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It has been known for a long time that melanoma can have its origin in congenital or acquired melanocytic nevi. In regard to congenital nevi, there is sufficient evidence to state that large lesions (those greater than 20 cm in diameter) have a significant risk factor that is several-fold greater than for common acquired nevi. Prophylactic excision of such lesions should be strongly considered when it is feasible, but individual circumstances must be taken into account. The risk factors for small and medium-sized congenital nevi have not been accurately determined; therefore, no uniform recommendation can be made regarding their management. There is no objective evidence to indicate that common acquired nevi in any particular anatomic sites, such as volar or genital skin, are at greater risk for the development of melanoma than are any others. Patients with familial dysplastic nevus syndrome must be identified and followed carefully in order to recognize and eradicate evolving and early melanomas. The concept of the sporadic dysplastic nevus syndrome is intriguing and deserves careful study to further define the clinical and histologic diagnostic criteria that will enable accurate determination of its prevalence and risk factors.  相似文献   

Melanoma and other benign or malignant pigmented skin tumors can significantly overlap in their clinical and dermoscopical presentations. Thus, pigmented skin lesions may be misdiagnosed in a large number of cases. An extensive review of the published work provides numerous examples of benign lesions mimicking melanoma. Although a number of melanocytic nevi may have been identified as melanomas, information about their clinical appearance is limited. In this report, we present the clinical appearances of two melanocytic nevi on the vulva and the upper extremity that were difficult to diagnose clinically. Detecting melanoma at an early stage is of the utmost importance. However, more attention should be given to the diagnostic accuracy of benign pigmented skin lesions, which otherwise may be diagnosed and treated as melanoma.  相似文献   

Malignant melanoma is among the malignant tumors whose incidence has risen markedly in recent decades. For many years the medical community debated the potential adverse effects of female hormones (whether of exogenous or pregnancy-related endogenous origin), on melanocytic nevi and malignant melanoma. Given that women have been delaying pregnancy until their thirties or forties and that the incidence of malignant melanoma increases in those decades, the likelihood of this tumor developing during pregnancy has increased. Recent clinical and experimental evidence has suggested that pregnancy does not affect prognosis in malignant melanoma and that it does not seem to lead to significant changes in nevi. This review examines the relationship between malignant melanoma and hormonal and reproductive factors. Evidence was located by MEDLINE search (in PubMed and Ovid) for articles in English and Spanish for the period from 1966 to March 2010; additional sources were found through the reference lists of the identified articles.  相似文献   

Background: Nevi with cytologic characteristics of Spitz nevus and architectural features of Clark's/dysplastic nevus are not well recognized in the literature.
Methods: Twenty-seven nevi with characteristics of Spitz nevus and Clark's/dysplastic nevus are reviewed.
Results: The patients' mean age was 33 years, and 17/27(63%) patients were female. Lesions were most frequent on the trunk and lower extremities. Histopathologically, these nevi were composed of large, monomorphous spindled and/or epithelioid melanocytes. Spindle cells were often oriented parallel to the epidermis, with fused rete and lamellar fibroplasias. Lateral extension of the junctional component was a feature of compound lesions. An average of 10 years of clinical follow up in 12 patients revealed no recurrence or metastasis.
Conclusions: Recognition of this type of nevus is important to avoid confusion with malignant melanoma.  相似文献   

