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The relationships between intestinal parasitism and excreta disposal technologies in Gaborone (Botswana), Ndola (Zambia) and Kumasi (Ghana) were investigated. Parasitic prevalence and intensity rates amongst groups of urban residents having similar socio-economic status and housing, but different excreta disposal technologies, were compared. In Gaborone, there was no evidence of a difference in intestinal parasitism between those using aqua privies and having access to public taps and those in identical houses enjoying flush toilets, in-house water connections and showers. In Ndola, the group with sewered aqua privies had larger houses, cleaner toilets, better water supplies, longer residence and more people in paid employment than the groups using pit latrines or communal flush toilets. Despite this, the sewered aqua privy users were not found to be different from the other groups with regard to hookworm and protozoal infection but had significantly higher Ascaris infection rates. In Kumasi, despite the differences in toilet type—from squalid communal aqua privies, through often fouled bucket latrines to well-maintained flush toilet systems—and despite also the differences in water provision, no evidence was obtained of any differences in intestinal parasitism between the groups studied. These findings suggest that the provision of superior water and sanitation facilities to a small cluster of houses, or to houses scattered through an area, may not protect those families from infection if the over-all level of faecal contamination of the environment is high. The sample sizes and response rates achieved in this study were low and follow-up studies, employing the same methodology but with larger samples, are recommended.  相似文献   

The relationship between Ascaris lumbricoides infection and provisions for safe water supply and excreta disposal was investigated in Ajebandele and Ifewara, 2 peri-urban communities near Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria, from September 1998 to December 1999. Although there were more facilities for safe water supply (pipe-borne and shallow wells) and sanitation (flush toilets and pit latrines) in Ajebandele than in Ifewara, they were not evenly distributed and only a few families, mainly in Ajebandele, were well provided for. Our results indicated that the prevalence of A. lumbricoides was significantly higher in Ifewara (21.2%) than in Ajebandele (13.1%), and within villages was much lower in houses with tap water and flush toilets. However, the mean intensity of infection was unexpectedly higher in Ajebandele (166.5 +/- 692.0) than in Ifewara (153.1 +/- 485.8) suggesting that the present level of investment in Ajebandele is probably not sufficient to reduce morbidity. These findings confirm suggestions that there is a threshold level of investment below which interventions on water supply and sanitation may not significantly improve human health. Sustainable ascariasis control in the study communities will require significant improvements to existing water supplies and sanitation facilities and any future interventions should incorporate a programme of health education to ensure that the facilities provided are properly used and hygienically maintained.  相似文献   

This study had 2 objectives: 1) to determine whether a case-control approach is an effective measure for assessing the effect of improved sanitation on bacterial diarrhea, and 2) to assess the effects of environmental sanitation on diarrheal disease in Cebu. The study took place during the warm, rainy months (July-September) of 1985. The study population consisted of 281 children under 2 who were treated at 1 of 16 clinics for diarrhea due to Escherichia coli, salmonella, shigella, and Vibrio cholerae. The controls were 384 children under 2 who were brought to the clinics for respiratory ailments and did not have diarrhea. Environmental sanitation was classed as "good" if the bacterial count in the water supply was low (i.e., water was obtained from the municipal water supply or bore holes) and if excreta disposal was adequate (i.e., there were flush toilets, sealed latrines, or pit latrines). Water quantity was measured by the number of times the child was bathed. The effects of the exposure variables on the study children were determined by logistic regression analyses adjusted for confounding variables, which included sex, educational level of the household, breast feeding, attendance at well-baby clinics, number of children under 5 in the household, and frequency of bathing the child. The results of the study showed that improved sanitation reduced the episodes of bacterial diarrhea by 40%, and that case-control studies with sample sizes of about of about 500 cases and 500 controls are adequate to detect disease reductions of 33% or more.  相似文献   

