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PurposeTo assess patient doses and relative frequencies of standard CT examinations performed in Germany in 2013/14 as well as the effect of modern CT technology on patient exposure.MethodsAll known CT facilities in Germany were requested to complete a questionnaire on the frequency of 34 examinations and the respective parameter settings used. Taking into account type-specific properties of each scanner, effective doses were estimated for each reported examination. The mean and the percentiles of the CT dose index, scan length, dose length product, and effective dose were determined for each type of examination.ResultsAccording to the data provided for about 11% of all medical CT scanners operated in 2013/14, the effective dose was 4.6/5.9 mSv per scan/examination. The effective dose was significantly reduced by about 15% compared to the CT practice before 2010. Modern CT technology, such as tube current modulation and iterative image reconstruction reduced the effective dose significantly by 6% and 13%, respectively. The mean effective dose applied at scanners produced by different manufacturers differed by 25%, at maximum.ConclusionPatient exposure was reduced substantially in recent years. There is, however, still a considerable potential for further dose reduction by adapting scan protocols to the medical purpose and by a consequent exploitation of modern CT technologies.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: We report the results of a pilot survey in diagnostic medical sonographers. Aim of the study was to evaluate the frequency of musculoskeletal disorders in sonologists and the relationship of these symptoms to ergonomic factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 340 sonographers (258 male, 82 female doctors; mean age 41.5 +/- 7.2 years) were given a questionnaire to fill out. The questionnaire asked questions about the sonologist's age, gender, technique of ultrasound procedure, physical activity, and work-related musculoskeletal complaints. Two symptom lists regarded carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) symptoms (8 items) and other work-related musculoskeletal symptoms (13 items). The categorized response variables "have now" or "in the past" were provided. The symptoms experienced were categorized into three levels as no symptoms, few symptoms (1-4 symptoms), and many symptoms (> 5 symptoms). RESULTS: One third of the respondents reported having at least one or more work-related symptoms in the upper extremities. The most frequent symptoms were tingling (17.6%), numbness or finger pain (13.5%). Carpal tunnel syndrome had been diagnosed in 5 cases (1.5%). More than 60% of all respondents have experienced one or more musculoskeletal symptoms in the cervical or lumbar spine. The commonest symptom was neck and low back pain (67%). The pain was generally intermittent and occurred at the end of the workday. Motion impairment in the neck and/or back was present in 23.5% of cases. Twenty-five percent of respondents had received treatments for their symptoms and 10% reported having stopped work because of their symptoms. Data analysis showed that muscular efforts such as gripping the transducer, applying sustained pressure, and scanning with a correlated flexed or hyperextended wrist were significantly correlated with increasing severity of symptoms in the hand, wrist, and forearm area. On the other hand, low back pain appeared to be negatively correlated with correct position of the body. CONCLUSIONS: Several physical risk factors (e.g., repetitive work and force exertion, twisting of the body and poorly-adjustable chairs) have been identified for work-related upper extremity and spine disorders. Ergonomic redesign of the workstation configuration as well as allowing sufficient recovery time to body and arm muscles appear to be the main goals to achieve prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in sonographers.  相似文献   

Percutaneous transthoracic lung biopsies are commonly performed for the investigation of lung masses. We describe current practice and complication rates in the UK. A postal questionnaire was sent to all centres in the British Thoracic Society directory. 157 replies (61% response rate) were received, providing data on 5444 biopsies. Mean number of biopsies performed per annum was 30.5 per centre; 8% of centres did not perform biopsies, 36% performed <25 biopsies per annum, 34% <50, 16% <100 and 6% >100. Consultant radiologists perform 91% of biopsies. Written consent was obtained at all centres. The operator obtained consent at 50% of centres. Written information for patients was provided at 35 (24%) centres. Biopsies are performed on a day case basis at 103 (71%) centres. Prior to biopsy the following were obtained routinely: CT scan (73% of centres), platelet count (73%), full clotting screen (70%), lung function (55%). Complications included pneumothorax (20.5% of biopsies), pneumothorax requiring chest drain (3.1%), haemoptysis (5.3%) and death (0.15%). The timing of post-procedure chest radiography was variable. Those centres that performed predominantly cutting needle biopsies had similar pneumothorax rates to centres performing mainly fine needle biopsies (18.9% vs 18.3%). There is great variation in practice throughout the UK. Most procedures are performed on a daycase basis. Small pneumothoraces are common but infrequently require treatment. National guidelines are needed to ensure consistency of standards.  相似文献   

