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目的探讨18氟脱氧葡萄糖(18↑F-FDG)PET/CT显像在软组织肿瘤诊断中的临床应用价值。方法软组织肿瘤患者65例,静脉注射18↑F-FDG后PET/CT显像。经衰减校正后行目测法和半定量分析法测定病灶的最大标准摄取值(SUVm ax)进行图像分析,并与病理检查结果对照。结果根据病理结果目测法发现局部软组织病灶47例,其中良性5例、恶性42例,淋巴结转移6例、骨转移10例、软组织转移7例、肺转移10例。目测法发现局部病灶的准确性、灵敏性均为100%,诊断转移病灶的准确性、灵敏性、特异性分别为96.9%、100%、95.1%。36.9%的病例根据PET/CT结果改变肿瘤分期。半定量分析对鉴别软组织恶性肿瘤的准确性、灵敏性、特异性分别为85.1%、92.9%和20%。结论在软组织肿瘤诊断中18↑F-FDG PET/CT显像是一种无创性、高灵敏性的检查,特别是对确定软组织肉瘤的分期。  相似文献   

李远  牛晓辉  徐海荣 《山东医药》2011,51(40):14-16
目的探讨18F—FDGPET/CT显像在骨转移癌患;子诊断巾的应用价值。方法回顾性分析69例骨转移患者,均以骨科症状为首发症状;骨破坏部位最终经病理均证实为转移癌;既往无恶性肿瘤病史。就诊后为寻找原发病灶进行传统检查和18F—FDGPETCrr显像检查。结果传统检查发现57例(82.6%)患者的原发肿瘤,PET/CT检查发现原发肿瘤60例(87%),P=0.477。PET/CT后发现单发转移患者16例,多发转移53例。原发肿瘤平均最大标准摄取值(SUVmax)值6.04(1~18.1),转移灶巾平均SUVmax值9.02(1.7~30.8),P=0.000。结论PET/CT在发现骨及软组织转移病灶及评估疗效中可以发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

18F-FDG PET/CT对进展期胃癌治疗前评估的可行性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨18F-FDG PET/C对进展期胃癌治疗前评估的可行性.方法:回顾性分析40例进展期胃癌患者18F-FDG PET/CT常规检查结果资料,与内镜、手术病理和临床随访作对照;其中14例患者行根治性手术,余行化疗或姑息治疗.根据解剖部位将淋巴结分为N1+N2和N3组,淋巴结有无转移以组为单位.原发灶、淋巴结及其他器官转移灶的判断通过目测分析结合标准化摄取值来确定.结果:PET/CT对胃原发癌的灵敏度为97.5%.PET和CT的灵敏度分别为65%和90%;14例根治手术患者N1、N2淋巴结有无转移PET/CT的确诊率为85.7%,灵敏度为71.4%,特异性为77.8%;对N3淋巴结的灵敏度为100%.PET/CT发现21处临床未怀疑的转移灶:PET/CT检查后40%(16/40)的病例分期发生变化.结论:18F-FDG PET/CT可用于进展期胃癌的治疗前评估.  相似文献   

18F-FDG PET/CT显像判断乳腺癌复发及转移的价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨^18F-FDG PET/CT显像判断乳腺癌复发和转移的临床价值.方法28例手术治疗后临床疑有肿瘤复发或转移的乳腺癌患者均进行^18F-FDG PET/CT全身显像,应用目测法和半定量分析法判断结果(标准摄取值,SUV).结果病理、活检、细胞学检查等证实17例有局部复发和(或)转移,^18F-FDG PET/CT显像正确诊断16例,检测灵敏度、特异性(94.12%,90.91%)明显高于传统影像学方法;在62个肿瘤复发和(或)转移灶中,PET/CT及常规影像学检查检出率分别为91.94%(57/62)、72.58%(45/62),P<0.05.结论^18F-FDG PET/CT显像是早期诊断乳腺癌复发和(或)转移良好的、无创性方法.  相似文献   

