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前列腺泡沫状腺癌是近年来从经典型前列腺癌中分出的一种特殊组织学亚型,由Nelson等[1]于1996年首次报道.  相似文献   

目的 探讨前列腺导管腺癌的临床病理特征和诊治特点.方法前列腺导管腺癌患者9例.年龄59~106岁,平均76岁.以进行性排尿困难、夜尿频多就诊6例,其中伴无痛性肉眼血尿2例;首发症状为无痛性肉眼血尿2例;常规体检PSA升高行穿刺检查1例.行根治性前列腺切除术1例,根治性前列腺切除术加双侧睾丸切除术加放疗1例,前列腺等离子电切加绿激光汽化术加双侧睾丸切除术5例,前列腺等离子电切加绿激光汽化术1例,双侧睾丸切除加放疗1例.术后8例予氟他胺治疗3~45个月,定期随访.结果 9例手术均获成功.肿瘤呈乳头状或菜花状,累及前列腺精阜及中央导管.组织结构主要为导管内乳头和复分支腺结构,被覆不同层次高柱状上皮,核仁大,易见核分裂象.免疫组化检测显示PSA、雄激素受体(AR)、前列腺酸性磷酸酶(PAP)阳性率分别为89%(8/9)、100%(5/5)、100%(5/5).病理诊断均为前列腺导管腺癌,合并前列腺腺癌5例.Gleason评分6~7分3例,≥8分6例.9例患者平均随访20(3~48)个月.术后生化复发5例,其中伴骨、肺转移1例,死于全身骨转移、多器官功能衰竭3例;无复发3例;1例高龄患者术后6个月仍存活.结论 前列腺导管腺癌发病率低,早期缺乏典型症状,确诊主要靠病理检查,预后较差,应按照高危前列腺癌的治疗原则进行治疗并密切随访.  相似文献   

前列腺管腺癌是一类比较罕见的前列腺腺癌的变异。组织学上与女性的子宫内膜癌很相似。关于它的组织来源,治疗以及生物学行为等,至今仍不同的意见。本文着重讨论了该病的组织来源、病理、临床特征及其生物学行为。特别强调免疫组化检查是重要的诊断方法。  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the pathological and clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of prostatic duct adenocareinoma. Methods The clinical data of nine cases of prostatic duct adeno-carcinoma were retrospectively analyzed, with the average age of 76 (59-106) years. Six cases were presented with dysuresia and/or nocturia, and two of them had the painless gross hematuria. Two pa-tients presented painless gross hematuria as the first symptom. One case was detected the elevated ser-um PSA in a routine healthy examination. Radical prostatectomy (RP) was performed in 1 case;RP and bilateral orchidectomy and external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) were performed in 1 case;5 cases underwent transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) combined with photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) by green laser and bilateral orchidectomy;1 case underwent TURP combined with PVP;1 case underwent bilateral orchidectomy combined with EBRT. Eight cases took flutamide for 3-45 months. All patients were followed-up according to the scheduled time. Results The op-erations were successfully performed in all 9 patients. The papillary or cauliflower-like tumors infiltra-ted colli culus seminalis and prostate duct nearby. The glands were coated with tall pseudostratified columnar cells. The nuclei were large, dark stained with more frequent mitoses. The positive rates of immunolabelling antibody PSA, AR, PAP were found to be 89%(8/9), 100%(5/5), 100%(5/5) re-spectively. The distribution of Gleason score was 6-7(3 cases), and≥8(6 cases), and a coexisting acinar carcinoma component was identified in 5 cases of the group. Nine cases had a mean follow up for 20(3-48) months. Five cases have developed biochemical recurrence, of whom 3 died of bone metas-tasis and multiple organ failure, and 1 developed lung and bone metastasis. Three cases remained alive without recurrence. The remaining 1 case survives during the follow-up survey for 6 months until now, without examinations due to the old age. Conclusions Duct adenocarcinoma of the prostate presents the low incidence and lacks of typical symptoms in the early stage. Diagnosis was confirmed mainly on the basis of pathology. The tumors tend to have a more advanced stage and a very short term survival rate. The treatment options and management are similar to that of high-grade adenocar-cinoma of the prostate;meanwhile, close follow-up survey should be performed.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the pathological and clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of prostatic duct adenocareinoma. Methods The clinical data of nine cases of prostatic duct adeno-carcinoma were retrospectively analyzed, with the average age of 76 (59-106) years. Six cases were presented with dysuresia and/or nocturia, and two of them had the painless gross hematuria. Two pa-tients presented painless gross hematuria as the first symptom. One case was detected the elevated ser-um PSA in a routine healthy examination. Radical prostatectomy (RP) was performed in 1 case;RP and bilateral orchidectomy and external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) were performed in 1 case;5 cases