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Extrarenal angiomyolipoma is an uncommon disease and this may be the first report of angiomyolipoma in the knee, mimicking a malignant sarcoma. A 38-year-old man without tuberous sclerosis presented with a history of increased mass in the knee joint. Computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated a CS x CS x CR cm subcutaneous tumor in the knee joint. The tumor was widely excised. Histologically, the tumor was, well circumscribed, and composed of smooth muscle, vascular spaces, connective tissue, and mature fat. There were no signs of recurrence at one year and eight months after surgery.  相似文献   

陈劲松  李虎城 《医学争鸣》2002,23(10):895-895
1 病例报告 男 ,2 7岁 .主因右上腹闷胀 4 m o,消瘦 2 m o入院 .患者于 4 mo前无明显诱因觉上腹部胀满 ,未行诊治 ,2 0 0 1- 10 - 2 8B超 :肝 13cm× 12 cm囊性占位 ,2 0 0 1- 10 - 30 CT示 :肝脏囊实性包块 ,10 cm× 10 cm,其内下有一 4 cm× 4 cm实性占位 ,ACP:792 8.2 5 kat· L- 1 ,GGT:995 1.99kat·L- 1 .遂来京 CT:肝内巨大占位 ,大小 15 cm× 13cm× 12 cm,其内下有一 4 cm× 4 cm实性占位 ,肝内胆管扩张 .AFP,HBV五项阴性 .MRI:肝脏囊实性包块 ,大小 13.7cm× 13.2 cm×11.0 cm,其内下有一 4 cm× 4 cm实性占位 ,肝内胆…  相似文献   

Infantile haemangio-endothelioma of liver is the most common symptomatic vascular tumour of liver. A 6-month-old female was admitted for evaluation of a mass in the right hypochondrium. It extended 5 cm below the right costal margin. USG of the liver revealed multiple hypo-echoic lesions within the liver. Non-contrast CT images showed multiple hypo-attenuating masses of lower density than the surrounding liver. A postcontrast CT revealed intense enhancement of all the lesions. The findings suggested an infantile haemangio-endothelioma of the liver. On follow-up USG after 8 months near complete involution of the mass was revealed.  相似文献   

Chylothorax occurring in the setting of a lymphoma or a surgical procedure involving the area around the thoracic duct is a well-known phenomenon. Less common is the occurrence of chylothorax in conjunction with cirrhosis of the liver. Due to the paucity of data, it is uncertain if chylothorax is an associated or an independent sign of cirrhosis. The case reports in the literature favor the former, as demonstrated in this case of a patient with cirrhosis of the liver who developed a chylothorax.  相似文献   

1病例资料患者,男性,52岁,因“发现头枕部肿物10个月,术后7个月余,肝转移3个月”为主诉来我院复诊。2008年2月发现右侧一头皮肿物,椭圆形,突出于皮肤表面,与周围组织界限不清,质硬,活动度差,轻度压痛。因肿物进行性增大,中央表面溃破,同年5月取头枕部破溃部周围组织活检,提示恶性肿瘤,血常规、头颅及胸腹联合CT未见异常。随后行局部肿物手术切除,肿块大小为3 cm×3 cm×4 cm,周围组织无明显异常,组织病理镜检显示肿瘤呈浸润性生长,肿瘤细胞排列成条索状或小巢状,与周围组织分界较清楚,病理诊断为大汗腺癌。术后放疗,总量45 Gy。之后每2个月复查头颅及胸腹联合CT未见异常。2008年9月在我院复查肝脏CT发现肝转移,头颅MRI及胸部CT均未见异常,随后予卡铂+紫杉醇化疗2周期后复查肝脏CT提示转移灶缩小,继续以上方案再化疗2周期。  相似文献   

A 27-year-old male patient with rheumatoid arthritis was diagnosed with acute liver failure when he was taking leflunomide,a new immunosuppressant. This case illustrates the risk that leflunomide may lead to severe hepatotoxicity.  相似文献   

<正>患者,男,72岁,主诉"劳累后出现纳差、乏力、恶心1月余",他院诊断为"药物性肝损伤,乙型肝炎,酒精性肝损伤,脂肪肝,2型糖尿病",予恩替卡韦抗病毒、降氨、护肝、退黄等治疗后效果欠佳,病情进展至肝衰竭阶段,行血浆置换治疗,患者症状未见好转,伴嗜睡、言语不清,扑翼样震颤,为进一步治疗于2018年9月18日入住我院。既往史:10年前诊断为糖尿病,6年前开始口服瑞格列奈(诺和龙)控制血糖;1月前于他院开始  相似文献   

Inflammatory pseudotumor (IPT) is a rare lesion of the liver that can be clinically indistinguishable from a malignant tumor. A 51-year-old woman was hospitalized for upper abdominal pain and a weight loss of 5 Kg in 2 months. Radiological examination showed a large heterogenous hypervascular mass in the left lobe of her liver, strongly in favor of hepatocellular carcinoma. However, an ultrasound-guided liver biopsy revealed the typical characteristics of IPT, which consist of plump spindle cells with dense inflammatory cell infiltration. A left lobectomy was performed. No microorganisms were found on stained sections. The markedly elevated eosinophil count reverted to normal postoperatively and she remained well on follow-up examination 8 months after discharge. This case exemplifies the difficulty in radiological diagnosis of hepatic IPT and underscores the importance of its histological differentiation from malignancy before laparotomy.  相似文献   