There is a belief among dermatopathologists that benign melanocytic nevi (BMN) may display atypical histologic characteristics when traumatized. However, to our knowledge, a systematic study of nonsurgically traumatized melanocytic nevi (TMN) has not been published. We studied a series of 92 TMN. Cases were analyzed for histologic evidence of architectural and cytologic criteria associated with atypia. Of the patients, 54 were female and 37 were male. The mean age was 38 years old (range 8-74 years old). Nevi were present, in order of frequency, on the extremities, trunk, and head/neck, but there were no acral sites. Histologic findings of trauma were as follows: parakeratosis (92%), dermal telangiectasias (61%), ulceration (51%), dermal inflammation (49%), melanin within stratum corneum (24%), and dermal fibrosis (25%). Pagetoid spread of melanocytes was limited to the site of trauma in 20% of cases and was identified away from areas of trauma in 8% of cases. Melanocytic atypia was seen in three cases. Dermal mitoses were rare (one mitotic figure in three cases). Pagetoid spread under a traumatized epidermis was relatively frequent and, in isolation, is compatible with a benign TMN. Any traumatized melanocytic lesion that displays cytologic atypia, pagetoid spread outside of the area of the traumatized epidermis, or dermal mitoses should be treated with caution because these findings were rarely seen in TMN.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Melanocytic nevi in the genital, acral, and flexural sites often display clinical and histologic features that may simulate melanoma. We verified whether this is the case also for nevi of the breast. METHODS: Eleven dermatopathologists, from nine Italian Institutions, collected the specimens of melanocytic lesions from the breast and other body sites, excluding the acral, genital, and flexural areas, as controls. Cases and controls were matched for sex and age. All nevi were observed 'blindly' and simultaneously by all participants. For each lesion, 10 histological parameters were analyzed: asymmetry, absence of lateral demarcation of melanocytes, lentiginous proliferation, nested and dyshesive pattern, intraepidermal melanocytes above the basal layer, involvement of the hair follicle, absence of maturation of dermal melanocytes, melanocytic atypia, fibroplasia of the papillary dermis, and lymphocytic dermal infiltrate. Each parameter was scored 2 when present and 1 when absent or not valuable. A total score was calculated for each lesion. Results were statistically analyzed by the chi-square test and the Mann-Whitney U-test. RESULTS: One hundred and one nevi came from the breast area and 97 from elsewhere. Breast nevi exhibited significantly more atypical features than nevi from other sites. In particular, breast nevi with intraepidermal melanocytes, melanocytic atypia, and dermal fibroplasia were significantly more numerous. We did not find any sexual difference. CONCLUSIONS: To avoid undue concerns, dermatopathologists should be aware that melanocytic nevi of the breast may show a high degree of atypical features.  相似文献   

We examined auricular melanocytic nevi to evaluate their architectural and cytologic features. A retrospective analysis of 21 auricular melanocytic nevi was conducted during 3 years. The nevi were evaluated for cytologic atypia, architectural disorder, location of epidermal nests, pagetoid spread, growth pattern (symmetry versus asymmetry), demarcation of lateral borders, and host response (lymphocytic infiltrate and/or lamellar fibroplasia). Eleven cases (52.4%) measured at least 6 mm in greatest dimension and 6 cases (28.6%) were asymmetric. Fourteen cases (66.7%) were ill demarcated. Pagetoid spread was present in 12 cases (57.1%). Ten cases (47.6%) showed moderate to severe cytologic atypia. Nucleoli were prominent in 9 cases (42.8%). None of the cases showed mitoses or apoptotic melanocytes. Auricular melanocytic nevi, like those occurring in the acral, flexural, and genital areas, may exhibit some histologic features commonly found in melanomas. Careful histologic interpretation of these lesions is recommended.  相似文献   