underwent transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) combined with photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) by green laser and bilateral orchidectomy;1 case underwent TURP combined with PVP;1 case underwent bilateral orchidectomy combined with EBRT. Eight cases took flutamide for 3-45 months. All patients were followed-up according to the scheduled time. Results The op-erations were successfully performed in all 9 patients. The papillary or cauliflower-like tumors infiltra-ted colli culus seminalis and prostate duct nearby. The glands were coated with tall pseudostratified columnar cells. The nuclei were large, dark stained with more frequent mitoses. The positive rates of immunolabelling antibody PSA, AR, PAP were found to be 89%(8/9), 100%(5/5), 100%(5/5) re-spectively. The distribution of Gleason score was 6-7(3 cases), and≥8(6 cases), and a coexisting acinar carcinoma component was identified in 5 cases of the group. Nine cases had a mean follow up for 20(3-48) months. Five cases have developed biochemical recurrence, of whom 3 died of bone metas-tasis and multiple organ failure, and 1 developed lung and bone metastasis. Three cases remained alive without recurrence. The remaining 1 case survives during the follow-up survey for 6 months until now, without examinations due to the old age. Conclusions Duct adenocarcinoma of the prostate presents the low incidence and lacks of typical symptoms in the early stage. Diagnosis was confirmed mainly on the basis of pathology. The tumors tend to have a more advanced stage and a very short term survival rate. The treatment options and management are similar to that of high-grade adenocar-cinoma of the prostate;meanwhile, close follow-up survey should be performed.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the pathological and clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of prostatic duct adenocareinoma. Methods The clinical data of nine cases of prostatic duct adeno-carcinoma were retrospectively analyzed, with the average age of 76 (59-106) years. Six cases were presented with dysuresia and/or nocturia, and two of them had the painless gross hematuria. Two pa-tients presented painless gross hematuria as the first symptom. One case was detected the elevated ser-um PSA in a routine healthy examination. Radical prostatectomy (RP) was performed in 1 case;RP and bilateral orchidectomy and external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) were performed in 1 case;5 cases underwent transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) combined with photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) by green laser and bilateral orchidectomy;1 case underwent TURP combined with PVP;1 case underwent bilateral orchidectomy combined with EBRT. Eight cases took flutamide for 3-45 months. All patients were followed-up according to the scheduled time. Results The op-erations were successfully performed in all 9 patients. The papillary or cauliflower-like tumors infiltra-ted colli culus seminalis and prostate duct nearby. The glands were coated with tall pseudostratified columnar cells. The nuclei were large, dark stained with more frequent mitoses. The positive rates of immunolabelling antibody PSA, AR, PAP were found to be 89%(8/9), 100%(5/5), 100%(5/5) re-spectively. The distribution of Gleason score was 6-7(3 cases), and≥8(6 cases), and a coexisting acinar carcinoma component was identified in 5 cases of the group. Nine cases had a mean follow up for 20(3-48) months. Five cases have developed biochemical recurrence, of whom 3 died of bone metas-tasis and multiple organ failure, and 1 developed lung and bone metastasis. Three cases remained alive without recurrence. The remaining 1 case survives during the follow-up survey for 6 months until now, without examinations due to the old age. Conclusions Duct adenocarcinoma of the prostate presents the low incidence and lacks of typical symptoms in the early stage. Diagnosis was confirmed mainly on the basis of pathology. The tumors tend to have a more advanced stage and a very short term survival rate. The treatment options and management are similar to that of high-grade adenocar-cinoma of the prostate;meanwhile, close follow-up survey should be performed.