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Based on the available evidence, we, the Vaccine Advisory Committee (CAV) of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (Asociación Española de Pediatría, AEP), provide information about and comments on vaccine-related innovation during 2008. Modifications to the Vaccine Schedule for 2009 are also discussed. The importance of the recommendation of administration of a varicella booster at start of school (3–4 years of age) is highlighted according to the technical specifications of one of the vaccines. The importance of making the heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine universally available is reiterated in accordance with the unquestionable results of scientific tests, WHO recommendations, the posture adopted by the majority of neighboring European countries, and the decision taken in 2006 by the autonomous community of Madrid (Spain). New scientific reasons are provided, corroborating the recommendation made by this committee in 2008, for the implementation by Spanish pediatricians of the vaccine against rotavirus and human papilloma virus. With regard to the latter, vaccination should be from 11 to 16 years of age, and then extended, in accordance with the technical specifications of the available vaccine preparations, to 26 years of age. As part of the recommendations, we insist that children in risk groups should be given flu vaccine and hepatitis A vaccine. The committee considers that these two vaccines must also be given, when pediatricians consider it appropriate, to children other than those in risk groups. This recommendation can be regarded as the first step towards a future recommendation of universal vaccination. Finally, this year we include an appendix with recommendations and vaccination strategies to be followed in children who have not previously received vaccines or who have not been completely immunized.  相似文献   

In the last few years, there are an increased number of families following a vegetarian diet, including their children. In order to guarantee child heath, paediatricians need to know the characteristics of this diet and the main foods that are used.There are few data on the medium and long-term health outcomes when removing all animal foods from the child's diet, especially at younger ages. Nevertheless, new tools have recently become available to facilitate following a vegetarian diet and decreasing the risk of deficiencies.In this document, the group of foods commonly used in vegetarian diets are reviewed, as well as recommendations for each age group. It also mentions the need to use B12 supplements at all ages, as well as other nutrients (iodine, iron, vitamin D3, poly-unsaturated fatty acid n-3), when required.A vegetarian or a vegan diet, as in any other kind of diet, needs to be carefully designed. After reviewing current evidence, even though following a vegetarian diet at any age does not necessarily mean it is unsafe, it is advisable for infant and young children to follow an omnivorous diet or, at least, an ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet.  相似文献   

The Advisory Committee on Vaccines of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (CAV-AEP) updates the immunization schedule every year, taking into account epidemiological data as well as evidence on the effectiveness and efficency of vaccines.The present schedule includes grades of recommendation. We have graded as routine vaccinations those that the CAV-AEP believes all children should receive; as recommended those that fit the profile for universal childhood immunization and would ideally be given to all children, but that can be prioritized according to the resources available for their public funding; and as risk group vaccinations those that specifically target individuals in situations of risk. Immunization schedules tend to be dynamic and adaptable to ongoing epidemiological changes. Nevertheless, the achievement of a unified immunization schedule in all regions of Spain is a top priority for the CAV-AEP.Based on the latest epidemiological trends, the main changes introduced to the schedule are the administration of the first dose of the MMR and the varicella vaccines at age 12 months (12–15 months) and the second dose at age 2–3 years, as well as the administration of the Tdap vaccine at age 4–6 years, always followed by another dose at 11–14 years of age.The CAV-AEP believes that the coverage of vaccination against human papillomavirus in girls aged 11–14 years must increase. It reasserts its recommendation to include vaccination against pneumococcal disease in the routine immunization schedule. Universal vaccination against varicella in the second year of life is an effective strategy and therefore a desirable objective. Vaccination against rotavirus is recommended in all infants due to the morbidity and elevated healthcare burden of the virus. The Committee stresses the need to vaccinate population groups considered at risk against influenza and hepatitis A. Finally, it emphasizes the need to bring incomplete vaccinations up to date following the catch-up immunization schedule.  相似文献   

As it does every year, the CAV-AEP publishes the update of its recommendations for the use of vaccines in children, adolescents and pregnant women residing in Spain.The 2 + 1 schedule is maintained in infants (at 2, 4 and 11 months), including preterm infants, with the hexavalent vaccine (DTaP-IPV-Hib-HB) and the pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate vaccine.A booster dose with DTaP-IPV is needed at 6 years for those who received the 2 + 1 series with hexavalent vaccine as infants, in addition to 1 dose of dTap in adolescence. Routine vaccination of pregnant women with a dose of dTap is recommended in each pregnancy, preferably between weeks 27 and 32 of gestation, although can be given from 20 weeks if there is risk of preterm delivery.All infants should receive the rotavirus vaccine (2–3 doses) and the 4 CMenB vaccine (2 + 1 series).All children aged 6–59 months should be vaccinated against influenza each year, in addition to risk groups from 6 months.The MenACWY vaccine should be given routinely at 12 months of age and in adolescence between ages 12 and 18 years.The recommendations for the MMR vaccine (12 months and 3–4 years) and varicella vaccine (15 months and 3–4 years) also remain unchanged, using the MMRV vaccine for the second dose.Recommendations for the use of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in the paediatric age group will be updated periodically on the CAV-AEP website.The HPV vaccine is indicated in all adolescents, regardless of sex, at age 12 years.Novelties include the recommendation of routine administration of nirsevimab to neonates and infants aged less than 6 months for passive immunization against RSV, and the recommendations regarding the hexavalent vaccine are consolidated in a single section.  相似文献   

