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昂丹司琼对术后PCA曲马多镇痛疗效的影响 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5
目的 比较使用昂丹司琼预防术后PCA曲马多镇痛时恶心呕吐对曲马多镇痛疗效的影响 ,观察昂丹司琼与曲马多合用于PCA是否会降低曲马多的镇痛疗效。方法 选择 80例择期中上腹部手术病人 ,ASAⅠ~Ⅲ级。手术结束后 ,选择曲马多PCA镇痛。分四组 :A组 ,病人用生理盐水加曲马多 ;B组 ,病人 (对照组 )用昂丹司琼加曲马多 ;C组 ,给予曲马多加安慰药和氟哌利多 ;D组 ,给予曲马多加昂丹司琼和氟哌利多。观察 4、8、1 2、2 4h的曲马多用量、疼痛视觉评分、镇静评分、恶心呕吐评级。结果 B组的恶心、呕吐、镇静、疼痛评分值均小于A组 ,但无统计学差异 ;B组的 4h曲马多用量为 (4 92± 1 0 3)mg ,明显高于A组 (390± 83)mg(P <0 0 5 ) ,且 8、1 2、2 4h的曲马多用量也多于A组 ,但两者无统计学差异。C组与D组比较 ,恶心、呕吐、镇静、疼痛评分无统计学差异。结论 昂丹司琼可降低术后曲马多PCA的镇痛疗效 相似文献
<正>手术后恶心呕吐是全麻或椎管内麻醉后的不良反应之一,发生率为25%~40%。又因盐酸哌替啶,芬太尼是术中和术后镇痛的常用药物,其主要不良反应也是恶心、呕吐。因此,预防恶心呕吐是术后管理的重要课题。2006-01—2013-01,我科对术后镇痛患者均于手术即将结束,接镇痛泵前,静脉注射昂丹司琼4 mg以预防手术及术后镇痛引起的恶心呕吐,收到良好效果。1资料与方法 相似文献
目的探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除手术后静脉注射昂丹司琼对术后恶心呕吐的预防疗效。方法90例ASAⅠ-Ⅱ级,择期腹腔镜胆囊切除术患者随机分成3组。第1组对照组,术后给予生理盐水5ml。第Ⅱ组氟哌利多组,术后静注氟哌利多1.25mg。第Ⅲ组术后静注枢复宁4mg。观察术后24h患者的恶心呕吐情况。结果第Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组患者恶心呕吐发生率分别为60、0%、30.0%、26.7%。第Ⅱ组与第Ⅰ组之间差异有显著性(P〈0.05),第Ⅲ组与第Ⅰ组之间差异有非常显著性(P〈0.01)。第Ⅱ组与第Ⅲ组之间差异无显著性(P〉0.05)。结论本研究示术毕时静脉注射昂丹司琼4mg与氟哌利多1.25mg均能有效防止、预防腹腔镜术后恶心呕吐。 相似文献
不同用药方式对昂丹司琼预防术后镇痛后恶心、呕吐疗效的影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
目的比较不同用药方式对中枢性镇吐药昂丹司琼预防术后镇痛治疗后发生恶心、呕吐的疗效差异。方法择期妇科手术患者120例按昂丹司琼用药方式不同分为四组镇痛泵联合静脉用药组(A组)、镇痛泵用药组(B组)、静脉用药组(C组)和对照组(D组),每组30例。记录手术结束后的不同时间点(0、1、3、6、12和24h)疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS)以及不同时间段内(0~1h、1~3h、3~6h、6~12h、12~24h)恶心、呕吐发生例数。结果不同时间点组内和组间VAS差异无显著意义。恶心、呕吐发生率在A组和C组间以及B组和D组间差别无显著意义。而A组和B组间以及C组和D组间差异有显著意义(P<0·05)。结论术后静脉注射昂丹司琼较其他用药方式可明显减少术后镇痛后恶心、呕吐的发生率。 相似文献
阿扎司琼预防术后病人自控镇痛恶心呕吐的临床观察 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
阿扎司琼属新型高选择性5-HT受体拮抗药,用于防治放疗、化疗引起的恶心、呕吐具有良好的作用。本文将阿扎司琼用于防治术后丁丙诺啡病人自控镇痛期间的恶心、呕吐,并选用了10mg与15mg两种剂量,以进行比较。今将观察比较结果报告如下。 相似文献
【摘要】 目的 观察盐酸帕洛诺司琼预防术后硬膜外腔自控镇痛引起恶心呕吐副作用的效果。方法 选取择期硬膜外麻醉下开腹胆囊切除术后施行硬膜外腔自控镇痛(PCEA)的患者60例,PCEA采用吗啡6 mg+0.125%布比卡因混合液(100 mL)。将患者分为盐酸帕洛诺司琼组,氟哌啶组和对照组(每20例),在术前静脉给予盐酸帕洛诺司琼0.25 mg,氟哌啶2.5 mg和生理盐水100 mL。术后记录使用PCEA镇痛期间的恶心例数及其严重程度;呕吐例数及次数;出现呕吐后给予胃复安,非那根,地塞米松等药物止吐的控制率。结果 对照组13例出现Ⅰ~Ⅲ级恶心呕吐的不良反应,盐酸帕洛诺司琼组患者1例1级恶心呕吐的发生,与其他两组相比P<0.001;氟哌啶组出现5例Ⅰ~Ⅱ级恶心呕吐的,与对照组相比P=0.022。结论 术前预防性给予盐酸帕洛诺司琼可显著降低胆囊切除术后PCEA引起恶心呕吐副作用的发生。 相似文献
格拉司琼预防术后病人自控镇痛治疗中恶心呕吐的观察 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7
病人自控镇痛 (patient controlledanalgesia ,PCA)过程中 ,恶心呕吐是常见的并发症之一。本研究旨在观察格拉司琼对术后PCA恶心呕吐的预防作用。资料与方法一般资料 80例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级行择期手术的病人 ,男41例 ,女 39例 ,年龄 15~ 71岁 ,均在全身麻醉加硬膜外麻醉下施行腹部、胸部及脊椎、四肢手术。术前用药 :苯巴比妥钠 0 1g和阿托品 0 5mg肌肉注射。全身麻醉 :麻醉诱导均依次静注咪唑安定 0 1mg/kg、芬太尼 1~ 2 μg/kg、维库溴铵0 15mg/kg、丙泊酚 1 5mg/kg诱导插管。术… 相似文献