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the pathological and clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of prostatic duct adenocareinoma. Methods The clinical data of nine cases of prostatic duct adeno-carcinoma were retrospectively analyzed, with the average age of 76 (59-106) years. Six cases were presented with dysuresia and/or nocturia, and two of them had the painless gross hematuria. Two pa-tients presented painless gross hematuria as the first symptom. One case was detected the elevated ser-um PSA in a routine healthy examination. Radical prostatectomy (RP) was performed in 1 case;RP and bilateral orchidectomy and external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) were performed in 1 case;5 cases underwent transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) combined with photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) by green laser and bilateral orchidectomy;1 case underwent TURP combined with PVP;1 case underwent bilateral orchidectomy combined with EBRT. Eight cases took flutamide for 3-45 months. All patients were followed-up according to the scheduled time. Results The op-erations were successfully performed in all 9 patients. The papillary or cauliflower-like tumors infiltra-ted colli culus seminalis and prostate duct nearby. The glands were coated with tall pseudostratified columnar cells. The nuclei were large, dark stained with more frequent mitoses. The positive rates of immunolabelling antibody PSA, AR, PAP were found to be 89%(8/9), 100%(5/5), 100%(5/5) re-spectively. The distribution of Gleason score was 6-7(3 cases), and≥8(6 cases), and a coexisting acinar carcinoma component was identified in 5 cases of the group. Nine cases had a mean follow up for 20(3-48) months. Five cases have developed biochemical recurrence, of whom 3 died of bone metas-tasis and multiple organ failure, and 1 developed lung and bone metastasis. Three cases remained alive without recurrence. The remaining 1 case survives during the follow-up survey for 6 months until now, without examinations due to the old age. Conclusions Duct adenocarcinoma of the prostate presents the low incidence and lacks of typical symptoms in the early stage. Diagnosis was confirmed mainly on the basis of pathology. The tumors tend to have a more advanced stage and a very short term survival rate. The treatment options and management are similar to that of high-grade adenocar-cinoma of the prostate;meanwhile, close follow-up survey should be performed.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the pathological and clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of prostatic duct adenocareinoma. Methods The clinical data of nine cases of prostatic duct adeno-carcinoma were retrospectively analyzed, with the average age of 76 (59-106) years. Six cases were presented with dysuresia and/or nocturia, and two of them had the painless gross hematuria. Two pa-tients presented painless gross hematuria as the first symptom. One case was detected the elevated ser-um PSA in a routine healthy examination. Radical prostatectomy (RP) was performed in 1 case;RP and bilateral orchidectomy and external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) were performed in 1 case;5 cases underwent transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) combined with photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) by green laser and bilateral orchidectomy;1 case underwent TURP combined with PVP;1 case underwent bilateral orchidectomy combined with EBRT. Eight cases took flutamide for 3-45 months. All patients were followed-up according to the scheduled time. Results The op-erations were successfully performed in all 9 patients. The papillary or cauliflower-like tumors infiltra-ted colli culus seminalis and prostate duct nearby. The glands were coated with tall pseudostratified columnar