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The purpose of this study was to evaluate student development of cultural competence over time and to identify factors that influence the development of cultural competence in an associate in science in nursing (ASN) program. This longitudinal quantitative study used a pretest and posttest survey to collect data on 145 ASN students' cultural competence. The results indicated that students performed at a culturally competent level. The predictor of cultural encounters contributed approximately 58.5% of the variance in cultural competence.  相似文献   

Conducting a culturally sensitive cultural assessment is a critical factor in rendering culturally relevant services to our growing ethnically diverse patient population. The author examines issues affecting the process of conducting culturally sensitive cultural assessments. A review of several cultural assessment tools is presented, along with suggestions for conducting effective cultural assessments.  相似文献   

目的系统评价标准化病人在《护理学基础》教学中的应用效果。方法计算机检索PubMed、EMbase、Cochrane Library、中国期刊全文数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库、中文科技期刊全文数据库及数字化期刊全文数据库等资源,搜集有关标准化病人教学法对比传统教学法在《护理学基础》教学中应用的随机对照试验(RCT)或半随机对照试验(q-RCT)。采用由Smits等设计的质量评价量表对纳入研究进行方法学质量评价,而后提取有效数据并采用RevMan 5.0.17软件进行Meta分析。结果最终纳入5个RCT和1个q-RCT,共585例研究对象。质量评价结果表明,5个RCT研究质量评分均≥30分。由于纳入研究间的同质性较差,本研究仅采用描述性分析。结果显示,与传统教学法相比,标准化病人教学法可提高学生的护理操作技能、护患沟通能力及临床判断能力。结论标准化病人教学法是一种更有前景的教学模式,但由于有关标准化病人在护理基础教学中的RCT尚少,纳入研究教学方法和考核标准差异较大,上述结论尚需开展更多高质量的研究予以验证。  相似文献   

本科护生培养模式的探索   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
张静平  余晓波唐莹 《现代护理》2005,11(19):1651-1652
针对我国本科护生培养模式的现状进行了分析,指出在课程设置、教学环节、实习安排、学生专业思想方面存在的问题,并提出改革措施:即从调整课程体系、采用交叉式教学模式、强化技能操作水平、调整实习安排等方面进行改革,以培养出专业思想稳定、专业知识扎实、实际工作能力强、受用人单位欢迎的高级护理人才.  相似文献   

目的调查南通卫生高等职业技术学校五年制高职护生临床核心能力,为《护理综合实训》课程提供教学依据。方法从南通卫生高等职业技术学校2015级五年制高职护理专业班中随机抽取2个班级为研究对象(111名护生),以问卷调查的形式,调查高职护生批判性思维能力、一般自我效能感、人际沟通能力及简易应对方式。结果111名被调查护生批判性思维能力平均(238.50±23.15)分,低于批判性思维能力总分要求的最低正性批判性思维态度倾向(280分);被调查护生寻求真象、开放思想、分析能力、系统化能力、批判性思维的自信心、求知欲和认知成熟度7个维度均未达到正性倾向(40分);被调查护生一般自我效能感平均(22.56±3.90)分,明显低于国际成人常模(29.46±5.33),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);被调查护生人际沟通平均(63.74±8.47)分,为理论最高值80分的79.68%,处于中等水平。111名护生积极应对方式和消极应对方式基本呈正态分布,积极应对方式平均(1.66±0.27)分,低于国内常模(1.78±0.52);消极应对方式平均(1.95±0.39)分,高于国内常模(1.59±0.66),总体呈负面趋势。结论五年制高职护生批判性思维能力、自我效能感水平整体偏弱,人际沟通能力处于中等水平,消极应对方式多于积极应对方式,总体呈负性趋势。  相似文献   

Although health care providers and health care systems have increasingly acknowledged the need for culture-specific care in a global society, its implementation has remained daunting. Thus, integrating cultural competence into nursing education is no longer a choice but a requirement that builds on the values of the racially and culturally diverse population of the United States for optimal health care. The need has never been greater for nurses who understand the health implications of the demographic shifts that are shaping an American society whose African American, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American constituents compose a significantly growing portion of the population and whose health care needs will need to be served in health care settings that range from their homes to health care institutions. This article provides a blueprint on how our undergraduate program integrated cultural competence education throughout the curriculum.  相似文献   