An educational intervention was designed to improve three water-sanitation behaviors empirically shown to be associated with high rates of childhood diarrhea in Dhaka, Bangladesh: lack of handwashing before preparing food, open defecation by children in the family compound, and inattention to proper disposal of garbage and feces, increasing the opportunity for young children to place waste products in their mouth. Fifty-one communities, each comprising 38 families, were randomized either to receive (n = 25) or not to receive (n = 26) the intervention. During the six months after the intervention, the rate of diarrhea (per 100 person-weeks) in children under six years of age was 4.3 in the intervention communities and 5.8 in the control communities (26% protective efficacy; p less than 0.0001). A corresponding improvement in handwashing practices before preparing food was noted, although no improvement was observed for defecation and waste disposal practices. These data suggest that educational interventions for water-sanitation practices can have an important beneficial effect upon childhood diarrhea in developing countries, particularly when the interventions are designed in a simple way to promote naturally occurring salutory behaviors that are empirically associated with lower rates of childhood diarrhea.  相似文献   

A health development project was established in a rural area of Bangladesh that entailed training village health promoters to provide health education and to motivate families to install tubewells and sanitary latrines. Following a 2-y period of project implementation, the authors sought to assess knowledge and practice of mothers and family members about use of safe water and household tubewells. A household survey in the project area was compared with a similar one in a nearby control area. Three-hundred households in each area were selected, and mothers were interviewed with a standard questionnaire. Significantly more mothers in the health development project area (45.7%) used tubewell water for domestic purposes than in the control area (32.8%). However, hygienic practices of mothers were inadequate. Sanitary latrines were present in less than 20% of households in both areas. Approximately 97% of mothers and 78% of adult family members always used household latrines. However, the use of household latrines by children was low (26.7%). There was no statistically significant difference in the use of household latrines between the project and control areas. The results showed an improvement in use of household tubewells in the project area; however, there was no improvement in sanitation practices of families in the project area. Health education alone, without improvement of socioeconomic status, is not effective in changing behavior.  相似文献   

A health development project was established in a rural area of Bangladesh that entailed training village health promoters to provide health education and to motivate families to install tubewells and sanitary latrines. Following a 2-y period of project implementation, the authors sought to assess knowledge and practice of mothers and family members about use of safe water and household tubewells. A household survey in the project area was compared with a similar one in a nearby control area. Three-hundred households in each area were selected, and mothers were interviewed with a standard questionnaire. Significantly more mothers in the health development project area (45.7%) used tubewell water for domestic purposes than in the control area (32.8%). However, hygienic practices of mothers were inadequate. Sanitary latrines were present in less than 20% of households in both areas. Approximately 97% of mothers and 78% of adult family members always used household latrines. However, the use of household latrines by children was low (26.7%). There was no statistically significant difference in the use of household latrines between the project and control areas. The results showed an improvement in use of household tubewells in the project area; however, there was no improvement in sanitation practices of families in the project area. Health education alone, without improvement of socioeconomic status, is not effective in changing behavior.  相似文献   

For decades, countries throughout the world have failed to meet sanitation-related development goals. Access to safe sanitation is undeniably linked to improved health outcomes; yet, 2.4 billion people, globally, still lack access. The persistent failure to meet sanitation goals suggests that our understanding of the factors that influence sustainable sanitation access and utilisation is incomplete. Despite growing availability of toilets in informal settlements, there is evidence that women, in particular, may adopt other strategies for managing their sanitation needs. Empirical data documenting the motivations underlying such practices in sub-Saharan Africa are limited. This study uses cross-sectional data collected in 2016 from women in Mathare Valley Informal Settlement in Nairobi, Kenya. Boosted and logistic regressions were used to investigate which factors were associated with women’s common sanitation patterns. Lack of privacy and insecurity at toilets and neighbourhood disorganisation emerged as important factors – particularly for women who reported regularly using buckets or plastic bags for urination/defecation. These findings suggest that availability of toilets may not be enough to eliminate sanitation-related health risks in informal settlements. Future interventions may need to address other barriers to sanitation access if sustainable gains in this important public health area are to be achieved.  相似文献   