目的 探讨氟脱氧葡萄糖F18正电子发射体层摄影术(18FFDGPET)在肺癌诊断及分期中的价值。方法 94例疑诊为肺部肿瘤的患者进行了CT、18FFDGPET全身或局部检查,并对这些患者手术切除及活检的组织标本及痰液、胸腔积液的细胞标本进行了病理学检查。18FFDGPET图像分析采取单纯标准摄取值(SUV)法及目测与SUV值结合两种方法进行。SUV值法判定标准为:SUV值>25为恶性病灶,SUV值≤25为良性病灶;目测与SUV值结合法:根据病灶18FFDG摄取量与纵隔血池结构相比,并考虑SUV值、病变大小、形态及病史资料做出诊断。以病理及试验性治疗结果为确诊标准,分别计算18FFDGPET及CT在病变的定性、纵隔淋巴结转移、全身远端转移方面的敏感性、特异性、准确性、阳性预测值及阴性预测值,同时对18FFDGPETSUV值法与目测结合SUV值法的诊断效能进行比较。结果 (1)确诊情况:本组58例患者肺部病灶经组织病理学或细胞病理学检查证实为恶性;36例经病理检查或试验治疗证实为良性。(2)定性诊断:CT对肺部肿块定性诊断的敏感性、特异性、准确性、阳性及阴性预测值分别为:69%、65%、68%、82%、49%;18FFDGPET单纯SUV法分别为91%、89%、90%、93%和87%,目测+SUV值法分别为95%、94%、95%、97%和92%。(3)纵隔淋巴结转移:34例病理证实有纵隔淋巴结转移  相似文献   

目的 本研究的目的是探讨18F-FDG PET/CT双时相显像在不同类型肝细胞癌(HCC)诊断中的不同表现,以提高该方法诊断的灵敏度和特异度。方法 对经病理学检查确诊的小肝癌、结节型肝癌和巨块型肝癌各40例进行回顾性评价。使用德国Siemens Biograph Turepoint 40 PET/CT 成像仪和18氟-脱氧葡萄糖(18F-FDG)对所有病例进行PET/CT显像检查,依托半定量评估基础,计算最大标准摄入值(SUVmax)。结果 在40例小肝癌患者中,21例(52.5%)、在40例结节型肝癌中,24例(60.0%)和40例巨块型肝癌中,37例(92.5%)病灶延迟相SUVmax较早期相升高(F=16.714,P=0.000);小肝癌患者早期相和延迟相SUVmax分别为3.99±1.40和4.17±1.99(t=-1.406,P=0.168),结节型肝癌患者早期相和延迟相SUVmax分别为5.04±1.87和5.23±2.25(t=-1.364,P=0.180),巨块型肝癌患者早期相和延迟相SUVmax分别为6.98±2.57和8.10±3.11(t=-4.119,P=0.000),后者差异有统计学意义;三种类型肝癌之间早期相SUVmax值存在差异(F=22.765,P=0.000),延迟相SUVmax值也存在差异(F=26.435,P=0.000)。结论 在HCC,随肿瘤直径的增大,双时相显像诊断的可能性增大。  相似文献   

炎症是多种心血管疾病的主要致病因素或重要病理特征,对其进行精准评价具有重要的临床意义。18氟标记脱氧葡萄糖正电子发射型计算机断层扫描显像(18F-FDG PET/CT)作为功能性影像技术,能特异地显示炎症活性。近年来的研究表明,18F-FDG PET/CT在动脉粥样硬化、感染性心内膜炎、心脏结节病、急性心肌梗死和血管炎等疾病的诊断、鉴别诊断、治疗决策制定和预后评估等方面具有独特的价值。随着PET/CT在我国的加快普及和推广,有望在心血管炎症疾病的诊疗中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