目的观察曲马多复合昂丹司琼用于术后PCIA镇痛的效果。方法选取160例上腹部手术全麻病人,术毕拔管给予昂丹司琼8mg,后给予PCIA泵镇痛,配方:曲马多1000mg+昂丹司琼8mg+0.9%生理盐水稀释成100ml;参数:负荷剂量1.5mg/kg,背景剂量0.25mg/(kg.h),单次PCA量1ml,锁定时间15min。结果88.75%病人镇痛满意,94.38%病人无镇静过度,27.5%病人有恶心,22.5%病人呕吐,43.13%病人有皮肤瘙痒,35%病人多汗,无呼吸抑制发生。结论非阿片类中枢镇痛药曲马多复合昂丹司琼用于全麻术后PCIA镇痛是一种安全有效的镇痛方法。 相似文献
背景 5-羟色胺3(5-HT3)受体拮抗剂特别是第2代5-HT3受体拮抗剂帕洛诺司琼对术后恶心呕吐(postoperative nausea and vomiting,PONV)具有较好的预防作用,其药理学机制及临床应用状况近年来有了较为深入的研究和临床应用.目的 分析总结帕洛诺对各类手术PONV的预防效果及其作用机制.内容 第2代5-HT3受体拮抗剂帕洛诺司琼具有高度亲和性、长效性、副作用少等优点,通过阻断5-HT3与外周或中枢神经元的5-HT3受体结合,阻断迷走神经传入呕吐中枢和第四脑室化学感受区触发带,抑制呕吐反射,临床应用其预防PONV的高效性不断得到认可. 趋向 深入探讨其药理机制、副作用、预防PONV的临床应用等方面,以供临床工作者更加合理地应用其预防PONV. 相似文献
Patient-controlled analgesia and postoperative nausea and vomiting: efficacy of a continuous infusion of ondansetron 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
A continuous infusion of ondansetron was compared with a placebo infusion in 80 patients undergoing major breast reconstructive surgery. All patients received a standard anaesthetic and a bolus dose of ondansetron after induction. They were then randomly allocated to receive an intravenous infusion of ondansetron or a placebo infusion for 24 h in a double-blind fashion. Postoperative analgesia was provided by patient-controlled subcutaneous diamorphine. In the ondansetron group, the severity of nausea, measured by a 10-point verbal rating scale, was reduced (p = 0.01) and fewer patients stated at postoperative interview that nausea and vomiting was a problem (p = 0.01). 相似文献
地塞米松联合恩丹西酮对手术后病人自控镇痛相关恶心呕吐的影响 总被引:21,自引:6,他引:21
目的 观察地塞米松联合恩丹西酮对手术后病人自控镇痛 (PCA)所致恶心呕吐的防治效果。方法 随机将 2 0 0例在连续硬膜外麻醉下行下肢手术的患者分为四组 :对照 (C)组于手术切皮前 (T1)和手术结束时 (T2 )分别静脉注射生理盐水 2ml;地塞米松 (D)组于T1、T2 时分别注射地塞米松 10mg和生理盐水 2ml;恩丹西酮 (O)组于T1、T2 时分别注射生理盐水 2ml和恩丹西酮4mg ;地塞米松 +恩丹西酮 (D +O)组于T1、T2 时分别注射地塞米松 10mg和恩丹西酮 4mg。术毕均行病人自控静脉芬太尼镇痛 (PCIFA)。观察术后 2 4h内病人镇痛效果、镇静评分和恶心呕吐发生情况。结果 5例患者因故退出此观察。组间镇痛效果、镇静评分无明显差异。C组恶心呕吐发生率为 5 2 1% ,明显高于D组 (33 3% )和O组 (32 7% ) ,P <0 0 5 ;D +O组恶心呕吐发生率为16 0 % ,与C组比较 ,P <0 0 1,与D组和O组比较 ,P <0 0 5 ;各处理组恶心程度均小于对照组 ,P <0 0 5 ;D +O组呕吐程度低于C组 ,P <0 0 5。结论 地塞米松与恩丹西酮单独应用均能有效地减少手术后PCIFA相关的恶心呕吐 ,减轻恶心程度 ;两药联合应用进一步降低患者的恶心呕吐发生率和呕吐的程度 相似文献
托烷司琼对曲马多静脉自控镇痛相关恶心呕吐的防治作用 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3
目的观察托烷司琼用于曲马多术后静脉自控镇痛相关恶心呕吐的防治作用。方法择期上腹部手术且接受术后曲马多静脉自控镇痛病人90例,ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级,随机分为三组,每组30例。Ⅰ组,托烷司琼组;Ⅱ组,胃复安组;Ⅲ组,生理盐水对照组。观察各组术后1、4、8、12、24 h时的恶心呕吐评分、镇静评分和口渴分级。结果Ⅰ、Ⅱ组术后4、8、12、24 h时恶心呕吐发生率显著低于Ⅲ组(P<0.05或P<0.01);同时在术后12、24 h时Ⅰ组效果优于Ⅱ组(P<0.05);三组间口渴分级和镇静评分差异无显著意义。结论托烷司琼对于曲马多术后静脉自控镇痛所引起的恶心呕吐有较好防治作用,其镇吐效果优于胃复安。 相似文献
