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When a U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier battle group deploys overseas, the aircraft carrier's medical department is responsible for the medical needs of over 12,000 personnel with their indigenous developmental, stress, family, alcohol, drug, and interpersonal and intrapersonal relationship difficulties. This article reviews the effectiveness of having a U.S. Navy clinical psychologist and a psychiatric technician onboard the USS Carl Vinson, the flag ship of Vinson's battle group, during this battle group's 1998/1999 Persian Gulf deployment (i.e., Western Pacific Deployment). Importantly, these two individuals reported to the USS Vinson as permanent members of the ship's company. The clinical psychologist logged 448 individual outpatient-care consults and 79 individual consults with sailors who had a history of overusing or abusing alcohol. Additionally, nine sailors with acute disabling psychiatric diagnoses were hospitalized on the ship's medical ward, and four sailors were medically evacuated (medevaced), by fixed wing aircraft, from USS Vinson to a Navy Hospital in the United States for definitive evaluation, treatment, and disposition. These four medevacs were less than the number of medevacs from two previous Aircraft Carrier Battle Group Persian Gulf deployments. Importantly, these two previous WESTPAC deployments were made without having a clinical psychologist as a full-time member of the respective aircraft carrier's medical department. Providing clinical psychology/mental health services at the "tip of the spear" is an effective, beneficial, and cost-saving landmark improvement in providing quality medical care to the fleet.  相似文献   

空军官兵心理健康影响因素的作用模式分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探讨官兵心理健康影响因素的作用模式。方法 采用临床症状自评量表 (SCL 90 )、卡特尔 16种个性因素问卷 ( 16PF)和自行设计的影响因素问卷对 42 4名现役军人进行测试 ,并做路径分析。结果 在影响官兵心理健康的 15个最主要的因素中 ,反映个体适应性水平的情绪稳定性、忧虑性、自律性和敢为性 ;反映人际关系的与战友、领导的关系 ,苦恼时能否找到倾诉对象 ,有否苦恼 ;反映家庭状况的父母婚姻与健康状况、家里是否有大事发生、家庭经济状况 ;以及躯体健康和军龄 5个层面变量均对心理健康产生直接或间接的影响。其中以适应性水平和人际关系两个层面的影响最为显著。个体适应能力可作为“中介变量”。结论 影响官兵心理健康的主要因素包括适应能力、人际关系和身体健康状况等 ,其中适应能力对调节心理健康起到重要作用。  相似文献   

量表测评空军飞行人员心理健康状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评估空军飞行人员心理健康状况,为航卫保障部门提供参考依据。方法采用宋华淼等编制的“飞行人员心理健康量表”(MHI),对来院疗养的空军各飞行部队2811名飞行人员大体检时进行心理测评。结果结果88.08%飞行人员心理健康状况处于良好状态。2.13%的飞行人员的心理健康水平较差,主要体现在有焦虑及不安的表现,紧张和不稳定的情绪给工作和生活带来较大的影响;内在的心理矛盾冲突也较多。不同学历、不同飞行时间分组心理健康水平差异不显著(P>0.05)。不同年龄段、不同机种飞行人员的心理健康状况差异显著(P<0.01)。结论飞行人员具有良好的心理素质;应根据不同机种、不同年龄飞行人员心理健康状况不同的特点,实施有效的心理干预,维护飞行人员的心理健康。  相似文献   

In summary, the Managed Military Health System for Force Generation will: Allow better understanding of health issues and illness patterns in the Armed Forces. Ensure optimum health and medical fitness of service personnel throughout their military careers by: Promoting health. Protecting health. Providing timely, properly co-ordinated, healthcare from military and civilian providers. In conjunction with DMICP, provide a seamless system of patient care and administration involving all healthcare providers. Enable all military personnel to make good health decisions. Ensure a smooth transition to NHS care on completion of Service. Improve the morale of those in the Defence Medical Services through working in a high quality organisation.  相似文献   

Seven physical health practices have been found to be related to both physical health and mortality in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. The practices include adequate rest, sufficient exercise, eating breakfast, no snacking, maintaining a reasonable body weight, no smoking, and use of alcohol in moderation. The purpose of this study was to describe physical health practices in the United States Air Force (USAF) and to compare them to those in the US adult population. In 1977 the USAF conducted a Health Survey that included questions concerning the seven physical health practices, and the National Center for Health Statistic's Health Interview Survey included a Health Practices Supplement. The results indicated a lower level of breakfast eating and more snacking in the USAF compared to other U.S. adults, but the difference may have been due to the relatively younger age distribution in the USAF. Air Force members reported sleeping less, and the females and older persons in both populations reported less physical activity. Air Force females reported drinking more than other females, but there appeared to be less heavy drinking in the USAF. Cigarette smoking in the USAF was slightly higher. The validity of self-reported health practice data is of considerable importance in these studies. However, there is no reason to suspect meaningful differences in reporting between the USAF and US populations.  相似文献   