cells. The nuclei were large, dark stained with more frequent mitoses. The positive rates of immunolabelling antibody PSA, AR, PAP were found to be 89%(8/9), 100%(5/5), 100%(5/5) re-spectively. The distribution of Gleason score was 6-7(3 cases), and≥8(6 cases), and a coexisting acinar carcinoma component was identified in 5 cases of the group. Nine cases had a mean follow up for 20(3-48) months. Five cases have developed biochemical recurrence, of whom 3 died of bone metas-tasis and multiple organ failure, and 1 developed lung and bone metastasis. Three cases remained alive without recurrence. The remaining 1 case survives during the follow-up survey for 6 months until now, without examinations due to the old age. Conclusions Duct adenocarcinoma of the prostate presents the low incidence and lacks of typical symptoms in the early stage. Diagnosis was confirmed mainly on the basis of pathology. The tumors tend to have a more advanced stage and a very short term survival rate. The treatment options and management are similar to that of high-grade adenocar-cinoma of the prostate;meanwhile, close follow-up survey should be performed.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the pathological and clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of prostatic duct adenocareinoma. Methods The clinical data of nine cases of prostatic duct adeno-carcinoma were retrospectively analyzed, with the average age of 76 (59-106) years. Six cases were presented with dysuresia and/or nocturia, and two of them had the painless gross hematuria. Two pa-tients presented painless gross hematuria as the first symptom. One case was detected the elevated ser-um PSA in a routine healthy examination. Radical prostatectomy (RP) was performed in 1 case;RP and bilateral orchidectomy and external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) were performed in 1 case;5 cases underwent transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) combined with photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) by green laser and bilateral orchidectomy;1 case underwent TURP combined with PVP;1 case underwent bilateral orchidectomy combined with EBRT. Eight cases took flutamide for 3-45 months. All patients were followed-up according to the scheduled time. Results The op-erations were successfully performed in all 9 patients. The papillary or cauliflower-like tumors infiltra-ted colli culus seminalis and prostate duct nearby. The glands were coated with tall pseudostratified columnar cells. The nuclei were large, dark stained with more frequent mitoses. The positive rates of immunolabelling antibody PSA, AR, PAP were found to be 89%(8/9), 100%(5/5), 100%(5/5) re-spectively. The distribution of Gleason score was 6-7(3 cases), and≥8(6 cases), and a coexisting acinar carcinoma component was identified in 5 cases of the group. Nine cases had a mean follow up for 20(3-48) months. Five cases have developed biochemical recurrence, of whom 3 died of bone metas-tasis and multiple organ failure, and 1 developed lung and bone metastasis. Three cases remained alive without recurrence. The remaining 1 case survives during the follow-up survey for 6 months until now, without examinations due to the old age. Conclusions Duct adenocarcinoma of the prostate presents the low incidence and lacks of typical symptoms in the early stage. Diagnosis was confirmed mainly on the basis of pathology. The tumors tend to have a more advanced stage and a very short term survival rate. The treatment options and management are similar to that of high-grade adenocar-cinoma of the prostate;meanwhile, close follow-up survey should be performed.