M. R. Tramèr C. Phillips D. J. M. Reynolds H. J. McQuay & R. A. Moore 《Anaesthesia》1999,54(3):226-234
The decision as to whether prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting is better than treatment of established postoperative nausea and vomiting could be made on the basis of cost-effectiveness. The cost-effectiveness of ondansetron was calculated using data from published quantitative systematic reviews of randomised trials. Milligrams of ondansetron required to achieve a desired endpoint were chosen as a cost unit. Modelling was based on a cohort of 1000 patients, and examined control event rates (i.e. incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting without prophylaxis) of between 10 and 90%. In a sensitivity analysis, cost-effectiveness of recommended intravenous doses (4 mg for treatment and prophylaxis) was compared with minimal effective doses as shown by meta-analysis (1 mg for treatment, 8 mg for prophylaxis). Fewer patients experience any postoperative nausea and vomiting symptoms with prophylaxis compared with treatment. But prophylaxis is only marginally more effective than treatment, and treatment of established postoperative nausea and vomiting with effective doses (i.e. 1 or 4 mg) is more cost-effective and safer than prophylaxis with effective doses (i.e. 4 or 8 mg). Reasons for this are the selective treatment of patients who actually need treatment, the high success rate with a lowest dose tested (1 mg) in established postoperative nausea and vomiting, and the disappointing antinausea effect of prophylactic ondansetron even at an eight-fold higher dose. 相似文献
This study was carried out to assess the efficacy of oral ondansetron, a new 5HT3 receptor antagonist, in patients undergoing thyroid surgery. It included 60 patients, randomly assigned to two groups, and receiving orally, 1 h before induction of anaesthesia, either 8 mg of ondansetron (n = 29) or a placebo (n = 30). One patient was excluded. The same anaesthetic protocol, consisting of 3 to 5 micrograms.kg-1 of fentanyl, 4 to 6 mg.kg-1 of thiopentone, and 0.5 mg.kg-1 of atracurium, was used in all. Anaesthesia was maintained with 50% nitrous oxide in oxygen with 0.8 to 1% endtidal concentration of isoflurane and additional boluses of 0.1 mg of fentanyl as required. The incidence and intensity of nausea, graded mild, moderate or severe, and the incidence of vomiting were recorded postoperatively. During the first twelve