Background: Changes in the clinical appearance of benign dermal nevi during pregnancy may be concerning for malignant transformation. Because the hormonal milieu of pregnancy has not proven to alter their banal behavior, histologic characterization is needed to prevent over‐diagnosis and unnecessary treatment. Methods: Dermal nevi excised from pregnant women (n = 16) were compared with nevi from location‐ and aged‐matched control patients (n = 15). Histologic features and Ki‐67 proliferation index were evaluated. Results: Nevi in pregnancy were more likely to have dermal mitotic figures (62.5% vs. 13.3%, p = 0.028) and higher mitotic rates (1.44 vs. 0.20 mitoses/mm2, p = 0.0027) than control nevi. A distinctive histologic entity, termed superficial micronodules of pregnancy (SMOPs), was observed more frequently in the nevi of pregnancy (81.3% vs. 26.7%, p = 0.040), and showed consistent immunoreactivity for HMB45. There was a trend toward higher Ki‐67 proliferation index in the nevi of pregnancy (3.0% vs. 1.0%, p = 0.073). Prominent multinucleated melanocytes were seen only in controls. There was no significant difference in pigmentation or irritation changes between groups. Conclusions: Dermal nevi removed during pregnancy show characteristic histologic features including increased dermal mitoses, superficial micronodules of pregnancy (SMOPs), and trend toward increased Ki‐67 proliferation index. Chan MP, Chan MM, Tahan SR. Melanocytic nevi in pregnancy: histologic features and Ki‐67 proliferation index.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although melanocytic nevi are the strongest known risk factors for melanoma, their etiology is not well understood. OBJECTIVES: This study was performed to assess the roles of constitutional pigmentary factors and sun exposure in the development of new nevi in adolescents. METHODS: A cohort of 111 school children, aged 12 and 13 years at baseline, were followed up for 5 years. Whole-body counts of nevi of all sizes and detailed sun exposure histories were updated each year. Analyses of full-body nevus counts and of nevus counts on the face and neck region and on the shoulder and back region were undertaken by means of log-linear regression, allowing for repeated measures. RESULTS: Mean whole-body nevus counts were 130.1 (SD = 69.9) in 1990 and 215.5 (SD = 127.1) in 1994. Shoulder and back counts were consistently higher than face and neck counts. Subjects with heavy shoulder freckling had increased nevus counts on all sites investigated, with a means ratio for whole-body counts of 1.11 (95% CI, 1.03-1.19), compared with those with no freckling. Those who spent all of their school lunch times in the midday sun had a means ratio of 1.62 (95% CI, 1.15-2.29) compared with those who spent very little time in the sun during the lunch period. Summer holiday sun exposure was not significantly associated with development of nevi in this adolescent cohort. CONCLUSION: The degree of freckling, especially on the shoulders, and habitual midday sun exposure, rather than holiday sun exposure, are significant determinants of melanocytic nevi in Queensland adolescents.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A few reports in the literature point out that in special areas of the body, nevi can have peculiar pseudomelanomatous features. In our routine work, we have met few examples of atypical nevi with peculiar features on the scalp of teenagers. To evaluate the frequency and the biological behaviour of these lesions, we have conducted a complete survey on melanocytic lesions on the scalp in a significant group of patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-nine nevi of the scalp were from adolescents (12-18 years), 160 from adults, and 30 from children below the age of 12 years. RESULTS: About 10% of the melanocytic nevi of the scalp of adolescents have atypical cytological and architectural aspects that are different from those seen in Clark's dysplastic nevus. The most striking features were the presence of large bizarrely shaped nests scattered disorderly along the junction with follicular involvement. Other findings were pagetoid spread of cells above the junction and the discohesive pattern of the melanocytes in the nests. Mild cytological atypia was present but less significant. Such distinctive aspects are not found in nevi of the same site in adults or younger children. The general pattern of these atypical nevi of the scalp of adolescents closely recalls that of the so-called atypical nevi on special sites, i.e. nevi on mammary line, genitalia and body's folds. Despite the architectural and cytological atypia, clinical follow-up does not show any tendency to recur or proclivity to malignant behaviour. CONCLUSIONS: Despite their similarities with melanoma, the nevi with atypical features of the scalp of adolescents are probably an entirely benign entity, at least at the moment of their excision. However, although benign, the relationship of this peculiar group of nevi with melanomas developed in adulthood remains entirely unknown, and the complete excision with conservative margins seems a recommendable procedure.  相似文献   

Melanocytic lesions of the genital area are rare. They arise mainly in the vulva, although they can also occur less frequently in the perineum, mons pubis and male genitalia and represent 10-12% of pigmented lesions of White women. These pigmented lesions include melanocytic nevi, lentigines, melanocytic nevi with architectural disorder and atypia of melanocytes (dysplastic nevi) and melanomas with microscopic features similar to those seen elsewhere on the body. There is a small subset of benign nevi named atypical melanocytic nevi of the genital type (AMNGT) that occur in young women, with distinctive histologic features in some cases overlapping morphologically with those of melanoma. Thus, it is important to distinguish AMNGT from melanomas in terms of prognosis and treatment. We retrieved 58 cases of genital pigmented lesions diagnosed at our hospital from 1986 to 2008 to evaluate their clinicopathologic features with especial consideration to those cases with atypical features. Thirty-two cases (55%) were common nevi, 10 (17%) lentigines, 6 (10%) melanomas, 3 (5%) dysplastic nevi and 1 blue nevus. Six cases (10%) corresponded to AMNGT and were taken from women with a median age of 21 years. All cases showed symmetry, and the melanocytic proliferation was well demarcated at the lateral margins. The junctional component was very prominent and formed by round or fusiform nests with common retraction artifact and/or cellular dyshesion or as a single cell proliferation with mild (33%) to moderate (67%) cytologic atypia, focal pagetoid spread (17%) and a benign-appearing dermal component (83%) with maturation and dense eosinophilic fibrosis in the superficial dermis. Neither nuclear atypia of melanocytes in the superficial dermis nor dermal mitoses were observed. AMNGT were excised, and no recurrences were recorded in the follow up (median 10.5 years). Therefore, it seems that there is no evidence that AMNGT are precursors of dysplastic nevi or melanomas.  相似文献   

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