We investigated the potential usefulness of computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) in a mass survey for lung cancer. When the sensitivity of the computer output was adjusted nearly equal to that of the mass survey in our database which contained 198 photofluorographic films, some shadows detected by the computer output were different from those detected by human observers. Therefore, the best estimated sensitivity of an observer using the computer output was equal to or greater than the sensitivity of double reading. It is expected that CAD may have a role in a mass survey for lung cancer using photofluorographic films.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Radioactive iodine (as Na131I) has been used in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disease for more than 60 years, but the various treatment centres in Canada have different practice patterns. AIM: To determine whether there is a definable, nationwide pattern of practice which may be used to elucidate standards of practice and clarify some issues that arise when multiple care-givers are involved. METHODS: A survey questionnaire was mailed to all sites licensed by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission to administer Na131I for benign and malignant thyroid therapy. A second mailing was sent to non-responders. The questionnaire addressed the involvement of personnel: i.e., who prescribes, determines doses, obtains informed consent, counsels on radiation safety, administers the therapy, and follows the patient post-therapy. The survey also specifically addressed whether a nuclear medicine physician reviewed laboratory work or met with patients pre-therapy. RESULTS: The overall response rate was 60% (74/123) with representation from all Canadian provinces. The majority of respondents were physicians (78%). The data include 3447 benign thyroid therapies and 1202 malignant thyroid therapies. There are no significant regional differences in the average maximum dose administered for either benign or malignant thyroid therapies. The majority of therapies are administered in community and academic hospital settings. Endocrinologists most commonly prescribe Na131I for malignant thyroid therapies and nuclear medicine physicians for benign thyroid therapies. For all therapies nuclear medicine physicians most commonly obtain informed consent, determine the dose and provide radiation safety counselling. Nuclear medicine technologists most commonly administer the therapy and endocrinologists most commonly provide post-therapy follow-up. In the majority of centres, nuclear medicine physicians review the laboratory results for each patient's blood sample and meet with patients before therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Multiple health care specialists take part in Na131I therapy for both benign and malignant thyroid disease. In most centres, nuclear medicine physicians have major roles in the delivery of the treatments, including reviewing clinical and biochemical information. The findings of this study should provide reassurance to many centres and guidance to others to allow closer harmonization of practice.  相似文献   



The diagnostic value of lung ultrasonography (LUS) and procalcitonin (PCT) in the diagnosis of lung infections is known. No studies evaluated the combination of LUS and PCT for the diagnosis of pneumonia in the emergency department (ED). We evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of the combination of LUS and PCT in the diagnosis of pneumonia.


Patients with respiratory symptoms of unexplained origin who underwent a chest CT in ED were included in the study if PCT assay was available. LUS was performed before CT and was targeted to the detection of lung consolidations with the morphologic features of pneumonia. A PCT assay was performed at presentation, and cut-off of 0.25 and of 0.5 ng/ml were used to rule-out and rule-in pneumonia. The final diagnosis of pneumonia was established by independent clinicians, on the basis of clinical chart review including CT results.


We enrolled 128 patients and pneumonia was the final diagnosis in 61 (47.7%). In 38 patients (29.7%) LUS and PCT were negative (PCT < 0.25 ng/ml). The overall accuracy, sensitivity and negative predictive value of LUS/PCT were 88.8, 96.7 and 94.7% respectively. Sensitivity of the LUS/PCT test was significantly superior to LUS alone (85.2%) and PCT alone (73.8%) (p < 0.05 for both). Specificity and positive predictive value of the combination of positivity of LUS/PCT (PCT > 0.5 ng/ml) were 94% and 83.3% respectively. Specificity of LUS/PCT was not significantly different to LUS alone (88.1%) (p = 0.125).


The sensitivity of the combination of LUS with PCT for the diagnosis of pneumonia was significantly superior when compared with the sensitivity of LUS and PCT alone.

Transthoracic ultrasound (US) is useful in the evaluation of a wide range of peripheral parenchymal, pleural, and chest wall diseases. Furthermore, it is increasingly used to guide interventional procedures of the chest and pleural space. The role of chest US in the diagnosis of pneumothorax has been established, but comparison with lung computed tomography (CT) scanning has not yet been completely performed. The purpose of this study is to prospectively compare the accuracy of US with that of chest radiography in the detection of pneumothorax, with CT as the reference standard. One hundred ninety-seven patients who were evaluated by spiral chest CT scan for various clinical indications were prospectively evaluated. Ultrasonography was performed by a radiologist, blinded to the chest CT findings. Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of ultrasound in the detection of pneumothorax were then compared with chest CT scan. CT scan showed pneumothorax in 92 patients. Sonography and plain X-ray of the chest revealed 74 and 56 cases of pneumothorax, respectively. Statistical analysis disclosed the US to be 80.4 % sensitive and 89 % specific in the detection of pneumothorax with an overall accuracy of 85 %. In this study, US was more sensitive than chest radiography in the detection of pneumothorax. The results of this study suggest that thoracic US, when performed by trained individuals, can be helpful for the detection of pneumothorax.  相似文献   