目的评价18F-FDG PET显像在判断胰腺占位性质和肿瘤术后随访中的作用.方法检查33例胰腺疾病患者,以18F-FDG显像.结果 23例胰腺占位性病变PET检查发现14例胰腺高代谢区(SUV 3.1~6.8),其中3例伴多发性肝转移,1例肝转移伴腹膜后淋巴结转移;2例CT诊断为胰腺癌合并肝转移经检查显示胰腺高代谢区,但肝脏无阳性表现; 1例左肺中部稍高代谢区(SUV 1.31),诊断为良性结节,经随访证实.3例因发现其他部位转移寻找原发灶,PET见胰腺放射性浓聚影.5例胰腺癌术后PET发现1例肝脏、腹腔淋巴结转移.结论 18F-FDG PET显像对胰腺占位定性、鉴别诊断和术后随访具有重要的价值.  相似文献   

目的 探讨^18F-FDG PET/CT全身显像在自身免疫性胰腺炎(AIP)诊断及全身评估中的价值.方法 回顾性分析2010年8月至2013年2月长海医院核医学科行18F-FDG PET/CT全身检查的20例AIP患者的临床及FDG PET/CT影像资料,重点分析胰腺及全身病变的形态及代谢特征.结果 20例AIP患者中男性17例,女性3例,平均年龄60岁.18例主要临床表现为腹部疼痛或不适,黄疸,反复脂肪泻.2例为体检发现.血清IgG水平升高15例次,血清IgG4升高17例次,血CA19-9升高8例次.PET/CT显示20例患者胰腺病灶FDG摄取均明显增高,最大标准摄取值(SUVmax)为5.09±2.10(2.71~ 11.88),其中16例早期SUVmax为5.14±2.25,延迟扫描后SUVmax达6.23±2.77,平均滞留指数(RI)为21.20%.分型:弥漫型12例,局限型3例,混合型4例,多灶型1例.20例患者中19例发现胰腺外病灶,其中8例次合并胆管炎症,6例次涎腺肿大、代谢增高,13例次伴有1处以上的高代谢肿大淋巴结,8例次合并肺部间质性炎症或结节,11例次男性患者前列腺呈现“八字形”高摄取,3例次合并十二指肠乳头肿大伴代谢增高,2例次合并腹膜后纤维化,2例次合并溃疡型结肠炎,节段性结肠壁增厚伴FDG摄取增高.结论 18F-FDG PET/CT检查不仅可以很好地显示AIP的胰腺病变的形态、代谢特征,且能显示胰腺外器官的受累情况,有助于AIP的及时准确诊断及全身评估.  相似文献   

目的 分析胰腺转移癌的PET-CT表现,提高对该病变的检出率.方法 回顾性分析31例经临床确诊的胰腺转移癌的PET-CT图像,并与26例胰腺原发癌进行比较.由两位经验丰富的专科医师在融合图像上确定病灶所在位置,经过帧对帧的图像分析,确认病灶放射性摄取明显高于周围正常胰腺者为阳性.沿PET所示病灶边缘勾画感兴趣区,由工作站自动算出最大标准摄取值(SUVmax),SUVmax> 2.5为阳性病灶.结果 31例胰腺转移癌的原发灶为肺癌22例,胃癌及结肠癌各2例,上颌窦癌、甲状腺癌、黑色素瘤、胆囊癌及肾癌各1例.21例(67.7%)为单发,10例(32.3%)为多发或弥漫性病灶.单发病灶中7例(33.3%)位于胰头颈部,14例(66.7%)位于胰体尾部.26例原发胰腺癌18例(69.2%)位于胰头颈部,8例(30.8%)位于胰体尾部.胰腺转移癌与原发癌的发生部位差异具有统计学意义(x2 =6.102,P=0.014).CT平扫仅发现17例胰腺有病灶,呈结节状,略低密度,大部分病灶边界欠清晰.31例转移性胰腺癌PET显像均显示病灶,平均SUVmax为7.42±3.48,显著高于胰腺原发癌的5.39±1.71 (F=4.87,P=0.032).此外,PET-CT同时发现30例有其他脏器或淋巴结转移.结论 18F-FDG PET-CT在检出并诊断胰腺转移癌中有毋庸置疑的优势.  相似文献   

