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The term “co-dependency” has become somewhat established within the vernacular of the addiction field and is being used increasingly within the popular psychology and self-help literature. A review of this literature reveals that there is general agreement as to the core characteristics of co-dependency but virtually no agreement as to a workable definition. Remarkably little research has been published to examine any of the assumptions within the model, so that most of the ideas presented in the literature rest on clinical observation and/or personal experience. The concept has been widely criticized from a number of theoretical perspectives. Of particular note are the feminist objections to the model. In addition, a number of the central concepts within the co-dependency model are at odds with some of the research into family coping. Further research is urgently needed in this area. Despite many conceptual problems the development of this model has had an undoubted positive influence on family treatment and support benefiting many people within the self-help arena.  相似文献   

This review deals with herbal hepatotoxicity, identical to herb induced liver injury (HILI), and critically summarizes the pitfalls associated with the evaluation of assumed HILI cases. Analysis of the relevant publications reveals that several dozens of different herbs and herbal products have been implicated to cause toxic liver disease, but major quality issues limit the validity of causality attribution. In most of these reports, discussions around quality specifications regarding herbal products, case data presentations and causality assessment methods prevail. Though the production of herbal drugs is under regulatory surveillance and quality aspects are normally not a matter of concern, low quality of the less regulated herbal supplements may be a critical issue considering product batch variability, impurities, adulterants and herb misidentifications. Regarding case data presentation, essential diagnostic information is often lacking, as is the use of valid and liver specific causality assessment methods that also consider alternative diseases. At present, causality is best assessed by using the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences scale ( CIOMS) in its original or updated form, which should primarily be applied prospectively by the treating physician when evaluating a patient rather than retrospectively by regulatory agencies. To cope with these problems, a common quality approach by manufacturers, physicians and regulatory agencies should strive for the best quality. We propose steps for improvements with impact on future cases of liver injury by herbs, herbal drugs and herbal supplements.  相似文献   

Rebound insomnia: a critical review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rebound insomnia, a worsening of sleep compared with pretreatment levels, has been reported upon discontinuation of short half-life benzodiazepine hypnotics. This paper reviews the existing sleep laboratory studies for the presence or absence of rebound insomnia following treatment with triazolam, temazepam, and flurazepam in insomniac patients or poor sleepers and, when possible, in normals. The results indicate that rebound insomnia is a distinct possibility after discontinuation of triazolam in both insomniacs and normal controls. Compared with baseline, disturbed sleep was reported in insomniacs or poor sleepers for the first 1 or 2 nights of withdrawal in seven of nine polygraphically recorded sleep studies following triazolam 0.5 mg and in one of two studies following triazolam 0.25 mg. In one study conducted in normal volunteers, rebound insomnia was observed following triazolam 0.5 mg but not triazolam 0.25 mg. In another study, which used subjective reports of sleep rather than polygraphic recordings, rebound insomnia was significantly attenuated after triazolam 0.5 mg by tapering the dose over 4 nights. The risk of rebound insomnia after temazepam 15 or 30 mg was low. In keeping with its long elimination half-life, flurazepam (30 mg) continued to exert beneficial effects for the first 2-3 withdrawal nights, but the possibility of a mild rebound insomnia cannot be dismissed during the intermediate withdrawal period (nights 4-10) following prolonged, consecutive, nightly administration (more than 30 nights). The benzodiazepine hypnotics are generally preferred over other types (barbiturates or nonbenzodiazepine, nonbarbiturate), but there are advantages and disadvantages related to half-life of the benzodiazepines. The risk of rebound insomnia is greater with the short half-life as compared with the long half-life benzodiazepines.  相似文献   

Introduction: The emergence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) infections has been extensively observed worldwide and has become a priority issue over past decade. Tigecycline, a broad spectrum antibiotic covering against many MDR organisms, has been widely used. However, recent meta-analysis studies have raised a concern for its efficacy and safety. Reviewing tigecycline safety data would enhance the appropriate use of this medication.