The Society of Interventional Radiology Foundation (SIRF) aims to support interventional radiology (IR) investigators by awarding numerous grants to promote the advancement of scientific knowledge in IR. Over the last 19 years, SIRF has awarded 227 research grants, amounting to more than $4.7 million. To increase the engagement of interventional radiologists and IR scientists with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), SIRF created a SIRF/NIH taskforce in 2020. Over the past couple of years, the task force has been working to assess the return on investment of SIRF grants in terms of NIH funding because this metric is an effective measure of assessing the early success of foundation funding. The objectives of this report are to assess SIRF funding from 2002 to 2020 and investigate the conversion of this funding into NIH grants by the same investigators. During the study period, more than $37.6 million in NIH funds were awarded to SIRF awardees, which shows a return of 8 NIH dollars for every 1 SIRF dollar invested.  相似文献   

We may live in the Information Age, but so far information technology (IT) has had little impact on how most nuclear medicine physicians and radiologists practice medicine. Many remain skeptical that IT can improve the care of patients, increase productivity, or enhance income. They fail to recognize that IT is a disruptive technology that will leave behind those who do not embrace it. Although hospital physicians often examine radiographic images and to a lesser degree pathology slides along with the responsible radiologist or pathologist, this collaboration occurs less often than it should in office practice. Teams of radiologists, nuclear medicine physicians, and referring physicians can use the Internet for the high-quality transfer and display of images for simultaneous consultation. People can now be connected electronically in ways never before possible, and in the next generation at speeds that will become a thousand times faster. Nuclear medicine can take advantage of its unique position as an early adopter of digital technology to lead the way as the practice of medicine is changed forever.  相似文献   

Surrogate Parenting: Analysis and Recommendations for Public Policy New York State Task Force on Life and the Law, (New York, New York, 1988), 139 pages, $7.00 (limited complimentary copies available).  相似文献   

 The accurate pre-operative staging of all potentially malignant tumours of bone is essential. We report three cases of Ewing’s sarcoma of bone in which MR imaging identified skip metastases not visualized on either contemporary radiographs or bone scintigraphy. The implications for patient management and possible reasons for the other imaging modalities failing to reveal the skip metastases are discussed. Key words Ewing’s sarcoma · Skip metastases · Magnetic resonance imaging  相似文献   

道路交通伤近况-来自世界卫生组织的报告   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
20 0 1年 4月 2 6~ 2 7日 ,在日内瓦世界卫生组织(WHO)总部 ,暴力与损伤预防处 (divisionofviolenceandinjuriesprevention ,DVIP)主任Krug博士邀请了中国、美国、英国、法国、澳大利亚、比利时、荷兰、瑞士、印度、墨西哥、肯尼亚、哥伦比亚、巴西、埃塞俄比亚、阿拉伯联合酋长国等 15个国家以及红十字会和红新月会等总计 2 4名专家 ,共同讨论WHO对全球道路交通伤预防的策略。会上还请美、英、澳、印的 4位代表做了专题报告 ,接着与会专家进行分组讨论 ,最后形成一个“道路交通伤预…  相似文献   

目的调查对比驻高原与驻平原空军官兵口腔健康状况,为驻高原空军官兵口腔疾病防治提供参考依据。方法对驻高原(平均海拔3900m)空军某部官兵990人(高原组)和驻平原(平均海拔500m)空军某部官兵910人(平原组)进行口腔健康调查。调查内容包括龋病、牙结石、牙龈炎和牙周炎发病情况。结果高原组官兵较平原组官兵口腔疾病发生率高,且驻高原时间越长,口腔患病率越高;高原组患龋病率、牙结石检出率、牙龈炎和牙周炎患病率均高于平原组(Ρ<0.05)。结论驻高原空军官兵口腔疾病患病率较平原官兵高,加强对高原官兵口腔卫生宣传教育,改善高原医疗卫生条件和环境对降低高原官兵口腔疾病发生,提高部队战斗力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This editorial comment refers to the article: Can We Perform CT of the Appendix with Less than 1 mSv? A De-escalating Dose-simulation Study. Park JH, et al., Eur Radiol, Dec 7, 2017.  相似文献   

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