农村中小学校生活饮用水和厕所卫生现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解我市农村学校生活饮用水和公共厕所基本卫生状况,为推进农村学校的改水改厕工作提供依据。方法对全市农村中小学校生活饮用水和公共厕所卫生状况进行现场调查及统计分析。结果85,69%的学校厕所为旱厕;54.94%的学校厕所粪池无盖;84.37%的学校厕所内无洗手池。自来水普及率为25.07%;使用浅井水和手压井的占31.16%和19.05%;90.48%的学校不对自备水源进行消毒处理;70%的水样微生物指标超标。另有80.94%的学校不提供开水;72.48%的农村学校校园内无洗手设施。结论全市农村学校在生活饮用水和公共厕所卫生方面存在的问题较多,且三县差于市区。加快农村学校的改水改厕工作刻不容缓。  相似文献   

Background   The aim of the present study was to determine the patterns of toilet training and the factors that may be related to its timing and duration and the approaches of different sociocultural groups within a developing country.
Methods   This cross-sectional survey was performed on 745 children who live in three different sociocultural settlements. The factors that might have affected initiation and completion age and duration of toilet training were assessed with t -test, ANOVA and logistic regression analysis.
Results   Mean initiation and completion ages were 22.05 ± 6.73, 28.05 ± 8.40 months respectively. The families living in rural and semi-urban settlements, mothers educated for less than 5 years, unoccupied mothers, children living in houses which do not have a toilet inside, families who use washable diapers, who use Turkish style toilets and who use punishment methods started training earlier. In the infants whose mothers had an education over 12 years, completion age was later than others and the earliest completion age was seen in families who used punishment method. Mean duration needed to complete toilet training was 6.84 ± 7.16 months. The duration of training was longer in families living in rural and semi-urban settlements, mothers educated for less than 5 years, unoccupied mothers, children living in houses which do not have a toilet inside, families who use washable diapers and when the initiation was before the child was 18 months old.
Conclusion   Toilet training shows differences among cultures. The age of initiation may be increased as the parents are educated better and a child-orientated approach becomes more popular than the parent-orientated approach.  相似文献   

Knowledge of environmental health was assessed in a sample of 192 students at Ja''afaru Secondary School, Zaria, Nigeria, by means of a questionnaire. A follow-up practice survey was also administered to assess the environmental sanitation of the school and the homes of a subsample of the students. Observations were recorded on the sources of water, the methods of refuse and sewage disposal, and the hygienic condition of the toilets in both the school and the homes surveyed. The findings indicated that the students'' knowledge of environmental hygiene was high for all classes and that students whose fathers had primary, secondary, or post-secondary education scored slightly higher than those whose fathers were illiterate. Analysis of the observations on environmental sanitation showed that even though the school lacked indoor plumbing on the premises, the pupils were accustomed to pipe-borne and well water in their homes. The main method of refuse disposal for school and homes was open dumping, and the main method of sewage disposal for both school and homes was pit latrines, which were dirty and poorly maintained. Although the pupils had good knowledge of environmental hygiene, inadequate opportunities and lack of sanitation facilities at school and homes did not allow them to practice the health knowledge they had acquired. Recommendations were made to the school authority to direct more effort toward providing a safe and adequate water supply, good drainage systems, additional toilets, and renovating the existing toilets. The school should also emphasize the practice of good environmental hygiene to complement theoretical input.  相似文献   