The CAV-AEP annually publishes the immunisation schedule considered optimal for all children resident in Spain, taking into account the available evidence.The 2 + 1 schedule is recommended (2, 4, and 11 months) with hexavalent vaccines (DTPa-VPI-Hib-HB) and with 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate.A 6-year booster is recommended, preferably with DTPa (if available), with a dose of polio for those who received 2 + 1 schemes, as well as vaccination with Tdpa in adolescents and in each pregnancy, preferably between 27 and 32 weeks.Rotavirus vaccine should be systematic for all infants.Meningococcal B vaccine, with a 2+1 schedule, should be included in routine calendar.In addition to the inclusion of the conjugated tetravalent meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY) at 12 years of age with catch up to 18 years, inclusive, the CAV recommends this vaccine to be also included at 12 months of age, replacing MenC. Likewise, it is recommended in those over 6 weeks of age with risk factors or who travel to countries with a high incidence of these serogroups.Two-dose schedules for MMR (12 months and 3-4 years) and varicella (15 months and 3-4 years) will be used. The second dose could be applied as a tetraviral vaccine.Universal systematic vaccination against HPV is recommended, both for girls and boys, preferably at 12 years, and greater effort should be made to improve coverage. The 9 genotype extends coverage for both genders.  相似文献   

The Advisory Committee on Vaccines of the Spanish Association of Paediatrics annually publishes the immunisation schedule considered optimal for children resident in Spain, according to available evidence on current vaccines.As regards funded immunisations, the 2 + 1 strategy (2, 4, 11 months) with hexavalent (DTPa-IPV-Hib-HB) and 13-valent pneumococcal vaccines are recommended.Administration of the 6-year booster dose with DTPa is recommended, with a poliomyelitis dose for children who had received the 2 + 1 scheme, as well as Tdap vaccine for adolescents and pregnant women in every pregnancy between 27 and 32 weeks gestation.The 2-dose scheme should be used for MMR (12 months and 3-4 years) and varicella (15 months and 3-4 years). MMRV vaccine could be applied as the second dose.Vaccination against HPV is recommended in both genders, preferably at 12 years of age. A stronger effort should be made to improve vaccination coverage. The new 9-valent vaccine is now available, expanding the coverage for both genders.Tetravalent meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY) is recommended at 12 months and 12-14 years, with a catch-up up at 19 years of age. It is also recommended in infants older than 6 weeks of age with risk factors, or travellers to countries with high incidence of ACWY meningococcal serogroups.As regards non-funded immunisations, it is recommended meningococcal B vaccination, with a 2 + 1 schedule, and requests that it be included in the National Immunisation Program. Vaccination against rotavirus is recommended in all infants.  相似文献   

The CAV-AEP annually publishes the immunisation schedule considered optimal for all children and adolescent resident in Spain, taking into account the available evidence.The 2 + 1 schedule is recommended (2, 4, and 11 months) with hexavalent vaccines (DTPa-VPI-Hib-HB) and with 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate.A 6-year booster is recommended, preferably with DTPa (if available), with a dose of polio for those who received 2 + 1 schemes, as well as vaccination with Tdpa in adolescents and in each pregnancy, preferably between 27 and 32 weeks.Rotavirus vaccine should be systematic for all infants.Meningococcal B vaccine, with a 2 + 1 schedule, should be included in routine calendar.In addition to the inclusion of the conjugated tetravalent meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY) at 12 years of age with catch up to 18 years, inclusive, the CAV recommends this vaccine to be also included at 12 months of age, replacing MenC. Likewise, it is recommended in those over 6 weeks of age with risk factors or who travel to countries with a high incidence of these serogroups.Two-dose schedules for triple viral (12 months and 3-4 years) and varicella (15 months and 3-4 years) will be used. The second dose could be applied as a tetraviral vaccine.Universal systematic vaccination against HPV is recommended, regardless of gender, preferably at 12 years, and greater effort should be made to improve coverage. The 9 genotype extends coverage for both genders.  相似文献   

The Advisory Committee on Vaccines of the Spanish Association of Paediatrics (CAV-AEP) updates the immunisation schedule every year, taking into account epidemiological data as well as evidence on the safety, effectiveness and efficiency of vaccines.The present schedule includes levels of recommendation. We have graded as routine vaccinations those that the CAV-AEP consider all children should receive; as recommended those that fit the profile for universal childhood immunisation and would ideally be given to all children, but that can be prioritised according to the resources available for their public funding; and as risk group vaccinations those that specifically target individuals in situations of risk. Immunisation schedules tend to be dynamic and adaptable to ongoing epidemiological changes. Nevertheless, the achievement of a unified immunisation schedule in all regions of Spain is a top priority for the CAV-AEP.Based on the latest epidemiological trends, CAV-AEP follows the innovations proposed in the last year's schedule, such as the administration of the first dose of the MMR and the varicella vaccines at age 12 months and the second dose at age 2-3 years, as well as the administration of the Tdap vaccine at age 4-6 years, always followed by another dose at 11-14 years of age, preferably at 11-12 years.The CAV-AEP believes that the coverage of vaccination against human papillomavirus in girls aged 11-14 years, preferably at 11-12 years, must increase. It reasserts its recommendation to include vaccination against pneumococcal disease in the routine immunisation schedule. Universal vaccination against varicella in the second year of life is an effective strategy and therefore a desirable objective.Vaccination against rotavirus is recommended in all infants due to the morbidity and elevated healthcare burden of the virus. The Committee stresses the need to vaccinate population groups considered at risk against influenza and hepatitis A.Finally, it emphasizes the need to bring incomplete vaccinations up to date following the catch-up immunisation schedule.  相似文献   