Areas covered: This article reviews the safety profile of tigecycline, including its side effects and drug interactions.

Expert opinion: The increased mortality associated with tigecycline is not yet well understood. Based on current evidence, alternative options must be prioritized over tigecycline if available. When tigecycline use is warranted, vigilant observation to identify any breakthrough infections and careful monitoring of progression of the original infection are highly recommended. Considering a second agent (either for synergism or enhancing coverage) may be required.  相似文献   

The ketolides: a critical review   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Ketolides are a new class of macrolides designed particularly to combat respiratory tract pathogens that have acquired resistance to macrolides. The ketolides are semi-synthetic derivatives of the 14-membered macrolide erythromycin A, and retain the erythromycin macrolactone ring structure as well as the D-desosamine sugar attached at position 5. The defining characteristic of the ketolides is the removal of the neutral sugar, L-cladinose from the 3 position of the ring and the subsequent oxidation of the 3-hydroxyl to a 3-keto functional group. The ketolides presently under development additionally contain an 11, 12 cyclic carbamate linkage in place of the two hydroxyl groups of erythromycin A and an arylalkyl or an arylallyl chain, imparting in vitro activity equal to or better than the newer macrolides. Telithromycin is the first member of this new class to be approved for clinical use, while ABT-773 is presently in phase III of development. Ketolides have a mechanism of action very similar to erythromycin A from which they have been derived. They potently inhibit protein synthesis by interacting close to the peptidyl transferase site of the bacterial 50S ribosomal subunit. Ketolides bind to ribosomes with higher affinity than macrolides. The ketolides exhibit good activity against Gram-positive aerobes and some Gram-negative aerobes, and have excellent activity against drug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae, including macrolide-resistant (mefA and ermB strains of S. pneumoniae). Ketolides such as telithromycin display excellent pharmacokinetics allowing once daily dose administration and extensive tissue distribution relative to serum. Evidence suggests the ketolides are primarily metabolised in the liver and that elimination is by a combination of biliary, hepatic and urinary excretion. Pharmacodynamically, ketolides display an element of concentration dependent killing unlike macrolides which are considered time dependent killers. Clinical trial data are only available for telithromycin and have focused on respiratory infections including community-acquired pneumonia, acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, sinusitis and streptococcal pharyngitis. Bacteriological and clinical cure rates have been similar to comparators. Limited data suggest very good eradication of macrolide-resistant and penicillin-resistant S. pneumoniae. As a class, the macrolides are well tolerated and can be used safely. Limited clinical trial data suggest that ketolides have similar safety profiles to the newer macrolides. Telithromycin interacts with the cytochrome P450 enzyme system (specifically CYP 3A4) in a reversible fashion and limited clinically significant drug interactions occur. In summary, clinical trials support the clinical efficacy of the ketolides in upper and lower respiratory tract infections caused by typical and atypical pathogens including strains resistant to penicillins and macrolides. Considerations such as local epidemiology, patterns of resistance and ketolide adverse effects, drug interactions and cost relative to existing agents will define the role of these agents. The addition of the ketolides in the era of antibacterial resistance provides clinicians with more options in the treatment of respiratory infections.  相似文献   

Non-systemic drugs act within the intestinal lumen without reaching the systemic circulation. The first generation included polymeric resins that sequester phosphate ions, potassium ions, or bile acids for the treatment of electrolyte imbalances or hypercholesteremia. The field has evolved towards non-absorbable small molecules or peptides targeting luminal enzymes or transporters for the treatment of mineral metabolism disorders, diabetes, gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, and enteric infections. From a drug design and development perspective, non-systemic agents offer novel opportunities to address unmet medical needs while minimizing toxicity risks, but also present new challenges, including developing a better understanding and control of non-transcellular leakage pathways into the systemic circulation. The pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationship of drugs acting in the GI tract can be complex due to the variability of intestinal transit, interaction with chyme, and the complex environment of the surface epithelia. We review the main classes of nonabsorbable agents at various stages of development, and their therapeutic potential and limitations. The rapid progress in the identification of intestinal receptors and transporters, their functional characterization and role in metabolic and inflammatory disorders, will undoubtedly renew interest in the development of novel, safe, non-systemic therapeutics.  相似文献   

