传教育和干预活动,  相似文献   

农村地区家庭暴力发生情况及影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的了解我国农村地区家庭暴力发生情况及其影响因素。方法2004年11月~2005年1月.在联合国人口基金生殖健康/计划生育第五周期3个项目县,采用多阶段容量比例抽样方法,随机抽取25个乡镇.3998名18岁及以上的已婚育龄妇女进行定量问卷调查。这3个项目县分别为吉林东辽县、安徽居巢区和重庆铜梁市。结果我国部分农村地区家庭暴力发生率为65.0%.精神暴力最为常见。其次是躯体暴力,性暴力发生率相对较低,分别为58.3%.29.8%,16.9%。生活中的暴力经历与家庭暴力的发生有非常显著的关联,妇女年幼时经历过或看到、听到过家庭暴力者,其遭受家庭暴力伤害的危险明显增高.但妇女的个人特征与家庭暴力发生之间没有明显关系。结论在我国家庭暴力普遍存在,尤其是精神暴力。生活中的暴力经历对家庭暴力发生有重要影响。应该加强宣传教育.提高对家庭暴力的普遍性的认识,以减少暴力发生。  相似文献   

目的通过调查分析围产期妇女家庭暴力的发生情况,以及家庭暴力对妊娠结局的影响,为相关政府部门制定干预措施提供依据。方法采用随机整群抽样方式,对深圳市罗湖区产科医院7820名产妇进行问卷调查,研究围产期妇女家庭暴力发生的情况,以及家庭暴力对妊娠结局的影响。结果孕期妇女家庭暴力总体发生率为11.57%;与非暴力组相比,暴力组孕期贫血、胎膜早破、胎盘早剥等孕产期并发症的发生比例相对较高;暴力组早产、低出生体重儿、产后出血等妊娠不良结局的发生也相对较高。结论家庭暴力对围产期妇女的健康状况,以及妊娠结局均有不良影响,应该加以防控。  相似文献   

压迫性尿失禁(SUI)是妇女妊娠期常见的症状。在怀孕期,SUI的发生率多在40%~82%之间;而产后持续性SUI发生率大约为2.3%~32.9%。为了解怀孕期及产后SUI的发生率,探讨母亲、胎儿、分娩以及麻醉等因素与产后SUI的关系,作者于1986年5月至12月对在慕尼黑大学妇产科做产前检查的350名健康妇女进行了调查,内容主要为妊娠最后3个月内尿失禁的发生  相似文献   

孕期及产后妇女家庭暴力调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国外研究显示,在一般妇女人群中,家庭暴力发生率为3.4%~30%。而孕期及产后妇女更容易在生理和心理上受到伤害,且往往引起母胎或母婴双方的严重后果。因此,家庭暴力对这一时期妇女的影响尤为引人关注。本文在河南省初步调查孕期及产后妇女家庭暴力的发生现况,分析产生的原因及其影响因素,为科学干预提供依据。  相似文献   

中学校园暴力的流行病学调查及影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的通过流行病学调查,探讨中学校园暴力的发生情况及其影响因素。方法采用整群抽样方法,以广州市某区中学生为调查对象,自行设计问卷对其一年来发生校园暴力的情况及相关因素进行调查,分析各类型的暴力发生率,并采用多因素logistic回归分析暴力发生的影响因素。结果调查了1064名中学生,校园暴力发生率为40.7%,其中男生发生率为49.7%,女生为29.6%,差异有统计学意义(x^2=43.75,P=0.000);高中生暴力发生率低于初中生(x^2=25.25,P=0.000)。男生遭受总暴力、心理暴力、身体暴力和性暴力的发生率分别为39.3%、21.6%、17.0%、6.0%,女生为26.3%、14.1%、9.7%、3.2%;男生施暴他人的各暴力发生率分别为26.7%、13.3%、17.0%、3.6%,女生分别为8.6%、4.6%、5.7%、1.7%。吸烟、逃学、游荡、曾受家庭暴力、零用钱少是校园暴力的影响因素(OR=6.15、2.52、2.05、1.88、1.31)。结论广州市中学生校园暴力的发生率较高,应引起学校和社会的重视并采取有效措施。  相似文献   