The United States' diversity is growing, making it difficult for nurses to meet the needs of patients from a wide range of cultures, belief systems, and groups. Nursing is not new to providing culturally competent care; however, the profession's demographic shift has made it a priority. Improving nurses' cultural competency can lead to increased access to health care and, as a result, better health outcomes. Nurses in all specialties work with people from all walks of life, which necessitates that they have the knowledge and skills necessary to care in a culturally appropriate manner. Radiology nurses, in particular, influence care in a variety of settings and provide care to people of all ages and acuities, making the commitment to fostering culturally congruent practice even more critical. Nurses can begin this process by critically reflecting on their own biases as well as the concepts of cultural humility, competence, and competemility.  相似文献   

本科护生临床沟通能力及其影响因素的调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解目前在读护理专业本科生的临床沟通能力,以助于有针对性地改进教学工作。方法抽取中南大学护理学院在读2001-2004级本科护生,使用护生临床沟通能力量表以及一般资料调查表进行测评。结果临床沟通能力总分及各分量表得分总体不高,其中相对较好的为倾听能力和与患者建立和谐关系能力,让患者共同参与和验证感受能力相对较弱。个人因素、家庭因素以及学校因素与临床沟通能力之间大多呈正相关。结论当前本科护生临床沟通能力不容乐观,护理高等教育者应针对具体情况加以有针对性地培养。  相似文献   

In response to the Institute of Medicine report criticizing health care professionals' competence in providing safe patient care, health care educators were challenged to transform their nursing programs. One powerful tool in developing competent nurses, without endangering patients, is simulation. This article discusses advantages and disadvantages of using simulation as a teaching strategy and describes how to teach environmental safety concepts to beginning nursing students, through a simulated patient room using an environmental safety assessment.  相似文献   

Although rarely thought of as simulations by anesthesia educators, the use of standardized patients to simulate clinical encounters spans 4 decades (Mt Sinai J Med. 1996;63:241-249; J Am Med Assoc. 1997;278:790-791; Int J Dermatol. 1999;38:893-894). Although its efficacy for education and evaluation in the medical community has been well established through extensive research, there is a distinct dearth in the literature in its use for anesthesia trainee education and evaluation. In this article, we discuss this simulation modality via a historic review, its current application in competency assessment, and its use in anesthesiology education and evaluation. We conclude with a "how to guide" to facilitate those considering including standardized patient simulations into their anesthesia training or simulation curriculum.  相似文献   

The continued reports of declining standards of care for culturally diverse patients, highlights the urgent need for nurse educators to critically examine how cultural competence development is facilitated in everyday teaching. Nurses frequently report experiencing difficulties when adapting caring practice to culturally diverse groups. Subsequently, there needs to be a rooting of continuous cultural competence development threaded throughout undergraduate curricula. Simulation pedagogy can be used as a vehicle for nurturing cultural competence, but this requires a review of how culturally responsive simulation is structured and designed. This paper focuses on culturally responsive simulation as a means of improving the preparation of nurses for working in a broadening culturally diverse healthcare context by outlining fundamental considerations when integrating cultural competence development in everyday simulation.  相似文献   

目的研究开设患者安全教育课程对本科护生患者安全知识、态度和技能的影响。方法以皖南医学院2009级五年制本科护生为研究对象,选取82名大四上学期选修患者安全护理课程的护生为观察组,另以同年级未选修患者安全护理课程的359名护生为对照组,在大三上学期初和大四上学期课程结束后对两组护生进行患者安全知识、态度和技能的问卷调查。结果在"患者安全护理"选修课程结束后,观察组护生在"医疗差错相关知识"模块和"医疗差错发生后我应该怎么做"模块的得分均高于对照组护生,且差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论开设患者安全教育课程可明显提高本科护生的患者安全知识、态度和技能。  相似文献   

In order to prepare nurses to effectively provide holistic nursing care to an increasingly diverse patient population, nurse educators must incorporate cultural care practices into the nursing curricula. Specifically, teaching culturally competent end-of-life care is essential but can pose challenges for distance education programs. The purpose of this article is to identify multiple learning strategies utilized in an online nursing program to teach students how to provide culturally competent end-of-life care.  相似文献   

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