We conducted a study to evaluate the sustainability of community-led total sanitation (CLTS) outcomes in Ethiopia and Ghana. Plan International, with local actors, implemented four CLTS interventions from 2012 to 2014: health extension worker-facilitated CLTS and teacher-facilitated CLTS in Ethiopia, and NGO-facilitated CLTS with and without training for natural leaders in Ghana. We previously evaluated these interventions using survey data collected immediately after implementation ended, and concluded that in Ethiopia health extension workers were more effective facilitators than teachers, and that in Ghana training natural leaders improved CLTS outcomes. For this study, we resurveyed 3831 households one year after implementation ended, and analyzed latrine use and quality to assess post-intervention changes in sanitation outcomes, to determine if our original conclusions were robust. In one of four interventions evaluated (health extension worker-facilitated CLTS in Ethiopia), there was an 8 percentage point increase in open defecation in the year after implementation ended, challenging our prior conclusion on their effectiveness. For the other three interventions, the initial decreases in open defecation of 8–24 percentage points were sustained, with no significant changes occurring in the year after implementation. On average, latrines in Ethiopia were lower quality than those in Ghana. In the year following implementation, forty-five percent of households in Ethiopia repaired or rebuilt latrines that had become unusable, while only 6% did in Ghana possibly due to higher latrine quality. Across all four interventions and three survey rounds, most latrines remained unimproved. Regardless of the intervention, households in villages higher latrine use were more likely to have sustained latrine use, which together with the high latrine repair rates indicates a potential social norm. There are few studies that revisit villages after an initial evaluation to assess sustainability of sanitation outcomes. This study provides new evidence that CLTS outcomes can be sustained in the presence of training provided to local actors, and strengthens previous recommendations that CLTS is not appropriate in all settings and should be combined with efforts to address barriers households face to building higher quality latrines.  相似文献   

Recent activities in connection with the National Sanitation Week (NSW) and Social Mobilisation for Sanitation and Hygiene have contributed to a significant increase in access to sanitary means of excreta disposal, from 45% in 1997 to 67% in 2001. Handwashing with soap and water after defecation has also increased from 18% in 1996 to 43% in 2001. Success is attributable to high level political commitment, state or division level action and community mobilisation by village level authorities. Multi-level efforts such as mass media, planning workshops, training sessions and house-to-house visits by village authorities and health officials have raised greater awareness of sanitation and hygiene issues and led to construction of latrines on a self-help basis. The challenge ahead is to give greater attention to the 'hard to reach' who live in less accessible areas and are more resistant to change. The 2002 NSW has accordingly given special emphasis to activities in 73 of 324 townships where 50% or more of the households have no access to a sanitary latrine. The communication and social mobilisation package has been improved to upgrading unsanitary latrines and integrating handwashing more systematically with promotion of sanitary latrines. Programmatic follow-up to the NSW is being provided in selected townships through more intensive social mobilisation for 'hard to reach' households and activity-based school sanitation and hygiene education. This approach will contribute further towards improved hygienic practices and reduce diarrhoeal morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

Access to improved sanitation is a key preventive measure against sanitary-related gastro-enteric diseases such as diarrhoea. We assessed the access to sanitation facilities and users' satisfaction in 50 randomly selected slums of Kampala through a cross-sectional survey conducted in 2010. A total of 1500 household respondents were interviewed. Sixty-eight per cent of the respondents used shared toilets, 20% private, 11% public toilets and less than 1% reported using flying toilets or practising open defecation. More than half of the respondents (51.7%) were not satisfied with their sanitation facilities. Determinants for satisfaction with the facilities used included the nature and type of toilet facilities used, their cleanliness, and the number of families sharing them. The study findings showed that slum dwellers had high access to sanitation facilities. However, most of them were shared and majority of the respondents were not satisfied with their facilities, primarily due to cleanliness and over demand.  相似文献   

The effect of a targeted training intervention on uptake of recommended hygiene practices by caregivers of children 6–23 months was assessed. A sub-sample of 40 mothers from 303 households was used for a detailed study of hygiene practices during preparation of complementary foods after training. Mothers and caregivers were observed for 6 months and evaluated using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS and Chi-square test was used to determine the differences in proportions of mothers and caregivers who adopted recommended practices. Results showed significant increase in the proportions of mothers and caregivers who followed recommended hygiene practices after training. There was significant decrease in prevalence of diarrhea among the children (45% to 8.6%). It can be concluded that targeted training on practical hands-on activities such as hand washing, cleaning of cooking and serving utensils, covering of food and water increase adoption of recommended hygiene and sanitation practices.  相似文献   