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the pathological and clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of prostatic duct adenocareinoma. Methods The clinical data of nine cases of prostatic duct adeno-carcinoma were retrospectively analyzed, with the average age of 76 (59-106) years. Six cases were presented with dysuresia and/or nocturia, and two of them had the painless gross hematuria. Two pa-tients presented painless gross hematuria as the first symptom. One case was detected the elevated ser-um PSA in a routine healthy examination. Radical prostatectomy (RP) was performed in 1 case;RP and bilateral orchidectomy and external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) were performed in 1 case;5 cases underwent transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) combined with photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) by green laser and bilateral orchidectomy;1 case underwent TURP combined with PVP;1 case underwent bilateral orchidectomy combined with EBRT. Eight cases took flutamide for 3-45 months. All patients were followed-up according to the scheduled time. Results The op-erations were successfully performed in all 9 patients. The papillary or cauliflower-like tumors infiltra-ted colli culus seminalis and prostate duct nearby. The glands were coated with tall pseudostratified columnar cells. The nuclei were large, dark stained with more frequent mitoses. The positive rates of immunolabelling antibody PSA, AR, PAP were found to be 89%(8/9), 100%(5/5), 100%(5/5) re-spectively. The distribution of Gleason score was 6-7(3 cases), and≥8(6 cases), and a coexisting acinar carcinoma component was identified in 5 cases of the group. Nine cases had a mean follow up for 20(3-48) months. Five cases have developed biochemical recurrence, of whom 3 died of bone metas-tasis and multiple organ failure, and 1 developed lung and bone metastasis. Three cases remained alive without recurrence. The remaining 1 case survives during the follow-up survey for 6 months until now, without examinations due to the old age. Conclusions Duct adenocarcinoma of the prostate presents the low incidence and lacks of typical symptoms in the early stage. Diagnosis was confirmed mainly on the basis of pathology. The tumors tend to have a more advanced stage and a very short term survival rate. The treatment options and management are similar to that of high-grade adenocar-cinoma of the prostate;meanwhile, close follow-up survey should be performed.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the pathological and clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of prostatic duct adenocareinoma. Methods The clinical data of nine cases of prostatic duct adeno-carcinoma were retrospectively analyzed, with the average age of 76 (59-106) years. Six cases were presented with dysuresia and/or nocturia, and two of them had the painless gross hematuria. Two pa-tients presented painless gross hematuria as the first symptom. One case was detected the elevated ser-um PSA in a routine healthy examination. Radical prostatectomy (RP) was performed in 1 case;RP and bilateral orchidectomy and external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) were performed in 1 case;5 cases underwent transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) combined with photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) by green laser and bilateral orchidectomy;1 case underwent TURP combined with PVP;1 case underwent bilateral orchidectomy combined with EBRT. Eight cases took flutamide for 3-45 months. All patients were followed-up according to the scheduled time. Results The op-erations were successfully performed in all 9 patients. The papillary or cauliflower-like tumors infiltra-ted colli culus seminalis and prostate duct nearby. The glands were coated with tall pseudostratified columnar cells. The nuclei were large, dark stained with more frequent mitoses. The positive rates of immunolabelling antibody PSA, AR, PAP were found to be 89%(8/9), 100%(5/5), 100%(5/5) re-spectively. The distribution of Gleason score was 6-7(3 cases), and≥8(6 cases), and a coexisting acinar carcinoma component was identified in 5 cases of the group. Nine cases had a mean follow up for 20(3-48) months. Five cases have developed biochemical recurrence, of whom 3 died of bone metas-tasis and multiple organ failure, and 1 developed lung and bone metastasis. Three cases remained alive without recurrence. The remaining 1 case survives during the follow-up survey for 6 months until now, without examinations due to the old age. Conclusions Duct adenocarcinoma of the prostate presents the low incidence and lacks of typical symptoms in the early stage. Diagnosis was confirmed mainly on the basis of pathology. The tumors tend to have a more advanced stage and a very short term survival rate. The treatment options and management are similar to that of high-grade adenocar-cinoma of the prostate;meanwhile, close follow-up survey should be performed.