This prospective, observational study of a cohort of thyroid cancer patients in Germany focusses on the "real-world" practice in the management of thyroid cancer patients. This report includes data from 2376 patients with primary differentiated thyroid carcinoma first diagnosed in the year 1996. The study reveals considerable differences in actual practice concerning surgery and radioiodine treatment. The results indicate that consensus is lacking with respect to the multimodality treatment approach for differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Our analysis represents the most current and comprehensive national assessment of presenting patient characteristics, diagnostic tests, treatment and complications for thyroid cancer.  相似文献   

This prospective, observational study of a cohort of thyroid cancer patients in Germany focusses on the "real-world" practice in the management of thyroid cancer patients. This report includes data from 2376 patients with primary differentiated thyroid carcinoma first diagnosed in the year 1996. The study reveals considerable differences in actual practice concerning surgery and radioiodine treatment. The results indicate that consensus is lacking with respect to the multimodality treatment approach for differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Our analysis represents the most current and comprehensive national assessment of presenting patient characteristics, diagnostic tests, treatment and complications for thyroid cancer.  相似文献   

目的:探讨肺脏超声在新生儿感染性肺炎(IPN)诊断及随访中的应用价值。方法:收集120例疑诊为IPN的患儿,行肺脏超声和X线检查,观察2种影像学检查的特点并对比其诊断价值。另对其中102例行肺脏超声随访,观察病情变化。结果:120例,最终临床确诊阳性106例,阴性14例。肺脏超声诊断阳性102例,阴性18例;X线胸片诊断阳性91例,阴性29例。肺脏超声诊断IPN的敏感度、特异度、阴性预测值及准确率均明显高于X线检查(均P<0.05)。102例肺脏超声随访中,最终转为阴性77例;阳性25例中,胸膜线异常15例,B线9例,肺实变10例,胸腔积液1例,肺滑异常及肺搏动征6例。结论:与X线检查相比,肺脏超声对IPN的诊断更具优势,且更适合于该病的随访。  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to report orthopedic surgeons’ management of choice for difficult clinical scenarios of shoulder pathologies.  相似文献   

CT colonography practice in the UK: a national survey   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
AIM: To determine the provision of computed tomography (CT) colonography in UK radiology departments. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A questionnaire relating to the availability of CT colonography, barriers to implementation, clinical indications, technique, and practitioners was posted to clinical directors of UK radiology departments. RESULTS: One hundred and thirty-eight departments responded. Fifty (36%) offered CT colonography in day-to-day clinical practice. Of those that did not, 68 of 87 (64%) cited limited scanner capacity as the main barrier. Of the 50 departments offering a service, 39 (78%) offered CT after incomplete colonoscopy, 36 (72%), after failed barium enema, and 37 (74%) as an alternative to barium enema. Of those offering a service, the number of studies performed varied between one per month (38%) to more than one per day (8%). Total experience varied between 20 or fewer studies (28%) to more than 300 (12%). Full bowel preparation was common (92%), as was dual positioning (90%). Colonography was interpreted by radiologists with a subspecialty interest in gastrointestinal imaging in 64% of centres offering a service. CONCLUSION: CT colonography is widely available in the UK, with approximately one-third of responders offering a service. Experience and throughput varies considerably. Limited CT scanner capacity is the major barrier to further dissemination.  相似文献   

胎盘早剥超声诊断价值的探讨(附45例分析)   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的:对产前进行超声检查诊断为胎盘早剥,产后证实的45例进行回顾性分析。方法:我们把45例胎盘早剥的部位、范围、大小及不同声像表现进行归纳分类,并进行相关的统计处理。结果:产前B超诊断胎盘早剥为84.4%符合率(38/45),其中前壁胎盘B超阳性率最高,后壁胎盘检出率较低,随着胎盘早剥病情加重,其B超诊断阳性率亦升高,胎盘早剥的超声图像特征为:胎盘与宫壁间有液性暗区(31/38),部分表现为胎盘边缘肿块或胎盘与宫壁间突出于羊膜腔内的肿块(5/38),或仅有胎盘增厚(2/38)。结论:超声检查对胎盘早剥的诊断具有重要的临床价值。  相似文献   

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