This review covers recent developments in several important aspects of research on oxazolidinone antibacterial agents. Structure-activity relationships are first discussed, emphasizing bioisosteric replacements for the both the oxazolidinone ring and the N-acetylaminomethyl group at C-5. The oxazolidinones have a mechanism of action that is distinct from other antibacterial agents, whereby protein synthesis is inhibited prior to initiation. Studies aimed at determining how the oxazolidinones bind to the bacterial ribosome and interfere with peptidyl transferase activity are described in detail, and are then related to the nature of the changes in the ribosomal RNA leading to resistance. Toxicity of the oxazolidinones remains a critical issue, in that early lead compounds exhibited lethal toxicity in animal studies. Preclinical and clinical safety studies of both eperezolid and linezolid are summarized, giving emphasis to histopathological effects observed in early animal studies. These studies are then related to thrombocytopenia and pancytopenia observed in patients treated with linezolid for extended time periods. Finally, studies to determine the nature and potential severity of drug-drug interactions in patients undergoing linezolid therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

Dioxin and cancer: a critical review   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
2,3,7,8-tetrachlordibenzo-p-doxin (TCDD) would not have been designated as a Group 1 carcinogen by IARC had there not been a change in the criteria used for inclusion in this category. Furthermore, there is no precedent for indicating, as did IARC, that a single chemical acts as a pluripotential carcinogen by modestly increasing human risk for all cancer while not increasing the risk for any single cancer at least moderately. IARC moved TCDD to Group 1 based on mechanistic considerations focusing on the Ah receptor. However, while occupancy of the Ah receptor by TCDD may be necessary for its toxicity, it is not sufficient for toxicity or for potential carcinogenicity. Animal evidence relating TCDD exposure to cancer is much stronger than that for humans. However, the large inter-species variation in the relevant dose-response slopes severely limits generalizations from animals to humans. The epidemiologic studies of occupational exposures, pesticide applicators, and community exposures following industrial accidents, notably Seveso, have generated overall relative risks of all cancer of about 1.0. Only case-control studies of soft-tissue sarcoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, all by the same investigator, reported elevated risk from TCDD exposure. However, these results have not been replicated. The representation that a chemical compound (TCDD) would be a late-stage carcinogen for all types of cancer has no precedent and lacks biological foundation. Virtually all late-stage or promoting carcinogens (e.g., hepatitis-C virus, asbestos, and estrogens) cause a very limited number of forms of cancer. The exposure-response meta-analysis of TCDD and cancer developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) is seriously compromised by its failure to adequately fit the data. The studies used by the USEPA also likely underestimate TCDD body burdens and may be confounded by smoking and other occupational exposures. Furthermore, the use of a linear dose-response model by the USEPA is scientifically unjustified since the underlying model of TCDD as a human carcinogen is based primarily on its supposed receptor-mediated, non-genotoxic (or promotional) mode of action. There are few examples of an agent being suspected as a human carcinogen for decades and then eventually moving into the category of "known" human carcinogens. In contrast, there are hundreds of compounds that remain for decades on lists of "suspected" human carcinogens despite the lack of confirming evidence. The long-term accumulation of negative, weak, and inconsistent findings suggests that TCDD eventually will be recognized as not carcinogenic for humans.  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to critically review the current literature on olanzapine with an emphasis on emergent themes and key findings in the use of this agent for the treatment of mood disorders and schizophrenia. New information continues to emerge on the impact of olanzapine on schizophrenia and on aspects of the course of mood disorders. There are also continued efforts to understand, predict and manage the side-effect risk with olanzapine.  相似文献   

