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重庆市当地人群疟疾防治知识知晓现况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解重庆市当地疟疾防治知识知晓情况,为疟疾防治工作提供参考依据。方法选择重庆市5个区县,每县随机抽取3个乡,每乡调查中学和小学各1所,每校调查60名学生;每乡再随机抽取3个行政村,每个行政村调查15岁以上居民200名。采取统一的问卷进行疟疾防治知识知晓情况调查。结果调查对象对"疟疾传播途径、疟疾主要症状、疟疾最严重危害、发生疟疾找医生、预防疟疾方法"的知晓率分别为53.48%、62.55%、42.02%、83.71%、27.69%,5项指标不同区县知晓率差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.01);不同性别调查对象除对"发生疟疾找医生"的知晓率差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)外,不同性别人群对"疟疾传播途径、疟疾主要症状、疟疾最严重危害、预防疟疾方法"的知晓率差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);学生对"疟疾传播途径、疟疾最严重危害、发生疟疾找医生、预防疟疾方法"的知晓率高于居民(P〈0.05),且以7岁组最高,不同年龄组知晓率差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论重庆市人群疟疾防治知识知晓率较低,疟疾防治健康教育工作有待加强。  相似文献   

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are widely used for the production of a variety of foods and feed raw materials where they contribute to flavor and texture of the fermented products. In addition, specific LAB strains are considered as probiotic due to their health-promoting effects in consumers. Recently, the genome sequencing of LAB is booming and the increased amount of published genomics data brings unprecedented opportunity for us to reveal the important traits of LAB. This review describes the recent progress on LAB genomics and special emphasis is placed on understanding the industry-related physiological features based on genomics analysis. Moreover, strategies to engineer metabolic capacity and stress tolerance of LAB with improved industrial performance are also discussed.  相似文献   

White-rot fungal species belonging to Ganoderma have long been used as medicinal mushrooms in many Asian countries. In recent years, however, attention is not just being paid to their pharmacological properties, but to their other potentially valuable features as well, including their secretion of enzymes which decompose lignin. The current literature regarding lignin-modifying enzymes from the genus Ganoderma, their potential uses, and the components, structures and processes of lignocellulose degradation are discussed. The ligninolytic enzymes from the genus Ganoderma, as well as the number of additional enzymes that participate in lignin degradation, are summarized; further, the potential applications of these enzymes are analyzed and probed in this article. This review will provide insight on the valuable applications of Ganoderma spp. and will serve as a useful reference on the use of lignocellulose degradation as a means of environmental protection.  相似文献   

The survey of the results of the control quality in Parasitology and Mycology showed in general an improvement in the correct diagnosis for the specimen analysed (preparations of parasites, smears, stools, sera, fungal cultures). The wrong diagnosis of Ascaris lumbricoides eggs in stools diminished from 5% to 1.5%. The trichrome Gomori-Wheatley stain technic on smears in PVA was introduced. 16 reference or national standards sera for the parasitological serology, including 6 for toxoplasmosis and one for candidiasis were established. The increasing number of participants (more than 4,000) and particularly for the serology of toxoplasmosis showed the interest of the biologists for the quality of their tests.  相似文献   

Each year at least 30 000 Western travellers acquire malaria and approximately 1-4% of those who acquire Plasmodium falciparum malaria will die as a result of infection. Almost all cases and fatalities are preventable with the use of measures to reduce mosquito bites and appropriate chemoprophylaxis for those at high risk of infection. There are currently a limited number of licensed drugs available to prevent malaria in travellers. New effective and well tolerated agents are urgently needed because of increasing resistance to antimalarials such as chloroquine and proguanil, and real and perceived intolerance to standard drugs such as mefloquine. A newly licensed antimalarial (atovaquone plus proguanil; Malarone) compares favourably with other drug options, although some prescribers may be unfamiliar with the specific advantages and disadvantages of this antimalarial. This article reviews recent clinical experience and randomised controlled trial data in order to address frequently asked questions about this new combination drug.  相似文献   