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the pathological and clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of prostatic duct adenocareinoma. Methods The clinical data of nine cases of prostatic duct adeno-carcinoma were retrospectively analyzed, with the average age of 76 (59-106) years. Six cases were presented with dysuresia and/or nocturia, and two of them had the painless gross hematuria. Two pa-tients presented painless gross hematuria as the first symptom. One case was detected the elevated ser-um PSA in a routine healthy examination. Radical prostatectomy (RP) was performed in 1 case;RP and bilateral orchidectomy and external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) were performed in 1 case;5 cases underwent transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) combined with photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) by green laser and bilateral orchidectomy;1 case underwent TURP combined with PVP;1 case underwent bilateral orchidectomy combined with EBRT. Eight cases took flutamide for 3-45 months. All patients were followed-up according to the scheduled time. Results The op-erations were successfully performed in all 9 patients. The papillary or cauliflower-like tumors infiltra-ted colli culus seminalis and prostate duct nearby. The glands were coated with tall pseudostratified columnar cells. The nuclei were large, dark stained with more frequent mitoses. The positive rates of immunolabelling antibody PSA, AR, PAP were found to be 89%(8/9), 100%(5/5), 100%(5/5) re-spectively. The distribution of Gleason score was 6-7(3 cases), and≥8(6 cases), and a coexisting acinar carcinoma component was identified in 5 cases of the group. Nine cases had a mean follow up for 20(3-48) months. Five cases have developed biochemical recurrence, of whom 3 died of bone metas-tasis and multiple organ failure, and 1 developed lung and bone metastasis. Three cases remained alive without recurrence. The remaining 1 case survives during the follow-up survey for 6 months until now, without examinations due to the old age. Conclusions Duct adenocarcinoma of the prostate presents the low incidence and lacks of typical symptoms in the early stage. Diagnosis was confirmed mainly on the basis of pathology. The tumors tend to have a more advanced stage and a very short term survival rate. The treatment options and management are similar to that of high-grade adenocar-cinoma of the prostate;meanwhile, close follow-up survey should be performed.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the pathological and clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of prostatic duct adenocareinoma. Methods The clinical data of nine cases of prostatic duct adeno-carcinoma were retrospectively analyzed, with the average age of 76 (59-106) years. Six cases were presented with dysuresia and/or nocturia, and two of them had the painless gross hematuria. Two pa-tients presented painless gross hematuria as the first symptom. One case was detected the elevated ser-um PSA in a routine healthy examination. Radical prostatectomy (RP) was performed in 1 case;RP and bilateral orchidectomy and external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) were performed in 1 case;5 cases underwent transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) combined with photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) by green laser and bilateral orchidectomy;1 case underwent TURP combined with PVP;1 case underwent bilateral orchidectomy combined with EBRT. Eight