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is defined as the growth of microorganisms in a sterile urine culture in a patient with compatible clinical symptoms. The presence of bacteria without any symptoms is known as asymptomatic bacteriuria, and does not require any treatment. In neonates and infants, fever is the guiding sign to suspecting a UTI. Classic urinary tract symptoms become more important in older children. Urine cultures collected before starting antibiotics is always required for diagnosis. Clean-catch (midstream) specimens should be collected for urine culture. In the case of non-toilet-trained children, specimens must be obtained by urinary catheterisation, or suprapubic puncture in neonates and infants. Specimens collected by urine bag should not be used for urine culture. There are no significant differences in the clinical evolution and prognosis between oral versus short intravenous followed by oral antibiotic. Empirical antibiotic therapy should be guided by local susceptibility patterns. Second-generation cephalosporin (children under 6 years) and fosfomycin trometamol (over 6 years), are the empiric therapy recommended in this consensus. In the case of pyelonephritis, recommended antibiotic treatment are third-generation cephalosporins (outpatient care) or, if admission is required, aminoglycosides. Ampicillin should be added in infants less than 3 months old. Antibiotic de-escalation should be always practiced once the result of the urine culture is known.  相似文献   

The Advisory Committee on Vaccines of the Spanish Association of Paediatrics (CAV- AEP) annually publishes the immunisation schedule which, in our opinion, is considered optimal for children resident in Spain, taking into account the evidence available on current vaccines. Pneumococcal and varicella immunisation in early childhood is already included in all funded vaccines present in the regional immunisation programmes. Furthermore, this committee establishes recommendations on vaccines not included in official calendars (non-funded immunisations), such as rotavirus, meningococcal B, and meningococcal ACWY.As regards funded immunisations, 2 + 1 strategy (2, 4, 11-12 months) with hexavalent (DTaP-IPV-Hib-HB) and 13-valent pneumococcal vaccines is recommended.Administration of the 6-year booster dose with DTaP is recommended, as well as a poliomyelitis dose for children who had received the 2 + 1 scheme, with the Tdap vaccine for adolescents and pregnant women between 27 and 32 weeks gestation. The two-dose scheme should be used for MMR (12 months and 2-4 years) and varicella (15 months and 2-4 years).Coverage of human papillomavirus vaccination in girls aged 12 with a two-dose scheme (0, 6 months) should be improved. Information and recommendations for male adolescents about potential beneficial effects of the tetravalent HPV vaccine should also be provided.ACWY meningococcal vaccine is the optimal choice in adolescents.For recommended unfunded immunisations, the CAV-AEP recommends the administration of meningococcal B vaccine, due to the current availability in Spanish community pharmacies, with a 3 + 1 scheme. CAV-AEP requests the incorporation of this vaccine in the funded unified schedule. Vaccination against rotavirus is recommended in all infants.  相似文献   

The Advisory Committee on Vaccines of the Spanish Association of Paediatrics annually publishes the immunisation schedule considered optimal for children resident in Spain, according to available evidence on current vaccines. Regarding funded immunisations, 2+1 strategy (2, 4, 11-12 months) with hexavalent (DTPa-IPV-Hib-HB) and 13-valent pneumococcal vaccines are recommended. Administration of the 6-year booster dose with DTPa is recommended, and a poliomyelitis dose for children who had received the 2+1 scheme, as well as Tdap vaccine for adolescents and pregnant women in every pregnancy between 27 and 32 weeks’ gestation. The two-dose scheme should be used for MMR (12 months and 2-4 years) and varicella (15 months and 2-4 years). MMRV vaccine could be applied as the second dose if available. Coverage of human papillomavirus vaccination in girls aged 12 with a two dose scheme (0, 6 months) should be improved. Information and recommendation for male adolescents about potential beneficial effects of this immunisation should be provided as well. The new 9 genotypes vaccine is now available, expanding the coverage for both gender. Regarding non-funded immunisations, Committee on Vaccines of the Spanish Association of Paediatrics recommends meningococcal B vaccination, with a 3+1 schedule, and requests to be included in the National Immunisation Program. Tetravalent meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY) is recommended to adolescents (14-18 years) who are going to live in countries with systematic vaccination against ACWY serogroups, and people >6 weeks of age with risk factors or travellers to countries with very high incidence. Vaccination against rotavirus is recommended in all infants.  相似文献   

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