Diarrhoea, the most common disease directly related to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), still remains one of the most significant health problems among children under-five worldwide. In this reality, BRAC, the largest NGO in the world initiated a comprehensive WASH intervention in 50 upazilas (sub-districts) of Bangladesh in 2007 which was later scaled up to cover 150 upazilas in two subsequent phases. The intervention period of the programme was 2007–2011.The present study encompassed 30 upazilas of the first phase of intervention. The aim of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of this intervention on reduction of diarrhoea among under-five children, and to identify the factors associated with childhood diarrhoea. A repeated cross-sectional study design was followed, and a population-based survey was carried out on four occasions: baseline (2007), midline (2009), endline (2011), and post-endline (2015) among 4,775 households. This analysis considers only households having at least one under-five children.Absence of handwashing practice with soap after defecation and before eating food, unclean latrine condition, and unsafe disposal of child faeces were identified as significant risk factors associated with under-five diarrhoea from Log-binomial regression. The prevalence of under-five diarrhoea within the past 2 weeks of the survey declined from 13.7% at baseline to 3.6% at end-line (p < 0.001) in the WASH intervention area. However, the progress seemingly stalled after 2011, which may have occurred due to the lack of improvement in unsafe disposal of child faeces and unclean latrine condition after the intervention period.Study findings suggest that, to reduce the prevalence of childhood diarrhoea it is important to promote safe disposal of child faeces, maintaining cleanliness of latrines, and washing hand with soap at critical times, beyond merely increasing the sanitation coverage. Findings also underline the necessity of maintaining a small-scale monitoring component involving local community, such as a WatSan committee (a local committee comprising the user communities for supervising WASH related activities) for periodic monitoring at household level for a certain period after the program intervention works to make the behavioural change more sustainable and to keep the reduction rate of under-five diarrhoeal prevalence steady.  相似文献   

目的了解农村环境卫生状况,为政府部门对农村环境卫生决策提供依据。方法2011年8月和2012年8月,在高密市抽取10个乡镇(街道)的40个行政村,每村随机抽取5户居民,采用询问和实地查看的方式调查垃圾收集处理、污水排放情况,厨房、厕所卫生状况,鼠类、苍蝇、蚊类和蟑螂防治和密度调查,饮水卫生和洗手情况。结果调查40个行政村,村内道路完全硬化的占45.00%,集中式供水的占93.78%,有环境卫生管理制度的占67.50%,专兼职保洁员平均每村2人。40个行政村共有户厕i0180座,其中非卫生厕所占93.84%,卫生厕所占6.92%;调查的200户厕所均在院内,厕室内清洁的占32.50%,粪便用土掩埋后施肥和直接施肥分别占64.00%和29.50%。调查村的垃圾随意堆放、定点堆放和统。‘收集的分别占30.00%、45.00%和25.00%;垃圾处理为填埋、焚烧和自然分解的分别占90.00%、7.50%和2.50%。40个村的污水均未经处理直接排放。村中开展过集中灭鼠工作的占70.00%,开展过集中灭蝇工作的占35.00%,开展过集中灭蚊工作的占42.50%,开展过集中灭蟑螂工作的占10.00%。调查的200个家庭中,饮用自来水的占94.00%。调查200人,饭前便后都不洗手、便后洗手、饭前便后都洗和不一定什么时候洗手的分别占18.00%、1.50%、69.50%和11.00%。调查村的40份农田土壤中,检测到蛔虫卵的占52.50%;土壤中铅的含量为(6.39±4.79)mg/kg,镉的含量为(O.60±0.47)mg/kg。结论高密市农村环境卫生设施配套建设相对滞后,农田土壤受到重金属和肠道寄生虫虫卵的污染,居民卫生习惯有待提高。  相似文献   