目的:在不同地域的较大范围内初步了解我国孕期及产后妇女家庭暴力的发生现况,分析产生家庭暴力的原因及其影响因素。方法:采用整体抽样的方法,于2004年3月~2004年9月在河南省和广东省的部分城镇医院产科门诊和住院部对待产及产后复查的2 835名妇女进行问卷调查。结果:2 835人中孕期曾发生家庭暴力的327人,发生率为11.5%;河南省孕期家庭暴力发生率为16.8%,广东省发生率为6.4%。1 776名产后妇女调查对象中464人遭受家庭暴力,发生率26.1%;河南省发生率为33.7%,广东省发生率为17.4%,两地发生率明显不同(P<0.001,OR=3.0)。孕妇家庭暴力发生的影响因素主要包括:文化程度和职业、家庭收入、家庭生活状况、社会文化背景等。在与非暴力组相比,暴力组孕妇的各种身心健康问题发生率明显增高(P<0.001)。结论;家庭暴力在我国城镇妇女孕期及产后有一定发生,且产后发生率较高,家庭暴力严重影响孕产妇身心健康,应该从多方面进行干预。  相似文献   

湖南省家庭暴力的流行病学调查总体报告   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
目的 了解湖南省家庭暴力的现状。方法 采用多级分层抽样方法,在湖南省境内的城市、农村和工业区各抽取一个样本,共计9451户家庭,32720人。以多种形式的线索调查与深入细致的入户调查相结合的方式进行家庭暴力现况调查。结果 (1)家庭暴力的发生率为16.2%,当年内的发生率为11.6%,城市、农村及工业三地区的发生率和年内发生率的差异均具有统计学意义(19〈0.01);(2)夫妻暴力的发生率为10.2%、虐待儿童为7.8%、虐待老人为1.5%;(3)重组家庭的家庭暴力发生率最高(21.0%),夫妻独子家庭和多代大家庭次之(分别为20.1%和20.0%);(4)夫妻暴力以重组家庭最多见(14.7%),虐待儿童与虐待老人则以多代大家庭居多(分别为12.4%和4.1%)。结论 湖南省家庭暴力的发生率以夫妻暴力多见,不同地区、不同的家庭结构其暴力发生率和暴力对象均有所不同。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether pregnancy is a risk factor for domestic violence and to compare prevalence and severity of violence reported by women before and during pregnancy. METHODS: There were interviewed 468 women in the third trimester of pregnancy who were seen during prenatal visits at public clinics in the state of Morelos, Mexico. Emotional, physical and sexual violence were investigated. A severity index was built up. Logistic regression analysis was applied in order to identify the main variables associated to domestic violence during pregnancy. RESULTS: The prevalence of domestic violence did not change significantly before and during pregnancy (32%). The prevalence of each type of violence remained the same. About 27% of women who reported violence during pregnancy did not have experience it before, and a comparable proportion had experienced violence before but not during pregnancy. The severity of emotional violence significantly increased during pregnancy (compared to the previous year) whereas the severity of physical violence decreased. Variables most clearly related to violence during pregnancy were: couple's past history of child abuse; women witnessing domestic violence during childhood; and violence in the year before pregnancy. Several risk scenarios were identified, which could be helpful for health care providers. CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that emotional violence is more prevalent than physical and sexual violence, allowing for a better understanding of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: State laws mandating health care personnel to contact police when treating patients injured as a result of domestic violence are controversial. Attitudes toward these laws have been studied in select groups, but never in a large population-based sample. METHODS: We measured support for mandatory reporting (MR) among 845 women in 11 cities who participated in a telephone survey assessing risk factors for intimate partner violence. Abused women were oversampled to create equal groups (427 abused and 418 non-abused); results are presented stratified by abuse status or weighted based on prevalence of abuse among women who were screened. RESULTS: The estimated prevalence of physical violence or threat of physical violence from an intimate partner during the past two years was 11.7%; 72% (95% CI = 69%-75%) of women supported MR. Abused women were significantly less likely to support MR compared to non-abused women (59% versus 73%, p < 0.01). Reasons that endorsed support included: victims would find it easier to get help (81%) and would like health care personnel to call the police (68%). Reasons that endorsed opposition included: victims would be less likely to disclose abuse (77%), would resent someone else having control (61%), and reporting would increase the risk of perpetrator retaliation (44%). CONCLUSIONS: Most women support mandatory reporting by health care personnel. However, abused women were significantly less supportive than those not abused.  相似文献   