Because most patients with pancreatic cancer present with biliary obstruction, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiopancreatography (PTC) or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is often performed first to relieve obstruction. Fine needle biopsy (FNA) provides a tissue diagnosis, but is often nondiagnostic due to sampling error. Computed tomography (CT) is the workhorse of oncology, but is poor at defining the nature of pancreatic lesions. Small primary tumors are often not visualized. Fast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques allowing dynamic imaging after IV gadolinium and new contrast agents allow better characterization of the lesions for patients having contraindications for IV CT contrast agents. Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) allows noninvasive visualization of the biliary tree. Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) allows evaluation of the detailed regional anatomy with the possibility of FNA. 18F-Fluorodexoglucose (FDG) is the most common tracer used in positron emission tomography (PET), and most malignant tumors, including pancreatic carcinoma, have increased FDG uptake compared with normal cells. This functional imaging does not replace but is complementary to morphological imaging. FDG PET is particularly helpful: (1) for the diagnosis in patients with suspected pancreatic cancer in whom CT fails to identify a mass, or those in whom FNAs are nondiagnostic; (2) for staging by detecting CT-occult metastases; (3) for detecting recurrence; and (4) for monitoring therapy. Limitations include false-positive inflammatory processes and false-negative carcinoma in patients with diabetes and hyperglycemia, and islet cell tumors.  相似文献   

Rationale:Melanotic schwannoma (MS) is an unusual variant of a nerve sheath neoplasm that accounts for less than 1% of all primary peripheral nerve sheath tumors. Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT) has unique value in detecting malignant MS lesions. To date, only 4 cases of MS with hepatic metastasis have been reported. Herein, we report the fifth case, which is the first reported patient with MS of Asian ethnicity with hepatic metastasis.Patient concerns:A 29-year-old woman with a 1-day history of backache was admitted to our hospital. PET/CT showed a paravertebral heterogeneous soft tissue mass along the spinal nerve at the L2-L3 level with strong FDG uptake, and a nodule with increased FDG uptake in the lateral lobe of the left liver.Diagnosis:A puncture biopsy of the L3 bony destruction and surrounding soft tissue mass was performed. The final diagnosis was spinal MS with hepatic metastasis.Interventions:The patient underwent 6 courses of systemic chemotherapy.Outcomes:The patient did not receive further treatment for half a year after the end of chemotherapy and recovered well.Lessons:Unlike conventional schwannomas, which are completely benign, MS has an unpredictable prognosis. It is thought to have low malignant potential, and the malignant type tends to metastasize. FDG PET/CT has a unique and important value in the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant lesions, in detecting occult metastases, monitoring the treatment response, and assessing the prognosis of MS.  相似文献   

AIM:To explore the diagnostic value of the crossmodality fusion images provided by positron emission tomography/computed tomography(PET/CT) and contrast-enhanced CT(CECT) for pancreatic cancer(PC).METHODS:Data from 70 patients with pancreatic lesions who underwent CECT and PET/CT examinations at our hospital from August 2010 to October 2012were analyzed.PET/CECT for the cross-modality image fusion was obtained using Ture D software.The diagnostic efficiencies of PET/CT,CECT and PET/CECT were calculated and compared with each other using aχ2 test.P0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance.RESULTS:Of the total 70 patients,50 had PC and 20had benign lesions.The differences in the sensitivity,negative predictive value(NPV),and accuracy between CECT and PET/CECT in detecting PC were statistically significant(P0.05 for each).In 15 of the 31patients with PC who underwent a surgical operation,peripancreatic vessel invasion was verified.The differences in the sensitivity,positive predictive value,NPV,and accuracy of CECT vs PET/CT and PET/CECT vs PET/CT in diagnosing peripancreatic vessel invasionwere statistically significant(P0.05 for each).In 19of the 31 patients with PC who underwent a surgical operation,regional lymph node metastasis was verified by postsurgical histology.There was no statistically significant difference among the three methods in detecting regional lymph node metastasis(P0.05for each).In 17 of the 50 patients with PC confirmed by histology or clinical follow-up,distant metastasis was confirmed.The differences in the sensitivity and NPV between CECT and PET/CECT in detecting distant metastasis were statistically significant(P0.05 for each).CONCLUSION:Cross-modality image fusion of PET/CT and CECT is a convenient and effective method that can be used to diagnose and stage PC,compensating for the defects of PET/CT and CECT when they are conducted individually.  相似文献   