目的了解深圳市宝安区学校、幼儿园传染病防制工作及卫生保健人员的基本情况,为规范学校传染病防制工作提供依据。方法采用分层抽样的方法,选取宝安区各类中小学、托幼机构共计80所进行问卷调查。结果所调查的学校均设有医务室及专职的卫生保健人员,传染病防制的各项制度方面比较健全,各项防控工作均有开展。卫生保健人员中位年龄33.7岁;男女性别比为1∶7.33;学历构成以大专(44%)和中专/高中(44%)为主;职称多为无职称(42.7%)和初级职称(40%);从事卫生防病工作平均年限为2.36年;50.7%的人员认为目前的工作超负荷;仅24%的人员对目前的收入水平满意。结论深圳市宝安区学校传染病防治工作管理水平有待提高,卫生保健人员性别、职称、学历等结构不合理,政府部门应加强人员的技能培训,切实提高人员的收入,以优化和稳定卫生保健队伍。  相似文献   

Schistosomiasis, caused by trematode blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma, is recognized as the most important human helminth infection in terms of morbidity and mortality. Infection follows direct contact with freshwater harboring free-swimming larval (cercaria) forms of the parasite. Despite the existence of the highly effective antischistosome drug praziquantel (PZQ), schistosomiasis is spreading into new areas, and although it is the cornerstone of current control programs, PZQ chemotherapy does have limitations. In particular, mass treatment does not prevent reinfection. Furthermore, there is increasing concern about the development of parasite resistance to PZQ. Consequently, vaccine strategies represent an essential component for the future control of schistosomiasis as an adjunct to chemotherapy. An improved understanding of the immune response to schistosome infection, both in animal models and in humans, suggests that development of a vaccine may be possible. This review considers aspects of antischistosome protective immunity that are important in the context of vaccine development. The current status in the development of vaccines against the African (Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium) and Asian (S. japonicum) schistosomes is then discussed, as are new approaches that may improve the efficacy of available vaccines and aid in the identification of new targets for immune attack.  相似文献   

Tactics and strategy of malaria control. Both from the qualitative and quantitative point of view malaria can be regarded as one of the most serious medical problems of developing countries. In spite of decades of endeavours by the endemic countries and the World Health Organization using various tactics and strategies malaria prevalence and incidence could not be decreased essentially in tropical developing countries. The author analyses the reasons for this failure and gives realistic recommendations for lowering malaria morbidity and mortality taking into consideration the socio-economic conditions prevailing in the Third World.  相似文献   

Current and new antimalarial drugs are discussed in relation to the prevention and treatment of malaria, with special reference to multiple drug resistance in P. falciparum as it affects non-immune travellers.  相似文献   

Malaria is still a health problem in the world, particularly in Indonesia with high morbidity and mortality rate. Increased mortality rate due to malaria has been reported and it may occur because of the raising in anti-malarial resistance. Chloroquine-resistant P. vivax and P. falciparum have been reported in almost all over the country. Various dose administrations of anti-malarial treatment, instead of the standard dose and single dose treatment is probably one of possible causes. Another problem in Indonesia includes the shortage in diagnostic facilities as well as various kinds of treatment available. In 2009, Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia has declared the program of Malaria Elimination 2009 to overcome the problems. The policy includes diagnosis and treatment of malaria. It is expected that diagnosis should be established based on the gold standard by confirmation of blood smears. Moreover, first line treatment of malaria shall include the Artemisinin Combination Therapy (ACT). Artemisinin is selected as it has some advantages and it should be combined to prevent resistance. Principles of severe malaria management are preventing and minimizing the risk of death. Adequate treatment includes supportive and causal (anti-malarial) treatment as well as treating complication. Parenteral artemisinin is given for severe malaria and continued with oral combination of artemisinin treatment once the patient can take oral therapy.  相似文献   

Malaria transmission is highly heterogeneous through time and space, and mapping of this heterogeneity is necessary to better understand local dynamics. New targeted policies are needed as numerous countries have placed malaria elimination on their public health agenda for 2030. In this context, developing national health information systems and collecting information at sufficiently precise scales (at least at the ‘week’ and ‘village’ scales), is of strategic importance. In a recent study, Macharia et al. relied on extensive prevalence survey data to develop malaria risk maps for Kenya, including uncertainty assessments specifically designed to support decision-making by the National Malaria Control Program. Targeting local persistent transmission or epidemiologic changes is necessary to maintain efficient control, but also to deploy sustainable elimination strategies against identified transmission bottlenecks such as the reservoir of subpatent infections. Such decision-making tools are paramount to allocate resources based on sound scientific evidence and public health priorities.Please see related article: https://malariajournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12936-018-2489-9.  相似文献   