The purpose of this brief article is to examine the prevalence of domestic violence during pregnancy using data from 349 women attending an antenatal clinic serving refugees in Saidon, Lebanon. The Abuse Assessment Screen was used to identify cases of abuse among the women attending the clinic during the months of June and July, 2005. A total of 240 (68.8%) women experienced one form of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse in their marital life, and 40 (11.4%) women experienced physical violence during their current pregnancy. Violence during pregnancy was strongly associated with previous experiences of physical, emotional and sexual violence.  相似文献   

《Women & health》2013,53(2-3):121-133

Background: State laws mandating health care personnel to contact police when treating patients injured as a result of domestic violence are controversial. Attitudes toward these laws have been studied in select groups, but never in a large population-based sample.

Methods: We measured support for mandatory reporting (MR) among 845 women in 11 cities who participated in a telephone survey assessing risk factors for intimate partner violence. Abused women were over-sampled to create equal groups (427 abused and 418 non-abused); results are presented stratified by abuse status or weighted based on prevalence of abuse among women who were screened.

Results: The estimated prevalence of physical violence or threat of physical violence from an intimate partner during the past two years was 11.7%; 72% (95% CI = 69%–75%) of women supported MR. Abused women were significantly less likely to support MR compared to non-abused women (59% versus 73%, p < 0.01). Reasons that endorsed support included: victims would find it easier to get help (81%) and would like health care personnel to call the police (68%). Reasons that endorsed opposition included: victims would be less likely to disclose abuse (77%), would resent someone else having control (61%), and reporting would increase the risk of perpetrator retaliation (44%).

Conclusions: Most women support mandatory reporting by health care personnel. However, abused women were significantly less supportive than those not abused.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence and socio-demographic associations of physical, emotional and sexual abuse by a partner or ex-partner for women attending Australian general practices. METHOD: In 1996, women attending 20 randomly chosen Brisbane inner south region general practices were screened for a history of partner abuse using a self-report questionnaire. Multivariate analyses were conducted on the data, using presence of abuse or not adjusting for cluster effect to obtain prevalence rate ratios for socio-demographic background data and history of violence in the family of origin. RESULTS: Thirty-seven per cent (CI 31.0-42.4) of the survey participants (n = 1,836, response rate 78.5%) admitted to having ever experienced abuse in an adult intimate relationship. One in four women (23.3%) had ever experienced physical abuse, one in three (33.9%) emotional abuse and one in 10 (10.6%) sexual abuse. Abused women were 64.1 (Cl 44.4-94.1) times more likely to have ever been afraid of any partner than non-abused women. Of women in current relationships (n = 1,344), 8.0% self-reported physical or emotional or sexual abuse in the past 12 months and 1.5% all three types of abuse. Associations of abuse included being younger (< 60 years), separated or divorced, having a history of child abuse or domestic violence between their parents. CONCLUSION: Partner abuse is very common in women attending general practices and clinicians need to be alert to possible indications of partner abuse (age, marital status, past history of abuse).  相似文献   