cases took flutamide for 3-45 months. All patients were followed-up according to the scheduled time. Results The op-erations were successfully performed in all 9 patients. The papillary or cauliflower-like tumors infiltra-ted colli culus seminalis and prostate duct nearby. The glands were coated with tall pseudostratified columnar cells. The nuclei were large, dark stained with more frequent mitoses. The positive rates of immunolabelling antibody PSA, AR, PAP were found to be 89%(8/9), 100%(5/5), 100%(5/5) re-spectively. The distribution of Gleason score was 6-7(3 cases), and≥8(6 cases), and a coexisting acinar carcinoma component was identified in 5 cases of the group. Nine cases had a mean follow up for 20(3-48) months. Five cases have developed biochemical recurrence, of whom 3 died of bone metas-tasis and multiple organ failure, and 1 developed lung and bone metastasis. Three cases remained alive without recurrence. The remaining 1 case survives during the follow-up survey for 6 months until now, without examinations due to the old age. Conclusions Duct adenocarcinoma of the prostate presents the low incidence and lacks of typical symptoms in the early stage. Diagnosis was confirmed mainly on the basis of pathology. The tumors tend to have a more advanced stage and a very short term survival rate. The treatment options and management are similar to that of high-grade adenocar-cinoma of the prostate;meanwhile, close follow-up survey should be performed.  相似文献   

前列腺乳头状腺癌(即过去所说的前列腺子宫内膜样癌),是一种前列腺腺癌的变异体,它的确切诊断常常需要具备包括尿道周围前列腺管或精阜在内的临床及病理学方面的证据。然而,前列腺乳头状腺癌与典型的前列腺腺泡癌之间常常具有一些重要的组织学和临床学的共性。本报告对4例前列腺乳头状腺癌进行了前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)的临床学特征、  相似文献   

尿道型前列腺黏液腺癌少见,2005年我们收治1例,现报告如下。  相似文献   

患者,男,汉族,64岁。2007年12月出现间歇性全程肉眼血尿伴排尿不畅,尿频、尿痛,肛门坠胀不适,进行性加重,当地医院抗炎、止血治疗无效,转我院治疗。肛诊:前列腺鸡蛋大,表面光滑,中央沟消失。实验室检查:尿常规红细胞满视野。前列腺液(EPS)镜检每高倍视野下白细胞〈10,  相似文献   

目的探讨前列腺导管腺癌的临床、病理特征及治疗方法。方法1例反复血精5个月,血尿4个月的患者直肠指诊示:前列腺右侧可及直径约1cm质软肿物。血清前列腺特异抗原(PSA)0.7ng/ml。前列腺穿刺活检提示前列腺腺癌。患者行根治性前列腺切除术。结果病理报告:前列腺右叶大导管腺癌,向外浸润右侧精囊,Gleason分级5/4(Sum=9),pT3b;免疫组化染色PSA(+),前列腺酸性磷酸酶(PAP)(++),雄激素受体(AR)(-)。患者术后恢复良好,血精、血尿消失,随访7年仍存活。结论前列腺导管腺癌是前列腺癌罕见的亚型,难于早期诊断,确诊主要依靠病理和免疫组化检查,治疗方法可采用根治性前列腺切除术。  相似文献   

目的:提高对前列腺导管腺癌诊断及治疗的认识水平.方法:回顾性分析1例前列腺导管腺癌患者的诊治过程,并复习相关文献,探讨本病的组织发生和生物学特点.患者73岁,无痛性间歇血尿2年,PSA 0.897ng/ml,膀胱镜检查发现前列腺尿道部肿物,切除后提示为尿道低分化腺癌.术后2个月复发,转诊我院.检查前列腺尖部偏右侧有一直径0.5 cm结节,质硬,行经尿道肿物电切术,病理检查为前列腺导管腺癌,遂行前列腺根治性切除术.结果:患者术后恢复良好,无血尿和尿失禁,随访1年无局部复发和远处转移.结论:前列腺导管腺癌是前列腺癌的一个亚型,相对于腺泡腺癌,其起病隐匿,进展快,侵袭性强.前列腺根治性切除术是有效治疗方法.  相似文献   

目的:探讨前列腺腺癌患者年龄与Gleason评分(Gleason score,GS)的相关性。方法:研究674例患者年龄和GS均值以及不同组别均值;不同GS和年龄组别所占比例;年龄与GS、主要分级以及次要分级的相关性。结果:患者年龄25~96(70.22±8.26)岁,Gleason 6分、7分、8分、9分及10分组年龄分别为(69.06±8.35)、(70.55±8.16)、(70.99±6.54)、(71.56±9.18)岁及(72.79±11.36)岁。GS(7.08±1.09)分,主要分级(3.54±0.72)级,次要分级(3.53±0.66)级;60、60~69、70~79及≥80岁组GS分别为(6.86±1.10)、(6.99±1.10)、(7.08±1.04)分及(7.38±1.23)分。Gleason 6分、7分以及≥8分分别占37.7%、34.3%以及28.0%。患者年龄60岁组占10.5%(71/674),60~69岁组占30.6%(206/674),70~79岁组占47.6%(321/674),≥80岁组占11.3%(76/674)。患者年龄与GS具有显著相关性(r2=0.013,P=0.003),与主要分级具有显著相关性(r2=0.014,P=0.002),与次要分级无显著有相关性(r2=0.005,P=0.055)。结论:在前列腺腺癌患者中≥70岁者所占比例较高;GS≥7分所占比例较高;但年龄与GS具有相关性,年龄对GS的预测价值不大。  相似文献   

患者,66岁.自诉食欲减退伴消瘦6个月,排尿困难症状进行性加重于2012年3月11日入院.伴有尿频、尿急、尿痛及夜尿增多症状,无尿潴留病史.直肠指检可触及前列腺增大,质地较硬,中央沟消失,左侧可触及结节,无明显压痛.实验室检查:tPSA 1.82μc,fPSA 0.38μg/L,f/t 0.21,睾酮3.78μg/L,细胞角蛋白19片段10.82 μg/L,糖类抗原19~9 679.30 U/ml,铁蛋白413.20μg/L,糖类抗原72~4 11.33 U/ml.泌尿系B超检查:左肾及左输尿管积水,左肾集合系统分离约4.7 cm,左输尿管明显扩张,最宽处约2.0 cm;前列腺体积增大,大小约6.3 cm×6.0 cm×5.0 cm,内可见一低回声包块,边界不清,回声不均质,CDFI可见点条状血流信号,向膀胱三角区及膀胱后壁延续,相应区域膀胱壁明显增厚.下腹部及盆腔增强CT检查:膀胱直肠陷窝内占位,最大截面积5.7 cm×5.0 cm,考虑前列腺癌累及膀胱及精囊;左输尿管中段旁软组织密度影,考虑转移淋巴结;左肾盂及左输尿管明显扩张,左肾皮质变薄.核素全身骨扫描检查:右侧第8、9肋骨局限性骨质代谢异常增强,考虑骨转移瘤.膀胱镜检查见膀胱黏膜光滑平整,三角区明显隆起,高于后唇.行经直肠前列腺穿刺活检术,分别于前列腺左侧叶和右侧叶穿刺8针.术后病理检查镜下见癌细胞具有丰富的泡沫状胞质,染色淡伊红或透亮,胞质内含有空泡,核质比例很小,细胞核小而深浓染,呈圆形,偶见核分裂象.腺体密集聚集呈腺泡样,形成腺体较小,混杂在良性大的腺体之间,基底细胞消失,呈浸润性生长,腺腔内可见深粉染的分泌物.病理组织学诊断:(双侧前列腺)腺癌(泡沫状腺体型),Gleason2+3=5分.免疫组化染色检查:CK7(+),CEA(±),PSA、P504S、34βE12、p63、S-100、CK20(-).术后因患者经济拮据,仅口服比卡鲁胺50mg/d,未进行药物去势及手术治疗.随访1年患者因肿瘤全身转移致多器官衰竭死亡.  相似文献   

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