We present a rare case of primary chondrosarcoma of the liver in a 57-year-old man with pre-existing hepatitis B virus-related chronic hepatitis.The MRI scans showed a huge cystic-solid occupation of 18 cm×17 cm×11 cm in the right hepatic lobe.The tumor was completely resected,and the histological findings identified low-grade cartilaginous component with typical ring-and-arc chondroid matrix mineralization.Immunohistochemically,the neoplastic cells were positive for vimentin and S-100 protein.The patien...  相似文献   

目的:探讨肝血管平滑肌脂肪瘤的临床病理学特点及鉴别诊断要点。方法;结合文献对肝血管平滑肌脂肪瘤2例进行临床病理学分析及免疫组化的研究。结果:临床表现为右上腹不适,影像学上呈占位性改变。肝血管平滑肌脂肪瘤2例,肌瘤型1例,经典型1例。免疫组化HMB45( ),CD117( ),SMA( ),CK和AFP(-)。结论:肝血管平滑肌脂肪瘤是极为少见的间叶性肿瘤,组织学起源可能是来自血管周上皮样细胞,其确诊一定要依靠病理形态学及免疫组化的诊断。  相似文献   

临床资料患儿男,9岁,主因"反复发热11 d,查体发现肝占位5 d"于2011年9月20日就诊于当地肿瘤医院。查体:体温36.7℃,心率76次/min,血压94/56mmHg(1 mmHg=0.1333 kPa)。浅表淋巴结未触及明显肿大,上腹部膨隆,无腹壁静脉曲张,未见胃肠型及蠕动波,上腹部触及巨大包块,边界不清,质软,无压痛及反跳痛,肝区无叩击痛,移动性浊音阴,  相似文献   

Single incision laparoscopic liver resection: a case report   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Laparoscopic procedure as a minimally invasive surgery has been introduced into many abdominal surgeries. Smaller incisions of the abdominal wall reduce postoperative pain and the risk of wound complications, and provide an excellent cosmetic result compared with open surgery. Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES), a no-scar surgery, is a hot spot of modern surgery. However,  相似文献   

1临床资料 患者,男,59岁,因"餐后饱胀2个月,加重伴肝区隐痛、发现肝占位2 d"于2008年2月20日入院.2个月内体质量减轻达4 kg.既往有"甲肝"、" 胆囊炎、胆结石"病史,7年前行 "胆囊切除术",无其他肿瘤病史;无饮酒史.体格检查:慢性肝病面容;全身皮肤、巩膜无明显黄染,无肝掌、蜘蛛痣;腹直肌右侧见约12 cm纵行手术瘢痕,腹壁无静脉曲张,腹软,肝脾肋下未及,移动性浊音阴性;腹略膨隆,肝区有轻压痛、反跳痛及叩击痛;双下肢无水肿.  相似文献   

Undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma of the liver (UESL) was first described by Stocker and Ishak in 1978. It is a rare tumor that most often presents in childhood between 6 to 10 years of age.2 The adult patients diagnosed with UESL often show nonspecific symptoms with normal laboratory results. Ultrasonography, CT, or MRI often reveals a cystic mass. Complete surgical resection plus pre- and/or post-operative systemic chemotherapy offers the possibility of a cure. We report a case of primary UESL in an adult with no specific symptoms, tumor markers, or image results. The diagnosis of the case was based on the resulting pathology from surgery.  相似文献   

王青  马庆久  王成果 《医学争鸣》2002,23(21):1936-1936
1 病例报告 女 ,30岁 ,已婚 .因停经 70 d,恶心、呕吐 30 d,血 HCG增高入住我院妇科 .查体见 :肝、脾不大 ,腹部未触及包块 ,阴道子宫未见异常 .血清 HCG2 5 0 0 μg· L- 1 ,HGB98g· L- 1 ,肝功 ,AL T10 0 IU· L- 1 ,肿瘤免疫检查 :AFP1.0μg· L- 1 ,SF 15 0 mg· L- 1 ,CEA <5μg· L- 1 ,CA12 5 <35k U· L- 1 ,腹部 B超 :肝脏左叶见 3.6 cm× 6 .8cm异常回声 ,边界清 ,呈圆型 ,内部光点 ,分布不均匀 ,内有液性暗区约 1.2cm× 1.5 cm,双侧附件混合性巨块、囊性为主 .个人史 :曾早产 1次 ,人流 3次 .转我科后完善术前…  相似文献   

对1例原发性肝癌患者作了背驮式原位全肝移植术,历时11h30min,手术获得成功。病肝的切除采用“左右翻转法”,肝静脉重建采用供肝肝上下腔静脉与受者下腔静脉行端侧吻合,其有宜在30℃~45℃。术中在无体外静脉转流的情况下,血流动力学保持平稳术后恢复良好。术后第61天因胸、腹多死于呼吸衰竭。认为背驮式肝移植对全身血流动力学干扰较小,但对罗晚期肝癌就慎  相似文献   

Squamous cell carcinoma of the pancreas is an unusual cancer of ductal cell origin. In a review of 6668 cases of exocrine pancreatic cancer from various registries reported from 1950 through 1985, the incidence of squamous carcinoma and adenosquamous carcinoma was 0.005% and 0.01%, respectively) We report a case of squamous cell carcinoma of the pancreas with liver metastasis.  相似文献   

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