Latrine possession, disposal of children's faeces and waste-water in 1015 households in 33 sites in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda were studied in 1997. Assistants conducted interviews and observed the state and use of latrines, disposal of children's faeces, wastewater, and household socio-demographic characteristics. Latrine possession was 92.4% in Uganda, 95% in Kenya and 99.5% in Tanzania. In unpiped sites, 73.5% of Ugandan, 90.5% of Tanzanian and 95% of Kenyan households had latrines. Over 30% of latrines in rural Uganda were contaminated with faeces, compared with 10% in Tanzania. More latrines in urban Kenya and Uganda had contaminated surroundings than in the rural areas. The mean number of people using a toilet in the urban areas (10) was significantly higher than in rural areas (7), (F = 45.5; P < 0.001). Toilets in Kenya and Uganda were more likely to be fouled than in Tanzania. Households where the head was an educated professional or business person, or the toilet had a door, lid or concrete wall or floor or waste water was disposed of in the latrine, were less likely to have fouled toilets. Most households disposed of the faeces safely with a few placing them in the garden or elsewhere. The study emphasises the need to promote appropriate sanitation and hygiene.  相似文献   

BackgroundWater access, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) remain a public health concern in Indonesia. Proper WASH practices can decrease risk of stunting, wasting, and disease in children under the age of 2.ObjectiveThe purpose of our study is to examine if using technology to access health information and services among Indonesian women affects knowledge and behaviors regarding handwashing and defecation practices.MethodsOur study is an interview-based cross-sectional survey. Participants included 1734 mothers of children under 2 years of age. These women were randomly selected and interviewed as part of a 3-stage cluster sampling technique. Our study uses data regarding WASH knowledge which includes benefits of handwashing with soap, 5 critical times of handwashing, risks of open defecation, media of disease transmission, defecation locations, and risks of open defecation. Data regarding WASH behaviors were also included: handwashing with soap, type of latrine used at home, and where defecation took place. This investigation used adjusted and unadjusted logistic and linear regression models to determine differences in WASH outcomes between those who use technology to access health information and services and those who did not.ResultsOne result is that Indonesian women with children under 2 years of age who use technology to access health information and services are more likely to know the advantages of proper handwashing (odds ratio [OR] 2.603, 95% CI 1.666-4.067) and know the 5 critical times of handwashing (OR 1.217, 95% CI 0.969-1.528). Women who use technology to access health information are also more likely to know the risks of open defecation (OR 1.627, 95% CI 1.170-2.264) and use a type of toilet (such as a gooseneck or squat toilet) that limits risk (OR 3.858, 95% CI 2.628-5.665) compared to women who did not use technology to access health information.ConclusionsUsing technology to access health information and services was associated with an increase in handwashing and defecation knowledge. In the future, promoting mothers of children under 2 years of age to access health information through technology might be used to increase handwashing and defecation knowledge as well as safe defecation practices. However, further research should be done to determine how technology may increase the frequency of recommended handwashing behaviors.  相似文献   

[目的]了解农村学校饮水安全与环境卫生设施状况,为规划农村学校卫生基础设施建设的策略提供依据。[方法]2009年,在瑞金市农村乡镇选择30所学校(初级中学、中心小学、村小学各10所)采用报表方式进行供水、厕所与环境卫生设施状况调查;选择其中10所寄宿制学校(初级中学6所,中心小学4所)进行现场环境卫生状况调查和水质检测。[结果]报表调查的30所学校中,采用分散式供水的20所;33座厕所中非卫生厕所17座;有垃圾收集设施的15所,仅有3所学校的污水通过排污管道排放。现场调查的10所寄宿制学校中,7所采用分散式供水,检测10份末梢水,只有2份集中式供水水质合格;11座厕所中8座为非卫生厕所;垃圾基本上能做到定点堆放,集中燃烧或填埋处理;污水直接排放的7所。[结论]瑞金市农村学校饮水和环境卫生设施简陋,饮水水质较差,排放的粪便、污水对周围环境造成一定污染。  相似文献   

保定市郊区“四位一体”沼气池式卫生户厕的卫生评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了实现农村生活污水和粪便的无害化处理,改善农村卫生状况,在保定市焦庄村修建了80座“四倍一体”沼气户厕,即由猪圈,难舍,淋浴 ,沼气池相结合的沼气厕所。沼气从容不迫 粪便无害化处理要求,蛔虫卵去除率达98.9%,COD和BOD分别降低85.3%和87.4%,沼气户厕不仅改善了农村卫生状况,而且取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

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