The pharmacotherapy of anorexia nervosa and bulimia are critically reviewed. No chemical treatment has been shown effective for anorexia nervosa. Antidepressants with a low incidence of annoying adverse reactions (e.g., desipramine) may be used as initial drug therapy in patients with concomitant depression. Cyproheptadine also is an attractive agent for initial therapy consideration in anorectics because of its relative safety. Both uncontrolled and controlled trials have found antidepressant drugs effective in bulimia, and they represent the pharmacotherapy of first choice. Alternative drug therapies include anticonvulsants (phenytoin and carbamazepine) and lithium. However, these agents need further controlled trials to substantiate their efficacy.  相似文献   

Rapoport MJ  Baniña MC 《CNS drugs》2007,21(6):503-519
Driving a motor vehicle is central to the functional autonomy of patients with psychiatric illnesses. There have been many studies of the deleterious effects of psychotropic medications such as benzodiazepines, typical antipsychotics and tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) on human motor skills; however, in the literature little attention has been paid to how such impairment affects driving ability. Computerised driving simulators offer a laboratory-based method of assessing the effects of specific psychotropic medications on driving abilities, in a standardised, controlled and safe manner. The purpose of the present article is to review research undertaken to-date on the effects of psychotropic medications on computer-simulated driving. A search of various databases, including MEDLINE, EMBASE and PsycInfo, was conducted. Forty-one articles assessing the impact of psychotropics on computer-simulated driving were identified. The pooled total number of subjects assessed in these simulator studies was 1336 (mean sample size 30.36 [SD 35.8]). The most common outcome measures in the various studies were speed, steering, deviation from lateral position (tracking, lane drifting), reaction time or braking accuracy, driving errors (e.g. errors in turning, coordination, gap acceptance, signalling, following distance) and vehicle collisions. The results of the studies were quite variable; however, the most common drug-related impairments included those of tracking and reaction time. Benzodiazepines and TCAs were most commonly associated with impairment, although the level of impairment was dependent on the population studied, the dose and the time of testing relative to drug administration. Computer-simulated driving provides a useful tool to research psychotropic-related impairment of driving abilities. Limitations of currently available data include the lack of generalisability, standardisation and small sample sizes.  相似文献   

Microorganisms attach to surfaces, start multiplying, and develop biofilms. Biofilm-associated cells can be differentiated from their suspended counterparts by the generation of an extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) matrix, reduced growth rates, and up- and downregulation of their specific genes. The attachment of microorganisms is a complex process regulated by diverse characteristics--growth medium, substratum, and cell surfaces. An established biofilm structure comprises microbial cells and EPS, has a defined architecture, and provides an optimal environment for the exchange of genetic material between cells. Cells may also communicate via quorum sensing, which may in turn affect biofilm processes such as detachment. Biofilms have great importance for public health because of their role in certain infectious diseases and their importance in a variety of device-related infections. Because many antibiotics are unable to eradicate dense biofilms, much work is required to devise ways to prevent their occurrence and clear them from the host. A greater understanding of biofilm processes should lead to novel, effective strategies for biofilm control and improvement in patient care and management.  相似文献   

The oral delivery of drugs with a narrow absorption window in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is often limited by poor bioavailability with conventional dosage forms due to incomplete drug release and short residence time at the site of absorption. To overcome this drawback and to maximize the oral absorption of these drugs, gastroretentive systems such as mucoadhesive, high-density, expandable, and floating systems have been developed. These systems provide controlled delivery of drugs with prolonged gastric residence time. However, in humans, differences in various physiological and biological factors can affect the gastric residence time and drug-delivery behavior from gastroretentive systems. Some floating drug-delivery systems (FDDS) have shown the capability to accommodate these variations without affecting drug release. This review mainly focuses on various physiological considerations for development of FDDS, and highlights recent technological developments including new dosage forms and their production techniques (e.g., holt-melt extrusion, melt pelletization, and pulsed plasma-irradiation processes). Alternatives to the existing in vitro compendial methods for evaluating floating dosage forms will be discussed, and a critical analysis of the existing literature on FDDS, identifying the potential areas for future research, is provided.  相似文献   

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