hours after surgery, 40% of patients in the placebo group had nausea (16.7% mild, 20% moderate and 6.7% severe), and 50% vomited. In the ondansetron group, nausea and vomiting occurred in 13.8% and 20.4% of patients respectively. The 4 patients in the latter group complained of major nausea. The differences between the groups were statistically significant: p = 0.025 for nausea and p = 0.042 for vomiting. It is concluded that oral ondansetron, 8 mg taken orally 1 h before surgery, significantly reduces the incidence of nausea and vomiting during the first twelve postoperative hours. As it is easy to use and has no side-effects, it might be of interest in day-case surgery patients, despite its high cost. 相似文献
Intraoperative loading attenuates nausea and vomiting of tramadol patient-controlled analgesia 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Wei-Wu Pang MD Martin S. Mok MD Shyuan Huang MD PhD Chih -Peng Hung MD Min -Ho Huang MD 《Journal canadien d'anesthésie》2000,47(10):968-973
PURPOSE: To evaluate the adverse effect profile of tramadol by patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) with administration of the loading dose either intraoperatively or postoperatively. METHODS: Sixty adult patients scheduled for elective abdominal surgery were enrolled into this prospective, randomized, double blind study. The patients were anesthetized in a similar manner. At the beginning of wound closure, the patients were randomly allocated to receive 5 mg x kg(-1) tramadol (Group 1) or normal saline (Group 2). In the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU), when patients in either group complained of pain, 30 mg x ml(-1) tramadol i.v. were given every three minutes until visual analogue scale (VAS) 3, followed by tramadol PCA with bolus dose of 30 mg and five minute lockout interval. Pain control and adverse effect assessments were done in the PACU and every six hours for 48 hr post drug by an independent observer. RESULTS: The loading dose was 290 +/- 45 mg in Group 1 and 315 +/- 148 mg in Group 2. In PACU, more nausea/vomiting both in terms of incidence (13/30, 43% vs 2/30, 6.6%, P < 0.05) and severity (nausea/vomiting score 2.5 +/- 2.0 vs 0.2 +/- 0.6, P < 0.05) was observed in patients with postoperative loading than in those with intraoperative loading of tramadol. CONCLUSION: Administering the loading dose of tramadol during surgery decreases the nausea/vomiting associated with high dose of tramadol and improves the quality of tramadol PCA in the relief of postoperative pain. 相似文献