肝移植是治疗肝细胞癌(HCC)的有效方法,为降低HCC肝移植术后可能出现较高肿瘤复发率,有学者率先提出著名的Milan标准。但该标准过于严格,部分患者因其肿瘤病变较大或多个结节,虽其生物行为相对“温良”,也被排除在等待肝移植名单之外,随之世界各地出现了众多的“扩大Milan版标准”。HCC组织病理学的微血管侵犯(MVI)、肿瘤组织低分化与HCC肝移植术后较高复发率有显著相关性。复习总结了近年来国内外18氟-脱氧葡萄糖(18F-FDG)PET/CT在HCC肝移植方面的应用文献,发现18F-FDG在HCC病变部位不同的摄取程度,反映了肿瘤组织生物学行为特征即侵袭性的差异;18F-FDG高摄取与HCC病变的MVI、低分化呈正相关;18F-FDG还能敏感、准确地发现HCC肝外转移灶。认为术前18F-FDG PET/CT结果对HCC肝移植预后评估有巨大价值,将其结果纳入HCC肝移植标准是趋势所归,也有望统一“扩大Milan版标准”。建议新的肝移植标准可定义为,原则上遵循Milan标准;对超出Milan标准者,满足HCC病变18F-FDG PET/CT阴性,且排除大血管侵犯和肝外转移。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Integrated positron emission tomography (PET)/computed tomography (CT) scanners have been recently introduced in the diagnostic work-up of suspected pulmonary malignancy and demonstrate encouraging results in the staging of nonsmall-cell lung cancer. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the usefulness of integrated FDG PET/CT in pulmonary carcinoid tumours. SETTING: University hospital. METHODS: We studied 13 patients (mean age +/- 1 SD, 57 +/- 11 years) with pulmonary carcinoid tumours. All patients demonstrated a single pulmonary lesion. Integrated PET/CT scan and surgical resection were performed in all patients. RESULTS: The pulmonary lesion size ranged from 1.1 to 5.0 cm. Final histological diagnosis confirmed 12 typical and one atypical pulmonary carcinoid. Mean proliferation rate of the typical carcinoids was 1.7 +/- 1.4%. None of the patients had recurrent carcinoid disease or died during follow-up (864 +/- 218 days). Mean standardized uptake value (SUV) of (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) in typical carcinoids was 3.0 +/- 1.5 (range 1.2 - 6.6); SUV in the atypical carcinoid was remarkably high with a value of 8.5. The SUV was lower than 2.5 in 6 of 12 patients (50%). Mediastinal lymph node metastases or extrathoracic metastases were not detected in any patient. CONCLUSIONS: (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET/CT imaging improves accurate localization of metabolic activity and thus the interpretation of pulmonary lesions on CT. FDG uptake in pulmonary carcinoid tumours is often lower than expected for malignant tumours. Therefore, surgical resection or biopsy of lesions suspected to be carcinoids should be mandatory, even if they show no hypermetabolism on FDG PET images.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the clinical use of choline-PET/CT for discriminating viable progressive osteoblastic bone metastasis from benign osteoblastic change induced by the treatment effect and evaluating the response of bone metastasis to treatment in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) patients. Thirty patients with mCRPC underwent a total of 56 11C-choline-PET/CT scans for restaging, because 4 patients received 1 scan and 26 had 2 scans. Using 2 (pre- and post-treatment) 11C-choline-PET/CT examinations per patient, treatment response was assessed according to European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) criteria in 20 situations, in which only bony metastases were observed on 11C-choline-PET/CT scans. Viable bone metastases and osteoblastic change induced by the treatment effect were identified in 53 (94.6%) and 29 (51.8%) of 56 11C-choline-PET/CT scans, respectively. In 27 cases (48.2%), 11C-choline-PET/CT scans could discriminate the 2 entities. The mean SUVmax of the metastatic bony lesions was 5.82 ± 3.21, 5.95 ± 3.96, 6.73 ± 5.04, and 7.91 ± 3.25 for the osteoblastic, osteolytic, mixed, and invisible types, respectively. Of the 20 situations analyzed, CMR, PMR, SMD, and PMD, as determined by the EORTC, were seen in 1, 2, 3, and 14 cases, respectively. Of the 13 patients with increasing PSA trend, all 13 showed PMD. Of the 2 patients with PSA response of <50%, both 2 showed SMD. Of the 5 patients with PSA response of ≥50%, 1 showed CMR, 2 showed PMR, 1 showed SMD, and 1 showed PMD. Choline-PET/CT is very useful to discriminate viable progressive osteoblastic bone metastasis from osteoblastic change, and assess treatment response of bone metastases in mCRPC.  相似文献   