Current strategies to avoid misdiagnosis of malaria   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Malaria remains the most important parasitic disease, and tens of thousands of cases are imported into non-endemic countries annually. However, any single institution may see only a very few cases—this is probably the reason why laboratory and clinical misdiagnosis may not be uncommon. In the laboratory, unfamiliarity with microscopic diagnosis may be the main reason, considering the large number of laboratory staff who provide on-call services, often without expert help at hand, as well as the difficulty in detecting cases with low-level parasitemia. Staff should therefore be provided with continuing microscopic training to maintain proficiency. The complementary use of immunochromatographic rapid detection tests (RDTs) may be useful, especially during on-call hours, although, in order to ensure correct interpretation, their inherent limitations have to be well known. Diagnosis based on the polymerase chain reaction is still unsuitable for routine use, due to its long turnaround time, its cost, and its unavailability outside regular hours, although it may be helpful in selected cases. Once the alert clinician has considered the possibility of malaria, and suspicion continues to be high, malaria can be excluded by repeat smears or RDTs. However, the absence of clinical suspicion may not be infrequent, and may have more serious consequences. Depending on the local number of malaria cases seen, laboratory staff should have a low threshold for the decision to perform unsolicited malaria diagnostic tests on suspicious samples, especially if other laboratory tests are abnormal (e.g. thrombocytopenia, presence of atypical lymphocytes, or raised lactate dehydrogenase). The detection of intraleukocytic hemozoin during automated full blood counts is a promising new way to avoid misdiagnosis of clinically unsuspected malaria.  相似文献   

Integrated approach to malaria control   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Malaria draws global attention in a cyclic manner, with interest and associated financing waxing and waning according to political and humanitarian concerns. Currently we are on an upswing, which should be carefully developed. Malaria parasites have been eliminated from Europe and North America through the use of residual insecticides and manipulation of environmental and ecological characteristics; however, in many tropical and some temperate areas the incidence of disease is increasing dramatically. Much of this increase results from a breakdown of effective control methods developed and implemented in the 1960s, but it has also occurred because of a lack of trained scientists and control specialists who live and work in the areas of endemic infection. Add to this the widespread resistance to the most effective antimalarial drug, chloroquine, developing resistance to other first-line drugs such as sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, and resistance of certain vector species of mosquito to some of the previously effective insecticides and we have a crisis situation. Vaccine research has proceeded for over 30 years, but as yet there is no effective product, although research continues in many promising areas. A global strategy for malaria control has been accepted, but there are critics who suggest that the single strategy cannot confront the wide range of conditions in which malaria exists and that reliance on chemotherapy without proper control of drug usage and diagnosis will select for drug resistant parasites, thus exacerbating the problem. An integrated approach to control using vector control strategies based on the biology of the mosquito, the epidemiology of the parasite, and human behavior patterns is needed to prevent continued upsurge in malaria in the endemic areas.  相似文献   

肌萎缩侧索硬化(ALS)的诊断缺乏特异性生物学指标,主要依靠临床和神经电生理检查技术。毋庸置疑的是,神经电生理检查在ALS早期诊断、证实诊断和评估预后中发挥着不可替代的作用。文章论述电生理检查的重要作用、电生理技术应用、重复神经刺激技术、运动单位数目估计技术、经颅磁刺激技术、接触性热痛诱发电位、阈值跟踪技术研究现状。指出临床神经电生理检查的多种技术对ALS的诊断具有确诊和辅助诊断的意义,其中以同芯针肌电图测定最为关键,对感觉和运动神经传导测定具有重要的鉴别诊断价值。  相似文献   

Transmission of Plasmodium from mosquito to the mammalian host leads to a clinically silent pre-erythrocytic stage of malaria infection, and subsequent cyclical erythrocytic invasion associated with disease. Recent evidence demonstrates that it is the interplay between CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, and the regulation of their response, throughout infection that dictates immunity and the pathogenesis of malaria. The elicited T cell response is context dependent, influenced by diverse host and parasite factors, necessitating the development of a unifying model of T cell potential during Plasmodium infection. Only then can we predict their capacity to dictate the outcome of human disease.  相似文献   

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