Objectives: From self-reports we describe and compare the levels and patterns of physical abuse before and during pregnancy while also describing the demographic and pregnancy-related characteristics of physically abused women, the stressful experiences of abused women prior to delivery, and the relationship of the abused woman to the perpetrator(s). Methods: We used population-based estimates from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (1996–98) to calculate a multiyear 16-state prevalence with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) and unadjusted risk ratios for demographic, pregnancy-related, and stressful experiences variables. Results: We found the prevalence of abuse across the 16 states to be 7.2% (95% CI, 6.9-7.6) during the 12 months before pregnancy, 5.3% (95% CI, 5.0–5.6) during pregnancy, and 8.7% (95% CI, 8.3–9.1) around the time of pregnancy (abuse before or during pregnancy). The prevalence of physical abuse during pregnancy across the 16 states was consistently lower than that before pregnancy. For time periods both before and during pregnancy, higher prevalence was found for women who were young, not White, unmarried, had less than 12 years of education, received Medicaid benefits, or had unintended pregnancies, and for women with stressful experiences during pregnancy, particularly being involved in a fight or increased arguing with a husband or partner. For each of these risk groups, the prevalence was lower during pregnancy than before. Abuse was ongoing before pregnancy for three quarters of the women experiencing abuse by a husband or partner during pregnancy. Conclusions: Women are not necessarily at greater risk of physical abuse when they are pregnant than before pregnancy. Both the preconception period and the period during pregnancy are periods of risk, which suggests that prevention activities are appropriate during routine health care visits before pregnancy as well as during family planning and prenatal care.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe the characteristics of domestic violence against women in León, Nicaragua. A survey was carried out among a representative sample of 488 women between the ages of 15-49. The physical aggression sub-scale of the Conflict Tactics Scale was used to identify women suffering abuse. In-depth interviews with formerly battered women were performed and narratives from these interviews were analysed and compared with the survey data. Among ever-married women 52% reported having experienced physical partner abuse at some point in their lives. Median duration of abuse was 5 years. A considerable overlap was found between physical, emotional and sexual violence, with 21% of ever-married women reporting all three kinds of abuse. Thirty-one percent of abused women suffered physical violence during pregnancy. The latency period between the initiation of marriage or cohabitation and violence was short, with over 50% of the battered women reporting that the first act of violence act took place within the first 2 years of marriage. Significant, positive associations were found between partner abuse and problems among children, including physical abuse. Both the survey data and the narrative analysis pointed to extreme jealousy and control as constant features of the abusive relationship. Further, the data indicate that battered women frequently experience feelings of shame, isolation and entrapment which, together with a lack of family and community support, often contribute to women's difficulty in recognizing and disengaging from a violent relationship. These findings are consistent with theoretical conceptualisations of domestic violence developed in other countries, suggesting that, to a large degree, women's experiences of violence transcend specific cultural contexts.  相似文献   

HEALTH ISSUE: Exposure to violence as children or as adults places a woman at higher risk of poor health outcomes, both physical and psychological. Abused women use more health care services and have poorer social functioning than non-abused women. Knowledge of the prevalence of violence against women, and of which women are at risk, should assist in the planning of services for abuse prevention and treatment of the health consequences of abuse. KEY FINDINGS: The highest rates of any partner violence were in Alberta (25.5%) and British Columbia (23%). The lowest rates were in Ontario (18.8%). Women aged 15-24 had the highest rates in all regions in Canada, compared with older women. Aboriginal women in Manitoba/Saskatchewan and Alberta had higher rates of violence (57.2% and 56.6% respectively) than non-Aboriginal women (20.6%). Lower rates of partner-related violence were reported among women not born in Canada (18.4%) than among Canadian-born women (21.7%). Visible minority women reported lower rates of lifetime sexual assault (5.7%) than non-visible minority women (12.3%). Perceptions of violence may vary by ethnicity. DATA GAPS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: More information is required concerning the prevalence of violence among Aboriginal women, immigrant and refugee women, women with disabilities, lesbian women and pregnant women. Future national population-based surveys need better questions on the health consequences of violence and related resource utilization. Further research is needed to identify the health care system's role in prevention, management and rehabilitation as they relate to violence against women. Future programs and policies must be based on valid, reliable and comprehensive empirical data.  相似文献   

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