To investigate necrosis on pre-radiotherapy (RT) 18F-FDG PET/CT (PETNECROSİS) as a predictor of complete metabolic response (CMR) in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).We evaluated patients with inoperable stage I–III NSCLC who underwent pre- and post-radiotherapy 18F-FDG PET/CT. The relationship between CMR and PETNECROSIS, SUVmax, gross tumor volume calculated with 18F-FDG PET/CT (GTVPET-CT), tumor size, histology, metabolic tumor volume (MTV), and RT dose was assessed using logistic regression analysis. To evaluate necrosis on 18F FDG PET/CT, we drew a region of interest (ROI) in the area showing visually very low/or no fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake on PET images. If the SUVmax was lower than the blood pool SUVmax and showed significantly lower attenuation (10–30 Hounsfield units [HU]) from the surrounding tissue on non-intravenous contrast-enhanced low-dose correlative CT, we defined it as necrotic (PETNECROSİS).Fifty-three patients were included in this study. The mean age was 68.1 ± 9.8 years. Twenty-one patients had adenocarcinoma, and 32 had squamous cell carcinoma. All parameters were independent of histologic status. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that SUVmax ≤11.6 vs >11.6, (P = .003; OR, 7.670, 95CI%: 2.013–29.231) and PETNECROSİS absence/presence were independent predictors for CMR (P = .028, OR: 6.704, 95CI% 1.214–30.394).The necrosis on 18F FDG PET/CT and SUVmax > 11.6 could be an imaging marker for the complete metabolic response after definitive chemoradiotherapy or definitive RT alone in patients with NSCLC.  相似文献   

Rationale:Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE) is a rare low-to-intermediate grade malignant vascular neoplasm. We report a primary splenic EHE with diffused metastasis who underwent 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG PET/CT). Our case emphasizes that EHE should be considered a differential diagnose of 18F-FDG-avid splenic malignancies.Patient concerns:A 39-year-old man presented with abdominal distension and chest distress for 20 days and lumbago for 2 days. Transthoracic echocardiography suggested a large amount of pericardial effusion. Contrast-enhanced CT imaging showed splenomegaly with multiple low-density nodules with ring enhancement. A large irregular mass was also found in the right superior mediastinum with heterogeneous density and enhancement. 18F-FDG PET/CT imaging revealed splenomegaly, filled with intense hypermetabolic nodules and masses. And multiple regions of increased 18F-FDG uptake were observed in the mediastinum, left pleura, and bones.Diagnosis:EHE of the spleen.Interventions:Half a month after the diagnosis was confirmed, the patient then underwent chemotherapy, Docetaxel combined with carboplatin, and Endu were administrated every 3 weeks.Outcomes:During the 6-month follow-up period, the patient has finished 4 cycles of chemotherapy combined with 2 months of targeted drug. Efficacy assessment is partial remission through CT imaging, and clinical symptoms of patient improved significantly.Lessons:Primary splenic EHE is extremely rare, especially with diffuse systemic metastasis. Our report suggested that EHE should be considered a differential diagnosis of 18F-FDG-avid splenic malignancies. Furthermore, 18F-FDG PET/CT plays critical role in staging and accessing disease extent of EHE.  相似文献   

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